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RE: War Wave Variance

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11/19/2015 8:25:41   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

An idea that popped up while with a few friends was that maybe there could be more than one Rare Wave. To clarify, I mean instead of having the Rare Wave always be same monster, maybe different Rare Waves could have different monsters in them. Yes, it's really just a graphic variance, but it's still more enjoyable than fighting the same monster again and again and again... If things are varied even only on a graphic level, they are more interesting.

@shadow dragon666: Such an useful trinket, available all the time, would have an astronomic cost, in my opinion. Yes, the Booty Sniffer had such an effect, but it was a DC Rare item and applied to a single war. To have something like availabe all the time, you'd have to take away stats and Trinket skill, and have a veeeeery high cost.
DF AQW  Post #: 26
11/19/2015 9:27:12   

David: I like the idea of having several rare waves. Kinda like the 13th 13th! It gave some of us great incentive to fight footwaves and find all the rare monsters! (hellooooo Dragonman and Cultist Brute! )
Post #: 27
11/19/2015 10:31:11   

about the trinket idea, it could cost 5k DM and take the trinket slot, like this it would be fair i think, maybe make it specific for a specific type of wave, so you would need a different trinket for footwaves/supply grab/catapult/bombing run, like this it wouldn't be too unfair

i can say that i like the idea for sure, i'd just like it to be available to all levels (supposing it happens of course)
AQ DF  Post #: 28
11/19/2015 11:55:28   

Interesting ideas. Iiiiinteresting.... I really need to buy a fake mustache to twirl...
Post #: 29
11/19/2015 12:50:19   
Baron Dante

Brasca: The problem with that would be that if it has a huge cost to it, with the only advantage being double waves, there's no incentive for most players to get it, they already have tens of thousands of DMs to upgrade everything they might want (Granted, not everyone wants/needs everything. Especially the Unity Trinket).

However, one idea I'd be curious to see is if we could have a war specific trinket that makes foot-waves more viable after, say, we get the catapults. Because as it is now, stuff like Supply Grab and Catapult are pretty much just flat-out better options for everything but XP/Gold farming.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
11/19/2015 17:36:41   

@dante. i thought of it as a sort of heavy warmonger reward, it can be thought as something that is more generally helpful though, depends on the intent of the item
AQ DF  Post #: 31
11/19/2015 20:00:10   
Aura Knight

Could DF wars do something similar to how AQ wars have the special guardian missions? Perhaps a special dragonlord mission that can award more than 1 DM at a time? Something similar to the supply grab thing but done like any other quests in game where you walk around places. This could count as multiple waves and could have 4 difficulties which would count for a certain amount of waves depending on what is chosen. Basic would give 2 DM's, Intermediate would give 5 DM's, Advanced would give 10 DM's and Extreme would give 15 DM's. The bosses in each quest would be of increasing difficulty. By having more quests that count towards more wave completions, it would make things better because having about 400 people deal with millions of waves isn't always gonna be so easy.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 32
11/19/2015 20:53:29   
The ErosionSeeker
*insert cheesy pun here*

It's impossible to grant multiple DMs (at least, we've never seen bundled drops in-game before), which would result in the creation of Super Defender's Medals in order to justify.
Wave progress can be tricked, as seen by Booty Sniffer, but this one is a legitimate roadblock.
DF AQW  Post #: 33
11/19/2015 21:59:07   
shadow dragon666

David: Yeah, though it was the first and only time it's been done and it was a versus war compared to a normal one. Though 500 isn't HUGE by war monger standards, and I have no idea if the staff could get numbers of the average waves per person done, It might be suitable. As well if such a thing were to be, I'm not even fully sure it could work.

Though perhaps this could be taken a different way? Each war has a war challenge? Saying we keep 4 million as a standard we could have a shop in wars from now on if we hit X % in Y time we could unlock a shop which holds a trinket for the war that counts for double foot wave count. It could cost DM's might drop it lower than 500 since it only works in that one war, 100-250 DM's sound alright?

It then becomes something we can earn or not, i'm not sure how much of a coding burden that would be though.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
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