I'm dropping in quickly. As I alluded to before, I'm busy with school until mid-June. This next month in particular has a lot going on, so I probably won't push things forward until I get through everything in March and the start of April, but I want to present some issues we're looking at so you're aware of what's going on and so you can provide feedback (for #3 in particular). The good news is that I think I have most of everything else tentatively mapped out, so if you haven't seen things rolling out by mid-June, I will be trying to move things forward pretty soon afterwards. 1) Relative to what is shown in the spreadsheets, I'm considering improving DEX a little bit, so it does more than 15 blocking, +20 on Initiative (for 5-turn battles), and its contribution for Ranged weapons. It's probably fine as planned (and will be a little more-efficient than most other stats against generic monsters), but it'll show some weakness (compared to STR and INT) against werewolves and other regenerators. The issue is that the effect is very slight, so almost any buff to DEX will open up other issues, won't look pretty, or will (more likely) just be too strong. 2) Despite END, CHA, and LUK doing more than holding their own against STR, DEX, and INT when chosen as second and third stats, +STR/+DEX/+INT effects will be much stronger than +END/+CHA/+LUK effects, so they'll have to cost more or be weaker than their support counterparts. This issue can't be helped -- it's intrinsic to how END/CHA/LUK are reliable support stats, whereas you're only properly making use of one out of STR, DEX, and INT at a time (although DEX is more cooperative with STR and INT than STR and INT are with each other). I can see us giving a substantial discount on this markup for effects that give STR+INT simultaneously, and to a lesser extent when one or both is combined with DEX. 3) How do we want stat training to progress? If we're proceeding with a 300 stat cap, there are three flavors we can run with this. While players and monsters alike will see the same 300/300/150 cap at L150, the way they get there will be different. a) Allow players to continue to train points however they'd like, provided they have the gold, and assume monsters would train in the same way. This would look a lot like the Primary Stat and Secondary Stat do, except the cap is pushed from 250 to 300. VStat would track the Primary as it does now, and the player's MP formula would expect the Secondary amount. This progression is shown below. Advantages: Player/monster symmetry, and they get stat damage fully-online earlier on Disadvantages: Without some jury-rigging, accuracy will overpower blocking in the early stages. We also have this Tertiary stat spike on the monster side which doesn't align with how I will grow monster monster stats beyond L150 (320/320/160 at L160). Exotic monster builds are harder to set up in this system. Level First Second Third
0 10 0 0
10 50 0 0
20 70 30 0
30 90 60 0
40 110 80 10
50 130 100 20
60 150 120 30
70 170 140 40
80 190 160 50
90 210 180 60
100 230 200 70
110 250 220 80
120 270 240 90
130 290 260 100
140 300 290 110
150 300 300 150 b) Allow players to continue to train points however they'd like, provided they have the gold (assuming like above), but monsters train a 2:2:1 ratio as shown below. Advantages: Players gets stat damage fully-online earlier on. Monster stats progress more consistently. Disadvantages: Accuracy will overpower blocking in the early stages, although it'll be less bad than in the first model. We lose player/monster stat symmetry. Level First Second Third
0 10 0 0
10 20 20 10
20 40 40 20
30 60 60 30
40 80 80 40
50 100 100 50
60 120 120 60
70 140 140 70
80 160 160 80
90 180 180 90
100 200 200 100
110 220 220 110
120 240 240 120
130 260 260 130
140 280 280 140
150 300 300 150 c) Players may no longer train faster than a 2:2:1 ratio, so their maximally-focused builds will now look like monster builds (see above). We can make stat training free under this model(!), although players still need to win stat trainer battles (although if you have a private trainer, we may change its perk to letting you train stats faster). If we do this, we don't have to worry about how to set a Token price in stat training. Of course we won't see players with 150 in a stat at Level 30 anymore. Advantages: Stat symmetry, accuracy and blocking will remain in parity for all levels, and player/monster stat progression will be very straightforward. Disadvantages: There will be some sensitivity in damage/accuracy/HP when training stats early on. You can't cheese stats in the early game anymore.
< Message edited by Kaelin -- 3/2/2019 20:59:29 >