It is not useless. It encompasses several things, and for those that prefer accuracy and blocking or even ranged weapons, it's pretty decent. Some might want to have it help their pets/guests, too. All that's fine. What I guess I take issue with, and not saying the poster I was debating sees it this way, I'm saying many in the community come off this way, is that dex is somehow necessary, when in fact, it's not even close to necessary. The game's been designed that way. That's part of why I like it. But I feel as though dex can easily be mostly offset, if not fully offset, with items if you choose not to train it. The number of items that reduce monster accuracy, blocking, dexterity, and increase your own is staggering. Dexterity is literally the one stat that item and statuses focus on more than anything else, maybe outside damage. All turn skipping statuses negate dext since it cannot be utilized next turn. You have blind, the cold, entangle, defloss, bth enhancers, and probably other tings Ive forgotten that if you really thought about it, directly affects your or the monster's dexterity. You can literally negate your lack of dex by equipping roots of daw, landing 1 hit, having the entangle get multiplied by Earth resistance. And on a celerity turn, this can double. I have seen over -400+ entangle, which means your lack of dex just got negated because you removed monster dext. That's just one example of dozens and dozens. You could make the argument that you'd rather just use damage enhancers and not worry about accuracy. Then that's your decision, but by all means please we need to stop with the bandwagon groupthink when it comes to the game. We are literally min-modding every decision and pretending if you don't follow suit, your character might be inferior. I am in no way saying any one person is actively saying this. It's just the tone that bubbles up from the surface. I respect everyones playstyle and reasons why. But that doesn't mean I, too, have to change to a warrior build because H-Series Tempest Armor and the initiative boost was implemented like I bet so many have....(just a guess; random example of bandwagoning). If you did, or want to, I get it. Its a killer armor!! =-) BTW, that armor can be used by another build just fine.... with specific equipment ;-)
< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 7/28/2021 16:35:00 >