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RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021

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7/23/2021 10:47:16   

^^ with some caveats. People will still rush in on the very last days so it won’t be as accurate as we want it to be. Unless someone wants to tell us if they have donated over 200,000 the +100,000 minimum (which even then they could also be lying too to create a chilling effect to prevent the competition from participating) also isn’t that helpful either.

Nonetheless it’s still a step in the right direction but there will always be problems until the leaderboards are updated in real time plus real values are reflected

< Message edited by PD -- 7/23/2021 10:52:46 >
Post #: 26
7/23/2021 23:06:33   

Seems like Igneus is catching up with Aerodu. I didn't expect them to overtake Geoto so quickly
Post #: 27
7/24/2021 18:52:51   
Keeper of the Owls

Nice to see Nautica is no longer dead last.
AQ AQW  Post #: 28
7/24/2021 19:24:58   

I see they have the momentum thing going on now, thanx staff
AQ  Post #: 29
7/27/2021 13:54:42   

I dont know exactly how momentum works, but I thought I saw someone claim 100 momentum was max, and this is +50% damage and bth and also reduced for the monster? I am unsure exactly.

But if that's the case, or somewhat near that, it kind of makes dexterity pointless if you dont use ranged weapons. I feel like dex is highly highly highly overrated anyway, but momentum may just bury it completely
Post #: 30
7/27/2021 17:17:09   

Been holding on Horde's Ire since I started doing some Truphma quests.
AQ DF  Post #: 31
7/27/2021 18:32:43   

Momentum is only a benefit in wars. Dex still provides a very substantial boost to bth that makes it necessary for every build unless one has multiple rare items that boost bth. Without dex or such items, one will miss a substantial number of attacks, especially at higher levels. Dex is, by no means, overrated as a stat.
Post #: 32
7/28/2021 6:54:40   

We're dead last lol. This feels hauntingly familiar.
AQ  Post #: 33
7/28/2021 7:32:36   

I wish that they add titles as reward. For like top 3 or top 10 players for each clan.


"2021 Olympax 1st place - Dynami"
"2021 Olympax 5th place - Geoto"

and so on
Post #: 34
7/28/2021 12:05:12   

I used to have 250 dex, and decided to try my stats elsewhere. I dont miss it for 1 second. I will never go back to a dex trained build ever again. It's a waste. Its not endurance waste, but IMO its second afterwards. You can out-perform dex with items, and get the benefit of something else trained in addition. Yes, I do miss more often than when I had it, for sure. But the difference is miniscule, and can be overcome with item if need be, (Rare I need to)

And I am aware that momentum only works inside wars. From what I see, the bth increase and the monsters bth decrease, inside wars, makes dex being trained far far far less desireable. I am literally never missing at 100 momentum.

Post #: 35
7/28/2021 12:58:04   

I disagree that DEX as a whole is completely useless, but in the context of wars, yes I agree.

At 100 momentum my Lucky Beastmaster have no problem with accuracy. Even against monster with MRM.
Post #: 36
7/28/2021 16:28:54   

It is not useless. It encompasses several things, and for those that prefer accuracy and blocking or even ranged weapons, it's pretty decent. Some might want to have it help their pets/guests, too. All that's fine.

What I guess I take issue with, and not saying the poster I was debating sees it this way, I'm saying many in the community come off this way, is that dex is somehow necessary, when in fact, it's not even close to necessary. The game's been designed that way. That's part of why I like it.

But I feel as though dex can easily be mostly offset, if not fully offset, with items if you choose not to train it. The number of items that reduce monster accuracy, blocking, dexterity, and increase your own is staggering. Dexterity is literally the one stat that item and statuses focus on more than anything else, maybe outside damage. All turn skipping statuses negate dext since it cannot be utilized next turn. You have blind, the cold, entangle, defloss, bth enhancers, and probably other tings Ive forgotten that if you really thought about it, directly affects your or the monster's dexterity.

You can literally negate your lack of dex by equipping roots of daw, landing 1 hit, having the entangle get multiplied by Earth resistance. And on a celerity turn, this can double. I have seen over -400+ entangle, which means your lack of dex just got negated because you removed monster dext. That's just one example of dozens and dozens.

You could make the argument that you'd rather just use damage enhancers and not worry about accuracy. Then that's your decision, but by all means please we need to stop with the bandwagon groupthink when it comes to the game. We are literally min-modding every decision and pretending if you don't follow suit, your character might be inferior. I am in no way saying any one person is actively saying this. It's just the tone that bubbles up from the surface.

I respect everyones playstyle and reasons why. But that doesn't mean I, too, have to change to a warrior build because H-Series Tempest Armor and the initiative boost was implemented like I bet so many have....(just a guess; random example of bandwagoning). If you did, or want to, I get it. Its a killer armor!! =-)

BTW, that armor can be used by another build just fine.... with specific equipment ;-)

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 7/28/2021 16:35:00 >
Post #: 37
7/29/2021 1:55:14   

Just a thought on warring and momentum: Since Tempest Power Armor is a thing, and so is Ambush, theoretically it may not be such a bad idea (and this would be easy with estate trainers or those with patience) to drop down LUK in exchange for another stat like CHA. You can stack Ambush and Tempest Power Armor's initiative bonuses for up to +210 initiative. Not sure how to calculate the overall tradeoff for now but I will come back to this later when I can.

As for this current debate on DEX: (And someone should correct my math if any errors are found)


Melee: STR*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40
Ranged: DEX*3/20 + LUK/40
Magic: INT*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40

The difference between 0 and 250 DEX is for the following attack types for bonus to hit, assuming that LUK and MAINSTAT is held constant:
Melee: 18.75 (250 * 3 / 40)
Ranged: 12.5 (250 / 40)
Magic: 18.75 ( 250 * 3 / 40)

The average BTH of a level 150 weapon is 19% (as are armors). So this is nearly the amount of bonus that you would also gain from max DEX assuming other stats were held constant. Now in terms of chances, but I'll only do this for melee weapons:

Let's assume this monster has around 60 Blocking, 250 DEX and 250 LUK. And Let's assume your BTH from both weapon and armor is the standard 19. Substituted...

Attacker Value (weapon) = Weapon BTH + Armor BTH + Stat BTH
Defender Value = Blocking Defense + 0.125*DEX + 0.025*LUK
Chance to Hit = (100 + Attacker Value - Defender Value) / 100

Chance to Hit: (100 + 19 + 19 + Stat BTH - (60 + 31.25 + 6.25)) / 100
Simplified: (138 + Stat BTH - 97.5) / 100
If DEX was 0, and Melee: (138 - 97.5) / 100 = .405
If DEX was 250, and Melee: (138 + 18.75 - 97.5) / 100 = .5925

Of course the difference between the two being the original .1875. Now granted 18.75% over one attack may not seem bad, but in binomial distribution, assumed 10 turns: (using some rounding, of course)
X = x: .289 (exactly 1 blocked attack)
X < x: .125 (less than 1 block)
X <= x: .414 (less than or equal to 1 block)
X > x: .58 (more than 1 block)
X >= x: .87 (more than or equal to 1 block)

So on average you're probably going to deal 20-30% less damage overall based on not having DEX than if you maxed it out. Not to mention for Rangers, you lose 6.25 Stat Damage from having 0 DEX (although why anyone would do this is beyond me). I am not going to dive too much into value statements, but as far as I remember there's no item that gives more than +10 BTH, even at level 150. For attacking the loss of that accuracy can extend a battle by nearly 2 turns on a 10 turn model on average by preventing the damage that would have been done nearly twice in that time span which to many can feel significant. That being said, of course there are builds out there that are good without using DEX like:

Burn/Bleed builds that don't require hits to activate (like Sunburst Amulet and Astral Forbiddance)
Necromancer? (I can only assume this based on how the stat bonuses work so far on the revamp)
Some kind of attacking warrior/ranger build that primarily uses auto-hit weapons and then uses those leftover stats for pet effects

But most builds items and effects usually require hits to activate as part of their potency and save roll. The awful about DEX which makes it all the more valuable is that it also directly decides how often your effects land and how strong they will be. No hit? No effect. In the case of entangles, it is somewhat ironic that in order to make them dodge less, you have to hit them when they usually are super dodgy initially. Also, effects that are autohit or hitless usually get a significant penalty (around 15-30% most of the time) because they don't factor in attacks landed as part of their save roll/potency. I as much as anyone would like the game to become a lot less DEX reliant but until a greater number of things become less reliant on DEX for stats and damage and dodging is less tied to effect chances it will remain as crucial as it is.
Post #: 38
7/29/2021 10:52:10   

Someone with no dex hits less often. That means less damage. So damage has to come from someplace else. You mentioned backlash builds. This also makes sense since you kind of would want to be hit more often, hence no dex since it also facilitates blocking.

But there *is* the Lucky Beastmaster. That's what I am. Yes, dex assists not only on my weapon attacks, but also on my pets and guests attacks. But your guests and pets still give you some damage back.

I get that a player with zero charisma can still use pets, and they're less effective.

I do not know how much more a beastmaster gains in guest and pet damage over a pure player, and I did see in another post that a Char/Luk Beastmaster gets approx 78% (rounded) more damage from Pets/Guests and a Char/Dex Beastmaster gets 86% (rounded) more damage from Pets/Guests.

If a player is losing 20-30% damage from not training dexterity, but gaining back 78% from a Lucky Beast Build, that's 48-58% more.

The question then becomes How much damage does a pure build gain from pets and guests? Is it 48-58% more?

A pure build loses the same 18.75% pet/guest bth. But they also lose Char/15 stat damage, so basicly 0 stats. I have a hunch It isn't catching up.

But this is where gear and items com into play, for both sides. Peolala/Dunamis, etc likely become the best bet for pure builds since they do get some boost from mainstat.

In addition, there are more items, specific ones, that really assist a beastmaster character, and there are some items that really take advantage of luck.

The way I like to play, I take advantage of Arms of Dragonguard. A pure build can, too. But I'm boosting mine and my pets damage greatly. I cast this spell more than any other.

Ele vuln pets and guests....and the ancient mother's staff and independence daygur.... I really think people dont understand the significance of these items.

Sol Neko- Charge-based items, IMO, are some of the most powerful items in the game. Cataclysm doubling an already boosted pet/guest damage is crazy. Charge systems go against balance standards because you can just not log out and build them every day.

Clever Disguise. Boosts luck and charisma, and gives your pets two turns. Perfect item for a Lucky Beast Build that sits in Sol Neko, using ele vuln pets/guests while holding ele vuln weapons that inflict based on pets/guests landing....

I THRASH monsters this way... I have tried pure builds, and yeah they're good. This combined stuff just *feels* beyond what my old pure self was able to do.

I'm going to PM you something..
Post #: 39
7/30/2021 9:38:26   

Wow Geoto is winning!
Post #: 40
7/30/2021 23:45:19   

How did that happen Aerodu were leading nearly over 10,000
Post #: 41
7/31/2021 1:07:22   

There are 2 key players who carries entire Geoto. :D

PS: I can't play, "Loading game files" screen just loads and loads, never ends. Dosen't matter what i do.
Looks like Olympax is over for me.

Shop system: Ready
Sound effects: Ready
Attack menu: Ready
Status system: Ready
Balance system: Loading...

Any ideas how to fix this?
Post #: 42
7/31/2021 1:47:36   

I have updated my Game Launcher to try and overcome that same problem...

But I am still getting the Balance System : Loading @

but not actually loading.

I guess I'll try again later.....

Edit: 18:58 Saturday 31/07/21
I cleared my cache a few times and the problem continues.

Edit: 18.51 Saturday 31/07/21
Still have the same problem

and my Warpforce character has disappeared from the Validating Login screen.

I logged in to manage my account and the characters are all listed. Including the Warpforce character.
So it is just the Loading screen for AQ, that seems to be broken.....

< Message edited by SIGMUND -- 7/31/2021 14:04:07 >
AQ  Post #: 43
8/1/2021 23:50:52   

Does the event end on Aug 5th 12:00 am (just after the day starts) or 11:59 pm (before the day ends)?
Post #: 44
8/2/2021 7:33:39   

Post #: 45
8/2/2021 8:19:58   
earth breather

I'd say it's reasonable to say Nocturu isn't gonna pull some major come back lol, but it's still fun representing a clan I've been part of since I was 13
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
8/3/2021 11:12:28   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

I know the players affected were botting and I'm sure they weren't the only ones, but I am done wasting my time with this. Discussion about cheating is not allowed on the forums so I'm cleaning up this thread and that is it for the cheating discussion.
AQ  Post #: 47
8/3/2021 12:26:30   

Hollow, would you mind a follow up on my PM? Sorry for bothering you.
AQ DF  Post #: 48
8/3/2021 14:42:03   

Is it a full moon again?
AQ  Post #: 49
8/3/2021 16:06:50   
Kay Oh

Wish I was active to participate in this War, gl everyone.
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 50
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