=AQ= The Olympax 2021 (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 12:56:13)

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The Olympax 2021:
Patriotic Paxians, rejoice! The island we call home is ready to make a comeback as we start things off celebrating Paxia's most recent victory over it's foes! Join us for food, fighting and fun as we have a friendly competition to see which clans have the greatest champions! Paxus has organized this event to celebrate Paxia’s defeat over one of its greatest foes -- the Truphma! Paxia united to push the Truphma back and reclaim the island. In that spirit of unity we celebrate by defeating the Truphma effigies, with special prizes for the top players that defeat the most Truphma during the contest and Trophies for the top 3 clans with the most wins! This contest will begin 7/22 and last for 2 weeks, ending August 5th, so sharpen those edges and dust off your finest Truphma-slaying gear!


Moglin. Hi //D.U.M

PD -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 13:11:10)

As I said before, looking forward to some lore updates regarding the Truphma. I felt the original saga needed to have proper closure and maybe we will get something here.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 14:10:43)

Original saga had a rushed ending to tie up the loose ends because Eukara left. Would have love to see her original vision for it.

PD -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 14:40:44)

Yeah. Hoping that a little Cray magic (or maybe it’s UPP for this one?) can patch things up properly. At least it has been shown that AQ is willing to touch back on loose ends. The current War Between Shadows saga is an example of this with possible tying up of loose ends by reintroducing Erebus, Falerin and the likes. Maybe even some update for LB and his stuff too

Fingers crossed as always.

Edit: that does remind me though. With all the things Cray has done since the start of his tenure the old guide for AQlore should probably be touched up again. Information isn’t well organized these days, and the Pedia is a mess to say the least.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 15:31:21)

Yeah, guides and the 'pedia are well out of date. I barely have time to play the game let alone devote time to posting in the 'pedia.

Cray has done a fantastic job. He has stated that the major quest chains are considered the canon story and the rest are world building so at least we have a demarcation point for what is considered "true canon"

Lorekeeper -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 15:57:37)

While some contradictions have come up over the years, everything in-game is canon by default unless otherwise specified. There are exceptions in content such as a certain role played by Twig on April Fools and the Anniversary event's featuring of the Eternal Dragon of Time as a cross-canon vehicle for self homage and parody.

The story structure at the time being involves the main plot advancing via the summer events, while seasonal quests are smaller stories that sometimes show a tangential world building aspect based on the main story - Showing how Lore changes as the story unfolds.

As of Paxia, this is entirely UPP's work. The Truphma saga has reached a final conclusion and will not be reopened, but Paxians get to take their elementally-powered boots to the rear ends of stragglers, effigies, and whatever surprises Pie may have in store for everyone!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 16:01:31)

You're so much better at explaining it than me.

Kilvakar -> RE: The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 18:39:39)

It's finally here!!!!!!!!!! Paxia is coming back, baby! Let's do this!!

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/19/2021 18:58:49)

Go Dynami!


so sharpen those edges and dust off your finest Truphma-slaying gear!

Alright, I'll buy the Vorpal Edge, bring my Vorpal Edge to the Guardian tower, sharpen my Vorpal Edge and go to battle using my Vorpal Edge! Dynami for the win! I'll bring out my Dynamo pet aswell!


davesf989 -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 9:31:35)

When will this start ?

Thank you

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 15:04:49)

The 2021 Olympax event is live! Also the Lorelympian Torch is now in the Limited-Time Shop.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 16:37:21)

Is there momentum or not?
I can turn it on and off but i don't see momentum in battle.

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 17:04:30)

Any link to the war zone kills? thanks!

edit: yeah we can't see our momentum >_<

Digital X -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 17:29:15)

The Momentum issue has been passed on, thanks!

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 18:15:39)

GO Lucians shine your light on the contest.....[:D]

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 18:18:37)

It doesn't feel fair that people can change clans during this war.

Why should a Glacius member have to compete on the Glacius leaderboard with characters that aren't even actively in Glacius? It's also kinda scummy that people can rank on all 8 leaderboards for multiple medals regardless of their active clan.

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 18:24:34)

Negatus being active during the event is a bug. I've poked the KoO about it and they're working on it.

As for the story of Paxia and the overhaul, it is my project yes. However, if peeps still have ideas for it or what they'd like to see, I'm still open to suggestions as things are still flexible due to RL and whatnot. Feel free to PM me here or poke me in the AE Discord.

Also, Go Aerodu!

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 18:30:06)

Good to know. Thanks! [:D]

PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 19:26:51)

After I checked out that announcement about homepage upgrades, I visited the homepage earlier today and saw the new look. I have to say I'm gonna miss the old layout, but modern web design and aesthetics makes for a much more attractive product and a better first impression. The backend already looked much more modern compared to the front end, and now both are pretty much in sync design wise.

But somethings that are now missing are the old fanarts, screenshots and comedy that used to be linked on the homepage. They now link to https://www.battleon.com/Help

Fortunately Wayback machine exists so we can still look at the past but it's really the end of an era for the homepage.

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/22/2021 23:36:54)

I've noticed that there's no button to leave the war. If you clicked on 'Endless' waves, the only way to finish fighting is to flee.

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/23/2021 1:54:22)

I think its a great idea that the AQ team decided to make Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals all have the same effect (see Hollow's post here)!

The new war reward system for this war is definitely a refreshing take on war rewards, and I am happy that AQ staff has decided against giving functionally different war rewards to limited players (Top 200 for the best version of the misc is much better than Top 24). Hope to see more multi-faction wars like this one in the future!

SIGMUND -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/23/2021 2:25:55)

I was happy to see that the Estates Portal Army wins are recorded on your character sheet War records ....

But was disappointed, yet again, that there is no page for Top Army Wins, either for each Player, Character or for each Clan recorded in the game..... and yet again there are no rewards for the top Generals of the game. [:(]

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/23/2021 4:31:47)

Does everyone can open donation contest top donators page?

If i click on "top donators" button it leads me to error page.

This olympax is amazing, i wish that there is more wars for clans like this.

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/23/2021 6:18:54)

They are making changes to their website. Here is a working page for the donations:

Tibbles Donations

ruleandrew -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (7/23/2021 10:39:56)

Donation contest page now list minimum donation amount for player x. This mean player can decide the level of commitment to donation contest.

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