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RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear

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10/23/2021 0:22:56   

Don't know if it's been been reported by anyone else yet, but the advanced Necro armor appears to revert to a neutral lean when changing armors mid-battle. I've tried clearing the cache and it doesn't appear to help.
AQ  Post #: 26
10/23/2021 1:07:11   

I also noticed that.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
10/23/2021 4:59:44   

I'm a level 20 necromancer, but I don't see a new quest or have access to a new shop. Trying to open the shop says to wait until we've dealt with the mantle, but trying to train more tells me I've done all I can, same as before the update?
Does anyone have any advice?
Post #: 28
10/23/2021 5:10:50   


Clear cache and restart game. You should be able to train for the last rank/level.
AQ  Post #: 29
10/23/2021 5:11:24   
Primate Murder

Intriguing finale for the necromancer questline.


I think it's the first time we've seen what the Archive looks like from the outside, even if it's just a portion of it. And Orcus, the demon of necromancy, is a D&D reference, if I'm not mistaken?

The difference in Cenara and Kaley's perspectives and approach to warfare was well-done, and something interesting to watch. Btw, is there an alternate dialogue for dracopyre players?

Edit: I'm a bit sad we didn't get a chance to choose between different ways of handling the attackers. This would have been a perfect chance to use all those trap-making skills we've faced and learned in the Archive - or, you know, just rush headlong into overwhelming opposition with some minor debuff.

On a different note, Hollow mentioned that there are new eldritch weapons to unlock? Anybody know where one could find them?

< Message edited by Primate Murder -- 10/23/2021 5:24:11 >
AQ DF  Post #: 30
10/23/2021 8:39:54   

^Explore the room at Kaley's place and click the scythe.

I've noticed on the Commander armor the Deathless Knight Twin Summon version demands MP for its Berserk toggle even though it states SP is required. The Undead Beast pet version also demands MP when it should be SP. Some wires crossed between Commander and Spellslinger? Manifestation also still wants MP even when Ghost and Wraith don't.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 31
10/23/2021 8:50:14   

All in all a good release, and the boss as NPC and fight looked nice.

Still hope we get a Kayley based armor and now also a Kore based one.... oh and a lich form for charpage....

But I am really disappointed that we got no Necro Tome or a least a 100proc magic weapon.....
AQ  Post #: 32
10/23/2021 11:17:20   

So I unlocked the necromancer advanced gear, There's 3 armors:

Obsidian Cloak
Commander's Obsidian Cloak
Spellslinger's Obsidian Cloak

What I want to know is: is one of these for low int characters? (Basically, all SP) I mean, there was one for mages with paladin, if I recall correctly.
Post #: 33
10/23/2021 12:35:49   

The Commander's cloak is mostly SP-based. Without info subs I can't promise the skills don't' use INT stats, though.

Edit: I contradicted myself.

< Message edited by Biokirkby -- 10/24/2021 22:03:21 >
DF AQW  Post #: 34
10/23/2021 17:46:08   

I don't have the armour but Spellslinger using MP, that might be intentional?
AQ  Post #: 35
10/23/2021 18:21:17   

A great finale to a great revamp.


I enjoyed Cenara and Kaley's interactions. Their respective personalities and approaches to fights were fun to see. I can't wait to see more of the two together in future quests.

I really liked Kore. It's not often that we have a polite, fairly cordial interaction with an antagonist. I'd love to learn more about her cult and the events surrounding the first necromancer. We've had flashback quests in the past, and this could be an opportunity for us to play as another character again like in Darker Memories.

Advanced Necromancer armors are great. I'd need to see the final versions with all the bug fixes and balance changes to make final judgments but as is, I'm loving what they can do. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet, but is it possible for the Commander version of the armors to use solely SP costs? Some of the Twin Summoning pets still use MP.

The T3 title skill lock is great. It's been known for a while now that T3 classes are almost oppressive in how much better than all other armors of the same element they are. This has made it so that while the T3 classes are still among the most versatile armors in the game, they can be surpassed for certain use cases, allowing for the existence of other armors without diminishing the value of either.

Is it possible for the Eldritch weapons to get another look? Gaining accuracy or damage when a monster has statuses on it does not synergize well with much of the Necromancer playstyle due to the spellcaster lean. Also, bows don't really benefit from more bth since rangers inherently have high bth.

< Message edited by RobynJoanne -- 10/23/2021 18:54:47 >
Post #: 36
10/25/2021 8:05:46   

With the new lean idea implemented, does that mean the built in spells for necromancer and the rider (ice) are still ele comped?
Post #: 37
10/25/2021 8:17:05   
Lv 1000

Ice Necromancer Cavalry receives EleComp from its skill and a boost from the updated lean.
Post #: 38
10/25/2021 14:16:13   

The necromancer armors going back to neutral lean in middle of battles is still happening. And the anima attunement skill still says "your armor is already focused on spellcasting" you can't change lean to get back spellcaster.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 39
10/26/2021 0:38:39   
And Pun-isher


I believe a fix for that is on the way.
Post #: 40
10/26/2021 7:31:03   

I have a problem...some skills from necromancer are not working when I switch my class to paladin...they are working when I switch back to necromancer...the same happens with the skills from paladin...I don't think this is right...all those skills should be working if I trained them all.
Can you please check it out?
AQ  Post #: 41
10/26/2021 8:10:35   

That's a new update. It's working as intended. You have to BE the class title to get all the skills to work now.
Post #: 42
11/2/2021 22:58:12   

Does anyone have tips/know how to beat the boss?
AQ Epic  Post #: 43
11/3/2021 0:49:57   

The fights leading up to the boss, at least for me, were tanky monster after tanky monster, so I let my SP build up to full. Once the boss fight itself began, I switched to the Necromancer class armor, Eternal Twilight's Regalia, and Head of Raydius Dragon, and tried putting up defenses. I was using my Juvenile Void Dragon as a pet, so I let it attack while using the Solar Flair Angel guest to try and keep healed while I either attacked, used potions, or made sure Gandolphin was ready to help absorb the boss's strong attack. It was touch and go for a bit, but I eventually beat the boss.
AQ  Post #: 44
11/30/2021 11:05:50   

Where can I find info on the necromancer class skills in one comprehensive place?
Post #: 45
11/30/2021 11:48:12   

Prob no such thing. Info subs in a timely and concise and comprehensive manner is a thing of the past.

But there are some breakdowns over 2, maybe 3 different posts in the armor info subs. It was broken down in sections as different phases of Necromancer rolled out. There was never an official post for skills 16-20 and Deathwalker Form. Many bugs existed, and I think 1 still exists. And the lvl 20 skill was completely changed from it's original form, for the better. The post you want is currently sitting above the weapons info subs, the one with 12 pages. They don't even do 10 page locks anymore .

After reading it, if you have any questions I probably should be able to answer them. I seem to play exclusively lately in Necromancer lol
Post #: 46
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