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RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins

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2/8/2024 19:18:59   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

Just a little filepath issue, it has been fixed!
AQ  Post #: 26
2/9/2024 3:22:05   

Could it be that normal burn potence does not work with prismatic burn?
Post #: 27
2/9/2024 8:27:15   

Heroic items

Shield-Prism burn-lash is a nice idea. I'm not a fan of prism burn, as it can be heavily dependent on monster resists for how good it can be. The RNG aspect of prism burn IMO makes it less attractive than it could be. However, it's not too bad an idea. 7/10

Magic Weapon- Damage boost for the element, prism burn after spells up to 4 hits, and fire burn too. Very, very good weapon. Works very well with non SC lean focused Mage playstyles too 9/10

Misc- Around 40 HP heal per hit I think capped at 4 hits, if the mob has burn on them. Burn potence . I'm not a fan of potence miscs , as I just use Optico and get omni + the other things Optico does. 4/10

Overall for this stuff being community and thus everyone gets the items, not too shabby. Happy about the items overall for the gold side of the equation.

Autumn Items (token contest)

Shield- Causes the monster do less damage if it's afflicted with not just a burn, but WIND burn. This means a highly specialized set of stuff to take advantage. The shield was top 200, and #200 was 3,125 tokens. I wouldn't pay 3,125 tokens from a shop for this shield, but I do see some people might. Shield is 3/10

Magic Weapon-5% chance at more damage, and attacking with it inflicts a wind burn with a -20 save. Thats alright. Then has a paralyze mode that's a very high rate. All in all not bad, but not great. This is given to those that placed 100+, and #100 was 28,600 tokens. I might buy this in a shop for the standard 5900 and change, but 28k is steep. 6/10

Misc- Toggles between Earth and Wind .5x damage reduction. I've said this before, I'll say it here, and I'm not changing my mind ever ever ever. I don't use miscs for their .5x to an element. I get that was sort of a huge reason to use them once upon a time, but IMO all it does is just increase upkeep. I prefer miscs that do NOT have this feature to save SP. So even the fact that it can "optimally" be on earth mode and and use the set/misc's features vs an Earth monster which would be weakest to wind is of ZERO significance to me. It's a "damage"misc, but instead of +20% damage to wind, it gives a 2 power (1 power = 10%, 2 power = 20%) wind burn. The misc was top 50. Top 50+ needed 81,275 tokens.

I spent 104k. For a wind burn misc. 1/10.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 2/9/2024 10:38:47 >
Post #: 28
2/9/2024 9:19:27   
Aura Knight

Did I misunderstand the token shield? I thought the effect was the monster did less damage to us if burn was active not that it would increase its incoming damage.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 29
2/9/2024 10:39:42   

^Yeah, I just mistyped. Which come to think of it, the way I typed it ..if it were accurate, would have made it 0.0045% better
Post #: 30
2/9/2024 11:19:38   

Most of the items are good/decent, except the token misc.

-it's wind/earth compression .5x res misc. but you wouldn't use it against a wind mob because it always adds a wind burn.
-father's day sock is also earth/wind compression, also gives STR and END (although separately depending on which element you are choosing to defend against), still, very similar and the sock is better since it doesn't always add a wind burn.
-This item cost over 80k tokens for an almost clone (but worse since it always inflicts wind burn) of an existing 5k (half that on bf) token item
-it boosts STR/END...what about INT and DEX? It's limited to warriors...but warriors can use minatour's pride for an earth misc which imo is better both offensively and defensively. Then against wind mobs this item is nearly useless because of the wind burn.

Very disappointing, not practical for warriors, no relevant stat boosts for other builds. I hope staff rethinks this one. At the very least it could swap between wind/earth burn. Ideally the elements would be unique and not a clone, and it could at least switch the mainstat it boosts based on the element to include more builds.
Post #: 31
2/9/2024 11:46:32   

Posting my feedback for the items i own :

Nightfall Weapons : I think these gold donation weapons are better than fire/dark cutlasses after trying them out, Fire cutlass may have some appeal for farming Caecus but in terms of damage i think these nightfall heroic weapons do way better.

Nightfall Misc : It is honestly not very good, yes it has burn potency but no useful stats, i find sunburst amulet be better.

Nightfall Shield : I do like a pris burn-lash shield capped at 4 hits, i think its actually quite good as an offensive shield when opportunity arises (4 hit bosses). Its decent even for 2 hits.

Autumn Shield : I think there is some serious anti synergy with shield, its a Wind shield which requires a Wind Burn already seeing the pattern. But then it has -3 blocking to give 3 blocking further as trigger, and secondly there is a lot of good competition for having 20% less damage intake (MADM shield or stout talon shield).

Autumn Weapons : Very good, especially the Paralyse on Bow/Melee Weapon and likely Magic too. The burn is also very good for my FDBR,however for normal questing ive found that Paralyse + Mosquito guest healing HP and Jelly healing SP is sustainable.

AQ  Post #: 32
2/9/2024 11:47:45   

I think it's fair to remind the event is a donation, and the items given are bonus, rather than you buying items for X amount of z tokens. Not that I don't understand expecting great bonus items from z donation, even more so spending large amount of it, can't help feeling the "trade" isn't worth it.

I've only tested the autumn set sans misc so far and I'm pretty satisfied. Could use an armor though, the art is beautiful, nice work!
AQ  Post #: 33
2/9/2024 13:24:00   

I came top 100 for gold and top 200 for tokens (both were entirely for aesthetics, love the Titan/Dark Titan look and I'm not a big "leaf" guy in FashionQuest).

Absolutely thrilled to see the Titan gear; the Dark shield and Dark misc are both huge upgrades to my playstyle of applying permanent prismatic burn and stacking debuffs while playing defense. The melee weapon would've also been an easy fit if not for myself already having the Voidforged weapon (as an aside, I love gauntlet aesthetics but AQ's restriction with layers really undermines them - I'd really like to see gauntlets become a type of pet instead, floating beside you and doing cool punching animations). The ranged version is very close to being included because I've been looking for fun ways to damage enemy resources, and the magic weapon is also very cool even if I don't plan on using it.

The Autumn shield is also something I'm considering using, though it faces tough competition from the MADM shield (especially if Prismatic burn doesn't count as a wind burn) and I do enjoy the Wingweaver shield. At a minimum, it's nice to see an item that I can consider using.

Overall I'm very happy with this week, both with the rewards and with the impending stat revamp.
Post #: 34
2/9/2024 15:28:53   


I think it's fair to remind the event is a donation, and the items given are bonuses, rather than you buying items for X amount of z tokens. Not that I don't understand expecting great bonus items from z donation, even more so spending large amount of it, can't help feeling the "trade" isn't worth it.

Nobody donates to make others happy and then as a byproduct of the primary "I B Happy that I gave to others" ...they get items. They're the motivation to donate.

The token shield is horrid, and the token misc is not as horrid but for the "cost" it's terrible. For my reviews of items, what's required to spend to obtain them in my book is a considering factor because it's a big-picture approach and not a narrowed one that only looks at the items in a vacuum. I don't find that to be logical for any donation items. I understand why some of the items are well-reviewed. I really do. In terms of the token weapon for sure I see why people love it, but it's not my cup of tea. I can't complain, really. But the shield/misc are train wrecks. I'm not asking for them to be changed, though. It is what it is. I'll just not donate next year. 104k tokens for basic stuff isn't my idea of fun.

I quite like the gold stuff, mostly the shield/weapon. The misc is the worst of the bunch, but it in itself is not bad.

I say all this honestly to just say, I don't think a reminder was needed. Everyone is well aware. They're free to like/dislike the items while knowing all about the nuances of what the donation event is
Post #: 35
2/9/2024 16:48:08   


Nobody donates to make others happy and then as a byproduct of the primary "I B Happy that I gave to others" ...they get items. They're the motivation to donate.

The token shield is horrid, and the token misc is not as horrid but for the "cost" it's terrible. For my reviews of items, what's required to spend to obtain them in my book is a considering factor because it's a big-picture approach and not a narrowed one that only looks at the items in a vacuum. I don't find that to be logical for any donation items. I understand why some of the items are well-reviewed. I really do. In terms of the token weapon for sure I see why people love it, but it's not my cup of tea. I can't complain, really. But the shield/misc are train wrecks. I'm not asking for them to be changed, though. It is what it is. I'll just not donate next year. 104k tokens for basic stuff isn't my idea of fun.

I quite like the gold stuff, mostly the shield/weapon. The misc is the worst of the bunch, but it in itself is not bad.

I say all this honestly to just say, I don't think a reminder was needed. Everyone is well aware. They're free to like/dislike the items while knowing all about the nuances of what the donation event is

I'm under no illusion people participating in the donation are doing for it for exclusive items (though personally the brackets could use more space, so more people can get equipment, but I suppose the exclusivity/rarity is it's own value for certain people). I'm gonna be honest, I'm half in the same boat, but I also have to accept it's the tradition Christmas, the spirit of giving. Looking back, if I want the worth of my ztoken, looking from the previous donation, we get less here (summer donation has a pet and an armor), and to make the matter worse, you're putting ztoken over items of unknown value, you don't know that stats of the equipment to see if they are of use to you. The biggest mistake to make for someone just wanting equipment is not considering how the "trade" seemed much against you, it's more like gambling at this point, with only the art as what you get for sure. This is my first donation I actively participated in and most likely last, next time I'd be more conservative, the event isn't for me.

The shield has double trigger on wind+burn, wind being a little weird when you're supposed to use wind shield against wind monsters, but I suppose it is no different armor+ele locked skill with elemental compensation. And it's not a big deal if you happen to have PCO, so the shield pairs up well with the wind weapon.
AQ  Post #: 36
2/9/2024 21:48:42   


I think it's fair to remind the event is a donation, and the items given are bonus, rather than you buying items for X amount of z tokens.

This event includes donations, yes, but it is in fact a CONTEST. It says as much (and always has) on the homepage, top of the leaderboard etc. The name of the event is word for word called: “Frostval Season of Gifting - CONTEST -“ It has always been a contest and the rewards are not bonuses, they are in fact rewards to the players who were most generous with donations. I rather like the format since players who want to treat it as an auction can do so and still be generous in the process since their donations are going towards both other players and towards the reward thresholds. It’s a win/win/win for the devs players and community.

Regarding the items - Fantastic rewards across the board aside from the the token shield. I feel like we’ve gotten kinda spoiled with crazy complex items and mechanics and so when we get something generic (with strange synergy, respectfully) it’s just kinda a feelsbad. Aside from that though seriously everything else gets an A in my book. I’ve always been a big fan of twinmaul and bonker and now I can stunlock ethically instead of abusing bugs to do so appreciate the work from the devs for getting us the items in a timely manner and also shouts to LK for dropping the in depth info subs immediately. Very happy w the release and looking forward to the rest of it when the stat revamp is finished!

< Message edited by dizzle -- 2/9/2024 21:51:53 >
AQ  Post #: 37
2/9/2024 23:00:57   
Korriban Gaming

The weapons are the best parts of both sets period. Biggest winners here are FD Rangers and FD Warriors. Noteworthy point for the token weapons having a boost against Freedom mobs in the 3rd toggle, this at least makes the weapon usable vs Freedom mobs. I like this and hope we'll see more of these boosts going forward for items with stun effects.

Both shields are lackluster/bad imo. PrisBurn lash seems like a nice effect but execution wise it falls flat, too weak for my liking. There's no redeeming factor for the token shield.

Both miscs are also lackluster/bad. Gold one is bland whereas token one is just useless. ~150 hp heal for 4 hits is too weak, also considering this misc was around ~80k+ tokens.

Honestly thought I'd be more disappointed but I wasn't cos my expectations of winter dono items have reached 0. We haven't had mind-blowing winter dono items since Bag of Mixed Nuts. I hope this changes soon. Still happy for the weapons we got this time round though
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 38
2/10/2024 0:07:21   
Aura Knight

The gold items are decent. Prismatic burn that's easy to access will have its uses. Shield is my favorite part of the set with the magic weapon close. Unfortunately, the element for it will make it a stored item for me due to the vengeance of nulgath being too helpful for me. The misc is fair, however there is disappointment in the hp recovery. Much too low for my liking. Art not my favorite for the items from the gold rewards other than for the shield.

The token rewards are all fine then the shield exists. Weapons with optional burn/guaranteed but somewhat costly paralysis make them an immediate addition to my main gear. The art on them is fantastic too. Bow offers quite a bit of power to neko too. Misc isn't horrendous but definitely not worth the over 100k.

I'm someone who for the most part appreciates aesthetics over function so it's nice to have nice looking gear which does well too. There's uses for the gear I'm overlooking probably but I'll have future me figure it out. For now I'll have my fun.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 39
2/10/2024 7:31:38   

Oh well I expect something very unique and useful like that of Big Dictionary or Bag of Mixed Nuts or even Pixel Ether just to take advantage of the opportunity that a lot of old players returned this year but the rewards are so underwhelming TBH except for the Magic weapon IF you don't have an arcane cutlass.

< Message edited by Shalnark -- 2/10/2024 7:37:16 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 40
2/10/2024 8:52:14   
.*. .*. .*.
Pfft hahaha!

Congrats to all the winners!

I have had a chance to experiment a bit with the wind set and the fire set.
Too bad I missed out on the dark set since I was under the assumption that the top 100 would just get a reskin, I must learn how to read for future donation contests.

Anyhow I think the fire set is okay mainly because of the weapon and I am still deciding if the weapon will replace my cutlass or not?
The misc and the shield are unfortunately not that great for the way I prefer to play.
With that being said, I can fully understand that some are happy with the misc and shield.

As for the wind set, once again it is the weapon taking the spotlight though I am still not sure if I want to use it on my main character, but it is my new wind weapon for my ranger.
The shield and misc are not doing enough to make it into my active inventory.
I would have preferred if the shield could have eaten the burn for a heal or something along those lines.
The misc is ultra defensive and requires some very rare scenario to be used effectively.
Not sure what I would have wanted from the misc but overall it does not fit my beastmage because of the STR and END boosts. I believe there are many other wind miscs which I prefer over this one.

I do see the potential of using the wind set against bosses and I hope that I will be able to use it someday.

Overall I think this was a decent donation contest because of the weapons, though maybe it was a bit too much focused on burn and the shields and miscs were not that great, at least not to me.

If possible I would like the staff to consider for future donation contests to present the items not only with how they will look like, but also with the proposed stats and their functionality.
Since the donation contests are going on for quite some time, I believe there would be sufficient time to discuss the items before deciding their stats and functionallity.
It would then be up to the players interested to donate and compete and I believe less people would be end up disappointed.

Thanks for reading.
Post #: 41
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