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RE: =WF= Typos Thread

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9/3/2009 22:11:20   
Legendary AK!!!

Shear Madness:


Welcome to the runs of K'eld Alorin.

Should be ruins.


You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

Should be WarpGuardian.


--and when a desperate dragon named Rath seeked me out for help

Should be sought.

< Message edited by Rhowena -- 9/21/2009 0:14:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 51
9/9/2009 9:26:22   

ummmm.... im not sure if this is a typo, but, when you summon the warp guardian dragon, (and the guardian dragon) there is a chance that he will say "time to burninate!(please dont sue us)" i am pretty sure that "burninate" is a registered trademark of www.homestarrunner.com, and i wouldent want you to get sued from it (heh thats sorta funny, the" please dont sue us!" and i wouldn't want you (as in atrix entertainment) to get sued....... yeah never mind) i was wondering if ae asked to barrow it if it is a registered trademark. please pm me if something is figure out thanks


Er, that's the joke. It's supposed to be a funny reference - It *should* be covered under fair use for parody. It doesn't confuse anyone - it's quite clear that we are not claiming to own it - indeed, that IS the joke. ~Aelthai

< Message edited by Aelthai -- 9/9/2009 11:44:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 52
9/13/2009 21:30:34   
goron link8

i was fighting a virin behemoth and i used my heavygunner c's forcefield and it attacked me and broke through my forcefeild causing 40 harm damage and at the top of my screen it said "true"

whenever i attack with forcefield it says false whenever it attacks it says true ill will take screenshot


This is not a typo but could you please look at the form and edit it on this post with all that you had equipped and all that. Thank you -Cronc

Location: Where did you see the typo (item description/monster description/NPC or Quest dialogue/etc...)? I was in the war battleing a virin behemoth I had powered lazser i beleive i had either lightning gauntlet z or had of creation z my cl166 Z droid heavygunner model c and it only happened when i had the forcefield activated
Current Text: it says true when the monster attacks and False when i attack
Correction: What should it say instead? it shouldnt say anything

i put this here because it involved words sorry if i posted in the wrong forum

< Message edited by goron link8 -- 9/14/2009 21:54:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 53
10/24/2009 20:02:06   
More than a Game


Location: The Veil quest; Minister Raz-griff
Current Text: Raz-griff: We are prepared, as you requested. Hopefully our attack weakens them. The battle has already begin to the west of the capital.
Correction: Raz-griff: We are prepared, as you requested. Hopefully our attack weakens them. The battle has already begun to the west of the capital.

Sorry for bothering you guys if its not a grammar mistake (past tense - present tense problem) , I just thought it sounded funny.

EDIT: Ack, yes, Stealthmaster got it :)

< Message edited by moneybags -- 10/28/2009 0:18:59 >
Epic  Post #: 54
10/25/2009 15:13:04   

Location: Ballyhoo and Upgrades Screen. Warp Guardian part.
Current Text: Become a WarpForce WarpGuardian and get! enahnced with more items, more missions, to be able to level all the way to the maximum level, and more!
Correction: Become a WarpForce WarpGuardian and get enhanced with more items, more missions, to be able to level all the way to the maximum level, and more!

Where the 'get! enahnced' bit it could be '(previous scentence). Get enhanced...'
AQ DF  Post #: 55
10/26/2009 2:02:03   


Location: The Veil quest; Minister Raz-griff
Current Text: Raz-griff: We are prepared, as you requested. Hopefully our attack weakens them. The battle has already begin to the west of the capital.
Correction: Raz-griff: We are prepared, as you requested. Hopefully our attack weakens them. The battle has already began to the west of the capital.

Sorry for bothering you guys if its not a grammar mistake (past tense - present tense problem) , I just thought it sounded funny.

Actually, I believe it should be
"Raz-griff: We are prepared, as you requested. Hopefully our attack weakens them. The battle has already begun to the west of the capital."
DF  Post #: 56
11/13/2009 21:40:45   

Not sure if its really considered but eh,

Location: First Mission for General Stormfront.
Current Text: "Lucky" says 'i - blah blah'
Correction: 'I 'was first letter of the sentence. Needs capitalized.

Another is,

Location: Not sure what planet but it's where you first talk to Trinni.
Current Text: Its not wrong, but it goes under the button so it is un readable, I believe it says 'Greenguard Forest' though.

< Message edited by tyuiop95 -- 11/13/2009 21:44:17 >
AQ DF  Post #: 57
1/19/2010 16:37:55   
Legendary AK!!!

E-Leet Mission 3:


You: Well we're about to find out... the coordinate are just ahead!

Should be coordinates.
AQ DF  Post #: 58
8/19/2011 8:41:47   
ArchMagus Orodalf

In the most recent "MUTANTS: Attack of the Mutants!" quest, Captain Daian's lines are incorrectly attributed to the player character. Specifically:


Captain Daian: Okay, is this the missing MUTATOR DEVICE?


Captain Daian: Let's head back to Sickbay first. I need to ask Dr. Mendas something.

In addition, Dr. Mendas's lines during the intro to the quest have a typo:


Dr. Mendas: ... but this thing, for all intents and purposes, seems to be a cellular mutation device. We don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Or claws. Or tentacles. So please, find in, and get it back to us!

should be


Dr. Mendas: ... but this thing, for all intents and purposes, seems to be a cellular mutation device. We don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Or claws. Or tentacles. So please, find it, and get it back to us!

Also, one of the player character's lines is typoed (right after one of the aforementioned line of Captain Daian's - the first one):


«You»: Um, yeah. Gravlax had half of his engineering crew looking for it all da and still nothing.

should be


«You»: Um, yeah. Gravlax had half of his engineering crew looking for it all day and still nothing.

Gravlax's first line in the Engineering Deck scene is typoed:


Gravlax: Jubum neeble! Now that you are all here, let me tell you that I made sure that EVERY security protocol was folowed regarding the mousetrap device that--

should be


Gravlax: Jubum neeble! Now that you are all here, let me tell you that I made sure that EVERY security protocol was followed regarding the mousetrap device that--

And the player character speaks typoes in that scene, too:


«You»: Oooh... Like a walking security video thing! Can you go through everything youv'e seen in the last 24 hours, Zorboz?

should be


«You»: Oooh... Like a walking security video thing! Can you go through everything you've seen in the last 24 hours, Zorboz?



«You»: WHile he's doing that, the rest of us should finish looking into every nook and cranny of the ship and--

should be


«You»: While he's doing that, the rest of us should finish looking into every nook and cranny of the ship and--

In the scene after fighting the Mutant Ruffian, Captain Daian typoes. She must be distressed:


Captain Daian: It is! Looks like all of its enrgy source has been used up.

should be


Captain Daian: It is! Looks like all of its energy source has been used up.

Later, in Sickbay, Dr. Mendas typoes. She must be distressed, too:


Dr. Mendas: Well, first he is going to help me examine the remaining MediDroids to see if any others have the same "malfunction", and then we will be uninstallign and reinstalling his software.

should be


Dr. Mendas: Well, first he is going to help me examine the remaining MediDroids to see if any others have the same "malfunction", and then we will be uninstalling and reinstalling his software.

There's even a typo in the Mission Debriefing:


Thank you for helping ot solve the mystery of the mutating crewmembers! Well, okay, you didn't really solve anything. But you definitely stopped the mutants before they could do damage to the ship!

should be


Thank you for helping to solve the mystery of the mutating crewmembers! Well, okay, you didn't really solve anything. But you definitely stopped the mutants before they could do damage to the ship!

< Message edited by ArchMagus Orodalf -- 8/19/2011 9:56:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 59
12/15/2011 23:02:08   
More than a Game



Some galactic ciizens call the Iznuks "bugs", and they do not appreciate that.

Should be "citizens".

For the monster Iznuk Trooper (96), not sure about the other levels.

Typo found by Balu.
Epic  Post #: 60
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