Retired ED Guest Artist
The fact of Exile "seemingly" dominating is due to insufficient Legion participation and/or lack of effective communication. I know of many Legion players who cannot show up at key time frames (reset) due to real life responsibilities. Some, including me, who can make an appearance would rather do something else. When Legion did turn out in sufficient numbers and communicated effectively, we were able to dominate fairly for several days in a row until the update that caused the bug. Just to clarify, the bug was not immediately affecting the balance of power in the war. I've documented flags ruled by Exiles that exceeded their limits soon after reset that night. Legion was able to take control of those flags and others through sheer effort...an unfair advantage was gained for the first half of that day when Legion took control of all flags with many exceeding their limits. Exiles are quick to attribute all of Legion's victories to this incident in an effort to belittle them. As much as I enjoyed seeing the Exiles cry, their excuses have gotten a bit tiresome. It's unfortunate that some Legions would fall to that level and complain about being dominated when there's no clear sign of being disadvantaged. The flawed battle matching has been present since the start of the war, even when Legion was dominating fairly, so this reason falls flat. I thoroughly understand concerns about 2v2 battles where a partner of the opposing alignment would flee the battle if both opponents are of his/her alignment. Why should he help a Legion win when he can allow 2 Exiles to win for their location(s)? This is a major problem that needs to be addressed. The most obvious solution is to go with the original method and pit Legions vs Exiles ONLY! This will slow battle search but THAT could be solved by enabling NPC opponents of the opposing alignments. We've already had NPC opponents/teammates before in the Infernal Infiltration War. It should be possible to have Exile NPCs face off with Legion players if no Exile players are available at the time of the battle search. Some NPCs may need to be buffed/improved so as to not provide guaranteed wins to the opposing alignment. I suspect that much planning may have to go into this since Omega's system is different from the one used in the IIW. For now, the most we can do is wait for a solution to be provided or for Legion to get back in the game because we're certainly not performing at our best.