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RE: Will the war ever be fair?

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7/5/2013 11:23:52   
Kiing of Frost

Actually more like Korean War when the US pushed on the Chinese border and a couple of million Chinese came in and pushed The US back to the DMZ... War Huh? What is it good for?
Stay Frosty
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
7/5/2013 11:25:35   
Dual Thrusters


Girl!? LOL she was a friggin witch!

I don't think the outcome of the war will change. Exile wins, gets the war prize, legion loses and gets trashed by the OP war prize. Maybe we can gain influence even if we do fight our kind

< Message edited by Dual Thrusters -- 7/5/2013 11:28:20 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
7/5/2013 11:29:31   

Isn't the war about the people fighting back against Baelius and his army for being cast out of Delta V or something like that?
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
7/5/2013 11:29:39   

exile will win anyway i am legion and stayed legion even though i new they was stronger i don't no why this is i just don't like this war so its not for me but good luck exile
Epic  Post #: 29
7/5/2013 11:33:28   

What ever happens exiles, we must take Fortune City in honor of Admin 12. That's literally the only place I've fought this war. I really wish they add the Rank patches like the other wars. Better to keep track of influence imo
AQW Epic  Post #: 30
7/5/2013 11:37:38   

@ Valkyrie

I was talking about 2 vs 2 when I was bring up my examples. Plus like you I never disconnect on anyone on purpose either Even when I get a legion player as my partner and have 2 exiles as my opponents. Have I been told to disconnect by certain exile players? Yes I have. Do I disconnect on purpose? No I don't since I play fair.

Also I do remember a time in delta where there was a bug that caused one person to disconnect, and the remaining players to be frozen in a match until one side left. The same can be said with the system booting you without a real reason


ADMIN: You have been booted from epic duel.

This has happened before as well.

If the system could tell the difference between a runner and a disconnect then I would be all for this since the innocent aren't punished but the guilty get punished. However this isn't the case.
Epic  Post #: 31
7/5/2013 11:50:12   

Mother1 well i have been frozen out 6 times today but its still fair as others get frozen out as well
Epic  Post #: 32
7/5/2013 11:53:12   
Dual Thrusters

How about this: the match doesn't count if your partner leaves when your two opponents are both that same alligment.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
7/5/2013 12:02:44   

I suggested that on a A&Q thread. It'll make allot of sense to disregard fights between the same alignment. In 2v2, members of 1 team has to also be the same alignment to get points.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
7/5/2013 12:03:07   
One Winged Angel1357

Not sure if the issue is more players or less motivation.

When the Legion took over the first time I logged on saw the map and went, "Well crap this is going to be a long day." After a handful of fights, most of which were against legion members, I decided it was pointless to try and overcome since I had no view of support from other Exile members. Now that the Exiles have taken over I see very few Legion members in the fray and looking here on the forums is telling me all I need to know.

You see you are losing, you have low moral because of that, and you have no desire to fight because it seems pointless
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 35
7/5/2013 12:08:16   

I asked about this before but I think that moral drop comes from not being able to see how much influence you or your fellow members have obtained when the opposing side has captured a flag point. For all the person knows they can be 10 war points behind but may abandon the spot thinking there's no way they can take over the spot. We have to be able to see the points collected on both sides at any given spot to let the player(s) know that they have a chance to retake or take it over. During the glitchy bars I had no motivation to play because I was left with the impression that I'd never catch up when I could have been less than 50 points away but me or anyone else would never have known that.
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
7/5/2013 12:12:48   
One Winged Angel1357

I judge influence progress by how much of a change I see in the war bar between fights. If I see a massive jump to one side I know which side is currently winning there and in most cases move to a different flag. If I see little to no change I just keep fighting there trying to pull it in Exiles favor
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
7/5/2013 15:03:18   
Lord Machaar

I'm pretty much playing in this war just to get achievements, I don't care who is winning, once I get a region achievement, I move on to the next, not giving a single corder to which side is winning in that region, or it's even in a cooldown... I mean who cares?
MQ Epic  Post #: 38
7/5/2013 15:07:13   

@ lord machaar

If the thing is on cooldown you won't get influence for it. So your best bet would be to do a section that isn't on any cooldown unless you are just battling for credits and wins.
Epic  Post #: 39
7/5/2013 16:39:33   

War is never fair.
Epic  Post #: 40
7/5/2013 16:45:18   
Lord Noonien Soong

errrr these threads get on my nerves @Author of this page: Dont worry, things will look up
AQ DF  Post #: 41
7/7/2013 9:23:05   

Then bam, the supposed "Best" solution would be making all fights strictly legion vs exile.
Poof, goes the exile population, venting out their rage because they can't find a fight.

Seriously, it's an unending cycle.

You can't appease two conflicting crowds.
Epic  Post #: 42
7/8/2013 5:35:27   

ED wont have balanced wars if factions are constantly disbanding.

part of this error is, theres no founder stepdown, so if the founder wants to quit or join another faction he needs to disband.

also faction hoppers which dont really help either side.

but they messed up by locking player's alignment before the war started, it didn't allow players to go legion/exile
AQW Epic  Post #: 43
7/10/2013 17:11:15   
I Underlord I

The war is not construed to be either "fair" or "unfair;" it simply is intrinsic and fluid.

Legion has been very close in racing with Exile during the times the latter was in victory; similarly, Legion has closely been followed by Exile during the times the former was winning.

It is additionally not appropriate to say that an entire side is using "cheap shots" to ensure victory; there are many people in both Legion and Exile, and they all act differently. I find it unlikely that Exile players are disconnecting to provide an Exile victory more so than Legion players are for a Legion victory, and vice versa.


"Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memories can never fade."
~ Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

AQ  Post #: 44
7/10/2013 18:28:13   

A stronger reinforcement system than the current one is definitely needed.
Epic  Post #: 45
7/13/2013 10:20:37   

Exiles have Legion waaay outnumbered, such a shame that our only time of victory was a bug. Ill continue to back Legion though, because I look at it as a storyline point of view. Sure, the exiles want "freedom" but when they get it then what? The planet will be a total wreck from all the war, they will have no resources to re-build but whatever is left on the planet and it will be utter chaos. Legion on the other hand, although rough and cruel in doing it, will ensure a better survival for Delta V. We have the resources by far, we can control any chaos that may form after and if we win. The only thing Legion needs is a replacement for Alydriah and more people to understand our true goal and what we truely want.
AQW Epic  Post #: 46
7/14/2013 20:09:28   
Retired ED Guest Artist

The fact of Exile "seemingly" dominating is due to insufficient Legion participation and/or lack of effective communication. I know of many Legion players who cannot show up at key time frames (reset) due to real life responsibilities. Some, including me, who can make an appearance would rather do something else. When Legion did turn out in sufficient numbers and communicated effectively, we were able to dominate fairly for several days in a row until the update that caused the bug.

Just to clarify, the bug was not immediately affecting the balance of power in the war. I've documented flags ruled by Exiles that exceeded their limits soon after reset that night. Legion was able to take control of those flags and others through sheer effort...an unfair advantage was gained for the first half of that day when Legion took control of all flags with many exceeding their limits. Exiles are quick to attribute all of Legion's victories to this incident in an effort to belittle them. As much as I enjoyed seeing the Exiles cry, their excuses have gotten a bit tiresome. It's unfortunate that some Legions would fall to that level and complain about being dominated when there's no clear sign of being disadvantaged. The flawed battle matching has been present since the start of the war, even when Legion was dominating fairly, so this reason falls flat.

I thoroughly understand concerns about 2v2 battles where a partner of the opposing alignment would flee the battle if both opponents are of his/her alignment. Why should he help a Legion win when he can allow 2 Exiles to win for their location(s)? This is a major problem that needs to be addressed. The most obvious solution is to go with the original method and pit Legions vs Exiles ONLY! This will slow battle search but THAT could be solved by enabling NPC opponents of the opposing alignments. We've already had NPC opponents/teammates before in the Infernal Infiltration War. It should be possible to have Exile NPCs face off with Legion players if no Exile players are available at the time of the battle search. Some NPCs may need to be buffed/improved so as to not provide guaranteed wins to the opposing alignment. I suspect that much planning may have to go into this since Omega's system is different from the one used in the IIW.

For now, the most we can do is wait for a solution to be provided or for Legion to get back in the game because we're certainly not performing at our best.


Epic  Post #: 47
7/14/2013 20:23:48   

@ Drekon

Even though I am a loyal exile I can agree with this. I do remember when Legion was winning fairly without that bug so it proves that either side could win with motivation. However, with the original idea the staff choose finding battle quick over legion vs exile. It was a good idea bad execution due to the number not being balanced. That is the only way the legion vs exile thing would work without NPC.

But even if every screamed add NPC for the war I doubt the staff will listen due to them wanting the game to be pure PVP and not PVE. During the infernal war there was a ton of abuse with this and many players just went to empty servers so they could use the NPC as easy punching bags for wins and credits.

If NPC did become a must the following would need to be done.

1 Make it so NPC do not count towards wins for your battle record
2 Influence doesn't count towards the faction or personal influence but will still give war points towards their side of the war.

I say these because by doing these it will people think will it be worth it to abuse this when I only get credits for myself instead of just making a repeat of the infernal war which was the only time you could pad your 2 vs 2 record with NPC.
Epic  Post #: 48
7/15/2013 13:38:55   

I've noticed lately the the Legion has been gaining good ground again. Seems the Legionaires out there, myself included, have started putting forth a bigger effort and more have gotten on. Still seems to be alot more exiles than legionaires, but that could just be the fact that they tend to be more active. NPC battles, although was kind of fun during Infernal infiltration war, was still kinda abused..why test your strength on a player when you can predict the NPC's moves? I think its funner to fight players anways, all win and no lose means you cant learn from your mistakes.
AQW Epic  Post #: 49
7/16/2013 8:01:48   

lets fight on even this has not completed

< Message edited by toannghe1997 -- 7/16/2013 8:04:01 >
Post #: 50
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