Ingaberg Location: Olaf's Party, Dragesvard -> 3 Right, Dragesvard Havoc, Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) -> Up -> Up Right Quests given None Shop Owned None Dialogue Olaf's Party Ingaberg: We WERE having fun until SOMEONE had the bright idea of having us all jump in the pool! *glares at Sven* Ingaberg: Thanks for saving us, <Character>. I really didn't want to end up a person-sicle for Aisha! Dragesvard Havoc Ingaberg: It is true. We have little time! Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) Ingaberg: Olaf, for the last time, you can't just jump into the fountains like that! Ingaberg: You'll live without a pool for however long you need to. You don't need pool parties to live! Ingaberg: Sure, then it'll squeeze you. With its teeth. And you'll be dead. And still poolless. Ingaberg: They really weren't. You were the only one who liked them. Ingaberg: But Astrid's not the one I caught splashing around in the fountain like a child. Come now, let's get you cleaned up and dried off. Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for image and corrections. ArchMagus Orodalf for additional location link and additional dialogue. Voodoo Master for additional dialogue. Peachii for corrections.
< Message edited by Jay -- 9/26/2021 2:14:52 >