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Issue 45 - From AdventureQuest to WarpForce: The Next AE-neration (Clyde and Falerin)

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8/6/2009 12:49:51   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

From AdventureQuest to WarpForce: The Next AE-neration
by: Clyde and Falerin

This summer, ArtixEntertainment decided to boldly go where no other has gone before. Where is that exactly? Space, the newest home belonging to the fifth installment that AE has to offer called WarpForce. This SciFi Fantasy Adventure will have set off from Lore to join the WarpForce with Queen Pra'Mithia, the Huntress, and others on the LSS** Alteon. Your character can choose from three different races: Elf, Human, and Drakel, as well as two starting classes: Striker and Gunner. You and your vast array of gadgets, weapons, and skills/abilities will travel across the Universe*** to stop The'Galin/The Devourer/The Uncreator and his minions from destroying everything. Are you up for the challenge?

When many first heard of the game on the Forums in early June, they were concerned about a few things. One being the fact that AE already had a game set in Space - MechQuest. Others were also concerned that AE *just* released the MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds, meaning Staff attention would be divided amongst all of the games.

Well, here's where we will crush those concerns and give most of you* some insight into WarpForce. Joining me in this article will be AE's Loremaster, God of Evil, and AQ/WF's Head Storyline Writer. Still guessing? The one and only Falerin. Since he's been a part of AE since AQ was just starting out in 2002, talking with him would be the place to start.

Alright, when you first started out in AE, did you ever see yourself or the company coming this far?

No. How could I have. It was all about having fun. What happened since then is history but its pretty amazing history if you ask me.

What was your mindset when writing the storyline for AQ? Has it changed since then?

I have matured and so has my mindset. In general I try to let the story tell itself.

Did you feel AQ's medieval/olden times genre was limiting? Do you still feel that way?

I do not think that's a very accurate description of AQ's genre. High Fantasy comes closer. No, I never felt it to be limiting because I never put restriction on what I expected could or could not happen.

What's the writing process for you like usually? Are you given specific things to write or do you have free reign?

I have considerable leeway. Though I have to work within the frame work of others.

How has community interaction effected what you've written for the games?

Hugely. I have always stated that AE is about the community and I still believe that.

What separates AQ and WF from the other games? It's pros/cons/etc.

AQ and WF have a deep mythos that has evolved over nearly a decade. While the other games fit within the same universe they are younger... I link WF with AQ because as an Expansion, it builds on the entirety of AQ's mythoi. By the same token, AQ and by extension WF, have limitations created by their engine that are artifacts of the older way we did things. We have learned some lessons in the past ten years about game design, that mean that sometimes the limitations and restrictions we have built into our engine can be very frustrating. Yet we manage to find some exciting ways around those limitations and we are doing things with WF that even a year ago we could not have imagined.

Were they ever somethings you wished you could have re-done in AQ?

Sure. There are threads dropped and things that I would have liked to have done differently. There are levels of detail missing from some events as well. There are engine issues I would love to disappear. All in all though I am quite happy with the game, so I cannot say I have any real regrets.

Does the "Final Frontier" sound familiar to you?

You can darn well wait for Bizzare Fleck like everyone else. I am animating as fast as I can, darn it!

AE's been known for their references/parodies/etc. Can you let us know what kinds WF will have?

Well, Bizzare Fleck will crossover into both games. Otherwise, it's a bit early to say. Clearly, there will be such things. I know Eldron played a bit on Douglas Adams in the one quest he is working on... Largely the central plot will be more serious in nature but do not think for a second that means we will be anything other than classic AE.

Will there be quests that directly effect both games in different ways?

Stay tuned...

Many dislike the lack of Magic, what's your thoughts about this?

It makes sense. Magic is not non-existant in space, but it is changed and thus it is rare. Lorian magic is elemental. It has already been established that magic is very different elsewhere from Lore.

What will WarpForce/AdventureQuest have in store for us as time progresses?

You ain't seen nothing yet. That's all I can say. If you thought the scope of previous stories was big... well you'll see...

Anything DOOM***-related things you want to tell the readers?

Mookav bids me say that he is not in the Moooooood!

That's all for now. Hopefully, this has put away some of your concerns or has answered some of your questions. If not, then you'll probably have to ask Falerin and the AQ/WF Staff if you see them on the Forums or even on IRC. Feedback on WarpForce can be posted here in the Gameplay Feedback Thread on the AE Forums. Some of the Staff are eager to get an idea on how you feel about the game so far. So get your voice heard.

Thanks for joining me Falerin.

*Anyone who reads this article.
**Lore Space Ship or is it Lucky Star Saver? No it's defintely not Lucky Star Saver! ~Fal
***Yet to be named.
****Wouldn't you like to know? I DO know. I could tell you but then... ~Fal
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