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(DF) Memoirs of Mistress Eukara

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8/25/2008 15:34:53   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Forward by Sylenia Depthraker

Seafaring has always been a passion of mine, ever since I was a wee lass waiting on the docks for my father to come home. My father took me out on his boat every chance he could to toughen me up and make a sailor of me. But times change and so does life. And for a seafaring girl like me, where I ended up was nothing like home. My feet took me to a dark and haunted town where dreams seemed to die. Amityvale brought a whole new meaning to the term 'ghost town'. It was full of horrible creatures, things that go bump in the night and the only water around is swamp water. I hardly ever left the Smashing Pumpkin, doing odd chores to buy myself a space on the floor next to the fireplace in the commons. That way I never had to face those things which Artix fought in the darkness.

Artix had a habit of asking the neighboring towns for adventurers willing to spend a few hours assisting him in the cemeteries, pumpkin patches and misty forests surrounding Amityvale. One of those adventurers was Eukara.

One evening (if you looked at a clock you knew it was evening in other, normal towns), Eukara came through the inn to grab some food before going out and passed by me in a whirl. Her green and violet rogue's armour looked well used. Something about her made me stay there all night while she fought alongside Artix. When she came in just before dawn, she looked tired, but triumphant. Rosemary gave her something to eat and led her to a booth on the far right of the commons.

I overheard Rosemary ask about the situation in No'Bell and Eukara's reaction was astonishing. She went from tired to tirade in a heartbeat. Rosemary nodded my way and after a few minutes, Eukara walked up to my table. She asked me if I wanted to go back to the sea.

What answer was there but 'yes'? I was ready to do anything to return to the sea.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/25/2008 15:35:38   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 1 – Frustration

They walked in silence as the two women left the darkness of Amityvale. Sylenia struggled to keep up with Eukara, being almost a half foot shorter. Eukara's long legs and long strides made it hard for her to keep a comfortable pace. The violence in which her long red hair whipped around behind her only emphasized how fast Eukara was walking. Sylenia's muscles ached and her lungs felt as if they were going to explode.

I am going to die if she doesn't slow down, thought Sylenia. "Could you please either take smaller steps or slow down? Some of aren't as tall as the trees, you know!"

Eukara slowed down slightly, enabling Sylenia to catch up. Sylenia looked up at the woman next to her and saw that, despite the speed at which she walked, she was no more out of breath than anyone sitting sleepily in front of a fire. She shook her head, to be in that kind of shape must be wonderful.

Sylenia stole glances periodically at Eukara while a dozen questions bombarded her mind. Had Eukara accidentally stumbled upon me while in Amityvale fighting with Artix or was that just a diversion to cover her tracks? As far as Sylenia was concerned, there was little to know about Eukara. Sure there were rumors, but who can say what was rumor and what was fact? Sylenia began to notice the telltale signs that they were leaving the vicinity of Amityvale. The sky began to take on a bluer shade, the sun peeked out warming their skin and the sounds that could be heard were more than the moans of the undead. Here and there, Sylenia noticed the song of a bird in the treetops.

Though she felt as if she was running a marathon, Sylenia began to relax as the world around her became more and more bright and beautiful. She recognized this road between Amityvale and Falconreach. Though the last time Sylenia was on this road, she was traveling in the opposite direction and in disgrace. Despite Sylenia's desire to ask Eukara questions, they continued to walk in silence until the edges of Falconreach became visible. Without warning, Eukara slowed her rapid pace, nearly causing Sylenia to stumble into her. She looked down at Sylenia and spoke low. "I have business here. Since you know nothing yet, I will trust that whatever you hear you will keep to yourself. I will not tolerate any crew member of mine becoming a loudmouth, do you understand?"

Sylenia looked startled and managed to speak after a few seconds. "Yes, ma'am. I won't breathe a word of what is said. I swear it to you."

"Good," Eukara spoke as she began to resume her initial pace. "And keep your ears open, anything you hear may be of value."

Sylenia nodded her head silently and watched Eukara more carefully. Who is this woman, she thought. She slays undead with Artix, conducts business in Falconreach that requires silence and secrets and claims to have a ship. What is going on?

Off to the side of the road, something shook the bushes violently. Sylenia reached for her daggers and then stopped. Eukara appeared to have no qualms about the disturbance and halted her steps, as if waiting for something to happen. Within minutes of her pause, something dark green and white flew out of the bushes and straight into Eukara, knocking her down three feet from where she had been standing. Sylenia rubbed her eyes and looked at the tiny dragon that sat atop Eukara’s stomach.

“That was quite unnecessary Mnemeth, and you know it!” Eukara playfully scolded the dragon. She lifted a hand and placed it near the dragon’s head and Mnemeth gently head-butted the hand.

Of course it was. You were gone for two days! You promised it would only be one.

I know, I know, dear heart. Something unexpected came up.

Oh don’t give me that! You didn’t have to go fight the undead with Artix. You were only supposed to get the girl spoken of at the docks.

Eukara pushed the dragon off of her and the little creature landed on the road awkwardly. Mnemeth stood up and shook her green body to rid the surface of dirt. Then she turned to Sylenia and gazed at her deeply and looked back at Eukara.

“Sylenia, this is Mnemeth. Mnemeth, this is Sylenia.” Eukara made the introductions fast, hoping to get on with the journey. She knew they were already late.

Mnemeth walked over to Sylenia and sat in front of the woman for a few minutes and then snuffled impatiently. “I think she wants you to pet her. She is quite the vain creature.” Eukara huffed. Mnemeth’s white eyes swirled black as she turned to look at Eukara.

Vain? I beg your pardon. It is not my fault I am beautiful. I must have had quite the beautiful parents. Blame them.

Eukara rolled her eyes and looked at Mnemeth. Pompous Animal.

Troublesome Human.

Sylenia watched the silent exchange and marveled at the ability Eukara possessed regarding the dragon. She imagined it would be nice to be able to talk to someone, much less a fabled dragon, telepathically. She found that she was smiling as Mnemeth resumed looking up at her. Sylenia stooped down to rub Mnemeth on the head and an audible growl-like sound emanated from the little dragon.

“Aren’t you lucky? She likes you,” Eukara smiled. “Alright, enough of this self-absorbed love fest, Mnemeth. We have someplace to be.”

Mnemeth turned toward Eukara and stood, awaiting the humans to continue their walk towards Falconreach. She trotted alongside Eukara happily, chasing the occasional butterfly as it swooped across the road. The trio entered Falconreach, passing by Gram’s Pet shop. Eukara nodded to Cysero as he stood outside his shop arguing with a stranger. Eventually, they arrived in front of the Inn.

They walked casually into the Inn at Falconreach. Eukara directed Sylenia to a table near the fireplace while she went to talk to Serenity. Mnemeth made herself comfortable on a stool next to Eukara and curled up, eyes closed, pretending to take a nap. But Sylenia saw that her eyes weren’t completely closed and neither were her ears. Sylenia turned her attention to the patrons conversing amongst themselves at the tables while Eukara and Serenity tended to their own conversation with hushed voices. None of the patrons sitting around the place were particularly suspicious looking. As she was about to dismiss them all, a conversation tugged at her ears across the fireplace from her. The two men at the table were discussing the strange behaviors of some of the Vurrmen in Oaklore.

As she tried to catch more of the conversation, Eukara walked over and sat down. "It is as I suspected. Some very strange things are going on around here as in No'Bell. Sighting of a strange animal, strangers, and passing ships that aren't familiar. We need to make haste for No'Bell. The other Defenders need to know."

Eukara stood up and walked towards the door assuming Sylenia was going to follow her. When she didn't hear the footfalls behind her she turned and faced Sylenia, eyebrow raised in question. Sylenia briskly got up and followed Eukara out the door. As Eukara continued on her way out, she snapped her fingers and without turning around, called out. “Mnemeth, enough already. You can be spoiled some other time.”

Sylenia turned around enough to see Mnemeth stick out her tongue at Eukara while being rubbed down by Serenity. The little dragon nuzzled Serenity and hopped down from her perch and ran after Eukara and Sylenia. She barely made it through the door without it hitting her on the way out.

"Did you hear anything that you feel is something I should know?

Sylenia shook her head, "There were two men talking across from me. They were saying that the Vurrmen were acting strangely in Oaklore. That's all before you came back."

"Has this gods-forsaken land gone nuts?" Eukara yelled out towards the trees that lined the road from Falconreach to No'Bell. Sylenia finally saw Eukara in the sunlight and realized she looked awful. Eukara looked exhausted, but not the exhaustion one felt after fighting all night. No, Sylenia came to the conclusion that the all-nighter with Artix wouldn't have made her look like this. Whatever was going on that Eukara was investigating was what made her look so spent and exhausted.

Sylenia walked along with Eukara in silence. Soon enough, a small town crept up along the horizon. A huge sign greeted her, McDrakel's. There were people everywhere; running, loading, talking and arguing. So this is No'Bell, Sylenia smiled. Just what I would expect somehow, from what I have heard. I have entered the land of Cysero's Defenders.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 11/2/2009 15:18:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/25/2008 16:19:01   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 2 - Commander Eukara

No'Bell's activity level was ferocious. Defenders were rushing left and right. Boxes were gathered, tossed, fumbled and carried towards the docks. As the two women and Mnemeth walked through the mayhem, several Defenders stood and saluted Eukara, causing work to stop as she walked by. A quick nod from her sent them scrambling back to the task at hand. Sylenia was astonished as she watched the reaction of the Defenders as they watched Eukara pass by them. It was quite obvious Eukara held some kind of office here in No'Bell.

They walked to the docks and met a young man hauling a large box up the gangplank to a beautiful deep colored ship. Upon seeing Eukara, the young man placed the box on the ground and stood before Eukara, saluting her. He was tall, clean-shaven and obviously built for working on a ship. His bronze skin and sun bleached hair further provided evidence that he belonged at sea. Sylenia felt her face grow warm as she looked at him.

"Sylenia, this is my First, Caro. Get to know him, for shortly he will be your commanding officer. Below me, of course." Smiling, Eukara turned to Caro. "Caro, this is Sylenia. She is Second and therefore your right hand as you are mine. Take her up to the Siren's Quill and give her some work to get her used to my ship. You know very well what I expect."

Eukara walked away, and then turned in midstride as if she had forgotten something, though neither Caro nor Sylenia would have assumed that she had. "I want to be ready to push off in one hour. And Caro, Sylenia needs to be in and not just on her way to McDrakel's in fifteen minutes." She turned without making sure they understood. Everyone who worked for Eukara knew perfectly well what she meant. She never had to repeat herself or check to make sure you understood once her orders were given. If you required either thing from her, you could bet that your job would be handed over to someone else in a heartbeat.

As Eukara walked away, having deposited Sylenia into Caro’s hands, a loud shrill squeal rose above the men and women calling out while working. Eukara and Mnemeth turned simultaneously towards the unholy noise coming their way. Half bounding, half flying their way was a golden winged dragon with a body a burnished bronze. The little dragon tackled Mnemeth ferociously and both dragons began to wrestle. A minute later another dragon casually strolled into the scene, dark green body already muscular and teal wings fanned out in a stretch to catch the sun’s rays.

Eukara smiled and paused. “Alright, you two. Mnemeth and Zhoth, really, the two of you should be ashamed. Such behavior is altogether most unbecoming. Especially you, Mnemeth, what would the lady dragons say?”

They would say nothing because they know that at one time, they too played like us.

The green and teal dragon walked up genteelly and rubbed up against Eukara’s leg. She bent down and rubbed him behind his eye ridge. The baby dragon smiled and almost purred, if a dragon was capable of such sound. “Ahh, Ryukotsusei, how are you today? Civil and respectable as always, I take it?”

Ryukotsusei sat completely on top of Eukara’s boots and wrapped his tail around her leg. His red eyes watched the other two dragons slightly amused and began to scratch his side. Suddenly both Zhoth and Mnemeth stopped their wrestling and turned on Ryukotsusei. The three dragons stared at each other intensely.

Eukara! She heard her dragon yell. Ryukotsusei said that I was being ridiculous!

Really, Mnemeth? Now why would he say such a thing?

Mnemeth stared at Ryukotsusei, white wings ruffling. Because I am wrestling with Zhoth. That is not being ridiculous…Is it?

Eukara laughed, “Ryukotsusei, be nice. Just because she is a little more exuberant than yourself does not mean you can tease her.”

Ryukotsusei rubbed his head on Eukara’s leg once more and then pounced on the unsuspecting Mnemeth, causing her to squeak ungracefully and fall over. Soon all three dragons were wrestling and creating quite a cloud of dust over the road. Eukara thought it best to leave while she was unnoticed, otherwise, she may never get to the meeting. She rushed off and headed towards McDrakel‘s, hoping she hadn’t missed too much of the meeting already.

Normally, the doors to McDrakel’s were wide open and welcoming. But today the doors to McDrakel's were shut, though not to dissuade customers from entering, they were a signal to the Defender officers that a meeting was in progress. She entered the restaurant and nodded to the cook as she passed through to the back room. Once back there, she merely had to knock in the right place next to the closed door and it clicked open. She opened the door and walked in on a meeting already in progress.

"...nothing has been the same. The invasion of the Beasts of Lore on No'Bell was nearly catastrophic. We went into debt, our houses were ransacked and damaged, and our families hurt, kidnapped or dead. It has to be related!" Captain Boomies shouted above the other officers.

"We don't know that," Commander Storm shot back. "Assumptions will get us nowhere. It may even lead is into a war we can't afford right now. Unless you have concrete evidence, I cannot entertain your argument, Captain."

Captain Boomies nodded his head, accepting Commander Storm's decision. When Captain Boomies looked up finally, he saw Eukara. "Commander Eukara. You're back!" Everyone heard Commander Storm clear his throat and Captain Boomies looked at the Commander sideways. "I mean, Fleet Commander Eukara."

Eukara looked at everyone, eyebrow raised. "We go to sea, Eukara. While you were gone we changed our ranks to befit a naval fleet." Commander Storm replied to her silent inquiry.

"I see. Well, if you don't mind, I think Mistress will do just fine. It fits, you know..." she curtsied as she spoke "...don't you think?"

Eukara tried not to smile as a few of the officers snickered. "Yeah," Captain K whispered, "about as well as a dress on Commander Storm."

The raucous laughter that ensued seemed to relieve the officers of the weight on their shoulders for just a few moments. Commander Storm stared at Eukara, who returned his stare with a wistful smile before seating herself. "Oh and thank you for the greeting, Captain Boomies. It was good to hear a familiar voice from home."

"Any news from your travels?" U-Commander V asked eagerly.

"Nothing at all from Amityvale. Artix said that nothing's changed there and he's not heard any strange whispers from the Undead." Faces fell as she spoke, "Serenity had some interesting information though."

Everyone's eyes were suddenly on her. Ah, she thought, I have their attention now. As Eukara began to speak, Sylenia slipped into the room undetected. "Serenity said that the hunters have all been coming back to town spooked. They are reporting that there is something out there messing with the game. Most of the hunters are coming back with less than their normal kill. And others are reporting strange ships out on the water lately. But no one has been able to identify the ships."

Indicating that she should approach, Eukara waved at Sylenia. "This is my Second, Sylenia. She overheard something we may want to keep in mind while we're gone."

Eukara nodded at Sylenia and she addressed the officers. "Two men were talking in the commons of the Inn at Falconreach. They said that the Vurrmen were acting peculiar in Oaklore and the surrounding areas. There has been lots of activity in some of the more populated habitations." Sylenia bowed her head, knowing she was in the presence of high ranked officers.

U-Commander Samhain nodded, "Eukara, you and your Second have brought us some serious information. I think we all need to make sure we keep these things in mind."

"I second that," Commander Allingby nodded. "Alright, now back to the matter of Anoril and the imposter. It is imperative that we find the real Anoril. The man who has been wearing Anoril's party hat and impersonating him has finally misstepped and revealed himself..."

"Misstepped?" Eukara asked.

Commander Allingby laughed, "Yeah, someone caught him abusing a gorrillaphant. What an idiot! Anyway, that also means that there is a good chance that Anoril has been missing for longer than we suspected."

Captain K spoke up, "More importantly, we have evidence that Anoril may be close to Sho'Nuff Island."

Eukara groaned, "Of all the places! Haven't we seen enough of that place recently, with the Pirates, the Ninjas, the wind orb and Drakath? Why can't we get away from there?"

"I know, I know, but that is what we have," Captain K continued. "There are a lot of us. I think most of us should head for the island and Anoril..."

"...because if he is need of firepower and might, we better be able to provide it," Captain Sunumbrella said, finishing his statement.

U-Commander V cleared his throat and stood up. He passed out large, wax covered maps to everyone. "These are the most up-to-date maps I could make everyone. Every islet between No'Bell and Sho'Nuff is here, plus those beyond Sho'Nuff and the coast. So we need a plan."

The officers that had made the meeting poured over the map for a long time, calling out routes, discussing potential hazards and settling on a basic plan. Eukara stood up once things were set in motion. "Most of you want to go directly to Sho'Nuff and that is fine. If you will allow me, I would like to go south along the shore. I feel there is more to this than our Admiral's disappearance."

The officers looked at each other and shrugged. Commander Storm spoke up, "If that is what you want, then Mistress Eukara that is what you must do." Several others mentioned that they would deviate, but the majority was heading directly for Anoril.

Eukara leaned over to Captain K and whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head and responded in a low voice. She thanked him, and, looking at Sylenia, they exited the room and left McDrakel's.

As the two women walked down to the docks, another Defender joined the march onwards. Though his head was hooded, Eukara knew exactly who it was. She relieved Sylenia and told her to go up ahead and inform Caro that they would be leaving shortly. Once she was gone, Eukara greeted her most trusted friend, Commander Wyvern.

"Good day, Commander," she said sweetly, though her eyes showed a bit of mirth.

Commander Wyvern looked at her sternly, "Good day indeed. I told you to go to Amityvale to get information, not spend the night with Artix and the undead!"

Wide-eyed, she looked at the Commander, "I...I." she stammered, not knowing how he knew how she spent her night, but he cut her off. "That was an unnecessary risk and you know it. I don't care how good you are with that assortment of deadly daggers at your disposal, it was a risk."

Eukara smiled slightly, "Awww, you were worried..."

"Of course I was. One of my best friends off fighting undead and I not there to make sure she doesn't get herself killed. I was worried. And don't tell me you were safe because you were with Artix, either."

Eukara stopped short; the retort on her lips faded into oblivion, and bit her bottom lip. "I'm sorry, Soren."

"It's..." Commander Wyvern began but was interrupted by Captain Ben. "So, is everyone ready?" Captain Ben asked slightly gruff.

Eukara and Commander Wyvern exchanged glances. Somehow, Captain Ben acquired a crew full of miscreants. No one knew exactly how they all ended up on his ship, but they both knew he had his hands full. Even now, Eukara could see them staggering around the deck over Captain Ben's shoulder. As they watched Captain Ben’s ship, the three dragons came into view, slightly off balanced and swooning. Zhoth tripped on a rock and fell unceremoniously onto the ground, chin first. The other two dragons laughed in the only way a dragon can laugh – a rolling growl. Ryukotsusei and Mnemeth leaned against each other for support while Zhoth tried to pick himself up. They obviously were having their own laugh at Captain Ben’s expense.

"Early afternoon for the crew, Ben?" Eukara asked, attempting not to laugh.

Captain Ben sighed, "Let's not talk about this. Is everything set?" He looked sternly at Zhoth and the little bronze dragon picked himself off the ground and sat sheepishly in front of his human companion. The other two dragons followed his example before they too received a reproof from their beloved humans.

Commander Wyvern nodded and Eukara filled him in on the meeting at McDrakel's.

Both men looked at Eukara like she was insane. "You are going to stick to the coast? That seems slightly risky, don't you think?" Captain Ben asked.

"Someone has to. I think there is more to all of this than just Anoril. There's a beast that has Falconreach's hunters spooked, unusual Vurrmen activity, this imposter who is still roaming around. I just think that someone should check a few things out," Eukara shrugged trying to make her friends feel better about her decision.

The three companions stopped in front of the Midnight Spell and Captain Ben stooped down to his dragon and scratched him under the chin. “You behave now. I do not want to hear from the trainer that you and your cohorts here are being a pain.” Ben paused for a moment and smiled, looking at Mnemeth. “I don’t care if she is the one who starts it all.” Mnemeth snorted, sending dust blowing over Zhoth.

Captain Ben looked up at his ship and sighed. "Well, here is my stop. Hey, keep an eye out for my baby splashy in case I need to get a message out to either of you, alright?" Without waiting for Eukara or Commander Wyvern to reply, Captain Ben headed up the gangplank to his ship. Once on deck, his voice carried over the water. Threats seemed to have been issued.

Eukara and Commander Wyvern saluted Ben as he walked to the railing after giving orders to set sail. They turned, and Commander Wyvern walked Eukara to her ship. She looked up at her ship and pride swelled in her chest as she saw her crew lined up and ready for inspection. She turned and looked at Commander Wyvern and her smile faded.

"We have to do what we are asked, Soren. I can no more go back on my commands than you, though I guess you are the leader of Cysero's Defenders now until Anoril is returned to us. Be safe, Soren. Send a wyvern if you need anything." Eukara laughed, "Send one anyway, just because. You know how much I love those guys. I will send my sylph if I need to get to you. She is fast, despite the fact that Captain Ben gives me a hard time about using her."

Eukara looked down at Mnemeth and Ryukotsusei who were standing side by side and watching their humans. Their forlorn faces were hard to behold and Eukara hated to see them both upset. Don’t do this, Mnemeth. You know I have to do this and you cannot come along. You will have Zhoth and Ryukotsusei.

It’s not the same, Heart Sister.

I know, but we must do what we are called to do. Keep yourself out of trouble, Mnemeth.

Ryukotsusei says he is worried. He doesn’t like any of this, nor does he want to be without Soren.

Then, my love, you will have to keep Ryukotsusei busy enough not to miss Soren so much.

Mnemeth blinked her swirling white eyes and nudged Ryukotsusei. After a quick looked between Commander Wyvern and Ryukotsusei, the three dragons turned slowly and headed for the trainer’s house, for Ellaurah would be waiting for them.

Commander Wyvern nodded as he watched them walk away. Turning to Eukara, he hugged her, knowing it could be a long time before they were to see each other again. She whispered in his ear, "I will be safe. I promise. I can't let my best friend down."

Eukara slowly pulled away, as Caro called out to her. She smiled and winked at Commander Wyvern as he saluted her. She turned towards her ship, Siren's Quill, and walked up the gangplank. She knew that he turned too as soon as she did. Neither wanted to watch the other walk away. Eukara believed that if you watched someone as close to her as her best friend walk away, you were saying goodbye. And saying goodbye was a curse.

Aboard her vessel, she walked down the line of crewmen and women. She inspected them and found them in perfect shape. Once approved, she gave the orders to the helmsman to head for the south along the shore. They had some exploring to do. Once they were on the way, Eukara went below decks to her cabin. She sat in her chair and whistled for her sylph. As Eukara absentmindedly stroked the sylph's head, she thought to herself. I am thinking that this may possibly be a very lonely adventure. I do hope that Commander Wyvern and Captain Ben stay safe.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 11/2/2009 15:23:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/25/2008 16:19:54   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 3 – Farsight

The helmsman carried on through the night, keeping awake by singing loudly about the sea and the woman he loved. Eukara laid in her cabin and smiled. At least someone is able to find some mirth in the midst of their situation. She laid there and listened to his song and found herself laughing, despite herself. The rocking of the boat was gentle and she found it somewhat comforting, given the departure she endured at home. She wasn't used to being alone. Sure she has had to travel for the Defenders or on occasion answered a call to assist in some matter. But those trips were short ventures and Mnemeth was with her, never intending to last for too long. She always returned home to the comfort of friends, those that had become her family.

You aren’t alone, Eukara. I am always here.

I know dear heart, but it isn’t the same without you physically here. I miss everyone already. How odd is that? I don’t usually feel this way when we go on trips or quests.

But I am always there with you. And though we go out alone often, we always have other quests with the guys. It’s just we haven’t had one in a while. Though, the ones with Soren and Ryukotsusei, Ben and Zhoth are the best. But right now, I have Ryukotsusei and Zhoth, and you do not have Soren and Ben. I wish you weren’t so alone, heart sister.

I will survive, Mnemeth. As long as you are still talking to me when I need it, I will be alright. How is Ellaurah?

There was a long pause. Umm, well, she made a face when we came to the training grounds. I am not sure what it meant. Ryukotsusei said that we may have to be extra careful while you guys are gone. He mentioned something about corners and jumpy nerves.

Eukara rolled her eyes and sighed. I heard and felt that Eukara! We have never been bad with Ellaurah.

But you haven’t been perfect little angels either, Mnemeth.

Ugh, angels. What, with their frilly little wings and cute cherubic expressions, who wants to be like them? Seriously, I would like to freeze their stupid little wings off.

Hmmm, I take it Saraiah is there then? I forgot how much you really hate her. Surely it isn’t that…

…bad? She is worse than ever, Eukara. And she is mucking up my time with Zhoth and Ryukotsusei
. Eukara heard the tiny little growl that Mnemeth uttered. If I had the chance I would shove her in the pigsty. That will turn her perfect little wings from frilly to frumpy.

Ooooh, I do believe someone is jealous. Saraiah has nothing on you, dear heart. You have nothing to fear from her. She will not steal your…friends.

Do you really believe that, heart sister?

Of course I do.
Eukara heard the tapping of boot on hardwood and sighed. Ahh, man. I hear someone coming, luv. Give my affections to the boys. Mnemeth sighed and left. The silence that replaced Mnemeth’s presence was painful and Eukara cursed it.

She did not have much time to mourn before Caro knocked on Eukara’s door announcing that they had dropped anchor and that she was needed up top. "I'll be right there, Caro. Give me a sec." She sat up in bed and stretched her arms towards the ceiling and yawned. Rising from her sitting position, Eukara grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. As she headed for the door, she ran her hands through her hair and replaced the seastar barrettes in her hair. She smiled as she briefly played with her only real show of femininity. Mnemeth would have given me a hard time if she was here.

Walking into the sunlight blinded her for a moment, but she recovered quickly enough to see that the shore was beautiful. The sun glinted off the water, creating a path of diamonds all the way to the sand. She surveyed the shoreline, taking note of the forest edge and potential hazards. Nodding at Caro, she climbed the steps to the upper deck while the crew gathered for morning call. Walking to the helm, now vacant, she announced the names of ten men and women, along with Sylenia to accompany her to the shore.

"We will be leaving the ship and going ashore to search the forest edge for anything that may lead us to Anoril, or anything else unusual for that matter. I want everyone ready in five minutes to disembark and head for shore. Is that clear?"

A resounding "Yes Ma'am!" came from the chosen crew and bodies moved with lightning quick speed. Eukara looked over at Caro, "You have the ship in my absence. Keep an eye out for anything, no matter how small."

"Yes, Mistress Eukara. It shall be done," Caro responded quickly.

Eukara boarded the small rowboat with the others and was lowered into the water. Two crewmen grabbed an oar each and worked furiously to propel them through the water. Great time was made and once on the sand, the men were clapped on the back by crewmates for their quickness. Comradery was high and the beach was inviting. Eukara took advantage of the high spirits and split the group into two teams, one with her at the head and the other led by Sylenia.

Eukara directed Sylenia to take her group south along the forest edge while she took hers north. "I want you to stay close to the forest edge. Search no more than ten feet inside the forest. I was given a report that something has been lurking around these forests messing with the game, preventing hunter from their quarry. Do not unnecessarily risk your lives."

Several affirmative nods later the two groups split up. For hours each group relentlessly searched the forest edge, pausing only to get a drink and a bite of food. Each group, tired and defeated, turned back to the little boat that would take them back to the ship. Sylenia's group got to the boat first and each member of her team laid on the sand, arms laid over their eyes. On Eukara's approach, Sylenia jumped to attention.

"Mistress Eukara, ma'am, we found nothing. We found no signs of life except the birds in the canopy, no tracks on the forest floor and nothing that would have indicated hidden goods or notes. I am afraid there was nothing here of significance."

Eukara dropped her satchel into the sand and unceremoniously flopped down on the ground. She hugged her knees to her chest and looked off over the water. "So, today was a complete waste of our time?"

"No, ma'am," one of the men responded. "What we know is that the closest area south of our port is clear. That is something worth knowing, isn't it?"

Eukara bowed her head and acknowledged her crewman, "You speak the truth. Forgive me my frustration. I guess being tired is not my best asset." She smiled as she looked at her crew.

Neither is early morning rising, an empty stomach, you in a dress…

Enough, Mnemeth!

Eukara returned from her conversation with Mnemeth to hear several men chuckle and she laughed at herself. "How about you get me back to the ship, just two of you and we call it a day and go swimming?"

The land crew cheered as two men volunteered to row Eukara back. She watched them gleefully strip down to their under shirts and pants and frolic in the water as little children. Once on the ship, she relayed orders to the entire crew to unload and get to the shore as soon as possible. As they cheered, happy for a day of leisure, Eukara left for her cabin and whistled for her sylph. She dispatched a message through the C me orb to Commander Storm and sent her sylph to Commander Wyvern and Captain Ben. From them, the others would know about the news.

Changing into more appropriate clothes for swimming and leisure, Eukara went back up top, took a deep breath and looked at her crew splashing among the shallows. She ran down to the railings and climbed down to the last boat. Breathing deeply, Eukara took in the smell of the sea and the salty air. Her crew played off shore for a while, getting the stress of the last forty-eight hours out of their system.

Though the expedition turned up nothing new for the Defenders, Eukara did not consider this a wasted day. If anything, it got the crew's morale up and ready for whatever they had to deal with in the upcoming days or weeks. As she was rowed back to the ship, one of the women she shared the boat suddenly called out, "Mistress Eukara...smoke! To the south."

Eukara stood up so fast that she nearly caused the small boat to capsize. Once her balance re-established itself, she took out her longviewer and looked. There was nothing to see except the smoke and a strange stand of trees that seemed close to the smoke's source. When the entire crew returned and was accounted for, Eukara went to her office with Caro and Sylenia. They took out the map from U-Commander Andrew and looked at their options.

"Mistress Eukara, we can sail down the coast to investigate, though that would take us two days to get to the source of the smoke." Caro spoke as he traced the path across the map.

"We can't waste any time, Caro," Sylenia sighed. "We have to go directly south from here."

"Go directly! And what, walk straight into the path of what ever monster is lurking out there!?" Caro argued, standing up and knocking his knees on the desk, moving it several inches into Eukara.

Sylenia looked at the First Mate agitated, "Well, with all due respect, Caro, I think we should go straight there. Beast or no beast, Anoril is missing. And if we aren't going to take any chances to find him, we might as well go home!"

Eukara leaned back in her captain's chair slightly amused. Both Caro and Sylenia were arguing over their next moves and had seemingly forgotten she was there. From the looks of it, Sylenia was living up to her reputation. Good thing I listen at the docks in Osprey Sound, or I would have never known about this one.

Indeed, heart sister. Great things happen when you listen once in a while. Who would have thought listening could be so useful?

Don’t you have anything better to do than eavesdrop on my conversations?

I can’t help it and you know it. Everything that happens to you, I have to either listen to or experience. It’s a shame it doesn’t work the other way around…

Let’s not go there. I may not hear your thoughts but your emotions are loud and clear, dragon-of-mine. Talk to Ryukotsusei lately?

Mnemeth’s sudden silence answered her question. Eukara smiled to herself and allowed her attention to be drawn back to the debate at hand between Caro and Sylenia. She allowed the argument to last for a few minutes more until interrupting it. "Both of you are right in your own way, but we must be expedient. So here is my proposal. Caro, you take the ship south along the coast. We will meet you there. Sylenia, gather me a group of nineteen men and women willing to go for a hike. We leave in the morning for the south. Make sure each packs a satchel with supplies for a full day's march and potential camping gear." Eukara stood, finalizing her decision. "That is all. Make ready for the night."

Both of the officers left Eukara's office glaring at one another.

"Ahhh, to be in love... Must be nice." Eukara half-smiled before retiring to her cabin.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/25/2008 16:20:44   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 4 – What We Do For Others

The next morning was not at all like the previous one. There were clouds in the sky and the day started out a strong shade of steel gray. Eukara rose on her own volition but regretted it as soon as she looked out her window. She had to admit that this was not a good sign. The C me Orb had been quiet so she assumed that no one had had any trouble yet after one day. She pushed herself off the bed, knowing if she didn't do it now, it would take her First or Second to do it later. That would be disastrous, she thought as she stretched her body to its fullest, attempting to touch the ceiling. I do have an image to keep up.

And images are so very important to you, right?

Good morning to you too, luv. How was your night?

How was it? Hmmm, let’s recall my night shall we. Zhoth talks in his sleep and about the goofiest stuff imaginable. I mean, seriously Eukara, who dreams about ice cream and fish except moglins?

Eukara giggled. Well, we all have our vices, dear heart.

Vices, smices. Zhoth can be strange sometimes. I didn’t have any dreams, which meant you actually got a real night’s sleep last night. I woke up very happy.

As did I. Dreamless nights are very nice. What are you up to today, Mnemeth?

Well, Ryukotsusei, Zhoth and I are supposed to practice our flying and lash attacks today. If we do well, we have been promised a trip down to the shore.
There was a short pause. Ahh, we are being summoned by Ellaurah. Time for maneuvers, heart sister.

Bye, dear heart. Behave so that you can go to the shore.

Will do, Eukara!

Mnemeth’s presence slowly left and Eukara locked her knees as she slowly bowed down, touching palms to floor. She could feel the back of her legs burn as she stretched out the sleep from the muscle. Screaming for mercy, her legs endured one final stretch as she wrapped her arms around her legs and pulled her chest to her knees. That is how Caro found her when he fell into her cabin, bent entirely in half in the center of her floor. She turned her head sideways, still in position and stared at Caro. He looked away, blushing, for seeing his captain in her pajamas wasn't exactly his idea of a great way to start the day.

"Forgive me Mistress Eukara. I had no intention of coming in. Umm...there were several lengths of rope near the entrance to your cabin, and...well..." he hung his head in shame, "...I tripped."

Eukara bit her lip in an effort not to laugh, since it was quite obvious that her First was already embarrassed enough as it is. She untwined one arm and pointed to the stand nearest her bed. "If you would be so kind as to throw me my armor, I would be ever so grateful, Caro."

Caro walked to the stand, eyes averted still, and grabbed her clothes. He gently tossed them in her direction and bowed. "I will be at the helm when you need me going over the plans with the helmsman." With head hung, Caro left the room as fast as possible.

Slowly, she replaced her pajamas with her armor. I guess seeing your captain in shorts and a tank top can be a little disconcerting.

When Eukara emerged from her cabin, she could hear all manner of busy noises up top. She climbed up the steps and stood on the deck, watching her crew at work. Feeling a twinge of guilt, she thought of Captain Ben. I hope he is fine. With what I saw of his crew, he will need all the luck he can muster during this campaign. Slowly, she walked to the rail and stared across the sea, her thought bringing her around to Commander Wyvern. My last glimpse of his face before leaving was such a solemn occasion. I miss the Wyvern that was around before the Beasts of Lore attacked us. Now, I am heartbroken to see the depressing state in which he has been brought. And to make matters worse, the way he has been treated has been atrocious. Does no one understand what he has done for all of us, what he has endured?

I have found humans to be very fickle creatures, Eukara.

But he is the only reason why No'Bell even survived the attack by the Beasts of Lore! They ravaged No'Bell, killed all they could get their hands on. Though he is the War Marshall, it wasn't all his fault that the attack went so awry. Something happened to our defenses, something very wrong. He gave the right orders and somewhere along the chain of command something got screwed up.

Well, when it comes to humankind, Eukara, people tend to remember the wrong more than the right.

Yeah. Hmmm, aren’t you supposed to be doing maneuvers, interrupter of thoughts?

No, the three of us are done. We were first and perfect.
Eukara felt the smugness in her dragon and smiled. Ellaurah could find no reason to keep us working and checked us off. She had to move on to the rest of the dragons here.

Suddenly, Eukara felt such elation that she had to hold the rail to keep still. What on earth was that about, Mnemeth? I am in the presence of others and your emotional output right now is overwhelming!

Oh, so sorry, heart sister
. Eukara felt the elation subside, though a strong sense of satisfaction could still be felt. It’s just that, well, Saraiah just did a nose dive straight into a mud puddle in front of Zhoth and Ryukotsusei. And although she looked at them like a helpless damsel in distress, neither of them helped her!

I see. For shame, though I don’t blame you. She really is a nuisance.

Nuisance is a nice way to put it. I would have chosen other ways of describing her.
A pause interrupted their conversation and Eukara exhaled in frustration. Ryukotsusei said to tell you that Soren is very upset by everything going on, but refuses to really let anyone know. Outside of you and Ben, no one else really understands how much the last few months have affected Soren. Ryukotsusei says that you have to make sure to talk to Soren while you are out to sea.

Tell Ryukotsusei I will.

Man, you really need to find a way to talk to him like you talk to me. I hate being the message relayer.

Think of it this way, you are making sure that Ryukotsusei and Soren are well and happy. You do want that right?

A tentative voice interrupted her thoughts. "Mistress Eukara?"

Of course!

As do I. Soren’s misery does not make me happy in the least. I hate how everyone has treated him as if he was a second class citizen. He is my closest friend and seeing him like this…I have to go, dear heart. Sylenia calls.

She lifted a hand and feigning to straighten her hat, wiped her eyes. She took a deep breath and put on a fine face for Sylenia. "Yes, Sylenia? Has everything been made ready for our foray into the Forest?"

Suspicious, Sylenia looked at Eukara's face but said nothing. "Yes, everything and everyone is ready for your orders to go."

Eukara nodded approvingly, "Very well done, Sylenia. Have two boats loaded with our things; mine are in my cabin."

Turning about face, Eukara found herself staring into the face of Caro. But this was not the face of the embarrassed man in her cabin, this was something entirely different. "Mistress Eukara, will you not listen to me?"

"We have nothing to talk about, Caro. You will not change my mind." She slid to the side and walked around Caro, making her way towards the other side of the ship.

"But...this cannot be the way it happens. It should be you that..." Caro followed closely behind.

"I have made my choice, First Mate Caro. If you do not wish to follow my orders, I give you leave of my ship!" Eukara spoke through gritted teeth, trying to avoid a scene.

"All I am saying is that the captain of a ship should not be so willing to place herself in danger, no matter where she is told to go."

Eukara stopped abruptly, causing Caro to stumble into her. She whirled around and came nose to nose with her first. "What are you insinuating, First?"

Caro's words lodged in his throat for a second. "Nothing! Nothing, I swear it. It's just, with all that you have told us, I thought it best if our captain stays safe."

Taking a step back, Eukara addressed Caro in a low voice, "I fight the undead, hunt out sneevils, address elemental problems, intervene in the Pirate and Ninja war, face Drakath, and defend my town against the likes of the Beasts of Lore and the ideals of the Defenders. I think one hiking trip into the forest will be the least dangerous thing I do in the next year." She turned on her heal and headed towards the rowboat nearest. "You have the ship, Caro. We will meet you south along the coast as was discussed."

Caro stared after his captain. "That is my point, Mistress. Why do you seem to always willingly put yourself in danger?" he whispered as he climbed to the helm.

The oarsmen took Eukara and her exploratory crew to the shore and quickly returned to the ship. They all watched as the Siren's Quill sailed out of sight before setting off. As one of the men looked south, he commented on the absence of smoke. Eukara drew out her spyglass and found the trees still intact but no evidence of fire.

"We will head for the stand of trees we identified yesterday. That will bring us closest to the source, I believe." Eukara had them form up two single-file lines to trudge and hack their way through the forest. They started out when the sun was halfway between the horizon and its zenith. They had plenty of time to get there before nightfall.

Heart sister?

Yes, Mnemeth?

Why don’t we go to the shore more often?

Eukara paused in her thoughts. Because it is a hard place to visit, Mnemeth. There are so many memories there…

Oh. Then perhaps we need to make different ones, Eukara, for I am really enjoying myself here with Ryukotsusei and Zhoth.

Maybe, when I get back, we will go to the shore.

Yay! Eukara felt her jubilation. Can we bring Ryukotsusei and Zhoth?

That is not up to me. We would have to ask Soren and Ben.

Well then, you have your assignment, heart sister. I must go, Ryukotsusei is trying to dunk me under the waves and talking to you is a distraction to my survival
. Mnemeth was suddenly gone and Eukara smiled.

Several hours and one meal later, the group began to notice that the vegetation wasn't as thick. One of the men from the rear of Eukara's line made his way forward. "Mistress Eukara, something is amiss. The trees are quiet. I have felt as if I was being watched several times already. We may not be alone."

She nodded, "Aye, I have felt it too. Pick out four people you trust to keep their eyes open. Let me know if you see anything or hear anything."

Falling back into position, he relayed the instructions to his choices. After an hour, a quiet whistle was heard from the back of the lines and both Eukara and Sylenia subtly looked around. To her right, Eukara saw movement. It was large and fast, but unidentifiable. Whatever it was, though, it was definitely interested in them. Up ahead, the two teams saw the stand of strange trees among a clearing. Eukara signaled a halt and she took stock of their surroundings. They were near what looked like an inhabited area.

Though the area was still and quiet, Eukara was ready. It wasn't much more that a minute later as they walked that they were attacked. Quickly the Defenders shed their carisaks and pulled out their weapons. From among the shrubs and low growing trees came a phalanx of Vurrmen, armed and hungry for battle.

Eukara whipped into actions, calling out orders. The teams gathered themselves into smaller cell groups and separated out. It took the Vurrmen a few seconds to understand what she had done, but it was a few seconds too many in Eukara's favor. Each cell groups attacked a portion of their assailants before the Vurrmen had a chance to react. In the first attack, five Vurrmen went down at the blade of the Siren's crew.

A larger Vurrman stepped from the shadows of the forest and barked orders, rounding up the Vurrmen into their own smaller formations. One look at the newcomer and Eukara knew that this was their captain. She kept her eyes on him and the melee playing out in front of her.

Suddenly, one of the Vurrmen broke rank and came directly for her. Daggers in hand, she met the brunt of his attack full on, blocking his sword with her daggers. She pushed him backwards and he snarled at her and attacked her again. This time he threw his weight behind his attack. Eukara staggered under his push at her, his sword near her throat, barely able to hold him off. Both daggers were crossed in front of her neck, preventing his sword from coming close enough to slit her throat. But that also disabled her only offense. The Vurrman leaned in close to her face, breath smelling of rotten eggs and meat. She looked at him and did the only thing she knew, she head butted him, causing him to fall back. The attack surprised him enough to allow a small window of opportunity for her to get rid of him. She slashed with her own daggers and he fell hard on the ground, dying from the mortal wound she inflicted on him.

She stood, feeling a little shaken and felt something warm slowly trickle down her face. Putting her hand to her head, she winced slightly. When she looked at her hand, it was stained red with her own blood. She looked around and realized that her crew had the upper hand. She called out a change in formation and that spelled the end of the Vurrmen's attack. The few that were left were overwhelmed by the men and women. Taken down, the Vurrmen captain realized that he was lost and turned tail to run. Eukara shook her head, bent down and removed a stiletto-like dagger from her boot. She threw it straight at the captain and hit him in the hindquarter, causing him to fall hard to the ground.

Eukara ordered that the captain be taken prisoner and held for interrogation. She interrogated him for hours, and though nothing he tried to placate her with was obvious or much help to her, there was still something he wasn't telling her. Something she knew she needed to know. Exhausted and knowing that the captain wasn't going to tell them anything more, she ordered that the Vurrman captain join the rest of his men in eternity. One of her crewman took the already badly injured Vurrmen away and came back empty handed.

Eukara assigned four crewmen to secure the area while everyone else tended the tents. Once camp was set up, she composed a short note to Caro, explaining what had happened and to drop anchor for the night. Her sylph shot off towards the shore to deliver the message. Half asleep, crew members tended the wounds of others and ate dinner. Sylenia sat with Eukara and looked at her head.

"That is a nasty gash you have, Mistress Eukara. I assume it hurts."

"Yeah. How bad is it?" Eukara asked, resigned.

"Well, from the looks of it," Sylenia frowned, "You will definitely need stitches. Didn't anyone tell you that Vurrmen are extremely hardheaded?"

Smiling, Eukara responded, "In some form or another, yes, I have been told that."

< Message edited by Eukara -- 11/2/2009 16:21:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
8/25/2008 16:22:55   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 5 – More Than Enough Trouble

Eukara tried not to panic. The pressure exerted on her chest made it hard for her to breathe but she refused to give into the fear that slowly crept into her thoughts. She scanned the area around her, looking for help, looking for someone to help her out of this situation. She had been in tight spots like this but this was different. The night seemed darker and the silence emptier. She felt the loose cloths touch her face and she cringed inwardly. The strips of cloth were still damp from the crypt in which the creature wrapped in them emerged. They slid across her face slowly and she turned her head to avoid their touch. She tried desperately to find her friend, her saviour, the one who always came right when she needed him most. But he wasn't there. Somewhere in the forest she heard a familiar voice, "Why do you seem to always willingly put yourself in danger?"

Eukara awoke; heart beating hard and her breathing uncontrolled. Eukara's eyes opened only to see that the sylph had taken up a temporary seat upon her chest, tongue lolling in an impish grin. "Oh good grief, Syl! Must you do that?"

She must do that because she is a simple creature. She doesn’t know any better.

Good morning to you too, Mnemeth.

Pfft, I don’t know what is so good about it. It isn’t like the sun’s existence above is a beacon of wonder and happiness.

Hold on, Mnemeth.

The creature dropped a message on her chest with Caro's seal on it. Eukara tried to sit up, but the weight of the sylph prevented her from moving. She reached over to the carisak by her bedroll and rifled through it blindly until her hand came across a stiff package. Grabbing it, she attempted to open it without the sylph realizing what she was doing. The plan was in vain, for the sylph knew exactly what she was doing and began to jump up and down in anticipation. Somehow, Eukara endured the pounding of sylph paws on her chest and stomach and managed to get the treats out and away from her body. The overjoyed sylph pushed off of Eukara in an attempt to chase down the tasty snacks, causing the Commander to double up in pain. This message better be worth my time. You were saying?

Just that your perception of a good morning doesn’t translate well over here.

Eukara sighed. What did you do?

Why do you assume I am the one that did something? Does it ever cross your mind that Zhoth or Ryukotsusei did something?
Mnemeth paused and mentally growled. Scratch that, you always suspect me as the perpetrator.

Not like it isn’t unfounded, dear heart. You do have a tendency to get into trouble. What happened?

A picture of frilly wings and a smirking dragonet face flashed in her mind. What did you do to her?

Nothing short of what she deserved, Eukara. Saraiah was being her usual self and bothering Zhoth, Ryu and I.


They were trying to avoid her and she couldn’t take the hint. So I made sure she got it.
Eukara found herself reliving the memory. <Saraiah was sauntering around the boys, trying to distract them from their training game with Mnemeth. But it was interfering with the game and Ellaurah was not watching. The boys clearly were not interested and Eukara felt Mnemeth’s anger rise. She felt the rush of wind as Mnemeth launched her juvenile body into the air and dive-bombed Saraiah. The poor female never saw it coming. Mnemeth slammed into her, sending Saraiah sprawling into a mud patch. Eukara felt Mnemeth shake herself as she stood and rushed forward in determination. She saw the sudden realization in Saraiah’s face as Mnemeth prepared a tail lash attack.> Then the memory cut off.

Oh, Mnemeth…Why do you let her get to you so?

I don’t know. She just does. And I think Zhoth is starting to take a fancy to her too.
Eukara felt the pout behind the statement.

Eukara inhaled slowly and deeply. Sister of my heart, it happens. You will just hope that Zhoth comes to his senses.

But what if he doesn’t, Eukara? Will I lose my friend?

No, dear heart, you won’t. A friend is a friend forever, no matter what happens. Besides, a pretty face does not guarantee happiness.

Okay, Eukara, if you say so
. Mnemeth’s voice seemed so small and quiet and then she disappeared.

Eukara hated to see Mnemeth sad, but what was she to do? Boys will be boys, dragon or human, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. Resigned, Eukara broke the seal of the message and unfurled it. It was written in Captain Knight's hand and this caught her attention, temporarily pushing Mnemeth’s current emotional state to the side. Why would he need to send me a message?

Mistress Eukara,

Haha, I don't think I will be able to get used to calling you that. You will always be Commander to me. Anyway, I received a message that I am quite worried about. Since you are to the south I thought you would be the logical person to go to. It seems that the entire collection of Defender gold is being transported without my consent. The only other person that can authorize such a move is Admiral Anoril, but given that he is missing I can't see how that is possible.

Please keep your eyes open for anything strange. And please be careful in case the ship makes its way to you. I don't think those who command that ship are friendly.

Captain R. Knight

Eukara laid back down and thought about the message. She could hear the beginnings of the camp waking up and knew that this message was significant. It was hard enough to get any of the gold out of the vault to begin with and now the entirety of the town's funds are on the move. She jumped up from her bedroll and hastily changed into her captain's garb. Exiting her tent, she called for Sylenia.

"Gather a small search party. I have received a very unsettling note from Captain Knight. Search the bodies of the Vurrman, especially the Captain. There is something that I need to know."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away," Sylenia said as she turned and headed for the center of camp. A small group of men followed her immediately and Eukara handed out orders to everyone else to start breaking camp and fixing the morning meal. Activity abounded and Eukara retired back into her tent to begin the return note to Caro.


I may have already told you this, but the crack I took on the head has made a few details from last night a bit hazy. We captured their injured captain and interrogated him, but learned nothing except he was not telling us everything. I don't like it at all. I have a feeling there is more here between what all the Defenders have discovered than meets the eye. Keep an eye out for the Vault ship as I realize that a general message about Captain Knight's discovery has reached all Defenders.

Eukara looked up from her writing, hearing a commotion outside her tent. She set down her pen and pulled back the flap only to see that the search party was back and they were the ones responsible for the commotion. "Mistress Eukara! You will never believe what we found!" The search party ran to her tent and presented her with a single untarnished C token. "Mistress Eukara, we found this on the Captain. Why would a Vurrman have one of our coins? We all know that there is no way that the Vurrmen are capable of breaking into our vault."

Eukara scanned the eager faces of the crew. "I received a note from Captain Knight this morning. Apparently, someone has moved the gold from our vaults. Something very suspicious is going on. Pack up immediately, we eat as we travel. You have my orders." She turned briskly and entered her tent and added a note to the end of Caro's response.

One of my men just found a C token on the Vurrman Captain. Make of it what you want, but use the C me Orb and get a message to Captain Knight, he needs to know this.


After giving the sylph a good rubdown, Eukara sent the winged creature on her next message delivery and turned her attention to her own tent. She quickly packed her things and rolled up her bedding, stuffing it clumsily into her satchel. She tore down the tent in a rush, attempting to beat out the last crewman. She laughed slightly as they both began to roll their tents at the same time. But, alas, she was the last to get her things packed. The crewman suggested that had she not needed to write a note, he would have been the last. Eukara merely shook her head, "No, a deal is a deal. Tonight, everyone gets an extra serving of mead with dinner. I've been bested!"

Once everyone was ready to go, Eukara split the group in half again. "We are going to travel west and make our way through the valley between the mountain ranges. Sylenia, I want you to take your group and go straight from here and meet up with Caro and the Siren's Quill. Keep your eyes open for any more Vurrmen, traces of C tokens or the dangers we have been warned about. Report anything unusual to Caro. I will take my group and head to the base of the mountains southwest of the valley and search the area for signs of activity."

"Will do, Mistress Eukara. Am I to tell Caro to expect you tomorrow?" Sylenia inquired.

"No, I will come tonight. I may be late, but I will be on the Siren's Quill tonight. Just make sure that a boat is left for me on the shore." Eukara nodded hastily as she waved her hand to tell her group to move out. Sylenia turned also, knowing that she was dismissed.

As they jogged out of the clearing, Eukara's group kept one hand on a weapon and one hand on a machete. They slashed their way through the forest, cutting down plants and juvenile trees. Had she but looked behind them, Eukara would have seen that several of the plants regenerated almost as fast as they were cut down. And that small fact would have halted her in midstride, forcing her to spend days examining the plant life and making notes on her observations, but the group had no time to spare.

We can always come back after you spring me from prison.

Aren’t you being overly dramatic, Mnemeth?

No! I am in a prison. Didn’t I tell you? No…hmm, well, because of my outburst earlier, I have landed myself in solitary. I can see everyone but I can’t be with them.

Surely…how badly did you hurt Saraiah?

Her pride is more hurt that her body, but she is putting on an immense show for everyone. And they are all buying it! I wouldn’t have hurt her that bad, especially since she can’t fight worth a flip. That goes against our principles.

For how long, Mnemeth?

Until tomorrow
. Eukara felt sadness for her dragon, for she knew that the creature needed companionship almost as much as Eukara needed solitude sometimes.

Well, little one, you must endure. And you know that when you get out, she will be smug. Don’t give in to her taunts. She wins you know, when you give in. Eukara knew this would catch Mnemeth’s attention, because like her human, Mnemeth hated to lose.

Never! Mnemeth’s voice nearly screamed in Eukara’s head. She shall not win, I will not let her. I will be the model of perfection just to shove it in her uselessly pretty face. And she will lose. Hahaha, I will be more than just the winner, I will conquer the…

Mnemeth! Despite her ability to remain calm during the mental exchanges, Eukara knew her eyes widened and her inhaled breath was audible. Shame on you!

Sorry, sort of. And with that, Mnemeth’s presence disappeared. Eukara could not believe her dragon almost uttered that name. Shaking her head, Eukara knew that she would have to have a talk with the little vixen when they got back to No’Bell. Sighing, she concentrated on the path ahead and speculated on what they would find once they got to the base of the mountains.

The mountain loomed in the distance above the dark green canopy, towers of grey laced with wisps of clouds. On any other day, it was an awe-inspiring view. Today, it was merely a goal to uncover greater truth. Eukara filed the scene in the back of her mind, promising herself that one day she would return to this place and spend some quality time here.

Eukara called the team to a halt near a small stream and examined her team. She had forced them to move harder than she had ever made anyone before. And though she knew they were tired and hot, all of them stood before her and readied themselves for another run. "This is a good opportunity to take a few moments and eat. Let us use this time wisely and get our energy back. For, if I am tired and over-heated, you must be too."

Everyone sat and unpacked the jerky and dried fruit that had been packed by the Siren's cook. Eukara herself went to the stream and refilled each team members canteens, amidst severe protest. But being their captain afforded her the right to tell her crew that she would serve them this hour. Each team member knew that they had been had and relented. But Eukara knew that within each mind was trouble brewing; trouble that meant she would have to endure some form or another of servitude on their part. She smiled to herself as she bent down to the stream to fill a canteen. They have to catch me first.

Once she saw that every member was full and well-watered, Eukara ordered that the team pack up and move on. By midday, the forest showed signed of thinning and Eukara pushed her team harder to reach the mountain base. She commanded that one of the men sprint ahead with her longviewer and see if there were any caves or strange features that they should check out. After several minutes, he sprinted back to Eukara, reporting that indeed there were caves towards the westerly sides of the mountain base.

"You heard him, there are caves. And where there are caves, there is treasure, surprises and even a good fight. So, shall we press on?"

The team called out responses, making her proud. "Onward to glory!"

"Greatness for Cysero! Greatness for our captain!"

"Bring on the monsters, bring on the fun!"

The team marched on in high spirits, led by Eukara's confident gait. She kept her eyes on the prize and laughed out loud, "We go to glory!" Her team called out, cheering and bolstering each others' confidence. They marched on, closer and closer to the caves, until the forest gave way to scrub. Eukara halted and stood at the front of the team with her hands on her hips. She suddenly found herself second guessing her decisions. The caves seem to hover overhead, up about twenty feet above the ground. What looked like crude steps seemed to lead up to the series of cave openings, but Eukara couldn't be sure if she was really seeing things properly.

Doubt can be a painful thing to deal with.

Stop taunting me. Just because you cannot talk to the others doesn’t mean you have to bother me.

You haven’t really thought this through have you?

She rubbed her eyes and visions of her dream popped into her head. Eukara tried to push them away but they seemed to haunt her very thoughts. "Mistress?" one of the men gently said at her side, causing her to jump slightly. Composing herself, Eukara looked at his concerned face and she mustered a smile. "Just trying out our options, that's all."

Lying to your crew isn’t a good thing, Eukara. What if that got them hurt one day?

I would never lead them somewhere that would get them hurt! You know that, Mnemeth.

Do I?

Go back and do your own sulking and leave me out of it. I am not the one that tail lashed another dragon.


He nodded his head and looked away from Eukara and at the caves. "So, Mistress Eukara, what is the plan?"

"Well, as far as I can tell, these may in fact be inhabited. Do you see the crude steps that seem to be carved into the mountainside? Whatever lives there, let's hope it is either friendly or easily persuaded to be calm. Otherwise, we may need to rethink our options."

That sent the crewman back to his place in line and Eukara led them on. As they neared the caves, no one heard a sound. Eukara spread the team out to maximize their sensory input and ability to see detail. In the end, no one saw any reason to not enter the caves. There were no tracks, evidence of habitation or sound coming from the cave openings. Eukara led the team up the tall, roughly cut stairsteps to the mouth of the first cave. Peering inside, Eukara saw only a dimly lit pass. The light seemed to come from small wormlike creatures on the ceiling and she motioned for everyone to follow her in.

She tread lightly, relying on her Rogue skills to keep her safe and undetected. Her team, though not as skilled as she in maneuverability, were able to stay relatively quiet. About forty-five minutes into their journey inside the cave, a blast of wind battered them from the within the cave. It took all of Eukara's self control to keep down what food was left in her stomach. The stench was unbearable, but with arms and sleeves over their noses, everyone pressed on. Eventually, Eukara couldn't stand it anymore and she dropped to her knees and tried to hold back her body's desire to throw up. Looking behind her she saw that her team had slowly succumbed to the stench also.

Eukara slid her hand up the wall and found a hand hold and pulled herself up. Her knees felt weak and her head pounded. Eukara's entire body protested at what she had forced it to endure. As she began to signal to her team to retreat she realized the wall was moving under her hands. Slowly she looked at the wall and then up towards the ceiling.

"Troll!" one of the men behind her screamed. She could hear the faint sounds of her team attempting to scramble to their feet. Eukara quickly jerked her hand from the body of the troll. With a great sweep of its hand, the troll sent Eukara into the nearest of her team members. Both of them shook their heads and the closest member of the team helped Eukara to her feet. The troll roared, shaking the entire cave, causing rock fragments to drop from the ceiling and walls. As hard as she tried, Eukara found that her stomach was still upset and the stench was overwhelming her senses. The troll began to pursue her team and the race to the mouth of the cave was on.

Another blast of air swept passed Eukara and she was forced to stop and pay attention to her body's refusal to continue on. This time she did lose what food was in her stomach, which burned her throat and made her feel weak. She could feel the troll right behind her and when it roared, the walls seemed to crack, loosing larger chunks of rock that fell on her and the team. Suddenly Eukara felt herself grabbed from behind and watched helplessly as another of her team seemed to rise along with her in the troll's other hand. They were jerked back and then found themselves airborne. Eukara hit the ground rolling and found herself heading for the cave wall as it rounded a corner. She slammed into the wall, narrowly missing two others in her path. She was helped up by the two she missed and ordered that the other team member be helped also.

The air began to turn sweeter as she staggered towards the mouth of the cave sandwiched between two crewmen. One more roar from the troll sent everyone sprawling as the floor shook violently. The roar was met by another one from within the mountain. Alarmed, Eukara yelled for everyone to run and jump down the steps. She ran as hard as she could, looking behind her frequently to check on the progress of the troll. It was so close that she could hear him breath. She reached the entrance and came to an abrupt stop at the edge of the cave mouth. The steps were to the left, but she didn't care. Her crew was already out and she jumped onto the next set of steps below her. The troll screamed in frustration and slammed his club down on the steps causing Eukara to make an unplanned jump to the bottom of the stairs.

She hit the ground and rolled, coming to a stop about ten feet from where she landed. The troll screamed in anger and Eukara heard the return bellows from what sounded like several trolls in the vicinity. "Run, people, run. Run west and don't stop until we see the Siren's Quill!"

Eukara led the beat-up crew through the scrub and into the forest. Her body screamed in agony, but she didn't let up. It wasn't until she could feel the water soak into her boots that she stopped running. By then, all she could do was collapse. Through bleary eyes, she saw someone catch her before she fell completely.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 11/2/2009 16:49:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
8/30/2008 22:48:30   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 6 – Recovery and Ill News

"She should have been awake by now, Caro."

"What do you think is preventing her from awakening? I have urgent news, Hygeia."

"Well, you aren't bombarding her with urgent news until I clear her for it, do you understand? I will not have you undo everything I have done all night long by getting her riled up with that note from Commander Wyvern and what we saw sailing to this point."

"How bad is it? And what on earth was she doing going into a troll's cave?"

"Thank your lucky stars she isn't worse, that's all I can say. And as to the cave, the others in her group said there was no evidence it was a troll's cave. It was empty and clean. It wasn't until they were nearly an hour in when the stench hit them. By then it was too late. Surely they already told you that?"

"Knowing Eukara and how people look at her, I wouldn't put it past them to embellish the truth a bit."

"Well, when she wakes up I will inform you if the crew was telling the truth. She would know as she was the first one in and the last one out according to them."

"Yeah, gotta make sure everyone else is OK. That will be her undoing one day."

Eukara laid in her bed, pale and unmoving. The conversation above her was shrouded in fog and sounded as if it was islands away. Snippets of information forced their way through the fog and lodged in her mind. Be thankful I am not worse? What will be my undoing? Thinking made everything hurt again and she gave in to the threatening darkness and sank back into the quiet of nothing.

"Mistress?" Eukara heard a familiar voice and felt a soft touch on her shoulder. Looking around her room, everything appeared fuzzy and dim. She couldn't tell what time of day it was or how long she had been asleep. As the room came more into focus, so did the face of the person next to her. "Hygeia?"

"Yes, it is me. You are lucky I haven't called this whole thing off, what with your sudden desire to get to know trolls more intimately." Hygeia sat next to the bed, hands on her knees and glaring at the young captain.

Eukara breathed deeply and smiled. Her voice sounded gruff from overuse, most likely from screaming during the troll episode, "How was I supposed to know the stupid cave was a troll cave? It was clean, I mean cleaner than your station, Hygeia. No troll lives in a cave like that; at least no troll I know of."

Hygeia chuckled, "I do believe you are okay for now. You are going to be sore, very sore. This storm is a blessing in disguise. One doesn't slam into walls after being thrown around by a troll and come away intact. Take it easy, alright? Caro has a lot of business to go over with you. As much as I want you to be awake and alone for some time, I do not think I can stand his hovering anymore."

Pulling herself slowly into a sitting position, Eukara noted the pain in her shoulder. "Let him in. Or else he will explode and we will have to employ extra hands to clean up the resulting mess."

Hygeia nodded, gathered her things and opened the door to leave. Caro blocked the doorway, making her exit impossible. Eukara heard words exchanged and Caro's sudden movement out of the way made her smile.

Eukara! Mnemeth’s excited voice whispered. Oh Eukara, you are awake! I was very worried about you. I couldn’t talk to you while you were unconscious. It is very frustrating you know! And why did you go into the cave? Did you not get my subtle hint about going in there?

Slow down, Mnemeth. I guess I chose to ignore your subtle sarcasm yesterday. I gotta go luv, Caro calls. He has a lot of trouble brewing for me
. Eukara sent a mental picture of Caro to Mnemeth.

Bleh, he has no sense of decency, bringing all that in here when you are in no condition to rifle through papers, messages, notes…

Bye Mnemeth
. Once Mnemeth was gone, Eukara turned her attention to Caro.

"Mistress Eukara, it is good to see that you have recovered enough to pass Hygeia's inspection. Now, about when..."

"First of all, I am cleared not because she feels I am sufficiently capable of enduring the next few hours. I am cleared because you will not let up." Eukara rubbed her head. It was already beginning to hurt, and from the evidence before her, Caro might be settling in for some time. "Just, let's get on with this. How long have I been asleep?"

"You came to shore as you promised. It was nighttime and we had two boats ready to bring you back. But all of you came out of the forest running. You got as far as one of the oarsmen before you collapsed. You have been out since then and it is midafternoon now. But we have done nothing today since the storm has kept us anchored off the shore."

"Midafternoon! Midafternoon! Why, most of the day is gone I have yet to...to..." Eukara closed her eyes tightly and winced as her head pounded out a message of distress. She reached for some water with her injured shoulder and bit her lip as that added its own rhythm to the song of pain throbbing through her body. Pausing to bring her breathing under control as she was instructed in the Temple of the Four Winds, Eukara pictured anything that would keep her mind off of the pain.

Caro shifted from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with the current situation. I do not like this. I have seen Eukara sustain injuries that would make a bloody berserker cry and never see her shed a tear. If this hurts as much as it seems, either she is in a lot of pain or she has let her guard down in my presence. Either way, he found that neither option made him particularly happy.

"Mistress Eukara, I think that I am going to just leave all of this for you to sort out. The C me Orb is next to your bed in its case as I am sure you will need it before this time is up. Someone will be stationed to be at your disposal; all you need to do is ask. Send for me if you need anything." Caro bowed his head and placed the notes on her side table and left the room quietly.

Torn between calling him back and being grateful he was gone, Eukara picked up the messages and sorted the out. Some were written in Caro's hand, which must have come straight from the C me Orb and a couple in other Defender's handwriting. Looking at them she realized she had not one day's worth of information to go over, but two. Luckily, at the bottom of the stack was a note record of everything received thus far. So, he did make a ledger of the notes.

Eukara poured over the ledger, absorbing every word Caro had written down. According to the record, Captains Rseyo and Ben found a village on one of the islands called Sunsville. The village was peaceful and defenseless yet the pirates were slaughtering them. The pirates in questions wore a demonic signature on their clothing. Pirates with demonic signatures? Now who in Osprey Cove has that kind of signature? I need to arrange to get a message to Captain Rhubarb.

Captain Sunumbrella saw a plume of smoke while sailing along the coast, though she did not pursue the smoke. Must have been the same thing I saw since she traveled south as well. Eukara laughed thinking how Captain Sunumbrella was perhaps a bit more on the cautionary side. Her eyes narrowed and she read an entry that was darker than the rest. Upon further investigation, she found three ships involved.

Captains Jokemonky and Boomies, along with Commander Wyvern saw an approaching dark ship while traveling the first leg of the journey together. All three convened on Commander Wyvern's ship and decided to investigate. Apparently, according to the ledger, all three men nearly lost their ships and heads to the captain of the black ship. The entry ended with a note to contact Commander Wyvern. Odd. Why wouldn't Soren disclose all the information?

She had already gotten Captain Knight's message about the Vault ship while inland after the Vurrman fight. There was a small entry regarding Captain Silver Arrow's evidence of a small boat on one of the islands he had searched. But his search turned up little detail except a pair of letters carved into the tiny hull - AS. Eukara knew that could only be one person: Anoril Sharpcall, their leader. So Eukara surmised, Anoril made a short stop at the island that Captain Silver Arrow was on.

A short note at the bottom and most recent notation, was in Caro's hand. Apparently, her crew had passed a ship north of their current position that looked like a vault ship, though the cliffside was pockmarked by cannon fire. The ship was completely destroyed, though the hull and broken mast were visible. If that is our vault ship, we are in trouble.

"So," she said out loud to no one in particular. "We have a dark ship, dark pirates attacking small villages, a possible Anoril clue and the movement of our gold. This is much more complicated than just Anoril's disappearance." How very lucky I am that I have Caro. This could have taken much longer.

Indeed, so lucky that you have a pain in the butt First Mate and a Second Mate that can’t seem to keep the First Mate away from you.

Ach, don’t you have anything better to do?

No, I am still in prison. I have two more hours.

Wait, you were supposed to be out by now. Mnemeth?

I didn’t do anything. But there was a mess outside solitary made up of my lunch, which, by the way, I never received. Ellaurah accused me of being a nuisance and said I couldn’t come out until nightfall. I ask you, how am I supposed to make a mess of my lunch, outside my confinement, while I was inside? Huh?

You can’t, I suppose.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Eukara. I was framed. Saraiah...
A deep growl echoed through Eukara’s mind and renewed her headache.

Just hold on, heart sister. Just make sure when you get out, you rub it all in her face by being the model of perfection. Now, let me rest my head. I just filled it with a lot of information and it is protesting.

I would rather you not and talk to me.

As I, but I feel as if my head is going to explode. Besides, you know I would rather be at the shore with you.

Alright, bye Eukara.


Eukara jumped and looked around, causing the pain in her head to intensify. She could have sworn that the voice belonged to Commander Wyvern, but it was impossible for him to be there. Man, I must have hit my head harder than I thought. She gently shook her head and opened the case where the C me Orb was located. "Commander?"

"Ah, thank goodness. Caro said that you were off exploring something on land and then we got this message about your run-in with the troll." She detected a slightly disapproving tone towards the end.

"You know, Soren. Just for the record, the cave showed no signs of habitation by anything but glowworms for about an hour."

"Well, I was still worried. After getting the report about the Vurrmen attack and the injury to your head, I wasn't in prime condition for the troll message. I was tempted to turn my ship around and come find you. I don't like not being there."

Eukara sighed, "I am not looking for trouble Soren, honest. It seemed to find me this time around, as if it was searching me out. Well, at least that's what it feels like. Speaking of trouble, I got a note about a run-in you had with a black ship, but no details except 'contact Cammander Wyvern'. Why didn't you just leave the message?"

She heard a chuckle. "Sometimes I like to deliver messages myself. And besides, I wanted to hear your voice. So, you are not the only one to fear for your life recently. The three of us approached this ship. It was dark and the feel of it was pure power. The demon on the prow didn't do much to assuage the feeling either. The man is Captain of the Corsairs and he tried to attack us three times while we were supposedly having peaceful talks. He plundered a ship, which I think was our vault ship, and then was attacked by some great flying beast that ripped a hole in his ship. We ended up on friendly terms, but man, was that an intense meeting. Nothing like a cannon staring at you to keep you on your toes."

"Wow, Soren. That was some day you had. Well, at least you may have found our gold. And it seems my crew may have found the vault ship. Caro sent word to Captain Knight today before the storm came. So what are you going to do about the beast?"

"I am thinking, my dear, that I will go looking for it. Sounds like an adventure and if we can get information about it to Corsairs, we may be able to ally with him and eventually get our gold back."

"Now, who is looking for trouble? Don't come crying to me when your ship has a huge gash in it." Eukara teased.

"Eukara, I will not come crying to you. I will merely send word through the C me Orb for a pickup!"

Eukara laughed out loud and then winced. "Well, then, I think my crew and I will explore the ship ruins tomorrow and then try to figure out what to do next. I must go. I can see Caro hovering at my door, too afraid to open it but too anxious to wait for me to call him."

"Alright then, friend, until next time." The C me Orb dulled and she put it back in its case.

"You may come in Caro." Eukara said as she thumbed through the notes that came in for today. Captain Boomies' ship, T3h Galleon of Spamalot, was commandeered but he got command back after a bit. Seems his crew was a bit lax and another one of those blasted demon pirate ships appreared and attacked. Though, as a result of this action, his course was altered. Wait a minute! Soren said something about a demon on the prow of Corsairs ship. If they are connected, which I assume is true, then Corsairs seems to be making some strategic moves.

The dark ship was seen again by Captain Sunumbrella, but this time there was a red trail in the water behind it. She did some testing of the water, but couldn't isolate what was causing the red coloring. At first, the report read that Sunumbrella thought that perhaps the red algae were being stirred up by the massive ship. But further analysis dismissed the theory. Captain Drakel was attacked by a Sarkanian raiding party, which quite interestingly included a red trail in the water also. Now why would a water dwelling species of sentient people use a boat? This makes no sense whatsoever. Lastly, Captain Knight found out that the Vault ship was headed for Lizardman Island.

Caro stepped in and waited for her to finish reading. "That is everything so far, Mistress Eukara. Much is happening out there. Do you think it is wise that we stay our course and search the coastline?"

"I think there are things to find here, Caro. We still don't know much about the situation with the Vurrmen, and you saw the vault ship on your way here, I am sure of it. There are plenty of others searching the water. I propose we go back to the wrecked ship and do some preliminary exploring before we make any other decisions. Does that sound good to you?"

Caro looked at his captain, resigned "That sounds fine, Mistress Eukara. If your head doesn't hurt, can I escort you to the mess? The storm has let up and the crew really needs to see you out and about. They are worried sick."

Eukara slowly pushed back the blanket and swung her legs to the side. She stood up, testing her balance and knew immediately that she there was pain in more than one place. But she held out her arm anyway and allowed Caro to escort her to the mess. I need to eat anyway. I am starving.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 11/2/2009 17:08:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
8/30/2008 22:50:28   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 7 – Likely Set-Up

The next morning dawned bright and clear. Once more, the gulls were soaring overhead, squawking at each other in an attempt to catch the next morsel that popped to the surface of the water. Eukara awoke with a slight headache, nothing too bad, and the soreness in her legs was gone. Her shoulder though, was a problem. It hurt more this morning than the day before. Looking out the window, she smiled as a gull sailed by. She swore it winked at her. Her usually morning stretches caused her some pain, so she decided to ease up on the routine. Getting dressed was a chore, but eventually she looked presentable enough and left her quarters to join the crew up top.

So merely being presentable is enough? Surely the Eukara I know isn’t all that worried about how she looks…

Good morning to you, Mnemeth. How is freedom?

Tastes like freshly caught deer after you have hunted it down and…

Please, not now. I haven’t eaten and would like to do without that visual.

Oh yeah, sorry. We have already had breakfast and Saraiah tried one of her dirty tricks. You would be proud of me. I ignored her the entire time! I think that made her madder though.

Of course it did, silly. You won the first round. The next one will be harder so be prepared.

I will. I missed Ryukotsusei and Zhoth so much that when I got out, I didn’t care what Ryu would say, I tackled them both. It was funny. Even Ellaurah hid a small laugh.

Ellaurah is not a bad person. She just has a difficult job. And, what you don’t realize is that part of her job is to fight other dragons that have turned bad and rescue the eggs. That way, baby dragons can be raised with a good and positive outlook on life.

Was that where I came from?

Yes, luv, you did. As did Saraiah. Though, I have to say Saraiah resembles her human companion more than I thought possible.

She does?

Yeah. Shilyndrya is a very aggressive woman. Her swordsmanship is hailed as one of the best in Lore. And she has no trouble letting people know when they are inferior.

No wonder Saraiah is a pain. So is her human.

Well, yes, but Lore is a better place because of her work in protecting others.

True. But that doesn’t give Saraiah the right to be such a know-it-all-fancy-pants.

No, dear heart, it doesn’t. Now I must go and prove to my crew that a little injury will not slow me down.

Alright, talk to you later Eukara.

It was slow going at first. The stairs to the helm felt steep and her legs protested the walk. But she neither showed the pain on her face nor in her body's movement. All eyes were on her, she realized, to see if their captain was going to be able to take command today. Eukara stood at the railing that overlooked the deck and smiled. She had the greatest crew and she knew it.

"Good morning, crew of the Siren's Quill. Are we up to a little salvage and exploration?"

The crew gave her a hearty cheer and she looked at the helmsman. "You heard them. Set course for the shipwreck you passed on the way down."

"Aye, ma'am." The helmsman gave the signal to pull up the anchor and Caro gave the crew the signal to drop the sails. Eukara stood above the din of activity, heart full and happy at the thought of being on the move again. She looked out over the water as her ship cut through the waves, almost daring something to go wrong, but knowing better than to actually vocalize it. That would be crazy. No one asked for trouble, not even Eukara, though many believed she did. No, this day she wanted to go perfectly smooth and uneventful. They were investigating the possible wreckage of the Treasury Vault ship. If she recovered the gold, everyone would be happy with her and the town's finances would be saved.

Sylenia stood next to Eukara and looked over the sea. "I never did thank you for getting me back to the sea. You came to me at such a low time. I wasn't where I belonged yet I couldn't get out of there. I had nothing to come back to and there is no way my family was willing to take me back."

"There is always time for a return, Sylenia. You just have to know when." Eukara looked at Sylenia and smiled. "I was sent to get you. One of my greatest friends knew of you and told me that you were essential to my crew. He knew someone in Osprey Cove who knew your story, and since I trust my friend implicitly, you were a required part of this journey."

Sylenia stood quietly for a moment, savoring the words she had longed to hear for so many years. "I was required," she whispered to no one in particular.

Eukara put a hand on her shoulder, "Everyone has a part to play and everyone is required. You just have to know what storyline requires your presence. Once you know, then life is set. Your storyline just needed a while to be written."

How very poetic, heart sister. I didn’t know you had it in you.

I did, dear heart. You just haven’t figured out where all my dark secrets are hidden yet.

One day I will. What will you do then?

Be worried for your sanity, my dearest companion.

The day will come when I am not your dearest companion, heart sister, and I will be replaced.

Eukara nearly screamed mentally. No one in this world will ever mean more to me than you.

He will, eventually. Once you let him be more to you than a friend and allow yourself a little happiness.

If he isn't more than a friend now, he never will be, Mnemeth. You are my heart and spirit, nothing will ever change that. Besides, you know what happens when I let people too close.

But what if this time is different?

Scarface will never let me; you know that.

Eukara turned from the ocean view and Sylenia and made her way to Caro. "Alright, Caro. This wreckage that you saw, tell me more about it."

"Well, for starters, it was heavily built; reinforced hull and heavy sails were distinguishable. It looked like someone wanted to get inside it very badly. The hull was still intact for the most part, but the rest, well; let's just say the fish now have a new resort. We should be getting there in about an hour's time, Mistress Eukara."

"Very well, Caro. I leave you in charge. I must go see Hygeia." Eukara nodded at him and turned slowly to make her way down the stairs.

"Mistress Eukara?" Caro spoke timidly, "Please ask for something more than relief for the pain. I would be letting everyone down if you left this ship the next time you decide to take an exploration team without being in top form."

Eukara stopped at the bottom of the stairs and Caro held his breath. He knew he had taken a risk saying what he did, though the risk had been asked of him while she was still recovering earlier. Watching her stand there made him nervous and he had to lock his knees to keep himself from shuffling his feet. An almost unnoticeable nod from Eukara made him relax and begin breathing again. Commander Wyvern asks much of me. If I lose my head it will be his fault.

Hygeia was measuring out powders and herbs when Eukara gently knocked on her door. Carefully placing her items in their labeled places, Hygeia cleared a space for Eukara to sit down. "So, Eukara, what brings you to my humble abode?"

Uncomfortably, Eukara glanced at Hygeia and then at the powders the medic used to help her crew. She inhaled deeply and Hygeia knew that the woman was about to do something only heard about in fairytales. "I..." Hygeia watched Eukara's feet tapping rapidly and smiled to herself, "I...have come to ask for your services."

Hygeia wanted to shake her head. What she really wanted was to shake the girl in front of her. Was it really so hard to ask for help when it came to pain and such things? Hygeia marveled at the woman who stood in front of her. I swear. Those rumors are closer to the truth than most people realize.

"Well, Eukara, it all depends on what you need of me. I can heal muscle strains and even tears, but a broken heart I cannot mend."

Eukara's head shot up and she looked at the medic, "Who said anything about hearts? I was thrown against the wall by a troll not dumped by some male representative of the human race." She looked away, "Besides, from what I hear, they are all troublesome anyway."

Hygeia shook her head. You are way too young to already feel this way, Eukara. What a blasted shame. "So, I am assuming that you would like the pain to go away for longer than my basic concoction works and perhaps a few things mended faster than normal?"

"To be honest, I want everyone to look at me and know I am fine. I want Caro off my back and I want to be able to go on an exploration trip without someone tsking about my condition." Eukara sat and stared outside the window of room. Hygeia watched her captain's knees jump in rhythm to an invisible fast paced song, leaving the medic almost exhausted. She forced her eyes away from Eukara's form and turned to her table.

What you need is a vacation, my dear, but I doubt you will get one. No, scratch that. I doubt you will allow yourself to take one. I need a word with Commander Wyvern and Captain Ben. "Alright, let me look at your shoulder, since that is your biggest injury aside from your head." Eukara removed her jacket and Hygeia looked at the black and blue area that extended from her back, up over her shoulder and past her collarbone. She tested for tenderness around the joint and Eukara flinched. "You know, it took me and three men to get your shoulder back into the joint socket after you were brought aboard. The fact that you ran like that all the way back to the ship quite frankly took me by surprise. Weren't you in pain?"

"Thankfully, I don't remember. All I remember is knowing I didn't want to know how fast one of those things could run if we gave it a chance to prove anything. Ouch! Must you poke so hard?!" Eukara shot a disapproving glare at Hygeia.

"What, am I supposed to magically be able to fix something without looking at it?" Hygeia threw up he hands and walked to her work desk. "Just sit there. You are lucky that nothing broke, young lady, or I would have nothing for you. So sit there and behave."

Eukara blinked several times, at a loss for words. "You sound like Commander Wyvern." She looked at Hygeia mixing powders and herbs suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that. I am the medic; therefore I have certain privileges that include me getting away with talking to the captain in that manner." Hygeia shook a flask and Eukara watched as the liquid went from clear to green to red. "There, drink it up. And I would drink fast. It may not be the nicest tasting stuff in the land."

Eukara tried to drink the red liquid fast but ended up having to pause in the middle so she would not choke. "This is disgusting!"

"Then maybe next time you won't get yourself hurt!"

Eukara glared at the medic and chugged the rest of the medication, handing her the empty flask without a smile. "Here. That was the worst thing I have ever taken. I think you did it on purpose..."

Both women jumped when a knock on the door interrupted Eukara's rant. "Mistress Eukara?" Sylenia's voice called out. "We have arrived at the wreckage."

Eukara turned towards the medic and pointed at her, "You are saved by our arrival."

Eukara walked out of the medic's room and up to the helm, noticing that she wasn't stiff or in much pain. Great, whatever she gave me actually works. "Keep us steady helm and when we are close enough, drop anchor."

Mnemeth, my dear, what are you doing?

Listening to the great Eukara being humble. It is amazing to get to be in your head when you have to do things like ask for relief from pain or…Eukara heard a distinguishable gasp…help.

You know, I did not ask for your presence to be mocked. I have better things to do than be harassed by a pint sized juvenile female dragon.

Humpf. Fine, I will be nice. Do you really think the ship you are going to look at is the Vault ship? No’Bell was all up in a tizzy about the Vault ship. No one could understand why the ship and all our gold was taken to sea.

Well, Captain Knight wasn’t thrilled about it either, Mnemeth.

I know. His dragon let us know how mad he was. It was interesting to see that since I always thought of him as a rather calm man.

Eukara laughed quietly. Perhaps I will ask him about that the next time I see him. Oh wow, Mnemeth. We are here and the ship looked awful. Hold on, I am going to take a closer look.

Steadily, her helmsman brought the Siren's Quill close to the wreckage. She was quite pleased with his precision as Caro called for the anchor. Eukara slowly walked to the side of the ship and looked over the water. Splintered wood floated eerily on the water, bobbing up and down with the waves created by the wake of Eukara's ship. She felt like she was at a funeral, it was so quiet and depressing. Her eyes followed the trail of broken planks of wood and bobbing barrels to the mast of the great ship. It had snapped about halfway up, forming a strange angle pointing towards the cliffs behind it. The cliffs were severely damaged; gaping holes were blasted into the sides making it look like a beehive.

Eukara? That looks terrible. Someone really wanted our gold.

Yeah, someone did, Mnemeth.

"Whoever attacked this ship knew what they were doing. And if it is the CD Vault ship, they knew this gold was in transport." Eukara leaned in towards Caro. "Out there in the center of the wreckage, what do you see?"

It took Caro a few moments to respond. "I think, Mistress Eukara, that there is a pile of C tokens sitting in the middle of the wreckage. That seems strange to me. It is just sitting there."

I don’t like this, not one bit. Eukara, what you see makes me afraid. Please don’t go out there. Please.

No worries, dear heart.

"That is what I see also. I don't like this at all. Why would anyone attack a vault ship, loot it and then leave a nice little pile of the treasure sitting in the midst of the wreckage?" Eukara looked at the helmsman, "Get us out of here and go west. I mean hard west, straight away from here. Caro, as far as I am concerned this is a trap. And I will not willingly take my crew into something that looks that obvious and take a chance on no one being hurt in the process."

Caro looked relieved, "Aye ma'am." He turned and shouted to the crew below, "Pull up the anchor and ready yourself for the sea!"

The crew yelled happily as they pulled up the anchor and secured it to the side of the hull. Song broke out and the men and women sung a song of jubilation as they watched the land recede from view.

"You have the ship, Caro." Eukara ran down the stairs and walked into her cabin closing her door behind her. The first thing she needed to do was contact Captain Knight. As treasurer, he needed to know that she had come across the boat and the entire No'Bell treasury was gone, except for the pile of C tokens that bothered her. Corsairs had everything and we are no where close to figuring all of this out.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/30/2008 23:01:58   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 8 – Dive for Prosperity

Eukara sat on the edge of the ship, looking down into the clear sea. Hygeia had grudgingly announced that she was completely healed and cleared for the small diving expedition. It had been ages since she went swimming and Eukara was looking forward to it.

Well, aren’t you the lucky one? I thought you were going to go swimming with me the next time you were in the water.

No, I said we would go to the shore once I got back from this campaign to figure out what the heck is going on in our world.

That’s not how I remember it, Eukara.

Mnemeth, really, how can I not go swimming? I have to search the seafloor for clues and such. It’s not like I am going down for a leisure sweep of the sea floor. This is business.

I see. Well, if I get the impression you are having too much fun “working” you are in trouble.

Don’t be so dramatic. I am sure you will be going to the shore soon with the other dragons. Besides, don’t you owe Ryu a dunking?

Yes! He is a sneaky one. He has to be the best at sneaking up on people and dunking them unsuspectingly.

Hehehe, go play so that I can do my work.

Sure, I will go “play” so you can “work”.

Her little group of four divers, Caro, Sylenia, Samuel and Aston, climbed into a side boat with her and were lowered into the water. From there they left the boat, diving into the warm, crystal clear waters and swam a bit before surfacing to talk.

"Well, I have already discussed something very strange with another captain. I received a report from Captain Ben that a few days ago while diving he realized that he could breathe underwater. Knowing that his position was leagues from here, I am surprised to report that we seem to be able to do that here also. So, we may be able to cover more territory since we don't have to return to the surface for air." Eukara looked at each team member expectantly.

"Do you think that this could have anything to do with what happened in Osprey Cove?" Sylenia asked.

"That is a possibility," Eukara responded thoughtfully. "I remember Captain Rhubarb putting out a call for adventurers willing to do a couple of side jobs for him, one of which ended up dumping something into the sea. Perhaps that is what did it, which means Captain Rhubarb had some strong stuff on his hands. Especially if it is affecting the water this far from Osprey Cove."

Sylenia chuckled lightly and Eukara checked to make sure everyone else was ready. She nodded to Caro and on her mark they all dove and explored around the ship. They passed by schools of green and red fish happily munching on the algae that grew off of the immense stones that strangely resembled fallen buildings. Eukara looked over the structures and stood on the sandy bottom of the sea admiring the work. If she stood at just the right angle, Eukara could make out a very elegantly carved archway. The large fallen white blocks encrusted with blue and purple sea corals looked like the walls of a courtyard. She walked through the archway and felt as if she had walked into the garden of a palace.

Looking around at the fallen blocks of stone, Eukara couldn't help but wonder who had once lived here. Quite obviously, there had been an entire building here. Could there have been a town also? She looked around, trying to imagine the hustle and bustle of a busy palace garden set in the center of a big town. But her vision abruptly faded when a strange shadow zipped by her on the outside of the blocks.

Eukara exited the courtyard reluctantly. Off to her left there was a large grove of kelp that shadowed the drop-off. Several intriguing shapes wove through the tall leafy stalks, tempting her to explore. As much as she wanted to, Eukara knew that there was no time to explore such a tantalizing place. It would take far too long to see what this shadowed area of mystery had to offer. Maybe one day she would return here to explore the drop off. She smiled at the thought and turned her eyes towards another section of the sea. Motioning to Caro, he followed her. As they neared an archway of pink and yellow corals, Eukara gave the signal for Caro to stop. Pointing him to hide behind the corals, they both looked on a very frightening scene.

It looked like a hunting party that had set out with something very definite in mind. A cage was settled on a chariot pulled by seadogs. For the first time in her life, she saw evidence of all the sentient underwater peoples working together. For as long as she knew, there was an uneasy treaty between them, but warfare broke out constantly. But before her very eyes she saw Mermazons, Sarkanians, Galeocerda, Vagarans and even a self contained water elemental traveling together and talking. Some were relaxing while some were swimming the perimeter. It was very intimidating and Eukara signaled for Caro to head back to the ship. Eukara watched a few moments more before departing herself.

As she pulled herself up over the side of the boat, Eukara thought about what she had seen. What if they were pursuing the creature that has been swimming around Captain Jokemonky's ship of late? If so, they could have beneficial information for her and the Defenders. She sat in the smaller boat as they were raised to the deck of the Siren's Quill. She gave orders for everyone to grab fresh clothes and something to eat. Then they were to meet her in the Captain's office to discuss their options.

Mnemeth, sweetheart, I need you.


I need you to steady me in the next moments, sister of my heart. I am about to have a conversation with Caro that could get me riled.

Oooh, Eukara, why must you ruffle that man’s feathers so?

Oh sure, take his side.

Caro was the first to come to her door. Eukara opened it to a man who already was deadset in his argument. She knew all too well what it was he was thinking and did not look forward to hearing him out. But hearing him shall be part of this game they will play over the next hour. Sylenia was next followed by the other two divers. All four took a seat in front of her large desk.

"Well, first off, I want to know what all of you saw." Eukara began the meeting with the simplest question. It was the only one that would not include an argument.

"Mistress Eukara, did my eyes deceive me or were there buildings down there?" Samuel asked excitedly.

"Really?" Aston remarked, "I saw them too. Looked like white marble, though almost covered in corals and such."

Eukara nodded and smiled, "Indeed Samuel, Aston. I saw them too. I believe I actually walked through an archway into a stately garden. Almost palatial."

Samuel nodded his head. "The funny thing was, though, the materials looked as if they had fallen almost abruptly. Like they just dropped straight down into the ocean."

Sylenia looked at Samuel, "Funny you should mention it that way. I heard stories as a young girl that the seas around Sho'Nuff Island weren't always there. That there was a time in the past when more of the sea was actually land. But something very bad happened in that part of history that caused much of the land form to drop into the sea, creating all the little islands. We may have stumbled on the remains of that period of time."

"To think that those lovely buildings were once a grand place to live in," Aston said dreamily. "Can you imagine living there?"

"But unfortunately," Samuel shook his head, "I saw nothing to aid us in finding Anoril, the Vault gold or this strange foul red stuff in the sea."

Sylenia, Aston and Caro shook their heads. Though they had stumbled on something great as explorers, none of it was useful to them right now. Eukara looked up and her eyes met with Caro's. Here goes, she sighed.

Steady Eukara. Hear him out and don’t let him bait you into being a brat.

Thanks for the support.

No problem.

"Mistress Eukara and I saw something of interest though, aside from the ruins." Caro looked at each person at the desk before going on. "Something I think the rest of the Defenders need to know, right Mistress?"

Inhaling deeply, Eukara nodded her head. "Yes we did. There was a deep depression in the sea floor flanked by very unique coral formations. Caro and I swam over to them and got an eyeful of surprises. There was an undersea hunting party camping there. But this wasn't a hunting party you would imagine. The hunting party was made up of Mermazons, Sarkanians, Galeocerda, Vagarans and a self contained water elemental."

Eukara waited for the reaction and then gave it time to die down. "So, we have a mystery. These creatures were hunting together for a reason. I am sure this is the same group that Captain K saw not to far from here. Our only question is what is it they are hunting? There was a cage so they are obviously looking to trap something. But from my distance I couldn't tell how big the cage really was."

"And we all know how size is distorted under water," Caro pitched in. "There is the report of the big creature that has been swimming around Captain Jokemonky's ship. Perhaps they are after that."

Aston looked at Eukara, "If they are indeed after the great creature, maybe they know something about it. I mean, it appeared at about the same time as the flying beast that attacked the Corsairs' ship. What if they are connected? What if this hunting party could give us some good information?"

If looks could kill, Aston would be at the bottom of the sea feeding the fish. Caro stared at the sailor in disbelief. Has the man no sense? If she hadn't thought about approaching the hunting party before, she definitely has now. How can he bring up such a thought in front of her? Has he forgotten under whom he serves? Now Commander Wyvern will have two heads to roll if something happens to her. Aston appeared unaware of the daggerlike stare coming from Caro. Sylenia did not, however, miss the look.

"But approaching them would be a hazardous venture, don't you think?" she asked. "I mean, it isn't a secret that they aren't exactly on the best of terms with those of us on land. I think the fact that we are allowed to sail on the sea is significant considering what they could do to us if they wanted to."

"I say that we watch them and maybe follow them. If they head towards Captain Jokemonky's ship then we know that they are after the beast." Caro cut in.

"What if they don't?" Eukara asked. "What if they go some other way? Wouldn't it be prudent to know what an alliance of undersea sentients was doing together?"

Caro closed his eyes and already knew what was coming though both he and Sylenia tried to get around it. He would have to thank her later for that. Sylenia took a big step in supporting him. "But must we look beyond the danger and risk to gather information that may not be relevant?"

"Depends on what you consider relevant, Sylenia. What if they know something about the demon ship and Corsairs? What about Anoril and the vault ship? Surely they would have witnessed strange things going on above them?"

"I cannot even start to imagine the implications of such a suggestion, Mistress Eukara," Caro argued vehemently. "The fact that you are entertaining the thought of actually going back down there and asking them for information is insa..."

Take a deep breath Eukara. It’s not worth it. Heart sister, think before you say something, please.

Too late, luv.

"Is what? Go on say it!" Eukara dared Caro but he kept his mouth shut. "Not going down there and attempting to get information is not doing everything that I can to find Anoril. Dare I not risk something of myself for the person who keeps us together and strong? Is it not my duty as a Fleet Commander of the Seaysero's Defenders to uphold the commands given to us all? If I let this opportunity pass us by and Anoril or all of us pay for it, will I have not let my people down? I will not sit here in the luxury of my rooms and let maybe the one chance any of us have at finding Anoril pass on by like a cloud on a blustery summer day!"

Aston and Samuel looked at each other awkwardly. Neither had been privy to what went on in this office though the rumors had traveled through the ship about Caro's constant questioning of Mistress Eukara's decisions. Neither man knew what to do. Samuel looked at Aston and then at Eukara, carefully avoiding Caro's eyes. "If you insist on this course of action, Mistress Eukara, I will go down with you as escort."

Caro looked incredulously at Samuel. He could not believe what he was hearing. This man was encouraging her to dive and talk to these barbarians of the sea. When he looked up, he saw not victory in her eyes, but a question. Would he come too? Of course he would. He now had no choice.

Eukara dismissed them all and pulled out the C me Orb. The dark green marbled stone softly glowed at her touch. It was time to tell the others of what she saw today and the decision that would determine what tomorrow would hold for her.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/30/2008 23:04:14   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 9 – One Move Too Many

Sleep and dreams eluded Eukara that night. Caro would have enjoyed that tantalizing tidbit of information. He would have interpreted her lack of sleep as evidence that Eukara was unsure of what she had decided to do. Or perhaps he would assume that the other Defenders gave her a hard time about the decision to make contact with the hunting party, well, if it was even there this morning. She tossed in her bed, but it was not because she was nervous about today. No, that was not her most concerned thought. She slept unwell because of her conversation with Commander Wyvern.

Soren discovered something on a small island, something that could be very unpleasant. While exploring this island, he heard shrieks and calls by something big. He came to the conclusion that seemed to be either angry or in pain. Confiding in her, he voiced his concern that it was the beast that attacked Corsairs' ship. She glowered at the ceiling. That man again. He seems to be a part of everything right now. So she was up most of the night worrying about the commander. Little did she realize that what she experienced, most of her friends experienced on a nightly basis when she was out doing things.

Eukara dragged herself reluctantly out of bed and glanced out her window. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, which meant that most of her crew would be asleep still. That was just fine, for she did not want to see anyone yet, especially Caro. She knew he was concerned and, in his place, she would have acted the same way she supposed. But, Eukara needed the morning to herself to think about what she would do today regarding the hunting party.

So, you are going through with this?

Of course, Mnemeth. Why wouldn’t I?

Caro had a valid point, you know. He is only worried about you…well, and his own head.

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, Ryukotsusei told me that Soren had a talk with Caro before he officially took the position of First Mate on your ship.

He what?!
Eukara was beside herself.

Hey, not so loud. Ryu said that Soren didn’t want to have to worry about you. He just wanted you back in No’Bell in one piece. So don’t hold Caro’s actions against him, he has the War Marshall over his head. And that is enough to worry anyone.

I had no idea
. Eukara’s mental voice softened significantly. I don’t know what to say.

Say nothing. You don’t know, I don’t know and Ryu never opened his big mouth. If Soren knew you were told, I don’t know how he would react.

Alright, Mnemeth, I won’t say anything. I will just pretend I don’t know anything.

Thank you, heart sister
. Eukara smiled to herself as Mnemeth’s presence emptied itself from her mind.

Dressed in the clothing she would be diving in, Eukara walked slowly to the mess and looked out over the water. Above it is so calm and quiet, she observed. Yet, below, the potential for trouble and savage activity was present. I know this decision is a chancy one, not that I will admit that to Caro. But what if I lose the one opportunity to learn what we need to know to solving this whole mystery about Anoril. She wandered into the mess and saw the cook beginning to set up breakfast. Smiling, Eukara made her way towards the Siren's cook and looked over the food he was preparing.

"Morning, Brag. Thought I would come eat when it was quiet," she said, "And before the set up is demolished by starving sailors."

Brag laughed, "Aye, ma'am, that it will be once they smell the food. You'd think we never fed 'em by the way they run in here and stuff their faces." Brag looked sideways and leaned over to Eukara, "I overheard Samuel and Aston last night, right upset about you. Seems you have a plan and no one wants you to go through with it. Dangerous or not, sometimes a captain must do what is right by her eyes and not by her First Mate's eyes."

Taking a moment to chew her bread before saying anything, Eukara thought hard before responding. "I understand Caro's concern. If our roles were reversed, I would have objected too. But, we are supposed to do all that is necessary to solve this problem before us, you know? If I told you I was nervous about it, would it make a difference?"

"Aye, that it would, my lady Captain. It means you do know the risks and aren't running head long into something with your shirt over your eyes. Though, admitting that to Caro will only get you more objections," he smiled. "Best of luck today. Those sea sentients that patrol these waters are a touchy bunch. You'd think someone tainted their soup before bed or something!"

Eukara laughed and turned away as Brag went about his business of setting up the food for the rest of the crew. She took a table off in the corner and ate her meal in silence. There, I admitted to someone that I had reservations about this trip. Not that it matters. I know I need to do this.

Eukara finished her breakfast and slipped out of the mess as her crew began to file in, eyes half shut with sleep. She passed by Aston but shook her head, indicating that now was not the time to talk. She took a deep breath and decided to walk straight into the dragon's mouth, so to say, and find Caro. No matter how painful this may turn out, it had to be done.

After searching for a few minutes and coming up with nothing, Eukara decided to check Caro's quarters. Her First Mate was there, preparing himself for the excursion involving the hunting party. She knocked lightly on his door and waited for him to invite her in. On his word, she opened the door and entered his sparsely decorated rooms.

"I came to check in with you regarding our dive later. I assume that you have everything you need ready?" she inquired of him.

He merely nodded and continued on with the activity he was doing when she walked in. She stood in the middle of the room and began to feel slightly uncomfortable. She hadn't planned on this meeting to actually go like this. Before the silence became too uncomfortable, Caro spoke up.

"I thought that perhaps we should go over the sentients that you and I saw as part of the hunting party, Mistress Eukara. That way, we can make sure that at least the two of us remember what we are dealing with."

Eukara nodded, "That sounds like a good idea, though I do believe that the others that will be accompanying us down should be briefed also."

"They will, trust me." Caro looked her in the eyes, "I would not let anyone go down unprepared."

"Alright, let's start with the Vagarans. As far as I remember, these guys are few and far between. The fact that we saw three of them is rather surprising. I don't know about you, but that in itself makes this hunting party that much more intriguing, yet, worrisome. I do not like shape shifters, especially shape shifters like Vagarans that can cause considerable harm to those around them." Eukara paced the floor as she spoke. "If I remember correctly, the ones we saw seemed to have preferred their arms to resemble the claws of crab or the tentacles of octopi. Both of those morphs are very dangerous to us and we should try to steer clear of them totally."

Caro pulled out a notebook and opened it up. "You are right; the presence of Vagarans is disconcerting. Alright, moving to Mermazons. There were a lot of these fish people in the hunting party and rightly so. They are the most agile and quickest of the sentients of the sea. I know I saw four Mermazon guards, two archers and three berserkers. A swipe with that powerful tail of theirs and we would be in trouble. That is a really tough line-up, Mistress. If any of those get upset we are in trouble. So we must use extreme caution."

"Agreed, Caro. Next we should think about the Sarkanians. I have never really known what to think of them, personally. Most sailors I know sing their praises, yet a few have told horrible tales of Sarkanian attacks." Eukara shuddered momentarily before going on. "Luckily for us, since they are with the hunting party, there won't be any surprise appearances. I highly doubt the other sea dwellers appreciate the Sarkanian method of appearing out of nowhere. The charioteer is Sarkanian. And I know I saw at least two Sarkanian swordsmen. I would actually feel more comfortable talking to a Sarkanian since they look more human than the others in the party. And with their fairly good track record with humans, we might be in good position to negotiate information."

Caro looked up at his pacing captain and sighed, "Aside from the elemental, that leaves us with the Galeocerda. I know I don't have to remind you that they don't exactly like us at the moment." He watched her confirm his statement before resuming, "So, out of all of these beings, those are the ones that I am most concerned about. To begin with, talking to a sentient creature that resembles a shark with fists is very, um, scary to be honest. All I can see are their teeth no matter what else the rest of their body is doing. One could be dancing a ballet and I would only see those jaws." Caro saw the smile before it quickly disappeared. "There were five of them, armed with those coral tridents of theirs. They are still mad over the whole thing with Captain Rhubarb so just steer clear of them if you can help it."

"So that makes a hunting party of twenty underwater sentients." Eukara stopped in front of Caro's window and hugged herself, unknowingly showing Caro how worried she was. He took note but said nothing. "If we take an equal number down, they may see that as a challenge. Take too many and have an outright mini-war. Take too few and we run the risk of being overwhelmed. It doesn't matter what number we take, something will be wrong."

Caro stood and walked over to stand next to Eukara. "Well, for all we know, the hunting party moved on over night. But if they didn't, I think we need to play it safe and take perhaps ten crewmen to accompany you. A good escort but enough to fight if needed. Any more and I think we will offend the hunting party.

Eukara breathed deeply and nodded, "Agreed. Ten plus me. I don't want anyone showing their weapons, which means the sailors need only daggers. No swords, got that? Swords would be too obvious and too cumbersome under the water. I will meet you on deck once I receive word that everyone you have marked for this outing is assembled and ready to go."

Halfway through the door, Caro stopped Eukara. "You are nervous about this, aren't you?" he asked, trying to keep his voice flat.

Gripping the doorknob, Eukara looked Caro in the face. "Despite what you may think about me, Caro, I do not rush headlong into a battle, fight or anything else without thinking about it first. I weigh my options and look at my risks. And I feel apprehensive when the moment calls for it." She gave him one last look and slammed the door to his quarters. Caro turned and leaned against the door, sighing. Let this not be the last thing she says to me today.

At midday, the call was made and Caro and the nine crewmen destined to accompany Eukara to the bottom of the sea lined up, ready to go. Eukara walked out on deck, dressed for the dive. A pair of small daggers was strapped to her legs and her hair was tied back. She walked up and down the line, inspecting the nine men that Caro had picked out and nodded satisfactorily. She glanced at Caro and he issued the command for them to load in the side boat to be lowered to the water. No one spoke on the way down, for Caro had already issued the warnings and instructions before hand.

Once in the water, the group went over the what ifs and various scenarios. No one thought this would be a breeze but it didn't hurt for them to be optimistic. Once underwater, Eukara and Caro led the way. They passed the beautiful and mysterious ruins and for a brief moment Eukara toyed with the need to stop and look. But she pressed on. Soon, the coral archway came into view and the group slowed down. They had agreed to approach slowly, almost casually to express their peaceful intent.

All eleven people settled on the sandy bottom of the sea and looked towards the archway. Eukara led the way, as was discussed, and slowly walked through. At first, none of the hunting party paid any attention to her. As she and the crew gathered on the edge of the camp, a Mermazon looked up at them and nudged a Sarkanian. The Sarkanian stared at them for a few minutes before swimming off to a small knot of hunters near the chariot. A rather large Mermazon lifted her head and looked at Eukara and nodded. Collectively all twenty party members began to advance towards Eukara's little group. They held their ground, though most were terrified by now, but no one drew a weapon.

Eukara held out her empty hands, signaling to the hunting party she meant nothing but good. But it became quite clear in a matter of seconds that they didn't care. Each party member armed themselves with their spears, tridents, swords and bows. Their approach sped up and Eukara took a step backwards. She signaled for her group to retreat and they began to swim away. But no land walker that had ever existed could out swim one of those that lived in the sea.

The Sarkanians kicked their mighty legs and pulled up behind the group, trident spears aimed for the crew. Everyone stopped their progress and watched as the group became surrounded. The larger Mermazon eyed Eukara and Caro gave the signal to fight and flee. Every crew member pulled out their daggers and readied themselves. The Galeocerda grinned with pleasure and led the attack.

Tridents raised, the Galeocerda attacked ferociously and the crew barely were able to fend off the attack. It became apparent rather quickly that this was going to be a difficult fight. The Vagarans hung back and merely watched, knowing they were not going to be needed. The slower crewman struggled as they tried desperately to block the incoming attacks by the Galeocerda guards, but their movements were slow and ineffective. Two of the crewmen received blows to the shoulders by Galeocerda fighters, causing blood to spill into the sea.

Not to be outdone, the Sarkanians and the Mermazons joined in, and everyone, including Eukara found themselves fighting for their lives. A Sarkanian singled out Caro and swiftly attacked with his sword, slicing through the water with ease. Caro pulled up just in time to block the attack and kicked out with his leg. Though the blow connected and the Sarkanian cried out in pain, the move propelled Caro backwards through the water. Without any footing, Caro was left vulnerable for an attack and a Mermazon took advantage and swam full force towards him. She slammed into his back and sent him into the coral archway. Pain hit him like a tidal wave and Caro looked down to see a bright red coral finger protruding from his leg.

Caro watched as each of his men fought a losing battle. One by one, they were hammered, sliced, stabbed and disabled. Only two men and Eukara stayed their ground. But Eukara herself was injured. He could see the red tint in the water around her thigh. Suddenly, the larger Mermazon, the obvious leader, darted forward and interceded in the fight. Signaling to two Sarkanians, they took care of the remaining men at Eukara's side. The Mermazon grabbed Eukara by the throat with one hand and disarmed her with the other, dropping her daggers carelessly to the floor. The rest of the hunting party surrounded the crew, weapons ready incase someone tried anything remotely stupid.

The Vagarans then moved in and took hold of Eukara, binding her hands and feet. They roughly set her on the chariot, tying her down while her crew watched helplessly. Once Eukara was secure, the leader signaled that the hunting party move on, leaving the rest of her crew behind. The chariot disturbed the bottom of the sea and the white sands churned in the water, clouding their retreat.

Caro watched helplessly as his captain was now the property of one very large and dangerous undersea hunting party. As he pulled himself off of the coral archway, holding back the scream he should have allowed himself, he hung his head. This was a disaster, fully and completely a disaster. And they all saw it coming.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
8/30/2008 23:12:09   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 10 – Captivity Reigns

The chariot pulled away as Eukara watched her crew attempt to free her, but the hunting party was too strong and numerous for them. Head bowed, Caro retreated towards the ship and Eukara’s heart broke upon seeing him leave. As the chariot raced over the sands of the sea floor, her ship and her beloved crew grew smaller and smaller, slowly disappearing from her view. She continued to watch behind them as they sped onwards towards some unknown goal, trying to will the chariot to stop. But, despite her willpower, the chariot continued on and Eukara had to face the fact that she was completely at the mercy of beings that hated her kind.

Eukara leaned her head back against the bars of her confines and sighed, which felt rather strange underwater. She saw great ruins race past her and felt a longing to call the chariot to a halt so that she could explore. Pylons, walls, archways and borders sped past her eyes, teasing her. If she could break out of this cage, Eukara would have swum straight for those inviting places. But, alas, it was not to be. No, her fate was bound up in a chariot racing to an unknown destination with unknown people awaiting their arrival.

What have I done? I have done some pretty risky things before but none of it ever resulted in this type of problem. There was always an out, she thought glumly.

Another part of her mind chided her. Of course not, Eukara. Wyvern Lord was always there to pull your butt out of trouble. If it wasn’t for him, you would know exactly what to do in this situation. But he has always been there in tight spots to save you from the trouble of getting out of it yourself.

Not true
, she argued back, I have gotten into and out of hard places before with him not around. He has just been there for my roughest times, that’s all.

Sure, keep telling yourself that. If not him, what of Ben? If you recall, he has been involved in a few scrapes too. But you would have not been able to end those problematic times without him.

Eukara looked forward and watched the charioteer handle the seadogs. He was very good at it, but then most Sarkanians were animal handlers. They had a natural ability to handle the creatures of the sea. She watched the others in the hunting party as they swam effortlessly beside her. Keeping her eyes on them kept her mind from doing too much damage at the moment. The last thing Eukara needed was the argumentative part of her to start doing what it does best: arguing.

Jolting her out of a stupor, the chariot came to a sudden halt. Eukara looked around and realized that the waters had darkened, signifying that the evening had started. The hunting party spread out around here, finding places to sit and rest their weary legs and tails. Eukara sat back in her cage, still bound, silent and observing. The hunting party rarely spoke to each other, though they were very aware of each other’s presence. At times, it seemed as if they were talking, but not through words and sound. Either way, no one spoke to her.

Eukara? Are you okay?

Oh, Mnemeth, I have done it this time, haven’t I? All I wanted to do was my job and find out information that would help us all. Was I naïve?

No, heart sister, I would call it overly optimistic.

Either way, I messed up. I jeopardized everything and now I am a prisoner underwater and..and…

Don’t do this, Eukara. I can feel what you feel right now. Do not give in, it is not hopeless!

How do you know? Several of these people hate us with every fiber of their being. What’s to prevent them from…

NO! Don’t go there, Eukara. Don’t give in. I heard the voice, the one that you have been able to repress for so long. Do not give in to it. I beg you, please Eukara, fight.

A small group of Galeocerda left the hunting party, bearing tridents with looks of determination on their shark-like faces. Eukara watched them leave, curious about the errand on which they were sent. She shook her head, clearing her mind; she was trying desperately not to think. It made the trip more unpleasant than it already was.

“Good evening, Lady,” a soft voice whispered behind her.

Eukara started at the voice and turned her body to see who spoke. The movement wrenched her arms and she gasped in pain. Traveling all day with her hands tied behind her back had been painful. The movement only amplified the ache in her shoulders and arms. Eukara watched the Vagaran who spoke to her warily.

Taking her queue, the Vagaran continued, “I have argued with N’hees, the leader of this hunting party, regarding you.” It blinked slowly and smiled, “I can be quite persuasive when I need be. Turn back around and sit still.”

Eukara felt a tentacled arm slither around her wrists and tighten gently. Closing her eyes, she felt the claw of the other arm press against her skin as it closed over the kelp ropes. The ropes fell free of her wrists and the Vagaran released its grip. Eukara rubbed her wrists and flexed her fingers, encouraging the blood flow. Almost immediately her hands tingled painfully as the blood reawakened the dormant nerves.

Eukara realized she was being watched carefully and felt the water move as the Vagaran appeared at her side. “I believe you will be more comfortable now. So tell me, what were you doing in the water?”

She was torn. Eukara desperately wanted to talk to someone, but a Vagaran wasn’t foremost on her top ten list. Eventually, though, the overwhelming need to talk won out. “Aside from enjoying a good swim?” she smiled slightly, “I was looking for the leader of my town, my friends and my people. He disappeared some time ago and was replaced by an imposter. I was hoping to find clues beneath the waves.”

“Ahhh, so the other ships…they too look for this missing leader?” the Vagaran inquired.

“Yes,” Eukara answered quickly and then paused. “Actually, no. My fellow Defenders have reported other ships on the water; ships that are unfamiliar to us. One actually tried to attack my best friend when he attempted contact.”

The Vagaran looked at Eukara slightly alarmed and confused. “So, not all ships are like yours?”

“Granted, there are many of us on the water, but not all are like mine. Another Defender intervened as the occupants of one of the foreign ships invaded and pillaged one of the peaceful villages out in the islands. I have received reports saying these ships also leave a red trail in their wake. Disgusting practice if you ask me.” Eukara made a horrible face to punctuate her opinion.

The Vagaran stiffened at the mention of the red wake. Eukara caught the reaction and raised an eyebrow in question. “You seem to react to the red wake. Is there something you should tell me?”

Nodding its head, the Vagaran answered. “If these Defender ships like yours are different than the others, that fact needs to be shared with others.” The Vagaran looked around and leaned in towards Eukara. “If you have some way of communicating with these ‘Defender’ friends, only do so when I am around. I doubt that N’hees would approve.”

Eukara nodded and pulled out her C me Orb from an inner pocket in her jacket. It glowed slightly and she hid it from view. “Caro, Defenders, this is Eukara. No doubt by now my first has reported to you that I have been taken prisoner by a hunting party of Sea people. I know we are headed roughly west and heading in that direction rapidly. I am safe, though largely ignored at this point. I have learned nothing to benefit our search.” Eukara glanced up and saw N’hees staring at her. She hastily put the orb away and looked at the Vagaran.

“Eukara. Interesting name. You may call me Gerahar. N’hees will be watching you. Make your messages short. If you receive any in reply do not let it be heard,” Gerahar said, glancing towards N’hees as well.

Eukara watched as Gerahar was pushed aside by a Galeocerda. He pointed the Vagaran towards another place in the camp and turned to Eukara. The hunter thrusted a handful of seal blubber through the cage bars. “You’re lucky. I would have let you starve if I was in command.”

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
10/2/2008 13:22:31   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 11 – March On

Every inch of her body hurt. The cage Eukara was in afforded her no room to get truly comfortable. She had enough room to sit, maybe move a little, but she felt closed in all the time. If Eukara angled her body just right, it was possible to lie down; albeit in the fetal position. Several times she lost feeling in her legs. Her backside numbed up if she sat in one position for too long. Eukara leaned her head against the cage wall and wearily watched the streak of colors fly by as the hunting party sped ever increasingly towards its goal.

Eukara closed her eyes and rubbed the skin on her face and neck. Being underwater for so long had taken its toll on her body. Her skin itched constantly, but relieving the itch actually created a horrible burning pain. Rubbing didn’t relieve the itch completely, but it did help without causing intense burning.

Her stomach growled loudly and deeply. Eukara couldn’t remember the last time she ate. To make matters worse, she couldn’t tell how long she had been in the custody of these people. Had it been three days or five? No matter; relief was never coming. Even if every Defender was looking for her, it was a big sea out here. Besides, she kept telling herself, they had bigger things to worry about.

Wouldn’t you like to know if they were looking for you? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice to know they cared?

Shut up. I am not doing this right now. I am too tired and hungry.

Aww, such hardship. And what are you enduring it for? Hmmm? If they really cared they would have found you by now. What’s it been, five days? A moron in a rowboat would have found you at least two days ago. Face it girl, they have forgotten you.

Eukara tried to ignore the voice in her head. But the longer she was captive the louder it got. It invaded everything: dreams, the times when she could use her C me Orb, when she spoke to Gerahar, when she was trying to not think. She attempted to watch the members of the hunting party to keep the voice at bay. They joked around and talked as they marched, completely aware that she was not doing well. She knew they knew her condition for they glanced at her often. She watched hopelessly as they pulled out rations from their packs and munched on them.

Perhaps you are next. It wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, you know. I am sure they kill their prey before consuming it. No salvation for you, my dear. How very sad.

Leave me alone.

Alone. Now there is an interesting word. How does it feel to be absolutely alone? No one here to talk to. No one to smile at you or pat you on the back. Gerahar has such little control over how often she can talk to you. Tell me, when was the last time you were this alone. Do you remember? Do you, because I do…

Please stop. Please don’t go there. I beg you.

I remember the forest was quiet that day. Mintil and Sorba were in the front tending the garden. You were in the back, playing your little rogue games the Shade taught you. How old were you, thirteen?

Please. Stop. No more.

You can still hear their screams can’t you? You can hear them try to distract Him, giving you fair warning to run. But you didn’t run, did you?

I couldn’t. They were all the family I had.

He killed them, right before your eyes. And He turned to you and laughed. He told you that no matter how far you would run, you would always know that you were meant be alone. He hunted down your mother, he hunted down your foster parents and he would hunt down anyone you ever grew close to. Then he turned and walked back down the path from the house, as if nothing had happened.


Burying them was hard, was it not? That was when you finally had to come to terms with your situation. Alone. Hunted. And Afraid. Just…like…now. And what of Soren or Ben, what if He finds them too…Perhaps that is Him now. Hear the footsteps getting closer and closer? Do you know where Soren and Ben are right now? Do you?

“Stop it!” Eukara screamed at the top of her lungs. “Leave me alone!”

Several members of the hunting party stopped what they were doing and stared at Eukara. A few covered their mouths to stifle the laughter threatening to get out while others looked at her horrified. N’hees approached Gerahar and spoke rapidly to the Vagaran. Gerahar nodded submissively and walked over to Eukara. “You must refrain from outbursts like that. N’hees is not pleased, especially now with the commander of the army here.”

Eukara weakly turned her head and saw for the first time the huge army of sea people standing at attention in rank across the sea floor. “Where did they come from? When did they arrive?”

“They were gathered over the last week once you were taken captive. They arrive but moments ago. Are you okay, Eukara? Surely you heard them? That was the loudest thing I have ever heard, and I have worked with some very noisy animals in my lifetime. I have heard their march for hours now.” Gerahar looked at Eukara concerned. The Vagaran knew something was very wrong with the party’s captive. “Can I do anything for you?”

Eukara looked at Gerahar and then at N’hees. He and the army commander were talking animatedly. The conversation continued and as it progressed their volume increased. Though she couldn’t understand a word the said, she could tell the conversation was headed south soon. N’hees pointed towards her and the commander looked at her long and hard. She looked away from him, more in defiance than anything else.

She heard the violent stirring of the water before she saw the Mermazon commander. He hovered next to her prison, eying her carefully. He turned and said something rapidly to N’hees before swimming back to his army of Galeocerda and Mermazons. N’hees smirked and turned to retake his position in front of the hunting party.

The chariot lurched forward, throwing Eukara back against the cage bars. “Thank you, Gerahar, truly. But there is nothing that can be done for me now.”

Exhausted from both conversations, Eukara’s eyes closed. She dreamt of Mintil and Sorba. She dreamt of the Hunter. And even though her mind fought it, she dreamt of the Hunter as he tracked her once again to the place she loved, to kill all that meant everything to her.

Gerahar watched helplessly as the human girl slept fitfully while the two hundred fifty strong army of Galeocerda and Mermazons marched behind her.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
10/2/2008 13:28:12   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 12 – Seeping Darkness

Gerahar walked alongside the cage, glancing at Eukara sadly. She knew that they were not taking very good care of this woman. It didn’t matter where this woman was from. She had come to them in peace, arms open in a gesture of innocence. It pained Gerahar to see her suffer. All Eukara had wanted that day was to know if they had any information regarding her leader and what was going on around her above the surface. Gerahar can still see the look on Eukara’s face when N’hees gave the command to capture her. It was a mixture of sadness and panic, a look that nearly broke Gerahar’s heart. N’hees ripped hope straight out of the woman’s heart and fed it to the despicable Galeocerda that rounded her up. Those idiotic creatures; how can any of us trust them?

Eukara stirred in the cage and opened her eyes. Sleep had come, but it was not the relief that she had hoped for. Her mind replayed every encounter she had had with Him in her lifetime. The numerous times Mintil had packed up his family and her to move because of a warning he received from the wolves. The death of her foster parents played out in vivid detail, causing her to awake once in tears. When she was 17, she had a mentor that Mintil had spoken about numerous times. The man was held in high regard, but was no match for the Hunter. Dreams of shadows and eyes, tight places and daggers all came to her throughout the night. Eukara realized at that point that she would welcome death if he presented himself. Part of her was hoping he would come soon.

Gerahar reached into her carisack and pulled out her rations from the last two meals. Eukara had thinned much since they captured her. Gerahar racked her brain, trying to remember how many times she had been fed in the last few days. That plus the stress on her body being submerged was sickening the woman. The Vagaran reached out and gently stroked Eukara’s face. Eukara slowly turned her face and looked at Gerahar; haunted, sad and hollow.

“Eukara,” Gerahar whispered, “Take this. It may not be appetizing to you, but it is food. And you need it more than I. It pains me to see you like this. I am afraid that N’hees has disgraced us all by her treatment of you.”

Eukara looked into the Vagaran’s eyes, looking for something, anything to spark hope in her. She saw something she never thought possible in one of the sea dwelling folk towards a land dweller: compassion. Weakly, Eukara lifted her hands to take that which Gerahar offered her. There were four kelp rolls, the width of her wrist, stuffed with blubber, shellfish and squid. Two meals worth of food sat, cradled in her hands. Eukara nearly wept, seeing so much food.

As Gerahar shadowed her, Eukara ate, forcing herself to take her time and not succumb to the temptation to shove it into her mouth and swallowing it whole. She knew her stomach would force it back up and reveal Gerahar’s actions if the food was consumed too fast. So Eukara took small bites, savoring the feel of solid food in her mouth. A week ago, the rolls would have made her retch and sick to her stomach. Today, however, they tasted better than ambrosia.

Eukara took a good hour to eat, all the while aware that Gerahar was taking a chance being seen so close to the cage for such an extended amount of time. Once all four rolls were eaten, Eukara felt the urge to sleep once again. She fought to keep her eyes open, but Gerahar patted her shoulder and shook her head.

“You must go to sleep. You are too weak to stay awake and digest the food you have eaten. Go to sleep and dream of better things, Eukara. Do not let the darkness of deep sleep trouble you anymore.” Gerahar hummed a soft song as she walked beside Eukara. No matter how much she fought it, Eukara found sleep once more cover her in darkness.

Eukara sat in the usual corner of Serenity’s Inn in Falconreach, drinking one of the newest fruit concoctions that Serenity tested on her. She rather liked that job, as it was her payment sometimes for ridding the second floor of a new wraith that had decided to move in at the most inconvenient of times. Watching the customers was always a great pastime, as they were wont to not notice her in the corner. It was also a great opportunity to spy on those who did not want to be spied on.

She thought back to yesterday’s games with Soren and Ben. Apparently, Lymcrest was in need of someone to subdue the fire elementals that seemed to be popping up there, destroying everything and preventing the people from doing their jobs. The call went out and the three of them had jumped at the chance to stretch their legs and get some exercise. They practically ran to Lymcrest from No’Bell, taking turns boasting about how well each person would do once there.

Smiling to herself, Eukara took another drink of the fruity smoothie that Serenity had made. Ben had boasted the most on the way there, making such high claims that both she and Soren had to stop their progress they were laughing so hard. Soren matched his claim and they made a deal. She had stayed out of it, knowing better than to strike a deal with either man.

A shadowed figure sat opposite her at the table. His hood concealed the snarling face underneath. “Reminiscing, little girl?”

Eukara tried to stand but found that she couldn’t. Her feet felt as if they were nailed to the floor and her legs were numb. Staring at the hooded figure before her, Eukara tried to look as if she didn’t care. But He knew better.

“How was Lymcrest, little one? I imagine you get a lot of offers for tasks such as those. I mean, with the three of you, how could anything go wrong?” A smile appeared on His shadowed face. “Reckon there is a high demand for such a tight knit trio such as yourselves. Would be a shame if the trio shrunk, wouldn’t it?”

Eukara awoke suddenly; hitting her head on the cage and biting her tongue to keep from yelling out. She had bruises on her legs from the last time she woke up from a nightmare. From the cage, Eukara saw that the water, though behind her was bright, before her was beginning to darken. It was a strange sensation, since it was evident that it was not evening yet. Gerahar walked up to the cage, smiling slightly. “How do you feel?”

Other than the fact that I can’t get rid of the nightmares? “Much better. Though, the chariot ride has now become a little more obnoxious. But there is nothing I can do to get a smoother ride, so my newly filled stomach will have to get used to it. What is wrong with the water?”

Gerahar looked solemnly towards the darkness. “It is why we march, Eukara. There are humans on one of the islands that have made the water so dark. They make things there and dump what they cannot use into the sea. It is making our peoples sick and killing off our food sources. We cannot abide by this much longer or the entire sea will succumb to its filth.”

Eukara looked ahead into the blackness of the sea. The water around her was slightly tinted, but further ahead, it darkened to pitch black. For the first time she realized that the water tasted different. Metallic…and something else though she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. But it left a bitter taste in her mouth and made her eyes sting. And she realized quickly that the army was marching right into the darkness.

They marched steadily, never once stopping or faltering. Onward they pushed, towards the unknown of the dark waters. Soon, Eukara felt that the water seems thicker. Her movements within the cage slowed as if time was slowing down. Breathing became more difficult, as if she was inhaling sludge instead of water. It made her sick and Eukara looked at the army marching around her. Apparently, they weren’t looking so good either.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
10/2/2008 13:30:39   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 13 – Changing of the Guard

The enveloping darkness clung to the group, blindfolding them as they trudged forward. The last two days felt as though the army had traveled several miles when in reality they may have traveled one; if they were lucky. The condition of the water had rapidly deteriorated in the last twelve hours and it was taking its toll on the lines of soldiers. They moved slower; the thick water hindered their progress. Eukara noticed that several soldiers began to look sick. The black sludge they marched through had caused the gills of the Galeocerda to become inflamed. She imagined it was very painful for them.

Body weakened, Eukara too began to feel the effects of the polluted water. Her lings burned with every breath. It felt as if she was consuming a blazing inferno while sitting lethargically in her cage. Gerahar had begun slipping her bits of food here and there, and Eukara knew the food was the only reason why she was able to maintain some semblance of health. Otherwise, her days were numbered if she stayed here any longer.

They had left the semi-darkness early yesterday and entered the black eternity that was today. The presence of land had loomed ahead before the total darkness had consumed the world she was in and Eukara’s spirit had lifted. She had felt a glimmer of hope settle in her mind and rejoiced that they would finally leave the water. She had smiled when the thought of walking on the dry earth entered her thoughts. O glorious land, with its trees, sunshine and chirping birds, how she longed to feel the breeze upon her face.

But now, nothing could be seen except the faint bobbing flame of the Vagaran sea candles. Eukara found the blindness disconcerting, for she couldn’t even see the imprisoning bars of her cage. If it was not for the constant motion of the chariot, Eukara would have no way of knowing there were people around her at all.

Suddenly, the chariot halted its progressed and Eukara could hear a discussion between N’hees and the army commander. The conversation seemed almost too distant to concern her, not to mention it was in a language she could not understand. A voice next to her broke the immediate silence surrounding the cage.

“Eukara, we have finally reached our destination. I have little time with you now. They are replacing me with an army officer so we will not be able to speak after this,” whispered Gerahar.

Eukara searched quickly fro Gerahar’s face and barely noticed it in the blackness of the water. “So, the place that is causing all of your problems lies to the front of the army? What are they planning, Gerahar? Tell me it isn’t something rash!” Eukara pleaded.

Gerahar moved closer to, so that she could speak quieter. “I think they intend to storm the island, Eukara. The members of the hunting party were not informed of the army’s intent, just that we were to capture one of you and meet up with them.”

Reaching out and grasping Gerahar’s tentacled arm, Eukara spoke fiercely. “I don’t know who has done this, but I can guarantee that the Defenders are innocent of this atrocity. With all that I am, Gerahar, I promise you that I will not rest until something is done. I do not intend to stay prisoner for much longer. Once free, I will send out the call for help.”

“If you are a typical Defender, then they are an honorable people. I secretly wish for your escape, Eukara. I have tried to work out a way to free you, but nothing I can come up with will result in any less than death on both of our parts. Know that.” Gerahar squeezed the hand clasped around her tentacled arm and let go.

Eukara heard Gerahar retreat from the chariot and cage. Simultaneously, she heard the violent swishing of water approaching; indicating something large was coming her way. A disapproving harrumph sounded in the darkness. Though she knew that the source of the voice was hidden, Eukara still looked in its direction. A face slowly materialized beside the cage; mouth curled in a snarl. A Mermazon guard stood staring at Eukara, clearly impatient to get on with whatever he was there for.

“Well, if it isn’t the dry lander. Have you had a nice trip thus far? How’s the weather?” The Mermazon guffawed at his own wit and then coughed violently, trying to clear his lungs.

Rolling her eyes, Eukara turned her face away from the guard. Her impression of him matched that of the rest of his colleagues. “I have been forced to divert all my attention to you,” he grumbled. “Instead of preparing for the siege, I get to watch over you. While my comrades unfurl the banners and prepare the enclosures for the battle whales, I have to baby-sit you. Apparently, my commanding officer believes that you need tending and a translator. I guess Gerahar displeased N’hees in her care for you.”

He swam around to the other side of the cage so that he could look her in the eyes. “So, Eukara, I am to make sure you understand everything that is going on without making you feel as if you deserve any attention from us at all. Also, to my disbelief, I have to actually make you look decent in two days time before you appear with us before the negotiations.

The Mermazon guard looked her up and down, “Frankly, dry lander, you will require a lot of help in that department. And I am afraid I am no miracle worker.”

Eukara slammed her hand, palm flat, against the cage bars, causing the Mermazon to jump back a few inches. He glared at her as a few muffled laughs could be heard somewhere near the chariot.

“That was unwise, Eukara.”

“I’ll be sure to let you know when I care.”
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
10/2/2008 13:31:37   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 14 – Dry Land…erm, Machine?

The Mermazon officer kept his word, feeding Eukara regularly, though the meals were sparse, even by military terms. For two days, he arrived at the same time and gave her the same food. What she decided was breakfast constituted kelp and whelks. The bitter taste of the kelp stayed with her until the next meal, causing her stomach to turn every time she had to move. As disgusting as it tasted, it was by far the meals that was helping Eukara most regarding her health. The whelks were hard to chew and swallow, mostly because they came to her still alive and moving.

At midday, she assumed, she was given a smaller serving of kelp and fish. Mercifully, the fish was filleted, though uncooked. She prayed mightily that she would not get sick from the raw fish. That plus everything else making her ill would make for an interesting escape. Perhaps if she threw up enough, the smell would mask her getaway. The last meal consisted of various mammal blubbers and meat. All in all, she felt stronger with her stomach filled, but was unsure as to how it would affect her later.

Twice a day, she was allowed out of the cage for exercise. She bit back a retort that followed along the lines of “It’s about time,” knowing it would get her nothing but abuse. The Mermazon Officer forced her into exercises her body was unused to, not to mention capable of doing. Eukara was so weak after sitting in that cramped cage for weeks. Her muscles, unused for so long, rebelled against the Mermazon officer.

That first day, her body wouldn’t even cooperate. It was as if her muscles had forgotten how to function. Disgusted, the officer put her through simple drills to merely get her body to move again. He made her walk across the sea floor, back and forth, back and forth until she felt as if she could identify every single polyp on the coral branches along her makeshift path. That exercise took up her entire morning after breakfast.

Midday meal came and went rapidly, too soon in her mind and the officer commanded her to swim. He swam beside her with ease and smirked the whole time she feebly cut though the black water, trying so hard to pull herself forward with each stroke. By the evening meal, she hurt in places she forgot existed and was starving. When the food arrived, she resisted the urge to grab for the food and wolfing it down. Instead, Eukara delicately received the meal and ate slowly. The taste stuck to her mouth, but at that moment all that mattered was the food. Stomach full, Eukara slept with ease that night, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When she was violently awakened the next morning by the Mermazon, she hurt but felt just a little stronger. She choked down the kelp and whelk breakfast and readied herself for the day. It was repetitious and she was prepared for whatever the officer threw at her. At the end of the second day, sitting in her cage, Eukara thought about what was ahead. The officer had told her that he had two days to get her to look presentable. He had stuffed her with food and worked her almost mercilessly outside the cage. What was happening tomorrow that was so important?

Sleep felt like an oil lamp in a breezy window on a cool spring evening. It flickered on and off, teasing Eukara and then snatching the sleep from her eyes. She tried everything to get to sleep: curling up, changing positions, counting acrobatic flips from a fighting Clawkin Wanderer…but nothing helped. A tap on the cage signaled the arrival of morning. Expecting the same breakfast from her Mermazon caretaker, Eukara took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Instead, the cage lock released. “Eukara, I have been commanded to give you your breakfast among those who are negotiating today so that you know exactly what will be happening to you.”

The Mermazon officer offered her his hand and helped her down from the chariot. Perplexed at this sudden change in demeanor, Eukara followed him in silence. She was led to a small pavilion in which at least two dozen Vagaran candles burned, illuminating the faces that would represent each race in the negotiations. The brightness of the candles burned her eyes and Eukara found that she could not look into the pavilion with eyes open. A single phrase was barked out and the officer that accompanied her pulled Eukara back outside the pavilion. The darkness returned and her eyes were thankful.

A single candle appeared in the darkness, close by and burned softly. Eukara’s eyes adjusted slowly, eventually accepting the intrusion on her senses. The Vagaran said something quietly to the Mermazon officer and she could vaguely see him nod his head. Soon, another candle was brought before her and then another. Within the span of thirty minutes, enough candles were brought before them that Eukara was able to see the dying corals around the campsite. She nodded at the Vagaran in gratitude and proceeded back into the tent.

The light was still much brighter in the pavilion, though Eukara’s eyes adjusted well enough to not cause a shooting pain to plow through her mind. She took her seat beside the officer and the meeting began. Everyone spoke in turns and he translated for her.

A Sarkanian, old and wizened, sat directly across from them. “I am Truniste. I am the Prince of the Sarkanian kingdom and one of those chosen to represent our peoples today in the negotiations with the humans of this island.”

“I am Zh’stos, human,” a Galeocerda Chieftain snarled to her left. He looked at her with contempt. “Do not give me reason to dismiss you too easily. It will not bode well for you.”

A shiver sped up her spine as her eyes shifted away from Zh’stos. A softer voice addressed her from the left. Eukara looked towards the voice and recognized a Vagaran, though this one had not shape shifted the same as Gerahar. This one looked more like the offspring of a human and a Mermazon. Her features seemed so perfect; she was beautiful in every way. “I am Laniya, Eukara, and welcome to our meeting. I am the top ranking warlord of the Vagaran Guard and hope that you have been treated as well as possible.” Laniya’s eyes swept over Zh’stos, the Mermazon and Truniste. All three looked away from her gaze and she looked back at Eukara. “My sincerest apologies, then. I know that our peoples have never truly gotten along, but I didn’t think we would be the barbarians in this case.”

Eukara, emboldened by the Vagaran’s attitude spoke up, “Warlord Laniya, had it not been for Gerahar, a Vagaran member of the hunting party that captured me, I do not think I would be alive today to sit here with you. I have much respect for the Vagaran people because of her kindness.”

Laniya smiled at Eukara and sat up a little straighter. “Very good, then, very good. Very well, we have come here to discuss what it is we wish to accomplish on the shores of this gods forsaken island. I believe that we must make our case, plainly and assertively.”

Zh’stos banged the table with his hand. “No! We must go in and demand that they do as we say. It is not their homes they are destroying. Their families are not suffocating, playing in the park.”

Shaking his head, Truniste raised his hand and motioned fro silence. “As much as I would like to attack now and ask questions later, we must proceed with intelligence and careful planning. Humans are strange creatures, each one different from the next. What will work on one will not necessarily work on an other.” He turned to Eukara, “What of it Eukara? Is that not true about your species as a whole?”

Pausing, Eukara gathered her thoughts before answering. She knew for the good of all sentient races, whether above or below the sea, that what she said next had to be perfect. “You are right. There is no guarantee that the human you talk to on your right will agree or disagree with the one on your left. You can also count on variations of agreements in between the two polar opposites. From what I am gathering and experiencing in the sea, these humans do not care a wit about you or anything else in the sea.

“The corals are dying, the fish are scarce and all of us are sick to a degree. The gills of the Galeocerda are raw and inflamed. I cannot begin to imagine how much that must pain each and every one of the soldiers marching with you. I myself am suffering too. My skin is raw and pained. My lungs feel as if I have a fire burning within them. And my eyes, even now all of you are blurred and I have good reason to believe that the damage done to them by way of this pollution will be permanent.

“If they care so little about this place, then what makes you think that you talk them out of the destruction with threats? Going to them in violence will only make them more determined to do as they please. Your threats will merely fan the flames of their domination.”

Truniste and Laniya carefully considered Eukara’s words as Zh’stos glared at her. After a few minutes of silence, Laniya spoke. “Your words ring true according to the research I have done on the humans. Therefore we must try hard diplomacy.”

“But if that doesn’t work, we lay all our threats on the table,” Zh’stos smiled.

The small party of people walked towards what Eukara assumed was the island. They walked with a determination Eukara recognized in her own life when she wanted something she was afraid she wouldn’t get. Eukara found that she admired these people and mourned the potential loss of relations between them and humans. They trudged on, struggling up the slope of sand and coral heads, nearing the shoreline. The water began to lighten somewhat, though the gray pallor still tainted the water.

Eventually, Eukara felt the sun on her head and then her face. Wanting to just stand there and soak up the glorious warming rays, she slowed her steps and held out her arms. Zh’stos pushed his trident into Eukara’s back and forced her to keep moving. The team paused after five more steps and put on a strange apparatus over their heads. They were like huge bubbles, except there was water inside the bubble. She realized that these contraptions would help the representatives breathe outside the sea.

Once on the beach, Eukara could not believe her eyes. This was no paradise of trees and animals, white sands and seashells. It was a monstrosity. Where they should have been clusters of coconut and pineapple trees, there stood a building made of steel and iron. It reflected the sun harshly, blinding her for a minute before a cloud drifted between the sun and Lore. Eukara heard the unnatural sounds of pumps, gears and gaskets as the stacks on top belched out black clouds of smoke into the sky. She realized that it wasn’t just the sea that was slowly being conquered by this place, but the very air in Lore too. It was suddenly her fight as well.

The small group turned to each other and Truniste sucked in a breath, startled as he looked at Eukara. Laniya turned towards her and her eyes widened dramatically. “My dear, that cannot be what you look like,” Truniste said flatly.

Eukara looked at him blankly as Laniya walked towards her. “Come child, we must remedy this.”

Laniya took Eukara by the arm and she winced in pain. The effect of the water on her skin was still very real. Soon enough, the Vagaran located a spring that had seemed to be untainted by the factory. She bade Eukara to wash off in the clear water and watched a mixture of regret and sadness on her face. Soon enough, Eukara had cleansed what taint of the sea off of her and Laniya nodded her head. The rejoined the rest of the party and resumed their walk towards the factory.

They arrived at the great double doors of the factory where three guards met the party. They relieved the Truniste and the others of all weapons before opening the doors up to them. As everyone proceeded through and into the building, the guards stopped Eukara.

“You are not invited. Being human will keep you outside, though you look more like you belong in the sea than among us!” One of the guards said, pushing Eukara backwards and away from the building.

Eukara stumbled backwards and fell, hitting the sand harshly. She looked at her hands and arms and noticed the grey tint and the angry, blotchy red areas. Then it dawned on her, gradually, for her brain was still slightly fuzzy from her last two weeks of existence.

She was unbound and alone.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
10/2/2008 13:35:42   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 15 – Unfortunate War

Eukara paced in front of the door, torn mentally regarding her current state of affairs. On one hand she was, in every definition of the word, free. She could walk away, no run away if she so desired. But a part of her fought that instinct to run. Eukara remembered the promise she made to Gerahar. Eukara’s legs began to feel like jelly from all the pacing and she needed to sit down. She was still so weak, so unused to moving, that she was tiring too easily.

She sat against a palm tree and stretched out her legs. The muscle in her legs cramped suddenly and she could see the spasms that followed. Holding back tears, she endured the pain quietly. Eukara took several long, controlled breaths while rubbing the afflicted muscles and slowly the spasms subsided. Looking towards the factory, Eukara wondered what exactly was being said. Were threats issued or compromises reached? Did the others have to restrain Zh’stos? She laughed at the thought.

Eukara’s conscience finally won over and she decided to stay put. Perhaps, she thought, this was the very reason why she was captured; to help them when things seemed too difficult. Feeling satisfied with her decision, Eukara slowly stood up and stretched out her body, forcing muscles to do things they didn’t want to do. Eventually, the doors of the great factory opened and the Mermazon officer walked out.

“Eukara, I have been sent to bring you in to the negotiations. I am slightly surprised to see you here. I thought that you would have tried to escape. Not that you would have gotten far,” he sneered. “I would have been able to catch you easily, weakling.”

Eukara merely stared at the officer and walked into the building. She was nervous about this whole fiasco, but she didn’t dare let him see it. Admitting where she was emotionally would show weakness he was surely to exploit. The officer escorted her through halls of metal, gleamingly pristine, and devoid of any kind of decoration or human touch. Finally, after passing up several rooms in each corridor, they stopped in front of a door. He opened it and Eukara lightly stepped in and found herself facing a large circular table. The Sea People sat on one side and a small group of humans in white lab coats and dark suits sat on the other. Between the two groups was an interpreter. The Mermazon officer sat next to the interpreter, taking his place as the moderator and secondary interpreter to make sure that everything was correctly relayed to both parties.

Zh’stos looked up, smiling, making Eukara suddenly very uncomfortable. “You see this woman before you. We have one of yours.”

A man in a dark blue suit looked at her slowly and shrugged his shoulders. “Oh really?” He looked at the others in his party. “Have we seen her before?”

“Hmmm, perhaps she worked in filing?” Another man, this one in black, responded.

Eukara was caught by surprise. Everyone knew the officers of Cysero’s Defenders. How was it that they didn’t know who she was? Disconcerted, Eukara looked around the room and found a stranger looking back at her in a mirrored window. She slowly brought a hand to her hair, touching it lightly. Her hair was so pale, a mere wisp of the dark red it was only weeks ago. And it felt brittle and dry under the touch of her fingers. Her skin wasn’t the soft peach color but appeared blotchy and red with a slight grey tint. The raw patches of skin stood out horribly. Red rimmed eyes stared at her in marked sadness and Eukara felt sick and weak-kneed. She fought hard to stay on her feet as she stared at the stranger looking back at her.

One of the lab technicians broke her train of thought and pulled her attention back to the conversation at hand. “Perhaps she is one of ours, perhaps not. Since none of us recognize her, she could be anyone.”

Zh’stos smiled, showing his razor sharp teeth. “We are willing to kill her and it would mean nothing to us. And any other human that sets foot in our domain, while we are at it.”

Eukara saw Truniste and Laniya shift slightly at Zh’stos remark though the humans did not see it. “And that should bother us? She is nothing to us. We have no connection to this woman you bring before us,” the blue suit said nonchalantly.

Shocked, Laniya sat bolt upright. “You mean to tell us that you would let one of your own species die. Just like that, without blinking an eye!”

The blue suit straightened the papers before him. “She may be one of our species, but like I said before, she in nothing to us. She doesn’t matter for she doesn’t work for us.” He rose from his seat and spoke, “We’ve made our decision. Now, if you don’t mind, leave our facility.”

Zh’stos crossed his arms, “I f we leave now, without resolving this issue, we will tear this place down.”

The lab technician shook his head and stood. “Why should you do such a thing…sir? We could be of great assistance to each other. I am not above working together for science and discovery.”

Laniya frowned and quickly glanced at Eukara before proceeding. “Zh’stos, calm yourself. They obviously have no clue as to what is good for all. We have no need of human cooperation. However, in light of what we have learned here, we are willing to make war on the human race.”

Rising from his chair, Truniste nodded in agreement. “And when we say ‘we’, it is meant that every sentient creature that resides below the waves.”

Smiling savagely, the black suit spoke up, “You can do your best, Sarkanian. However, I can’t imagine this fortress being felled by your savage and crude weapons. You see, we have already anticipated your petty annoyance beforehand.”

“And yet you proceeded!” Laniya’s voice rose, threatening. “You disgusting wretches! Do you care for anything at all? Would you poison your own world and air so easily, without regard for anyone else? Is there no cost to high for your greed? Even the Drakel, in all their technology and advancement, did not disturb our peace in any way. They made sure that their advancements harmed no one!”

Zh’stos’ hands formed tight fists, his joints turning white under the grey skin of his fingers. “Your walls of steel and iron will crumple under my armies terrible might!”

Laughing lightly, the blue suit moved away from his chair, clearly dismissing the meeting. “Somehow, I doubt that, Galeocerda. We have a good thing going here and we are prepared for anything that can be thrown at us. We are producing more energy here than burning coal. We can easily keep you at bay with all that we have here. There is a glorious commodity called money that we have plenty of that can be used for all sorts of wonderful things - mercenaries, for one. We could feasibly hire enough mercenaries to wipe out your entire army in a short time. You wouldn’t even know what hit you.”

Hand shaking, Truniste pointed at the humans. “So you are admitting that you plan to conquer our home and the sea?”

The blue suit sigh, exasperated, “As we said before you brought this woman in here, we are not responsible for the sea becoming breathable by humans or anything else that may venture in there from the land.”

The lab tech shrugged his shoulders, “I have led a team to investigate the strange occurrence but we have come up with nothing. We cannot explain how…”

The table shook as Zh’stos slammed his fists onto it, “Enough of this rhetoric and your feeble excuses! You have refused to be civilized. We will give you war!”

Shaking her head sadly, Laniya spoke softly. “I am afraid I have to concur.” She looked at Eukara apologetically.

Truniste headed for the door and the rest followed him. “We will take our leave. You have been warned. Send all the mercenaries you want and we will destroy them. We fear no one and have more power behind us than you think.”

Laniya stopped walking but did not turn to face the humans behind her. “I fear you have made a grave mistake by poisoning our ocean.”

Truniste, Laniya and the Mermazon officer exited the room. Zh’stos followed them and then stopped in the entrance. The door framed him, making him seem larger than life suddenly as his bulk took up most of the doorway. “Let it be known, from this point onwards, that the United Ocean Nations have made their decision regarding you and your actions. The combined Nations of Mermazon, Sarkanian, Vagarans, Galeocerda and Aqueevil are at war with the Human Race!”

Zh’stos leaves the room and Eukara heard their exit echo through the halls until nothing was left but silence. She turned back to see that the men were looking at her, but not making any kind of move. She scanned the room for anything to help her and noticed a map on the wall. Indicating the position of the factory was a star and Eukara recognized where she was. There was an island south of here that was of interest to the Defender’s and their stolen gold: Lizardman Peak.

Slowly backing up, Eukara put more and more distance between her and the men responsible for the factory, the pollution and the war with the United Ocean Nations. She walked down the bland hallways and retraced her steps, heading for the outside. Knowing that her options were limited, Eukara decided to search the island for a way off.

She walked to the edge of the water nearest the UON army and yelled across the waves. “I will not let you down Gerahar. I will help you in any way that I can Laniya. Do not give up hope that war can be avoided.” Eukara had no idea if they heard her or not, but it felt good to voice her feelings. She turned and headed in the opposite direction of the army and searched the shores fro anything that may help her escape.

As she walked away from the factory, her C me Orb sputtered faintly. All that Eukara could here was that a Defender was broadcasting a strategic tactical move to the very island she was heading for. If she was lucky, her salvation was but a day away. She just needed to find a way to get there first. She walked the shoreline and found a small mangrove-lined cove. And tied to one of the outermost mangrove trees was a small rowboat. Eukara smiled, enjoying her extraordinary luck. For now, she would rest and worry about the small, nagging though tin the back of her head that she would not have the strength to man the boat tomorrow.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
10/21/2008 13:38:06   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 16 – Siren’s Quill

The warmth of the sun spread slowly over the moist sand. Small crabs emerged from their dark dens beneath the surface and spread out all eight legs to sun themselves in the new day’s sunlight. Slowly, the birds awoke, shaking out their feathers and stretching their necks. Small trills and quiet chirps signaled a chorale warm-up for the concert that would soon begin. A large green and brown snake opened his eyes halfway and flicked out his tongue in annoyance. His bed seems to be moving and that did not sit well with him.

The snake swiveled his great square head to the left, green-yellow eyes surveying the human under him. He didn’t move as the pale-haired head began to stir. Eukara opened her eyes and looked up into the tree’s canopy above her, thankful that her freedom hadn’t been a mind crazed dream. As she tried to sit up, Eukara found that something rather heavy prevented such a notion. Raising her head slightly, she looked down her nose into a rather large pair of serpentine eyes. Upon further examination of herself, she noticed that the snake had taken it upon himself to use her as a bed. His body was thicker than her arm and his coils draped over both sides of her torso quite elegantly.

“Well, good morning to you. I am glad one of us is comfy,” Eukara said as she rolled her eyes. The snake flicked out his tongue, almost casually, before lowering his head back down. Satisfied with the arrangement, he nestled his great head among the coils of his enormous body, resuming the early morning nap the human had interrupted. Eukara exhaled impatiently and laid her head back on the ground. This is convenient.

Slowly, Eukara slide her left hand underneath the massive reptile and lifted his body. As she did so, she turned onto her left side slowly, allowing her to maneuver the beast onto the ground by gently sliding it off of her. After fifteen minutes of painstakingly slow movement on Eukara’s part, the snake found himself on the coarse sand. He raised his head and glared at Eukara, clearly upset by her decision to move. Eukara lightly ran her fingers along his silky skin and cooed. “I would take you with me if I could, big fella. There are plenty of rats on even the cleanest ship to satisfy your belly. But I don’t think you would appreciate the trip there in the rowboat.”

The snake turned his head and unraveled the coils of his body and began to slither away. The sun glinted off his scaled as he moved; the green shimmered and the browns created the mirage of shadow. His patterned back suddenly looked as if a dragon ran the length of his body. Eukara allowed her hand to linger on his scaled skin as he left. The muscles of his abdomen undulated, moving him forward gracefully. She watched in admiration of the beauty he possessed until his tail disappeared into the mangrove roots. Sighing, she stood, brushed off her clothes and headed into the forest to find something to eat before setting off.

It didn’t take long for Eukara to get her fill of a few succulent fruits and vegetables she found about twenty feet into the forested shadows. They were located near a small stream that flowed from deep within the forest and seemed miraculously untainted by the factory. After checking the surrounding area, Eukara shed her clothing slowly so that she didn’t irritate her skin further and waded into the stream.

At its deepest, the water reached the bottom of her ribcage. The cool water was refreshing and it soothed her raw skin. She sank to her knees, water swirling around her chin and felt the rush of the cool water gently massage the soreness from her aching body. When she had had her fill, Eukara stretched out back and arm muscles poorly used in her confinement to grab her clothes. She spent the next hour trying to cleanse her imprisonment from her clothing, as if washing them would help her forget what had transpired.

A low lying branch served well to drip dry her clothes as she once again knelt in the water still and quiet. The sounds of the forest soothed her nerves and she felt her lids grow heavy. Eukara was startled out of her slumber by the cold water rushing into her mouth as she sank below the surface. Fully awake, she slipped under the surface of the water and rubbed her scalp gently. Her hair felt horrid and straw-like, as if she had swapped places with a scarecrow for a moment. Eventually, in need of air, she surfaced and reluctantly trudged out of the stream.

Eukara pulled her clothes back on, though still damp, and searched out a clump of gourd vines to make a vessel to store water in. She found two large, toughened gourds and used a fallen branch to hollow out each one and then filled them with water from the stream. It was slow work, but well worth it. She had no idea how long she would be stuck in the rowboat and she didn’t want to go without fresh water.

Walking back to the cove, Eukara whistled quietly, feeling well and ready to shove off and go find the Defender south of her current position. The sun was still low in the sky as the sun had only begun to rise. Dropping the gourds into the rowboat, Eukara pushed the little boat into the water and jumped in. She grabbed the left oar and then realized that the right one was missing. She saw that it was in the bottom of the boat and reached down to grab it. What she grabbed was not the oar but the smooth cool skin of the snake that used her as a bed earlier. The sunlight emphasized the dragon image on his back and Eukara could have sworn he smiled at her when he turned to look at her.

Mesmerized by this turn of events, Eukara merely sat and stared at the creature. He lifted his tail and Eukara realized that he had been holding the oar. She took it from him and slid it into the ring on the edge of the boat. Still looking at his green eyes and shimmering skin, she began to row, feeling her muscles object even as they worked hard to get her going. Eukara found a rhythm that suited her body strength and the boat slid quietly through the waves. Luckily for Eukara, the tide was going out and she left the pull of the island current quickly and made her way into the open sea.

Eukara looked back at the island in remorse. Even from the distance she had traveled she could see the factory readying itself for war. Cannons and guns replaced windows; metal shields shuttered other openings such as vents and exhaust piping. She knew that the Sea People were equally preparing underneath the waves. If she strained hard enough, the calls of the battle whales sounded aggressively. The battle songs of the whales caused her to row harder, pushing her to find help as promised. She rowed and rowed, pushing the oars through the water and tried to think of everything but how her body felt as she forced it to work.

The sun shone down on her from on high, the heat exhausting her and she could row no more. Eukara judged that the sun was well past midday. The last few hours had been hardest. She had to take so many breaks and each become longer than the last. Her arms hurt, her body screamed in agony and she hated herself for her weakness. She was Eukara – strong and brave, determined and loyal. There was no option for failure; she did not fail. “I do not fail!” she screamed to the sky and the water, for they were her only witnesses in this failure.

The serpent lifted his head up to her knee and rested it there, reminding her of his presence. She cried, realizing that she had one more that she had failed. Eukara laid a hand on the serpent’s broad head and rubbed behind its jaw. Then slowly, the world around her faded into oblivion.

Coolness kissed her skin and she struggled under the pressure that held her down. Eukara felt the heaviness of the water and the restraints of the cage. She cried out for help but no one was there.

They aren’t coming, Eukara…

“Mistress Eukara? Mistress?” A distant distressed voice called out to her. It sounded so familiar but it was impossible, for her ship and crew were so far away and she was trapped under the water. “Mistress Eukara? Why won’t she wake up, Hygeia?”

She felt the beginning of a panic attack and she knew they couldn’t see her succumb to such weakness. Slowly, the pressure began to ease and her breathing slowed. Her panicked state of mind began to dissipate and Eukara began to relax. “Eukara, it is me, Hygeia. We have dimmed the lights, so you can open your eyes. Trust us, please, or else Caro will have a nervous breakdown.”

The dim lighting shadowed everything in the room and Eukara considered running. But slowly everything came into focus and she saw the worried countenance of Hygeia staring down on her. She turned slightly and looking opposite of Hygeia, Eukara made out the silhouettes of Caro and Sylenia standing at her side. She smiled, realizing that they had been looking for her. They had always looked for her; her crew, her officers, her friends.

Eukara tried to sit up but found that she couldn’t. Smiling, she lifted her head and looked at the green-yellow eyes of the snake lounging on her abdomen. “Oh for goodness sake, get off of me! Sheesh, what is it with you and sleeping on me?” The snake flicked his tongue out at her and slithered off, dropping unceremoniously onto the floor and curled up under the bookshelf.

Shaking her head, Hygeia offered Eukara her hand and helped her into a sitting position. “I haven’t been able to do anything remotely satisfactorily while that brute of a reptile was perched on your stomach. What possessed you to bring such a creature in that boat?”

“I had no choice. He slept on me overnight after I escaped and then I found him in the boat after leaving the island.” She smiled sheepishly and then recovered, “Besides, I like the pattern on his back. It reminds me of Mnemeth. Speaking of which, how is she?”

Caro sputtered, “How is she? She is beside herself. According to our friends back home, she went absolutely nuts the day you were taken by the hunting party. She could feel your distress and couldn’t do anything for you. Up until that point, she knew you were safe. But that day, I was told that Mnemeth was one very dangerous baby dragon. They had to restrain her, Mistress Eukara. They were afraid she would hurt herself.”

Dropping her gaze to her lap, Eukara closed everyone out and sought out Mnemeth. A quiet mewling echoed in the back of her head. She knew that was only one thing: Mnemeth was crying.

Do not fret, little one. I am here and whole.

Eukara? Eukara! They would not let me out. I was not allowed to come to you!

I know my sweet, but it was for the best. You cannot swim as well as it would have been required of you.

So! If you would just let me practice once in a while, I would be much better at it. Then I would have been able to make things better. You had another dream again, I saw it. And the voice was sooo bad…

You heard and saw?

Of course, who else do you think fought for you while you were all alone down there?

Eukara was suddenly overwhelmed with the love she received from her dragon. Mnemeth fought for her, supported her and kept her from insanity. Oh how she wished Mnemeth was there to hold.

Remember that when you come back to shore. You owe me heart sister. Now, then, I need sleep. You have no idea how tiring it is watching over you.

Laughing slightly, Eukara met the eyes of the three people before her. Though they were relieved to see her well, they looked worried. “What?”

Sylenia traded places with Caro and touched Eukara on the shoulder slightly. “When we pulled you from the rowboat, we didn’t know who you were. You have changed. You have lost a lot of weight. Your skin has a grayish tint and is so raw from whatever you were subjected to. And your hair…” she paused and drew in a deep breath “…we had to cut most of it. It was damaged beyond repair. It literally broke when we touched it. I had to cut it well above your shoulders to where the healthier growth extended, if you can call it healthy. And, well, your hair is not the dark red of before. It is the palest shade of red, just shy of white.”

“Do you have a mirror?” she asked trembling.

Sylenia handed her a small hand mirror. Eukara looked into it and saw for herself how much she had changed. Her cheeks were hollow and her eyes were red-rimmed. The pale red crop of hair framed her face, making it paler than it already was naturally. Her skin made her cringe in pain, though she felt none due to whatever medication Hygeia had in her system. Eukara had no idea who was staring back at her from the mirror.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 4/28/2009 23:16:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
10/21/2008 13:43:36   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 17 - Nightmare in Reality

The wind whipped the water into froth; waves pounded the hulls of the two ships anchored off shore. The wind felt strange on Eukara’s newly exposed neck. The shorn pale strawberry blonde hair made her feel extremely self-conscious. There hadn’t been a time in her memorable life when her hair was this short.

“Mistress Eukara?” Caro stood next to her and looked at Lizardman Peak, the island that the Defender had broadcasted as his next destination. Over night, the crew of the Siren’s Quill had discovered that the Defender was none other than Commander Wyvern.

Without looking at him, Eukara spoke as she watched the shoreline steadily. “Did you get confirmation from Commander Wyvern’s First, Meringue?” Caro watched as his captain gripped the rail, causing her knuckles to turn white.

“Meringue said that they had last heard from Commander Wyvern early morning yesterday. Other than discovering some very interesting ruins and artifacts, he has found nothing to denote the existence of people on the island or the presence of someone that should not be there.” Caro leaned against the railing as he spoke. Thoughts of his captain going ashore alone made him nervous. Caro had still not gotten over Eukara’s capture under his watch. He stole a glance at her and noted that she may put on an act of being stronger, but he knew better. She wasn’t any where near as strong as she pretended.

“Mistress Eukara,” Sylenia’s voice shocked him out of his thoughts, “we also received a more detailed sketch of the island by one of the Commander’s wyverns earlier.” She handed Eukara the small parchment and watched her look over it. “Commander Wyvern had his ship circle the island while he explored and take note of anything interesting. They reported seeing nothing outwardly strange or suspect.”

“No other ships?” Eukara asked as she ran her hand over her hair for the twentieth time. Caro and Sylenia watched her eyes slightly unfocused and knew that talking to her was useless for the next few moments.

I’m sure you look fine, heart sister.

You haven’t seen me yet…
Eukara looked at the terns as they circled a school of fish near the surface of the water.

If you would look in the mirror I would know. That way, you won’t scare me when you come home.

Nice, Mnemeth. Ask Ryukotsusei if Soren is okay.

Changing the subject will not help you avoid me, dearest to my heart.
Eukara heard the mental sigh. Hold on.

Eukara took a deep breath and looked at Sylenia for the first time. Knowing Mnemeth, it may be awhile before the baby dragon got back to her. Sylenia took her cue and continued. “No ma’am. Not only were there no ships about the island while they were surveying, Meringue said that they found no trace of any ship or crew within the last week. Though, he did mention that there was a strange formation toward the southwestern tip of the island.”

“Very well. I expect to be on my way shortly. That forest is fairly dense so I will need all the light I can squeeze out of the day to begin searching for Commander Wyvern.” Turning to Sylenia, Eukara nodded. “Well done the both of you. You handled yourselves well in my absence. I couldn’t have asked for a better First or Second.”

“Are you sure you are up to this, Mistress Eukara?” Sylenia asked cautiously. “You are still pretty…weak after all.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Eukara prepared to respond that she was very well and didn’t need anyone to mother her. She was cut short by Mnemeth. Tsk, tsk, Eukara. They are only concerned about you. Give them a break for goodness sake.

“Look. I am going out to meet Commander Wyvern. I know the both of you very well and understand that you fear for me and my safety. But, honestly Caro, do you really have any fear for me with the Commander out there?” Eukara began to walk to the steps that led to the cabins. “I will be in my quarters if you need me. I will leave in about an hour.”

Sylenia and Caro exchanged resigned looks and turned when another voice interrupted their silent exchange. Meringue stepped out from behind a few well placed boxes and walked over to the two Quill officers and shook his head. “She is exactly what all the stories make her out to be. She is not strong enough to be trudging through the forest, Caro. I cannot guarantee that she will find Commander Wyvern today. I wish I could get a hold of him.”

Caro turned to Meringue and sighed, “She is an excellent captain and has treated everyone with the utmost respect. What I want to know, though, is how on earth Commander Wyvern and Captain Ben keep her grounded and settled. Because, if you ask me, that’s the only time she seems to be…normal.”

“Perhaps, gentlemen, they understand her far more than we can ever hope to,” Sylenia offered. “Much of Mistress Eukara’s past is a mystery. What I have heard is that most, if not everyone, in No’Bell only know of her since she arrived in town, seeking out the Defender’s to join their cause. Before No’Bell, nothing is known. I am not even sure if Commander Wyvern or Captain Ben knows of her past.”

Seriously, Eukara, you need to lighten up. Unless, of course you just love for people to fawn all over you in worry.

Not particularly, Mnemeth.

Oh, Zhoth overheard me talking to Ryukotsusei. He has a few words for you.

Does he now? And I assume that you are going to tell me, right?
Eukara slowly sat on her bed and stared at the wall.

Of course I am. Zhoth said to tell you that Ben was very upset when news traveled that you had been captured. So upset in fact, that he suspended ale rations from his crew. And of course, his worry was Zhoth’s worry...

Of course, Mnemeth. I understand that perfectly.

…Anyway, he said to tell you to stop looking for trouble. You are enough trouble as it is without inviting more to the party.

Eukara rolled her eyes and threw herself back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Tell him I don’t go looking for trouble.

Yeah, about that. He said you would say that and his reply is – yes you do. Oh and Ryukotsusei says that as far as he can tell, Soren is fine, just not very talkative right now. Ryukotsusei says Soren is currently thinking too hard.

Suppressing a laugh, Eukara smiled and responded. Thank you, Mnemeth. Give my love to Ryukotsusei and Zhoth. Now, go and give my mind some peace before I go off into the jungle and my doom.

Bye, dear heart
. Once Mnemeth’s presence was gone, Eukara was alone again in her cabin. She looked around, sighed and grabbed her carisack. Here goes.


Caro and Sylenia took Eukara to shore personally, each hoping for one last chance to persuade her to take at least one other person on this trip. Sylenia was hoping to persuade her to take one of them and then send her or Caro packing once Commander Wyvern was found. But neither officer found their tongues on the way to the island. They both knew, deep down, that neither of their arguments would have changed anything.

Eukara left the boat and walked into the forest, looking back only once, more to make sure neither of her officers followed her in. She was proud of them. Neither left the boat and she saw that Sylenia and Caro stood in quiet, determined salute as they watched her disappear into the broadleaf bushes that crowded the forest edge.

The forest was dense with large based trees stretching towards the upper canopy. Eukara could see the continuous fight amongst the branches fro sunlight at the top. Where there weren’t large buttress roots tripping her up, small saplings struggled to catch what little sunlight that filtered down to the floor. It was hard work, navigating and picking her way through the forest. Every fifteen minutes, Eukara had to stop and take a drink of water. Despite the shade, it felt like a steam house in there.

Slowly her steps slowed as she tired. Once Eukara’s pace became a steady slow beat, she had more of a chance to pay attention to her surroundings. She heard animals everywhere and then there was the distinct impression she was being watched. Slapping at a biting insect on her neck, a snap resounded through the forest. Eukara froze and the jungle fell quiet. Eukara cleared her mind of everything except her Rogue training. A shiver ran up her spine and she instituted her stealth move and crept through the forest, ears open to their fullest.

She picked up a slight sound to her left and behind her current position. Slowing her breathing, Eukara reached for her daggers, her Frost Devils, and gripped the hilts tightly. She barely had enough time to dive out of the way as the blade of a sword cut through the air close to her head. Eukara hit the ground and rolled out of the way. She sprung to her feet and faced the attacker. His hooded face caused the breath in her to catch in her throat. For a moment she couldn’t breath, couldn’t move and she trembled slightly.

Wordlessly the hooded man, for she knew instinctively that the attacker was male, brandished his sword and walked towards her. Eukara, fearing that she would lose her resolve, watched his abdomen and legs. They would tell her his directional movement better than any other part of his body. She feared that if she looked at his face, the truth would be revealed and she would know that He had returned to claim her happiness once again.

Before she could initiate an offensive attack, the man ripped his sword through the air and all Eukara could do was block his attack. She deflected the hit easily, but he spun around and pulled his sword around and towards her legs. Instinctively, Eukara jumped and held onto a branch above her, pulled her body up to avoid the attack and then kicked out with both legs. She landed a direct attack on his chest as he recovered from his move and he fell backwards. Eukara landed, and while he was regaining his composure, she attacked aiming for two separate places on his body. He may be able to defend against one of her hits, but not both.

Eukara thrust her dagger at his side causing him to sidestep her advance and then lashed out with her other dagger. But she was more tired than she had realized and the second attack was slow. He blocked the hit with the blade of his sword and pushed her back, sending her into one of the trees. The impact knocked the breath out of her, causing her to pause long enough for her attacker to take advantage.

He quickly advanced and before Eukara could properly attack, he hit her twice in a rapid attack. She barely was able to block the first hit but the second pulled across her arm. She felt hot blood begin to pour down her arm and felt her sore and tired body begin to catch up with her mind. Eukara knew she was losing ground and strength and cried inwardly as she realized that she would never find Soren. The man standing before her had taken care of that.

How long ago did he slaughter Soren? If Ryukotsusei said that he was well this morning, then his death may have been recent. Eukara desperately tried to reach out to Mnemeth, but the hooded man jabbed towards her with his sword, its sharp edge grazing her side, tearing cloth more than skin. The shallow gash stung and Eukara instinctively lashed out with her daggers. Before she knew it, she and the man were trading blows and she was slowly being forced to her knees.

Her body shook with fatigue and her ability to block his blows became harder and harder. Eukara sunk lower and lower towards the ground, her defenses nearly depleted until finally with one liquid movement, the man knocked both daggers from her hands and she sunk to her knees. He stood in front of her and placed his sword beneath her chin, pressing the cold blade against her throat. She could see her own blood on his blade from the wound he inflicted on her arm.

He had already taken Soren from her and she expected him to torture her and then go after Ben. He pressed the blade harder into her throat and took a deep breath, as if he was going to speak. In a strange act of compulsion, Eukara leaned forward and the man forced her to look up. So, on her knees, Eukara did look up, for the first time into his face. She glared hard, her eyes penetrating the shadow of the hood, daring him to kill her.

The sword slackened and the man gasped underneath the hood. As he pulled it slowly back, she barely heard him speak.


< Message edited by Eukara -- 10/21/2008 13:48:40 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
10/21/2008 13:53:48   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 18 – Painful Reflection

No, this can’t be.

What, Eukara?

I don’t understand. Do I really look that different or have the Defenders declared me enemy?

Eukara, what is wrong? Why do you think they would declare you enemy?

Silence hung in her mind as she looked at the face of her best friend. Eukara heard Mnemeth’s mental gasp and she spoke one word as Eukara audibly did the same.

Soren? Soren?

Ryukotsusei is going nuts Eukara. Soren didn’t know. He didn’t know, Eukara. Ryukotsusei is screaming at me to make you understand!

The sword clattered on the ground next to her and she started to shake. Whether from fatigue, pain, her injuries or the knowledge that her best friend could have killed her, she did not know. Her body went numb and then very cold in a matter of seconds. Attempting to wrap her arms around herself only made the injuries to her arm and side hurt more and caused the wounds to bleed again. She looked down at Soren’s sword and swallowed hard seeing her blood, now dry, stained his blade.

Soren dropped to his knees before Eukara, head shaking and body trembling. “Eukara…I … I didn’t know. I swear.” He reached out and held grasped her arms causing Eukara to snap out of the haze that threatened to consume her mind. She looked into his eyes and winced at his touch. Pulling his hands away, he looked down to see one hand covered in her blood. Soren felt his stomach turn and it took the entirety of his will to prevent him from throwing up.

How could I do this to her? How, Ryu?

You didn’t know, Soren. She doesn’t look anything like she did. Get that into your head. You have felt like someone has been watching you since you arrived. Take that, your nerves and her foreign appearance and put it together. She won’t blame you, you know that.

She winced when I touched her, Ryu. She has never done that.

That’s because your blade created a nicely sized gash through her arm, Soren. You probably gripped that part of her arm. Get it together or you may lose her to blood loss. As it is, Mnemeth is dazed. What happens to you guys happens to us. And if Mnemeth is any indication as to Eukara’s condition, you’d better hurry.

Blinking, Soren cleared his head and looked at Eukara, still on her knees but eyes vacant. He realized she was in shock from the injury and the revelation of what almost transpired. He got to his feet and ran back to where his camp was. Ripping through his carefully packed satchel, he pulled out the first aid kit and an empty canteen. The stream was nearby and he sprinted to it, filling the canteen all the while begging for everything to hurry up.

When he came back to her, Eukara was still on her knees and staring out into nothing. He tried desperately to talk to her, but she couldn’t or wouldn’t. His heart felt as if it had been ripped out of his chest and stomped on. “Talk to me, Eukara. Please. Anything as long as you just talk to me!” She blinked slowly but nothing else changed and her silence only deepened the pain in Soren’s chest.

Soren removed her leather armor as if undressing a rag doll. It was difficult as she was unresponsive and it took time away from him getting to her wound. Once he removed her armor, he saw that she bled from her side too. Cursing under his breath, pulled her shirt up enough to see the injury and sighed in relief as it was not as serious as he thought. Soren washed the wound, applied medicine and bandaged her up tightly. He needed to stop the bleeding and make sure it was not exposed to the air. Infection would not be pretty and Soren wanted to avoid that at all cost.

Eukara’s arm was a different story all together. His blade had cut deeply into her arm and it took the rest of the water in his canteen to wash out the wound enough to see how bad the damage was. The muscle had been cut into deeply and Soren knew that he did not have the skill to repair the damage. He felt tears slowly trickle down his cheeks, realizing that this injury could ruin her ability to fight with both hands. It would take him at least a day to get her to his ship and have the doc on board look at it, though Soren knew Hygeia, Eukara’s doc would probably be better. Either way, by the time they could look at her the damage would be done and it would be his fault.

Soren bound the arm tightly to help prevent any more blood loss and packed his first aid kit. Slinging it over his arms, he picked up Eukara and carried her back to his camp where he would be closer to the water source and be able to make her more comfortable. Ryu, I really did it this time. I have let the Defenders down in war and now I have hurt Eukara so badly that…He choked on a sob and couldn’t finish the thought.

What exactly is wrong? Your mind was going in a hundred directions during the fight, heart brother, and I could not catch any single thought to understand what was happening. And now it is so addled that I can’t make anything out.

During the fight, I inflicted an injury to her arm. My blade cut so deep that it cut muscle. I cannot repair this injury. I have now taken the one thing she is most proud of away from her; her ability to fight.

It can’t be that bad…can it? Soren, are you serious?

Soren’s silence caused panic in Ryukotsusei. Wait! Just stay there and wait!

Soren felt Ryukotsusei leave his mind and worked at getting Eukara comfortable. He checked the injury in her side and was satisfied that it was holding. Her arm still bled, but thankfully it had begun to let up. Soren wrapped all but her arm in his blanket and rubbed her other arm and back, trying to warm her up as he held her. Eukara’s skin had felt cold as he carried her back to his camp.

Alright, Soren. Ellaurah wants to know if you have a needle and thread in the kit.

Huh? Needle and thread. Yeah, I think there is something like that there. Why?

Ellaurah said that she can help you fix Eukara. According to her, repairing Eukara’s arm is akin to repairing a dragon’s. She will tell me what you should do and you do it.

Soren rifled through the kit and found a surgical sewing kit. Got it. What am I doing here?

A brief pause hung in the air as Ryukotsusei listened to Ellaurah. Ellaurah says that you have to patch the muscle first and then her skin. She says she hopes the Great War Marshall isn’t squeamish.

Tell her the Great War Marshall will not be happy if she doesn’t hurry up.

Alright, Ellaurah says you need to widen the wound a little to be able to get to the layer of muscle that is damaged. Once you do that, stitch together the muscle, layer by layer, until it is completely stitched together.


Oh, and Soren, she hopes you have something to deaden the pain.

Alright, leave me alone so I can do this without interruption. Immediately after Soren made the request, Ryu left his mind and Soren had only the sounds of the forest to bother him. He picked up the small knife from the kit along with the bottle of liquid labeled for pain. He sniffed it and concluded it must be a rum-based solution and poured it on the wound, thoroughly soaking the area before slightly widening the opening of the wound.

For the next hour, he sat nearly immobile with the exception of his hands, stitching the muscle in her arm back together. About ten minutes into it, Eukara gloriously fell asleep, though Soren prayed it had more to do with fatigue than pain. He could feel various parts of his body begin to numb and fall asleep. Towards the end, his eyes blurred and were tired from concentrating so intensely. He messed up the stitches several times and had to redo them, but eventually he finished the job. Ryu, I am done stitching the muscle. What next?

You are exhausted Soren. But Ellaurah says you are almost done. She says you need to pour whatever you have left of the bottle in the wound and then stitch it closed. She said this will be harder and you can’t redo the stitches in the skin. So you have to be very careful.

Thank her for me, Ryu.

The metal pause was short. Ellaurah says that the both of you should sleep. She will be in much pain and if she is in shock now, waking up will be a very difficult thing for her.

Assure Ellaurah that I am not going anywhere, Ryu. I will not leave her side until she awakens.

Very well. I thought you should know that Mnemeth is sleeping but is much calmer now. That is good, right?

Soren smiled slightly. Yes Ryu that is a good thing.

Alright, brother, I will leave you to finish and sleep. You are exhausted and need to sleep, no matter what.

I will
. Ryu left his mind and Soren was alone to finish repairing the damage he had done to Eukara. It took him a lot longer than he had anticipated stitching the wound closed, but he wanted to make sure he did it perfectly. Exhausted, upset and anxious, Soren moved he and Eukara closer to a tree where he could sit and prop himself up as he held her. Soren smoothed back Eukara’s short strawberry-blonde hair and looked at her as she slept.

“I am so sorry. I will hate myself for the rest of my life if this causes you anguish and robs you of your abilities. I swear it.” He fell asleep with those words on his lips.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 10/21/2008 14:04:48 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
10/21/2008 14:29:58   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 19 – Things That Surface

Soren awoke with a start, inhaling sharply. Slightly disoriented, he felt Eukara’s head leaning heavily against his chest and realized that he had indeed held her the entire night. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Soren looked down on Eukara and smiled slightly then decided to check her arm. The position in which he awoke was uncomfortable and not at all conducive to checking her arm. Adjusting his sitting position was a tricky affair since Soren did not want Eukara to wake up. Eventually, he was able to shift both his body and Eukara’s so that he could see her wound better.

Unwrapping the bandages, Soren saw that the wound was slightly red, but thankfully not hot to the touch. After a few minutes of careful maneuvering, he got to his feet and carried Eukara over to his small camp. Soren gently laid Eukara on the ground, unwrapped the blanket and set his bag under her head. He was amazed that Eukara still slept soundly.

She was exhausted even before she fought with you, Soren.

Ryu, since you seem to know so much, how about filling me in?

I don’t actually know that much, Soren. Mnemeth won’t talk about before Eukara was free. But I do know she was extremely weak when she attempted to row to your current position. Mnemeth said she rowed until she was completely exhausted and couldn’t do anything more. She fell asleep and woke up on Siren’s Quill. The next day, she was on the island and fighting you.

Geez, Ryu, couldn’t they just keep her on the ship for another day?

You do remember about whom we speak right, Soren? According to Mnemeth, her brain and her heart are at a slight disconnect. Something about her captivity and what happened then seemed to have caused her trouble. I think she wanted it to be you, maybe Ben, on this island and practically ran to you.

Wait. You mean she didn’t know it was me that sent out the message on the C me Orb? She didn’t know I was here?

It wasn’t until her ship met up with yours offshore that she knew who it was here. Apparently, your C me Orb wasn’t crystal clear and she couldn’t make out your voice.

And this thing that happened during her captivity, that is the cause of this disconnect within her, does Mnemeth speak of it?

No. She shuts up and withdraws. I know Mnemeth well, Soren, and whatever happened had to be very bad for Eukara.

Aye, Ryu, I agree. Eukara is stirring so I had better turn my attention to her.

Mnemeth is as well, heart brother. Good luck and bye for now.

Soren felt Ryu’s presence leave his mind as Eukara moved for the first time that morning. Standing slowly, he stretched out, trying to ease the pain in his lower back. Man, she has a killer kick. I know I am going to feel this for days. Soren watched Eukara wake up and look around disconcerted, then proceeded to walk over to where she lay. Not exactly sure how to proceed, Soren knelt next to Eukara and spoke softly, “Eukara? It’s Soren. How do you feel?”

Her eyes fluttered open and locked onto his. “I…I don’t know. I am not sure that I remember what happened.” Eukara moved her arms to prop her body up and gasped in pain. Tears sprung to her eyes as she bit her bottom lip to prevent the cry from escaping. Soren gently placed his hands on her back to help her sit up. “I guess it really did happen.”

Soren looked at Eukara, unsure of what to do. Her face reflected exactly how he felt – sadness, uncertainty and pain. He still could not believe he had stood over her yesterday, sword held at her throat, ready to kill. How did I miss the queues: her fighting style, the ice daggers, her eyes. How? The silence between them was uncomfortable and the jungle did not help, as its present silence only made it all the more hard to bear. Eukara shifted her weight slightly, shaking Soren from his thoughts.

Reaching out apprehensively, Soren took her right hand and held it securely between both of his. “I do not think I will ever be able to express how sorry I am for yesterday. My excuse sounds feeble and inadequate, but it is all I have. Since my first hours of exploration, I have felt eyes constantly upon me, watching my every move throughout the day. I have endured this for days. When I heard you walking through the forest, my nerves were shot and I was convinced that an enemy was ready to attack.”

Soren sat next to Eukara, still holding her hand and drew in a shaky breath. “Had I but waited a few more seconds, I would have known mine enemy was really my best friend.” Eukara raised her eyes to meet Soren’s and saw the deep sorrow that haunted his countenance. She did not blame him, for it wasn’t his fault but hers. She should have seen that it was Soren yesterday before her not the Hunter. Eukara knew he was unaware of the physical change she had undergone due to her imprisonment. It was her fault Soren felt the way he did.

Eukara withdrew her hand from his and touched his face. “Do not put this on yourself, Soren. It was not your fault.” Soren began to protest but Eukara gently places two fingers over his lips. “No, it is my fault, end of story. I…should have realized you didn’t know about my change in appearance. I should have remembered that Meringue could not get to you to tell you I was coming. I should have had my own mind mastered, my thoughts pushed back so that I could think clearly. I am at fault.”

Concede Soren.

I cannot let her take the blame, Ryu.

Something isn’t right about the way she explained things away. And Mnemeth refuses to elaborate.

What if conceding makes things worse?

What if it makes things better? My suggestion: Ask later.

“How about we are both to blame? Both of us weren’t thinking clearly, letting other things bother us.” Eukara started to speak but it was Soren’s turn to silence her. “Listen to me. We both had opportunity to figure out what was going on. I would rather we both take the blame than you carry the weight alone.”

Although she tried to argue again, she stopped and shut her mouth slowly. Soren watched her facial expression change from determined to unsure. If he believed in luck, his fingers would have been crossed. Eukara’s eyes finally softened as she looked into Soren’s and he released the breath he had unknowingly held.

That was gutsy, Soren.

If there is something more, which you suspect Ryu, I cannot allow her to take the blame.

Well, all you need to do now is get her to talk which seems easier said than done, Soren. How much do you actually know about her before she came to Cysero’s Defenders?

I know everything I need to for now. You get Mnemeth to talk and I will work on Eukara, alright?

Oh, good idea. Bother them both and either they will break and tell us everything or hate us both. Do you think you could handle Eukara hating you?

Just do it, Ryu.

Fine. Here’s hoping.

Ryu left and Soren smiled at Eukara. “In the mood for breakfast yet? I have dried meat, dried fruit or we could try to find something in the jungle. I could show you around while we search. I found some fascinating stuff while out here alone”

Eukara cocked her head to the side and responded, “I think I would rather you show me around. Finding stuff isn’t as much fun alone.”

Soren stood up and took her by the hand, helping Eukara to her feet. Eukara helped Soren pack up his little camp as much as she could with out the use of her left arm, and they started off deeper into the forest. After an hour of walking though the dense foliage, they were able to find a strange star shaped fruit hanging from a low growing tree. Soren picked a few and together they settled next to the stream.

While Eukara took the fruit down to the stream to wash, Soren unpacked a little of the hard traveling cheese he snuck out of the mess before he left. Using the small paring knife in his pack, he cut pieces of the cheese for each of them and watched Eukara. When she returned, she sat next to him and leaned against a tree while he prepared the fruit. Once everything was cut, they shared the meal in near silence, side by side.

The meal done, Soren made Eukara sit while he cleaned everything up and repacked. He knew she was slightly miffed about it, but he didn’t care. He needed to be the gentleman here, no matter the circumstances and she just had to deal with it. After he was done repacking, he helped her to her feet and was surprised that she did not object. He filed it away in the back of his mind to ponder later and they continued on their way. After another hour of walking, Soren realized that they were close to his goal, for everywhere they looked the telltale signs of someone stomping around was seen.

“I know you will like this, Eukara. I mean, when I first came here days ago, I knew I had to bring you here.” Soren ran up ahead and slashed the new plant growth with his machete. He ran back and grabbed her right hand and pulled her along. “This is right up your alley.”

Eukara let herself be pulled onward by Soren, curious as to what he found that she would find so appealing. Once he stepped through the clearing, he suddenly halted and turned, causing her to bump into him. They stood face to face for a few seconds before Soren spoke, “Wait. I have an idea. Close your eyes.”

“What for?” she asked cautiously.

Soren shook his head, “Please, just trust me.”

Eukara closed her eyes and Soren took her by the hand and pulled her forward. She walked about twenty steps before Soren told her to stop. The stillness of the forest was felt the most here and it was very soothing for Eukara. Finally, Soren told her to open her eyes.

She opened her eyes and gazed in wonder at the clearing in which she stood in the middle. There were ruins and totems and statues everywhere. Some things were broken and smashed. Many things, though, she noticed were not. They were covered in liana vines, blooming in the sun that shone down from above. Soren took her by the hand and showed her a wall that was covered in pictographs. “This looks like an ancient Lizardman ruin. We have never seen the ruins of a Lizardman community.”

Eukara ran her hand across the pictures and closed her eyes. They felt as if they had been carved but yesterday. Soren smiled, knowing he had done a very good thing. Eukara walked along the building, looking at every picture and every carved symbol. “It would take a lifetime to decipher this, a lifetime Soren. Who knows what we could learn just by figuring out the outer walls alone?”

Her eyes shone as she looked over the ruins; excitement brimming and apparent to Soren. “If you like this, then come with me. There is something far greater than these ruins that I must show you.” He took her by the hand and nearly running he brought Eukara to a thickly covered artifact. After pulling down most of the vines, the artifact shone brightly in the sun.

Eukara walked up to it and touched it. “This isn’t stone, but metal. What is it?”

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, it is huge.” Soren looked up in to the sky and Eukara followed his gaze. The metallic object seemed to reach up into the sky, metal shining in the sun. Eukara became absorbed in her study of the object, looking at the immense structures on the ground that seemed connected to columnar structures reaching into the trees. Soren trailed her watching her every move. He realized for the first time why he loved being around Eukara. He loved her curiousity and her desire to know. He loved how she treated everything with a strange reverence when studying something. She walked around the relic several times, talking to herself and speculating.

Soren leaned against the structure and watched Eukara’s absentminded approach. While moving along the outer shell of what ever it was that stood there, she found herself once again face to face with Soren. This time, though, it was different. This time he pulled her close, his hand caressed her face and he leaned forward tentatively. His lips brushed hers softly and he kissed her tenderly. When he pulled away, Soren searched Eukara's face for some sign that following his heart had not been in vain. He noticed the slight smile and blushing cheeks and knew that he had made the right choice.

Emboldened, Soren looked her in the eyes as his hand traced the soft skin of Eukara's throat. Her eyes closed, Eukara sighed softly as his fingers played on the skin of her throat and neck. He once more drew her close, this time with more meaning and kissed her fully, savoring the taste on his lips. The world fell silent around her as Eukara, eyes still closed and heart pounding, kissed him back with all that she was.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
10/21/2008 14:45:54   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 20 – The Beat of Drums

A small purple and black bird perched on the lowest branch above their heads. It cocked its head to the side and watched the two humans below lost in slumber. Though the sun was beginning to rise and the forest awakening, the two still slept soundly. Curious, the bird flew down, landing between the man and woman and hopped a few steps forward. It noticed that, although both humans slept side by side, only their hands touched Purple breast bobbing up and down, the little bird studied the strange occurrence for a few more moments before it was startled by the mans waking. Dust stirred slightly as it took wing and flew away into the treetops.

Soren yawned slightly as smiled as he watched Eukara sleep across from him. His hand rest on hers; he remembered falling asleep like that. Did we sleep like this all night?

Enjoy your night, Soren?

Maybe, Ryu.

Maybe? You’re a piece of work, Soren. Like I don’t know. And yes, you did sleep like that all night. Whether you remember or not, you woke up several times to check and see if Eukara was still lying next to you. And that, of course, woke me up also.

My apologies, Ryu, sincerely. It’s just…

No apologies or explanations are necessary, heart brother. I understand. Oh, can I say…It’s about TIME!

Hey, no need to yell! Jeez, Ryu. Besides, you tell me, when have I had the chance to act on how I have felt?

No, see that is the wrong question. The real question is when were you going to let yourself acknowledge how you felt?

… You speak the truth.
Soren watched Eukara’s breathing change, signaling her imminent awakening.

Bye Soren. Do remember that your mission is to find Anoril. It is not Eukara.

Grateful that his secondary conscience left his mind, Soren watched Eukara slowly wake up, gently lacing his fingers together with hers. The sun’s light filtered down into their camp, causing the now blonde hair to glow around her face. Eukara slowly opened her eyes, and upon seeing Soren’s face, blushed slightly.

“Good morning, Eukara,” Soren whispered.

Eukara blushed much deeper. “Good morning, Soren.” She glanced down at their hands and smiled.

Silence hung in the air as Soren and Eukara tried to figure out what to say to each other. Had they known their dragons were laughing hysterically back in No’Bell, they would have been incensed. Luckily, neither of them had a clue as to their dragons’ behavior. Eukara looked at Soren and the dropped her gaze, feeling bashful. “I think I am going to get ready for the day. Will we be leaving soon?”

“No Eukara, I want to spend the morning here. I am still curious about the large metallic relic we looked at yesterday.” Soren looked around the camp. “How about we eat something first before we tend to the day’s activities.”

Eukara smiled, “Sounds like a plan. I’ll get it this time.” She reluctantly unlaced her fingers from his and rose from her bedroll. Soren watched her walk around the camp, picking things up and gathering their breakfast. Why did it take me so long to do this, to admit to her that I loved her? All this time I could have had her.

Had you, you would not have had to endure the Beasts of Lore attack alone, Soren.

Aye, Ryu. Though, she was there for me the entire time, especially when I needed her most.

That is not what I meant, Soren. You would not have had to go home at the end of the day or fallen asleep for the few stolen hours during battle alone. She would have been there to hold and comfort you when everything began to go south. I can only do so much. Unfortunately for you, I am not a suitable substitute for a warm, beautiful body.

Mmm, yeah, you’re right, you aren’t. Though, I would hope you’d think higher of me. Eukara would be more than just a warm, beautiful body to me.

Of course, Soren. But it doesn’t hurt…

Soren blushed slightly as Eukara returned with breakfast. She settled down next to Soren and handed him some fruit and cheese. “I am thinking that I am also going to change after we eat, Soren. I need to wash out my current finery.” She giggled and continued, “While I am at it, I can take something of yours with my clothes.”

“Sure, but you don’t have to,” Soren replied while biting into his fruit.

“Don’t worry! I might as well if it is already on my agenda.” Eukara quipped as she ate. “I was already going to offer anyway.” She flashed a smile at Soren before finishing up her breakfast. After her final bite of cheese, Eukara stood up slowly, stretching out sore muscles and headed for the tent where she could change. “Just put what you want washed out by the door of the tent.”

Soren glanced up at her and had to shield his eyes. The sun was in his direct line of sight, prompting him to move so that the tent blocked the light. He began to gather up his bedroll when he heard Eukara singing. He laughed to himself. She probably thinks I can’t hear her. He looked towards the tent, knowing that Eukara sang infrequently, usually out of extreme happiness and stopped in midreach. The sunlight was filtering through the walls of his tent, for the first time he realized just how thin the material was. The filtered light created a perfect silhouette of Eukara and he stared at her form as she began to undress. Any other day before his revelation last night, Soren would have been able to turn away, but not at this moment.

He watched as she unlaced her pants from the waist to her midthigh, slowly pulling them off. Soren admitted that she already had a fine figure to begin with, but the sunlight exposed a smoother curve to her waist and hips. Soren dropped his bedroll and sat back on his heels. He felt the air warm around him as she unlaced the fitted shirt and pulled it over her head. His eyes soaked in the perfection the sunlight gifted him in that moment, and fought the urge to get up and enter the tent.

The grace in which her body moved quickened his pulse as every highlighted curve teased his eyes and mind. He has loved her for so long; desired to hold her body next to his. Would his desire be satiated with the opportunity run his fingers along her body, feel her skin beneath his hands? Every step Eukara took as she moved inside the tent wreaked havoc on his mind and body.

Eukara turned and faced his direction and he imagined her skin under his hands, his lips… “Soren, if you would put your stuff with mine, I will take it to the lagoon.”

Her voice snapped him back from his thoughts, his palms sweaty and legs trembling. He got up swiftly and retrieved her clothing, “Don’t worry about it, Eukara. I’ll do it. I…I need a swim in the lagoon anyway.” Soren practically ran to the lagoon - the faster he ran, the faster he could immerse himself in the cold water.

Eukara pulled on the shorts and tank top she packed before coming to the island. The injury to her arm was red and sore, but still in good shape. She had a little more mobility now and she admired Soren’s handiwork for the stitches still held. As she laced up the front of her tank top tightly, Eukara felt a tiny nudge in her mind and smiled.

Good morning, heart sister. How was your breakfast?

Eukara laughed. Very quiet, Mnemeth. I enjoyed waking up to Soren across from me holding my hand.

I am sure, Eukara. It must feel similar to waking up with Ryu and Zhoth piled next to me.

I guess that is as close a comparison as you’ll get.

A long pause in the conversation caused Eukara to mentally nudge Mnemeth. Eukara? Is Soren okay?

I guess so. Why, Mnemeth?

Well, Ryukotsusei is acting strange…well, stranger than normal

Eukara pulled on her boots and exited the tent, scanning for Soren. He’s already gone, but I don’t hear anything out of the ordinary. Eukara jogged over to the metallic relic. Soren found this huge relic before I came and while looking at it yesterday, we found something really strange. It is completely metallic! And huge! I wish you were here so that you could fly up to the top and tell me what it looks like. But from down here, it looks like I am standing next to a pair of giant legs.

Wow, you are right. The picture you just imagined for me makes that thing massive. It looks old; wonder how old it is?

Good question, Mnemeth.

Oh, well, Ryu looks okay now. I will talk to you later.

Mnemeth left and Eukara stood in front of the metal relic alone. Spotting a few sturdy liana vines wrapped around the metallic legs, Eukara tried to scale the relic. After some effort on account of her injury, hot and sweaty, she reached a point where she could not go any further. Looking down, Eukara surmised that she was about thirty feet in the air and looking at what seemed to be a chest and a pair of arms. “It’s a robot,” gasped Eukara, nearly losing her grip.

Eukara was beside herself. She could not imagine from what place something of this magnitude came. Come to think of it, she hadn’t a clue from whence it came either. I don’t understand. Something very strange is going on here.

What do you mean, Eukara?

Well, you know that really big relic I showed you earlier? You’ll never believe this, but it is a robot!

Seriously? What is something like that doing on one of the outer isles?

Beats me, Mnemeth. Hmm, I wonder if Soren would know.

Why don’t you go ask him instead of hanging off the monstrosity by your good arm? I am sure he would appreciate a little company. He did, after all, wash your clothes.

Eukara laughed. Yeah, I know. I am on my way, luv. Do you think if I took food I would be welcome?

Well, Eukara, you know what they say…

…The fastest way to a man’s heart…

or dragon’s

…is through his stomach.

Eukara and Mnemeth laughed together as Eukara carefully made her way down the metal behemoth and headed for camp. Reaching into the tent, she grabbed one of the starfruits, Soren’s knife and said her goodbyes to Mnemeth. The path to the lagoon was a crowded journey of broad leave and fragrant blooms.

Pushing aside the last of the enormous leaves, Secorah caught sight of the lagoon. A lost tributary of the stream meandered its way forwards from the depth of the forest, cascading gently over a rocky shelf down into the crystal clear water. Dotting the surface, blossoming water lilies floated randomly near the shore. Opposite the miniature waterfall, the lagoon emptied over a steep embankment, rejoining the main stream below. Soren was laying in the shallows near the embankment, nearly fully submerged, eyes closed.

Quietly, Eukara walked through the tributary and stopped on the edge of the waterfall. She watched the rise and fall of Soren’s chest, muscled and well-honed from years of fighting. She had always admired his build in secret, even keeping her admiration from Mnemeth, for fear the dragon would accidentally say something to Ryu. She recalled the day she had first come to No’Bell, tired, worn and near the end of her rope. She had passed him on the way to the Inn; tall, proud and the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life. She laughed to herself. I fell in love with him right then and there. Two months later we were friends and by six months, my best friend. After all this time and all the adventures we have been on, I kept it all to myself.

Who knew he felt the same way?

She lowered herself slowly onto the rocky shelf, legs dangling over the edge, and relaxed as the water flowed over her lower body. The area surrounding the lagoon was quiet and calm; nothing stirred but the bubbling water. A smile played on her lips and she raised the starfruit and sliced it neatly, carving a small wedge for herself. As she bit into the wedge, the slight crunch echoed over the water, making its way to Soren. He stirred and, upon hearing her bite into the wedge once more, sat up and looked in her direction.

There she sat, the water pouring over her, eyes playfully looking at him. The clothing she had been forced to wear so casually while he washed the regular set showed the full length of her legs and a hint of her midriff. She ate the fruit slowly, teasing him on so many levels. Finally, unable to stand the vision before him, he dove into the water and swam towards her. Soren surfaced a few feet from her and smiled. He waded through the chest-deep water, and stepping up on a few underlying rocks below the falls, stood before her with her knees lightly touching either side of his chest.

Soren watched as Eukara cut a larger wedge from the starfruit. She smiled, offering him a bite and felt her fingers subtly brush his lips as she held the piece for him. He savored the taste, in that moment and rested his arms on her knees while his hands settled lazily on her thighs. Her legs were still very warm from the time she had spent in the sun, despite the cool water that tumbled over them. She offered the rest of the wedge and he kissed her retreating fingers.

Soren took the knife and fruit from her hands, smiling slightly. He cut a piece and offered her a bite, though pulled away at the last moment. Brow raised, Secorah looked at Soren, daring him to try again. He put the piece of fruit up to her lips and she took a bite, looking him in the eye the entire time. Back and forth, the two went, until the fruit was gone. Laying the knife on the grass next to the lagoon, Soren cupped Eukara’s face with both hands, and kissed her deeply. As he kissed her, Soren’s hands slid down from her face to her stomach, caressing her bare skin.

Her skin, though still soft, hid the hard muscle underneath. Every inch of Eukara’s stomach was explored and Soren noticed she was sensitive to his touch and filed that detail away for later. Gently, he ran his hands along her waist to her back where he soon learned that the slightest touch brought goosebumps to her skin. He lightly massaged her lower back as his mouth moved to her throat, kissing her, feeling her pulse beneath his lips.

His touch was almost more than Eukara could bear. Every touch, every time his lips caressed her body, her skin burned and her heart beat harder. Eukara was bombarded by her senses and she had trouble keeping them straight, so inexperienced she was at this. His touch, his kiss; everything overwhelmed her while simultaneously pleasing her and it drove her mind mad. Soren gently pulled her into the water with him, holding her body close to his. Her soft sigh only encouraged him and he moved lower, from her throat to her chest, Eukara’s hands gently dug into his upper back.

Oh, how he has longed to untie the lacings that Eukara sported on her clothing. He knew of no other woman who wore such teasingly sensuous clothing. Had she any idea how he has fantasized being able to unlace her clothes and touch her, feel the skin he could only imagine in his mind beneath the concealing cloth. He brought a hand up out of the water to trace her neck and watched the water from his hand flowed over Eukara’s shoulders, trickling down her chest and disappeared beneath her tank top, as if taunting Soren.

He ran his hand over her tank top, finding the lacing and tugged. They unraveled easily, loosening their hold on her and Soren breathed in deeply. He cupped her face briefly, his kiss falling on her lips more forcefully, almost feverishly. Weaving his fingers through the lacing, he tugged harder, pulling the laces from their holes along the seam and loosening Eukara’s top completely.

In the midst of a deep kiss, they were startled by the sound of deep drums pounding out a complex and loud rhythm. Alarmed, Soren protectively held Eukara as close as possible, for the drums sounded very near. The drum beat out the same pattern over and over, replacing their mutual desire with fear.

“It’s a call Soren, a summoning.” Eukara looked at him in trepidation.

Soren shook his head, “Then all this time, when we felt like we were being watched, we were?”

Suddenly very self-conscious, Eukara blushed. “I guess so. But who is summoning and why? What do you propose we do, Soren?”

Soren sighed. “The only thing we can. We need to get dressed and find out what is going on.” Reluctantly, Soren slowly let go of Eukara and helped her out of the lagoon. He watched her nude form walk over to her clean clothes and begin to dress, hating the drum call that pulsed in the back of his head. Gods, but she is beautiful. Perfection incarnate. Soren exited the lagoon, frustrated and yet, satisfied. He realized that she was his, that she was prepared to give herself to him now and that very important piece of knowledge made him smile. The woman he has desired above all others for years, loved deeply in secret and befriended in public was utterly and completely his.

They dressed slowly as if not wanting to let go of what happened in the lagoon. But each knew their duty and the slight chance that the drums had anything to do with Anoril’s disappearance took precedence. Taking Eukara’s hand, Soren walked a short distance towards the west and found themselves on a cliff. Off in the distance, they saw an old, worn-down step pyramid and they both knew that the drum’s summons came from there.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 3/7/2012 16:13:23 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
4/28/2009 23:28:40   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 21 – Sacrifice

It took both Defenders the rest of the morning to pack up the camp so they could begin the long trek through dense forest cover towards the pyramid. Soren smiled to himself the entire time, happy with how things had gone so far and in the knowledge that Eukara was his. Life had been miserable for so long that this day nothing could stop him from exulting in his good fortune. As he packed, he thought forward to the day when their ships docked and he could walk through No’Bell by Eukara’s side as more than just her friend. He imagined the looks and surprise from some, perhaps jealousy from others. Either way, life was good and he couldn’t imagine it getting any better.

For the duration of Soren’s internal celebration, he was very quiet as he packed. Although Eukara had enjoyed Soren’s attention that morning, she was concerned about his lack of communication since they had each gone off and traded in their wet clothes for the laundered dry ones. Doubt slowly crept into her head as she began to think why he was so quiet. The quiet in which they worked seemed to seep into the surrounding forest. She could hear nothing: not one song, chirp, buzz or howl. Eukara slowly packed her small carisack on the verge of tears. I am so stupid sometimes.

Whoa! What are you talking about, Eukara?

Oh Mnemeth, I think I have done something wrong. Soren isn’t talking to me and hasn’t since…this morning.

What on earth could you have done wrong? Seemed to me that everything went quite well between the two of you this morning.

Oh, what if that is the problem? What if it went too well and he thinks…different of me now?

How could he possibly think different of you now? I don’t…Eukara! Don’t think like that! I highly doubt he thinks that, he is in love with you. You are freaking out about nothing.

What if he does, Mnemeth? What if he isn’t talking to me because he doesn’t know what to say?

Soren announced that they were ready to start trekking towards the pyramid and Eukara jumped, startled at his voice. He looked at her oddly before helping her to her feet, noticing that she seemed a little preoccupied. Once he was sure they were both prepared to leave, he led the way out of the clearing where the ruins would have to stay behind for another day. Soren walked through the thick undergrowth, slashing and hacking with his machete, clearing little room for the effort he put forth.

Something is wrong with Eukara, but I don’t know what to do about it, Ryu.

I am very well aware of what is wrong, Soren.

And you aren’t going to tell me, right? This is one of those kinds of things where I need to learn it on my own?
Soren hacked at another vine that hung in their way. If that is the case then great, because I am clueless.

No, I am not going to leave you high and dry, so don’t worry. Mnemeth was talking to me and she said that this morning has left Eukara feeling unsettled. She is worried.

Worried? What does she have to worry about? She made my life this morning! She…

She’s afraid you will think less of her because of this morning.

Soren stopped abruptly, mid-slash and stared into the air. Behind him, Eukara lost in thought, slammed into his back nearly dropping her things.

Soren, I asked you earlier how much of Eukara’s past you knew. I believe you said it wasn’t much but it didn’t matter. Well, here is one of those times when it does matter. Mnemeth said that circumstances have never allowed Eukara to ever be close to people, much less the freedom to love anyone. Unfortunately, that is all Mnemeth would tell me.

So that means…?

This morning occurred less than twenty-four hours after confessing how you two felt about each other. This morning’s activities were more than normal first date material. So, taking into consideration what little information Mnemeth has imparted to me of her social history…use that intelligent brain of yours, please.

Soren stood there for an eternity and let this revelation soak into his brain. How could I think less of her? I am the one that…She didn’t… Soren hacked his machete into a thick tree, leaving it embedded in the trunk and turned to face Eukara. As he looked at her face he saw what Ryu was talking about in her eyes. He saw worry and fear written across her face and it nearly killed him. “Tell me I am an idiot, Eukara. I mean it. Look me in the eyes and tell me that I am the biggest idiot that ever walked the face of the planet.”

Frozen, Eukara’s brain scrambled for an answer, for anything to say at all. A hundred thoughts ran through her head at full speed but she was unable to grab a hold of any of them. And she felt stupid just standing there, mind blank and incapable of uttering a sound. Finally, unable to maintain eye contact, Eukara looked away.

No, no, no! Soren dropped everything in his hands and pulled Eukara close. With one hand he gently touched her cheek, pulling her attention back to his face so that she had no choice but to look him in the eye. “I am an idiot. I...” he faltered suddenly, unsure of how to say what he wanted to say in that moment. “I have not conducted myself properly in the last several days. I nearly kill you and find myself having to nurse you back to health. Without warning, I turn both our worlds upside down with a kiss once you recovered enough. And then, to top it all off, this morning I…” His voice trailed off as he looked at Eukara. Her eyes looked slightly glassy from the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks.

“Why have you been so quiet?” Eukara’s voice was a mere wisp of a whisper, causing Soren to have trouble hearing her. “Have I done something to make you unhappy with me? Was it this morning? I just don’t…” Unable to finish her statement, she succumbed to her emotions and tears fell down her cheeks. “I am sorry if I have disappointed you.”

Soren wrapped his arms tightly around Eukara, holding her, trying to comfort her. As her head rested on his chest, he stroked her hair and kissed her head. “Eukara, you have done nothing but make me immensely happy. There is nothing you could do to disappoint me right now. I spent the time we had to pack going over how much my life has changed for the better since you came on this island. And then I began to imagine how great it will be to return to No’Bell with you as more than just my friend. I guess in the midst of all that thinking, I didn’t think about what my silence would have conveyed.”

Pulling away slightly, Eukara looked up at Soren questioningly, “I was afraid, Soren, that you thought differently of me because of this morning.”

“Why would I think anything like that? If anything, I should be the one worried about what you think of me.” He smiled at her and continued, “Besides, what’s a guy supposed to do when a woman as beautiful and enticing as you brings food to him in a secluded, romantic lagoon like that?”

Eukara bit her lip and smiled sheepishly up at Soren, “So I was worried over nothing?”

“I wouldn’t say it was over nothing since something obviously caused you to doubt things to begin with. I just don’t understand what it would be.” He brushed Eukara’s hair out of her face and dried her cheeks with his hand.

Eukara’s breath caught in her throat as she realized that to confess that something had caused those doubts would require her to talk about the past, for that history had everything to do with her confusion.

Tell him, Eukara. It’s about time you had someone else to help you deal with your memories and trouble.

But telling him would be exposing him to Scarface fully.

The Hunter isn’t going to care whether Soren knows everything or not. You already know he knows that you have made a life in No’Bell. Perhaps it is time to deal with Hunter with someone at your side besides me, heart sister.

Looking at Soren, she knew that if she was going to enjoy life with him, he needed to know about Hunter. But it also would require her to reveal that he and Ben were in danger because of her. Swallowing slowly she pulled away from him. “I owe you several explanations, Soren. All of which are directly related to what was going through my mind earlier. I am a hunted person, Soren. Not for any crime other than being born. A man, by the name of Hunter, has hunted me for as long as I remember. His mission is simple: destroy anything that brings me happiness. So, I have tried to keep from making friends because each time I have, they have been murdered by him. I can hide for so long Soren, until he finds me.”

“Because of this, I…” Eukara blushed and closed her eyes, “have never allowed myself the chance to love anyone. Because I know that whomever I loved would be Hunter’s greatest prize to claim. So, I am about as inexperienced as they come. Since I don’t know much, I didn’t know how to interpret this morning or what happened afterwards. I am embarrassingly naïve.”

“Well, then, that is information a man needs to know. I will keep that in my mind for the future.” Soren’s smile turned to concern. He now realized why her past was such a mystery and why she avoids the subject. Merely telling someone imparts a trust that could get the recipient killed. “This man, does he know about No’Bell and your friends there?”

Fresh tears fell as she bowed her head, “Yes, he does. He actually came to McDrakel’s once and casually told me all that he knew. Said he was merely biding his time. He even dictated to me one of the quests that you, me and Ben answered. Where we went, what we did; even what we talked about on the way. I planned on leaving No’Bell after Anoril was found.”

“Leave? By leaving it would solve the problem?” Soren couldn’t believe the simplicity to the solution.

“Yes, Soren, leaving would. Because either I sacrifice the people I love or I voluntarily lose the life I had made, the friends I had sworn myself to, and any potential love to make me happy. Leaving would at least spare everyone’s life.” Eukara opened her eyes and looked up into Soren’s. “I never meant for anyone to know. I actually never meant to build the relationships that I did in No’Bell. I tried very hard to stay distant, but it seems that it was never meant to be that way. And then you and Ben came along, and though I feared our friendships, I wanted them so badly. And now things have changed in the last few days, forcing me to do what I vowed never to do; let someone in on my secret.”

Soren took her hands, kissing them lightly. “You will never be alone, my lady. No one will snatch you from my hand nor will I succumb to anyone’s blade or arrow. This Hunter will find that I will not be so easily swayed or removed.” Pulling her near, Soren kissed her gently.

As they parted, Soren and Eukara heard the rush of small animals in the forest around them. The sound of running animals was accompanied by the drum call as it was pounded out again. As Eukara listened closely she realized that the rhythm was different. “Soren that is a different message. This one sounds more urgent that the one before. The beat is faster.”

“Then we need to get moving.” He kissed her once more and then picked up his things. He dislodged the machete and began to clear their path. After another thirty minutes he realized that the forest was thinning out and he didn’t have to slash through the undergrowth as much. Deciding that it may be quicker now to just push their way through, Soren put away his machete. Soon enough, Soren and Eukara left he forest altogether, falling out of the tree cover and onto the white sands of the shore.

“Are you okay, Eukara?” Soren asked, spitting sand out of his mouth.

Eukara squinted in the intense light reflecting off of the sand. “Yeah, though does the sand have to be so bright?”

Soren laughed and looked over Eukara’s shoulder. “Wow, that thing is huge!”

Turning over, Eukara faced the daunting pyramid. It was the biggest thing she had ever seen. The huge red stones seemed to sparkle, indicating that there was quartz in the rock. From a distance it looked like there were carvings or something decorative on the stones’ faces. She got up, almost absentmindedly, and walked towards the pyramid, reaching out to examine the carvings. Soren shook his head. He loved how they could be potentially running for their lives and she suddenly has to stop and investigate something old and historical. He rose and walked over to where she stood and looked at the horribly eroded stone faces. He saw nothing, but knew Eukara did.

“These are the same carvings as I saw the forest ruins - a pyramid and a divided rectangle. It is all over this pyramid.” Eukara spoke as she moved across the pyramid’s outer wall, fascinated by what she saw on each stone.

“Shall we take a chance and go inside?” Soren asked while staring at the long set of stair leading up to the gaping hole that served as a doorway. He held out his hand and Eukara took it, together they headed to the stairs.

Halfway up and exhausted, Soren and Eukara paused to drink. As they passed the canteen between them, a loud screech sounded in the distance. Eukara took a long drink and turned to ask Soren about what he thought. No sooner had she looked at him that she saw he already knew. “Soren, what is it?”

“The Chikvir.” The way in which he uttered the name spoke volumes to Eukara. The name meant nothing to her, but obviously it meant a great deal to him. “This abomination of a creature has haunted Cysero’s Defenders, particularly Anoril since the beginning of No’Bell’s establishment. This is the only thing that Anoril fears. It is a large fowl, something no one has ever seen. Within its body and over its skin are machinery and metal. It was made for destruction, though it cannot be destroyed itself as far as we know. We had better get inside.”

They scrambled up the remaining stairs, legs burning and lungs on the verge of exploding. Sweat drenched their clothing as the sun beat down on their backs relentlessly. Finally as they reached the top step, Eukara leaned forward and collapsed on the dais as Soren ran past her. He stopped abruptly and turned back. “Eukara!” he called out and knelt down, scooping her up and carried her in the rest of the way. Once inside the darkened entrance, Soren leaned against the wall and felt as if he was going to collapse. His legs felt like jelly and his heart beat harder than he thought possible.

As he put Eukara on her feet, Soren took notice of his surroundings. Open fire lamps burned along the walls, giving the room an unnatural glow. The flickering light brought the murals on the wall to life. As his eyes followed the murals, Eukara tugged on his arm. “Um, Soren, I think we may have intruded on something.”

Soren looked to the middle of the room and saw a huge alter, which had a large book upon it. Flanking the altar were several large Lizardmen in ritual dress. Each of these reptilian sentients glared at the intruders. Two drew the thinly curved knives at the side while the others readied their spears, training them on Soren and Eukara. Soren put his arm around Eukara and drew her back towards the doorway. The point of a spear pushed into his back, causing their chance at escape to disappear. The Lizardmen behind them prodded them with the sharp tips of the spears, pushing them towards the center of the room.

From behind the flanked Lizardmen, a solitary, figure emerged. By human standards, he looked old so Soren and Eukara could only imagine how old he was by Lizardmen standards. He paced around them several times, examining them before snapping clawed fingers together. Two priests in ritualistic clothing stepped forward; each took custody of one of the Defenders. Eukara looked at the book on the altar and saw that it was a manual of some sort with a picture of a chicken on the cover. She moved closer to Soren and whispered that they needed the book. Prodded harshly by a spear, Eukara was forced back to her spot. As the guards kept their spears trained on the couple’s bodies, the priest began to tie their hands together.

It was Eukara that reacted first. She knew exactly what was happening and refused to take part. She flung her head backwards, hitting the priest behind her with her head. A resounded smack echoed through the chamber. The priest stumbled back in surprise, diverting the other priest’s attention from Soren. Soren pulled his hands apart and turned, striking the priest in the chest with his bare fist. The priest stumbled back and before the spear holders could react, Eukara and Soren had their weapons out, ready to fight their way free of the pyramid’s inhabitants.

Several Lizardmen joined in making the odds severely in favor of the reptilian gathering. The flanking Lizardmen around the altar did not move; neither did the elderly priest. The Lizardmen lunged at Soren in succession and he deflected each attack easily with his sword. A thrust of his sword skewered one of the Lizardmen; the being’s rattled breath was heard above the din of the fight, calling attention to his fellow guards. Pulling the sword from the dead fighter, Soren pulled hard to the right to block an attack and pushed off, throwing the guard against the wall. His sword sung as it sliced through the air and ripped a deep gash into the abdomen of an attacker. The guard looked down and watched his rich red blood flow freely from the wound. The Lizardman, eyes narrowed, lunged forward with his spear, feinting a jab. Soren leaned back to avoid the tip and the Lizardman changed his attack, sweeping the pole around and hitting Soren’s legs out form under him. Soren fell backwards and landed hard on his back.

Eukara at once regretted the limited movement of her left arm, still painfully wounded from a few days before. She could block with that arm but not attack. So, I will have to rely on more than just my daggers to survive this. Wonderful. A Lizardman charged towards her position and swung his staff at her head. She ducked and kicked out with her leg, tripping him. He flew head first into the floor, losing his staff in the process. A soft airy sound caught Eukara’s attention and she turned in the direction of the noise. Her eyes widened as she dove out of the way just in time to avoid someone else’s spear coming at her. As Eukara rolled back onto her feet, a Lizardman kicked her in the back sending her sprawling across the floor. Her lower back stung and she felt the beginnings of a cramp twinge as she moved. Quickly Eukara jumped to her feet and got into a defensive stance, beckoning the two spear chuckers to come and get her.

Soren held his blade before him as a shield, trying to find some way to get out from under the Lizardmen above him hacking and beating him with the staff of their spears. He saw off to the side that Eukara was faring slightly better then him. At least she is on her feet. The Chikvir’s scream permeated the air of the temple and every Lizardman paused for a half second. That was all Soren needed to regain some semblance of control and he kicked up, his boot connecting to the wounded Lizardman’s stomach.

The creature screamed in agony as Soren pushed with all his might, sending the guard flailing backwards and into the spear of another guard. The dying Lizardman looked down at the spear protruding from his stomach and gripping it, pulled with all his might. As the spear was brought forward, Soren could here the slow sucking sound of the spear’s movement and watched the agony increase on the guard’s face. Unable to watch anymore, Soren swung his sword and cut the throat of the Lizardman, finally killing him.

The guard behind him, now weaponless, leapt over the body of his comrade and jumped in the air and flipped. His clawed foot connected to Soren’s jaw, snapping his head back and slicing a jagged gash across on cheek. As the Lizardman descended from his flip, Soren roundhouse kicked the creature before he was able to completely land. The blow to the hip was precise and the Lizardman landed and crumpled to the ground, hip shattered. Soren kicked his spear away from him and turned towards the last of his assailants. The gash in his cheek bled and he could feel the blood run down his neck, soaking into the shirt underneath his armor.

The two guards and Eukara rounded each other, face to face, waiting for the other to make a move. Tighly holding onto her daggers, Eukara looked more at the weapons of the guards than the individuals themselves. She noticed that one of the spears had a weak spot in the staff’s wood. She thought if she could just get close enough to break it, she would be better off. Finally, impatience won out and a Lizardman lunged at her, jabbing with his spear. She twisted out of the way, avoiding the sharp metal tip and pulled a throwing knife from her waist. Holding both Ice daggers in her left hand she hurled the dagger, aiming for the skull between the eyes. Her dagger embedded itself in his arm and she cursed her inability to use her left arm. The Lizardman yanked the dagger from his shoulder and threw it back at her, narrowly missing her leg.

No longer able to wield his spear, the guard tossed it aside and attacked Eukara with his dagger. He slashed through the air more swiftly than she had expected catching her offguard. She ducked enough to avoid the blade but not the hilt. He slammed the hilt into her shoulder near her wound, sending pain through her arm like lightning down a metal rod and pulled back his weapon. She bit back a cry and slashed with her own dagger, swiftly carving up the guard’s chest as he tried to recover from the force in which he swung his own dagger at her.

Each slash from her ice dagger slice his armor, penetrating to the skin below. Pain lanced through the guard and he spun, whipping his tail across her stomach, sending her towards a wall. She flipped in midair and used the wall to launch herself back towards the guards and landed a few feet in front of them. As she held up her dagger to ready an attack, she felt the vibrations of the dagger as it sprung to life. She held on for dear life as an ice storm sprung from the dagger’s center, blasting one of the guards, killing him instantly. His frozen form laid on the ground, face twisted in surprise and excruciating pain.

The elderly priest began to chant as Soren and Eukara prepared to take on the last of their adversaries. More guards lined the walls, but none moved from their position as the priest’s chant grew louder and louder. He held out a hand towards both Soren and Eukara, palm vertical. One bolt hit Soren directly in the chest but Eukara backflipped as the bolt ripped through the air right above her body. Though she avoided the bolt of energy, the guard nearest her slammed his spear;s staff into her wound in her arm. She screamed in pain as the guard grabbed her roughly, squeezing the wound even more. The other guard grabbed Soren and both carried them to the altar where their hands were bound securely. The rest of the crowd got excited when the two were tied to the altar and began to dance and chant.

“Well, my love, it seems that we are due for a short stay here on the island,” Soren weakly laughed. The gash in his cheek bled weakly, adding to the already dried blood that covered his cheek and neck.

“So it seems. But if we get out of here, it will be a story to tell, by the gods.” Eukara struggled to move closer to Soren. “Do me one favor, before we meet our end.”

Soren looked at Eukara and nodded, “Anything.”

A deafening scream interrupted their conversation and they looked forward. A large grotesque creature stood in the doorway, looking around at each and every living breathing person in the chamber and Soren and Eukara found themselves dwarfed by the Chikvir. It eyed the altar and Eukara swore she saw the eyes dilate and change shape. The abomination stamped its feet and began its decent towards the altar tearing apart anything that got in its way.

Shaking, Eukara whispered, “Kiss me, for we will be close enough that you can reach the dagger hidden inside the back of my pants.”
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/28/2009 23:33:39   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 22 – Beast of Wrath

Eukara and Soren found out quickly that they were bound tightly to the altar. Maneuvering their bodies was harder than they thought, but eventually, Soren was close enough that he could fulfill Eukara’s last request. Looping bound hands over her head and dropping them to her waist, he looked at her and smiled. “You know if it wasn’t for the fact that a mechanical monster was on its way to kill us—” he leaned in and kissed Eukara deeply, reaching down the curve of her lower back and into the back of her pants to retrieve the dagger “—this would have been so much more fun.”

He pulled the dagger carefully from its holder and turned it so that the blade could be used to cut his binding. Step by step, as the Chikvir descended, Lizardmen fell prostrate on the floor in reverence to their god. This was the moment they had waited for and they all wanted to show their worship and dedication. Swiveling its neck back and forth, the Chikvir assessed the current state of affairs and screamed loudly. The Lizardman Priest stepped forward and began to address the monstrosity’s scream. The language spoken was archaic and very unfamiliar to Eukara. She knew it wasn’t Lizardman, but in all her personal study in her free time, this language didn’t sound like anything she had ever heard. But whatever the language, the Chikvir stood alert to listen to the priest’s ramblings.

The Chikvir cocked its head and focused its eyes on the priest. Without warning, the Chikvir screamed once more and attacked the priest, picking him up and flinging him into the air. Horrified, Eukara looked away as the creature caught the priest, and leaning its head back, slowly swallowed the helpless Lizardman. The screams of the priest could be heard muffled by the beast’s throat as his legs flailed wildly outside of the mouth. Once she could hear the priest no more, Eukara looked around the chamber at the dozens of Lizardmen, still bowed prostrate before the monster as if nothing had just happened.

Soren worked feverishly, trying to cut through his binding. “You would think that something made out of vines would be easier to cut! How are we doing on time?”

“Well, it just swallowed the head priest as the Lizardman attempted to appease it. And now the Chikvir is looking around the chamber, as if it is looking for something specific,” Eukara whispered in his ear. “I don’t want to imagine how specific its tastes are.”

“Me neither, love. Almost got it.” A few more strokes and the blade cut through the bindings around Soren’s wrists. “That is harder to do when you can’t see what you are doing.”

Eukara trembled. “Shhhh. It’s looking at us.”

Soren tightened his arms around Eukara, trying to calm her. “Give me a few minutes, I promise, and I will have you free. Just hold on.”

Eukara nodded slightly, afraid that any move the Chikvir saw would be perceived as a threat. The Lizardmen began to chant and the Chikvir descended two more steps towards the couple. The great beast stopped and lifted its wings spreading them out as if to fly. But instead of taking wing, two slender barrels dropped down from underneath and hung silent as the Chikvir surveyed the room. It squawked loudly and the barrels began to dispense bullets, rapidly firing on everything that moved in chamber. Eukara had seen such weapons before but only those that were handheld, not anything of this magnitude.

The Chikvir haphazardly aimed at the Lizardmen, who by now were running like ants pouring forth from a destroyed mound. Pandemonium spread throughout the chamber and the Lizardmen ran for their lives, screaming at each other to get out of the way or to get to safety. Bullets ricocheted off of walls and statues, pock marking the centuries old artistry and blowing off small pieces of alabaster that sprayed in the faces of Lizardmen that passed by. Stray bullets sailed by Soren and Eukara, a few coming very close to finding a mark on one of their bodies.

“How are we doing, Eukara? Where is the Chikvir?” Soren asked anxiously.

“It has gone berserk, Soren. Shooting randomly, cutting down every Lizardman that it sees. I thought they were its followers, its subjects. Why would it do this?” Eukara tried to keep her voice steady as a bullet shoot past her face. “After this fiasco, Soren, we better get a long vacation.”

“I already know where to go. How does the south sound to you? Deserts, sand and the only water we will have to deal with will be in a small oasis. Maybe a trough or two for any animal we may travel with.” Soren grunted slightly and Eukara winced as the binding cut into her wrists from Soren pulling on it. The sound of the gunfire came closer and Soren grabbed Eukara and pulled her as far down as the binding that had them tied to the altar would allow. Bullets ran overhead and both could hear the painful screams of retreating Lizardmen as they were shot down.

“It sounds perfect, Soren.” Eukara stifled a scream as four guards rushed past the altar and the Chikvir aimed for them, releasing a barrage of bullets. Three of them were hit and fell at Eukara’s feet, twitching and clawing at her for help. The fourth escaped unscathed and sprinted towards an empty place in the wall behind them. As the bullets followed him, Soren abruptly fell into Eukara and he sucked in a breath and cursed.

“What?” Even as Eukara asked the question, she felt his shirt dampening under her hand. “No, No, No! Soren, where are you hit?”

Through gritted teeth, Soren told her where to find the bullet. “My upper back on the left side. What is with this monster?”

Eukara’s hand slid up his back following the drenching trail of blood that led to the wound. Eukara gently felt around it and realized he had been hit twice. “You’ve been hit twice, Soren, and you are bleeding pretty badly. We need to get you out of here quickly.” She took her dagger and cut at the bindings that held them to the altar frantically, eventually severing their hold on the both of them. She tucked the dagger back in its holder behind her and turned to the book behind them. She grabbed the book that was responsible for their sacrificial predicament and watched the Chikvir continue to walk towards them.

The Chikvir screamed once more as it set about destroying all the statues that resembled its form. The crash of alabaster and stone echoed through the hall as the Chikvir flung pieces all over the room. On large head piece came crashing down near Eukara and Soren, drawing the Chikvir’s attention back on them.

“We need to distract it somehow so that we can get out of here.” Soren looked at the beast and shook his head. “I just don’t know what to do.”

Well, the beast didn’t react well to the priest, but perhaps that is because he wasn’t speaking the language of the Chikvir’s creators. This thing is obviously human made, so I think it is time to talk to the beast. Let’s just hope the time I spent with the crazy mechanical inventor, Dr. Voltabot, helps me out here. Insane or not, he is the only one who knows what this stuff is all about. Eukara squared her shoulders and shouted at the monster. “What is your malfunction, Chikvir?”

The Chikvir stopped its rampage and stood perfectly still, staring at Eukara. The pupils of its eyes dilated and contracted as it focused on her, processing the input of information. It stretched its neck towards them and screamed a response, stomping its foot. Its eyes snapped shut and then opened once more, examining Eukara and Soren.

“There is a malfunction in your programming.” Eukara spoke in an authoritative voice. “You are not supposed to be attacking the living creatures of Lore. Reprocess your programming and locate the malfunction.”

Soren tugged on Eukara’s sleeve. “Are you sure this is what you are supposed to be doing?”

“It’s working isn’t it? I have heard Dr. Voltabot talk to his tog-bots that way. The little machine togs usually fix themselves.” The Chikvir kept its eyes on Eukara as she spoke to Soren. It shrieked and stomped its feet in response, then turned and smashed another statue. A stream of bullets shot out of each barrel over hers and Soren’s heads.

“Yeah, I don’t think it appreciated being told it is malfunctioning.” Soren motioned for the tunnels. “We better make a run for it now, since it is stationary and still trying to figure out who you are and why you are telling it what to do.” Soren gently pushed Eukara towards the escape route that several guards had headed for earlier.

Eukara turned, heading for the exit and the Chikvir screamed at them, shaking the chamber with the sound causing plaster and stone to fall from the ceiling. They froze and looked at the Chikvir. Its large eyes narrowed and focused on one thing: the book in Eukara’s hand. The creature bellowed its indignation and charged Soren and Eukara. Its beak snapped in rhythm to its gait as it chased them across the chamber floor.

“Drop the book! Just drop the book, Eukara so we can get out of here in one piece!” Soren screamed as he ran behind her.

“Not a chance, Soren! If this book makes that thing angry, then it must be something that we can use. Think about it,” she shouted behind her. “What if this can tell us something about the Chikvir, something useful in destroying it? You know we have been trying to find a way to rid Lore of this thing. What if this is the key?”

“Then by all means, RUN!” Soren put his hand on her back and pushed her slightly, helping her pick up momentum. The snapping of the Chikvir’s beak seemed right behind Soren’s head. The tunnel was but a few seconds away and the Chikvir vaulted through the air and landed in front of them. Both Defenders skidded to a halt and Soren drew his sword, holding it before him and pushing Eukara behind his back.

The Chikvir lunged at Soren, beak aimed for his head and he grabbed Eukara and jump out of the way. The Chikvir’s beak slammed into the ground, smashing a large hole in the floor, narrowly missing the two. Scrambling to their feet, Soren and Eukara tried to break for the doorway, but the monster sidestepped blocking them off again. Its clawed foot struck out and Soren parried the blow and swung his sword up in an attempt to hit the underside of the beast. The Chikvir’s head darted forward and it tried to grab Soren’s sword.

Soren arched the sword through the air and brought it down hard on the Chikvir’s head. The monster momentarily stunned, Soren pushed Eukara towards the tunnel, following her closely behind. The Chikvir recovered and turned, chasing them the last few yards left until the opening of the tunnel was upon Soren and Eukara. They ran without turning back into the mouth of the tunnel and the Chikvir slammed into the doorway at full speed. The force of the impact sent the Defenders flying forward and then sprawling across the rocky floor amid the rising dusk and screeching of the Chikvir.

The Chikvir stretched its neck as far as it could but could not get to Soren or Eukara. It focused on the book for a few moments and then slammed into the doorway once more, trying to widen the opening to pursue Soren and Eukara. Soren crawled over to Eukara and held her as the ceiling fell around them and the Chikvir screamed louder. Over and over the creature rammed into the walls trying to get to them, but it did not succeed.

Soren looked back and saw that the tunnel was partially blocked by fallen debris and rock and he exhaled loudly. He struggled to sit up, pulling Eukara with him and they sat there together listening to the tantrum the beast was throwing in the chamber. Explosions and crashes echoed down the tunnel towards them, causing Eukara to shudder. She didn’t want to imagine what the Chikvir was doing, considering that had almost been them in there.

They sat, backs against the wall for an hour, trying to catch their breath and calm their nerves down. Eukara took advantage of the time and opened up the book, serious about its contents since the Chikvir reacted so badly to its presence. From the first page on, both Eukara and Soren understood why the Chikvir wanted the book so badly. Every page contained information on its design, abilities and purposes. Page after page was filled with diagrams of the equipment merged with the animal’s body.

The brain was almost as much machine as it was tissue. The additions to the wings showed that there was much more to the weaponry that the Chikvir possesses than rapid fire guns. There were canons, also, as well as sniper-type guns in the finger bones of the wings. Every organ system had enhancements built in for endurance, maintenance and repair. The claws of the monsters feet were metallic and not the bone-like razors it was hatched with.

But greatest of all was a section that Eukara knew made their struggle worthwhile. The last three chapters of the book explored the physical weaknesses that were found in the Chikvir’s construction, the nemesis and archenemy of the Chikvir and the easiest way to beat it: through imagery that made its electronic brain freeze. Both Eukara and Soren were excited about their find and smiled exhausted at each other.

“Come on, Eukara. Let’s find our way out of here. I want to be as far away from that thing as possible.” Soren stood up and swayed slightly, causing Eukara to jump up and steady him.

Eukara handed him the water bottle and a piece of fruit from her pack. “Eat and drink first, Soren. You have lost a lot of blood by the looks of your shirt and I can’t carry you out, you big lug. We would never get to either of our ships and be stuck here forever listening to that blasted monster scream bird curses at us for eternity.”

Soren drank the water and ate the fruit, feeling slightly better. As they began their walk, both noticed that the floor gently sloped downward indicating that leaving the great pyramid would be much easier than entering it. It was slow going, but eventually the light of the sun graced their bodies, the warmth graciously accepted. The waterline was a short walk away from their present position. If they strained their ears hard enough, the screams of the Chikvir could be heard over the lapping waves upon the sand.

Pulling out her green C me Orb, Eukara called for both hers and Soren’s ships. Upon a response from both vessels, she gave Caro and Meringue their approximate location. Both men could be heard yelling commands to the helmsman before responding back. Eukara nodded absentmindedly as Caro and Meringue estimated their arrival time at three hours. Signing off, she turned to Soren.

“We have three hours to kill. Though both of us are in rough shape, you take the cake,” she smiled.

Grimacing, Soren chuckled, “Alright, then. I guess it is your turn to take care of me now, huh?”

Eukara giggled. “I guess so. Let’s get you to the shade and I will take a look at your wound.”

“No, please, I want to be in the sun,” Soren thought back to the dimly lit chamber, “I have had enough shade and shadow for one day.”

“Okay, if that is what you want, then that is what you will get.” Eukara put her arm around his waist and helped him walked to the shoreline. Once there, he laid on his stomach and Eukara gently tended to the bullet wounds in his back. He fell asleep under the care of Eukara’s attentions; his stress and pain eased away under her soft touch.

< Message edited by Eukara -- 4/28/2009 23:34:36 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
4/28/2009 23:44:03   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 23 – The Reality of War 

Once Eukara was sure that Soren was fine, she sat with her back resting against a tree next to his sleeping body. Though she was tired, Eukara knew one of them had to be awake for the ships when they arrived. The book tempted her and she finally opened it up and looked through the last few chapters, hoping to find something useful. She thumbed through the pages, but unfortunately nothing was remotely recognizable. Terms like “thermo-nuclear”, “hydro-engineered”, “thrusters” and “MechaSoldiers” dumbfounded her. Never before had such vocabulary been uttered in her lifetime, and she liked to think that she was a rather learned person. 

Towards the end of the book, she found a chapter entitled, “Failsafe.” She skimmed over most of the page, as the technical nature of the text was beyond her comprehension. Halfway down the page, her eyes rested on a section of text that seemed set apart from the rest. 

The Chikvir was created to combat the Leviathan soldiers that had been terrorizing the outer-rim planets. It has come to our attention that the menace of our enemy is closer to our doorstep than we ever thought possible. Therefore, the creation of an ultimate weapon to combat this enemy was given into the hands of the Sharpcall family. 

Eukara paused and blinked, somewhat startled by the paragraph. Outer-rim planets? I have heard speculation about what lies beyond our skies, but this seems to say that…Have people from Lore been beyond the borders of our skies? 

Interesting reading you have going on there, Eukara. Seems to me that you have a little bit of history in your hands. 

I have heard that the times of the past were riddled with power, technology, magic and war, but this is far beyond anything I have come across in my studies. 

Perhaps there is a reason, heart sister, why you know nothing of this? Perhaps it is a time when things were best left forgotten. 

Eukara cocked her head, brow knit in thought. That sounded awfully unlike you, Mnemeth. Where did that come from? 

What do you mean, ‘Where did what come from?’ You have been talking nonstop about that book. How am I supposed to get a word in edgewise? Ah, gotta go. Ryu is about to pounce Zhoth. I may want to join in! 

Eukara wasn’t so much disturbed by Mnemeth’s sudden departure, but more by the words the dragon obviously didn’t remember saying. It has been said that dragons can speak as oracles and such, but Mnemeth isn’t exactly the model of oracle material. She glanced at Soren still sleeping silently beside her and continued reading. 

The Sharpcall family designed the creature to withstand great damage and programmed it to self-repair. Though the weapon is forty percent biological, that has nothing to do with the functionality of the Chikvir. The biological aspect of it merely helps the integrated positronic brain deal with issues such as instinct that will enhance the battle tactics and survival of the weapon’s line. 

There is a safety mechanism integrated into the Chikvir’s real-time programming. Dr. Sharpcall stated in the published articles detailing the Chikvir’s purposes that the chances scientists took with using a biological beast as part of the Chikvir’s construct was a risky venture. But in case a malfunction were to occur, there is an indentation in the back of the beast that one solitary symbol, if carved correctly, will fit there and shut down the creature. The symbol is one of the Chikvir and Leviathan, in an eternal conflict. 

There is, in all likelihood, a good chance that the Leviathan will be upgraded several times within our lifetime. But the Sharpcall family has prepared for that and has installed a program that allows for the Chikvir to also undergo such revisions. 

Eukara closed the book and sighed. Much of that sounded as bizarre as the ancient languages of the Lizardmen to her, but one thing was for sure: the Chikvir can be defeated. She pulled out her C me Orb and found it cracked. Her touch did not bring forth the glow that she was familiar with and she sighed. She looked at Soren, knowing he had one, but she hadn’t the faintest clue where it was. 

She smiled slightly and thought that the search of his person would have been fun, had it not been for his injury. So she gently patted down his back and then slowly turned him on his side and found the orb’s hiding place under in an inset pocket. Her hand slid across his chest as she retrieved the orb. She turned to look out over the water, checking for the ships as she pulled the orb free. 

Soren’s hand grasped her wrist and she turned to face him. “Well, what do we have here? Would that be considered trespassing, stealing or both? For a rogue, my lady, you were too easily caught.” 

Though she mock fought him, his strength easily overpowered her and he pinned her arm to the sand. Soren’s smile caught her attention as he looked down on her; his eyes serious as he looked into Eukara’s. Slowly, he pushed the orb from Eukara’s hand and wove his fingers with hers, holding her hand tightly as he leaned down and kissed her. The kiss sent Eukara’s pulse rocketing as Soren’s body leaned into hers. 

“Well, this certainly is interesting.” 

Despite the audience, Soren did not rush the attention he showered on Eukara. His lips lingered on hers for a few seconds more before he pulled back and smiled at her. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he responded, never once allowing his eyes to leave hers. “I am sure it is, Meringue. Imagine my own surprise this trip - I fight for my life and get the girl all in one adventure.” 

Eukara stifled the laugh that threatened to ruin the moment. Little did Meringue know that one of those fights involved the “girl”, but she would never tell and knew Soren would never admit it either. Once more, Soren kissed her fully before releasing his grip on her hand. He stood up and pulled Eukara to her feet, brushing the sand from her body before attending his own. Meringue looked away, watching for Caro, so that Soren and Eukara could have a few more moments together before business needed to be addressed. 

Meringue cleared his throat and motioned at the ship once both Eukara and Soren turned to face him. “We have places we need to be. Something big is happening over on the island that Mistress Eukara was taken to by the UoN. They have immobilized, sir, and have begun to attack. And…Anoril was found while you were out of contact with everyone here. He has called the Defenders to the factory.” 

“And,” Caro called out as he ran up to them, “We have received word that there is faction of men from the King’s guard anchored off an island close to here that need some assistance in getting to the UoN.” Caro leaned over, drawing in large amounts of air and pulled Eukara aside. “Apparently, the King has been in contact with the UoN and they wish for some kind of treaty to be established to prevent an all out war. He wants you to go, Eukara.” 

“Me? I am the least patient person here. And my personality doesn’t exactly match up with the normal peacemaker type.” Eukara sighed and looked back at Soren. “So much for searching.” 

“So, back to the ship and off to another potential war, huh? I had wanted to propose you come along and sail beside me.” Soren dropped his shoulders in defeat and glanced sideways at Meringue. “Eukara…thank you.” 

“For what?” she asked dumbfounded. 

Soren walked slowly up to Eukara, eyes transfixed on hers, never faltering from her gaze. He took her hand and held it longingly in his own, embracing the feel of her delicate skin one final time before they parted. “For everything you have given me,” he stated softly. He paused for a brief moment and kissed her passionately but tenderly once again, holding her close.

“You have given me reason to go on; any strength that I hold, any will that I bear, any hope that lingers onwards inside of me, it is all down to you and what you have given me. You have stood by me for as long as I can remember, no matter my actions or decisions, and for that, I will forever love you. These past few days have meant so much to me, the reciprocation of how I have felt for so long Eukara, it had made me happier then I ever thought I could be.” 

Soren pulled Eukara close to him in a tight embrace, his last gesture before being forced to watch her leave once again. He whispered delicately in her ear; “Next time, I will not let you go, no matter what . . . I am going to do all that I can to make you as happy as you have made me, I merely pray you give me the chance to stand by your side and do so. I love you, always.” 

Eukara held onto Soren tightly, knowing exactly what his declaration meant. Though neither Caro nor Meringue understood it beyond the obvious promises, Eukara knew Soren’s words ran deeper, guaranteeing that when the time came, she would not be alone to face Hunter. “When all this is over with, you will get your chance. I promise Soren.” 

Reluctantly, Eukara pulled away from Soren’s embrace and turned to see her ship, the magnificent machine of exploration that it was, anchored off the island. A small boat awaited her and Caro’s return. Looking back, she smiled solemnly and spoke, “I am already happy enough now, knowing that I have your love. It is more than I have ever hoped for. Know that I love you and, as you head towards the island to aide our fellow defenders, that I think of you.” 

Taking a deep breath, Eukara returned her gaze towards the sea and slowly walked away. She didn’t turn around and didn’t run back into Soren’s arms, though she wanted to do that more than anything else. But both of them knew they had duties and could not abandon them now, especially with a century's old peace soon to be broken. Soren watched her walk away; though he usually refused to watch his friends walk away. This was different, for Eukara wasn’t just his friend anymore, but the other half of his life that had been missing for too long. He had to watch her walk away. 

“Sir?” Meringue asked softly. “Are you ready?” 

“Whether or not I want to be, yes I am.” Soren replied and turned to walk to his own ship. 

It took an entire day to reach the neighboring island and Eukara missed Soren’s company. They had talked the night before via the C me Orb, but it wasn’t the same. Odd, I have spent two years besides him and never missed him like this. I mean, I missed him yes, but not like I do now. This almost hurts

A pair of birds outside her window played on the wind, calling loudly to each other in an elegant dance of dips and twirls. She sighed and looked back inside at the pile of papers on her desk. She tested the flexibility in her left arm. Hygeia had worked some kind of miracle regarding health potions and herbs to almost entirely heal her wound. 

The Siren’s Quill was anchored off the neighboring island and Eukara was still buried in the news from the last few days. She sent Sylenia and two other crewmen to greet the envoy from the king. The biggest note on her ledger was in regards to Anoril. Grateful as she was that Anoril had been found, his arrival back amongst the Defenders had caused a strange stir. It seems that Anoril went back in time, but the details were unclear. But whatever was going on, according to Caro’s notes, rips in time were responsible for all our problems.

Scanning the ledger, she saw that the Corsairs captain attacked many of the ships, though he was taken into custody. The UoN had given its final warning before attacking that went unheeded by the humans on that island. And Captain Deucalion had snared himself the— That is impossible. How on earth did he get his hands on the Leviathan? That weapon shouldn’t exist. 

Neither should the Chikvir. 


Eukara! You are back on the ship and now I can talk to you. Before, your head was all about Soren. Bleh, I had better things to do than talk to you in the midst of all that. Anyway, are you all caught up now? 

Yeah, I guess so. But some strange stuff has happened in the last few days. 

Ya think? 

Don’t get all sarcastic with me, young dragoness. It’s just that I have this book and what I have learned could help us all. But I am not sure Deucalion’s control of the Leviathan is wise or even beneficial to our cause. The Chikvir already causes us a lot of trouble. If it detects that we are in control of the Leviathan, it will definitely add us to the list of enemies. We don’t need two rogue machine weapon and a war on our hands. 

Not many share your sentiment, Eukara. If you propose that we destroy the Leviathan, you will meet some harsh resistance. They all see the Leviathan as our answer. 

Great. I know it will just make everything worse and everyone else thinks it is our salvation. 

So goes greatness. Tell them anyway, just so in the end when you turn out to be right you can say ‘I told you so.’ 

Yeah, I am sure that would go over well. Alright, luv, I can hear Sylenia is back on the ship, which means the king’s envoys are here. I must go. 

Farewell, sister of my heart. 

The knock on her door came as Mnemeth left Eukara’s mind. She called Sylenia in and stood behind her desk, awaiting the arrival of the envoy and her orders from the king. Sylenia nodded to Eukara in deference to her rank and standing among the clan and then introduced the envoy. 

“Commander Eukara.” Sylenia spoke, using a respectful and official tone. “May I introduce you to Dr. Montgomery Fastion, Sir Laeg Olahs, Sir Thomas Beauford, and Sir Krystof Skylr.” 

The four men bowed deeply to Eukara. Upon rising, Dr. Fastion stepped forward and addressed Eukara. “The king sends his best wishes and gratefulness for your cooperation. He has received word that the Defenders have unfortunately been involved in this conflict and sends his apologies. He also sends his apologies and condolences for what you personally have suffered due to this event.” 

Eukara nodded and realized why she was asked to escort the envoy to the factory and the UoN. “I see. So I am merely a pawn, a sympathy vote? Someone to shove in the faces of both sides to prove that their actions are harming others?” 

“No ma’am,” Sir Olahs shook his head. “The fact that you were abducted by the UoN has nothing to do with why you were chosen. Word came to the king about you. He received a letter from the neighboring kingdom, extolling your worth and the regret that you had to leave them. Apparently, no one knew where to find you until now.” 

Suddenly feeling lightheaded, Eukara motioned for the men to sit so that she could. There was only one way that the King knew of her whereabouts before her move to Lore and she highly doubted the note in his hand came from nobility of the last kingdom she called home. Hunter was close, too close and everything was in jeopardy. 

“Commander Eukara?” Sir Skylr inquired. She looked up at him blankly. “Are you okay, Ma’am? You look a bit ashen, as if something was dreadfully wrong.” 

“I am fine. I am still recovering from the past few weeks, so please excuse my episodes of weakness. I am surprised that the king would choose me for such a pivotal assignment. I didn’t think the last time I was in court he was all that impressed with my tact and thoughts.” Sir Skylr covered his laughter with a fit of coughing and Eukara smiled at him. “But, if the king requests this of me, I will not refuse. Sylenia, please show these gentlemen to the extra crew cabins and make sure that they have all they need. Then if you will be so kind as to relay the order to the helmsman that we head for the factory, we can get this on its way.” 

Sylenia nodded and held out her hand, motioning for the men to exit the office. As each knight filed out of the office, Dr. Fastion slowed and turned towards Eukara. “May I have a word with you alone, Commander?” 

Brow knitted, Eukara glanced at Sylenia and nodded. After the door closed, Dr. Fastion addressed Eukara. “I need to know something, Commander, something that will affect the way I hold these negotiations. The war has already started and I am well aware that my task is near impossible. Is there any hope of salvaging the problem?” 

“I need to know what you know so far before I can tell you if what you ask is possible,” she replied. 

He nodded his head. “Fair enough, Commander. The full scale attack was launched successfully. The UoN gave the humans in that factory ample time and reason to leave. I still cannot believe that they were doing the things they were: dumping waste, cutting down forest and harvesting coral recklessly. And to know that I share a link with them simply because I am human…Anyway, there have already been casualties on both sides. The Defenders have been drawn in and the king is not happy with that. Not that he isn’t happy with you as a group, just so you know, he’s just not happy that it is requiring the aide of so much of his kingdom.” 

“From my experience Dr. Fastion, certain members of the UoN are hotheaded and humans are stubborn. That combination is harmful to all that are involved and deadly to those who are not.” Eukara paused and looked at the man in front of her in alarm. “Wait, you said that the Defenders were drawn in. Have they already engaged either side of this war yet?” 

“To be honest, Commander, that information is a bit muddied. We can’t tell exactly who the Defenders are fighting or if they are actually fighting anything at all.” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I know that most of the Defenders are awaiting reinforcement but others have already entered the compound to approach the UoN. Apparently, one of your fellow members captured the Sarkanian Prince and is going to use him as a negotiation tool.” 

Eukara paced the office slowly, thinking about their options. “We need to get there and fast. Commander Wyvern should have already arrived, though I have not received word from him yet. That can’t be good.” 

“I am afraid not,” Dr. Fastion answered back and began to walk towards the door. “I just hope I am not too late. The king did send me and the other men rather late.” 

He closed the door behind him and Eukara flopped into her chair and leaned back in it. The back slowly declined and Eukara employed the breathing techniques that the Ninjas taught her. Her eyes felt heavy and she began to succumb to the weariness in her body. Just as her eyes shut, Soren’s voice sounded through the ship's C me Orb. The break in silence caused her body to jump, which in turn sent the chair tipping over backwards, unceremoniously dumping Eukara head over heels onto the floor, slamming her backside and legs up against the cabinet behind her. Any other day, this would have been comical, but today, it was merely the icing on the cake. 


Eukara, slightly flustered, replied from the floor. “Yes, Soren. How may I assist you this fine day?” She slowly let her legs and bottom slide across the cabinet face, falling to the floor, and decided to stay lying on the floor on her side until she was in a better mood. 

“Is everything okay? It sounded as if something hit the floor?” 

“That would have been me, Soren. I was leaning back in my chair and falling asleep when you called. It was silent…you spoke..I tipped over.” Eukara stretched out on the floor and the rocking motion of the ship tempted her into sleep. 

“I am so sorry, Eukara. These orb things don't exactly have a warning system, do they? Perhaps when this is over, we need to tell Cysero to change up the design a bit." He paused slightly before going on. "I wanted to tell you that this place is a mess, Eukara. If I had any say so regarding your travels, I would prohibit you from coming here. The fighting is worse than I imagined. We have Defenders in the compound, Defenders outside the compound and to top it all off, Captain Deucalion doesn’t have as much control over the Leviathan creature as he claimed.” Soren sounded slightly panicked. 

“The Leviathan is causes more trouble than help isn’t it, Soren?” Eukara sat upright, realizing the implications of a runaway Leviathan. 

“Yeah, Captain Deucalion can barely keep it under control. And oddly enough, the people of the UoN fear it. They have turned on us as well now because it appears that we are attacking them with this monstrous creature. Please tell me that you have the envoy, love.” 

Eukara heard the fatigue in Soren’s voice and she reached out to him. “I have the envoy and we are on our way, Soren, as fast as my ship can carry us over the water. My helmsman is prepared to sail on through the night if need be, which is going to happen now that I know the situation.” She took a deep breath before asking the next question. “Soren, honestly as War Marshall, do you see this coming out anywhere close to okay?” 

There was a long awkward of silence that made Eukara uneasy. “With everything involved as it is, we will be lucky to pull out of this whole. People on all sides are dying left and right. Defenders, Sarkanians, Galeocerda, scientists, Vagaran…their bodies lay across floor and ground indiscriminately. We have tried negotiation, disarming those we come across and escorting them away from the scene, but nothing we do to encourage peace is helping.” 

“I hope that I am bringing the solution with me, Soren. Because if it isn’t, all of Lore, under and above the waves will be at war.” 

“Eukara, the Vagaran are asking for you.” Soren spoke slowly, almost as if he didn’t want to relay the message. 

“Me?” she stared at the glowing orb. “Why do they want to talk to me?” 

“Because, my love, you are the only one that they think is worthy enough to talk to. What ever you did to impress them during your captivity is, in all likelihood, our only chance at peace with them as a people. They will only talk to you.” Eukara could here the slight bitterness in his voice, the sadness too that only one of the people among the UoN was even toying with the notion of peace. “Let us hope that you bring peace upon the waves that lead you ever closer to this hell.” 

In the distance, an angry shriek echoed over the waves and Soren heard that familiar sound clearly over the orb. 
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
4/28/2009 23:48:40   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Chapter 24 - All Comes Together 

He knew his mind should be concentrating on tactics, but it was Eukara's face that stayed transfixed in there instead. She was in danger; more danger than he was at the moment and there was nothing he could do. The Chikvir could wipe out everyone on her ship in a blink of an eye if it so chose. And Soren had no doubt that it would since Eukara carried with her the book that spelled out its doom. 

Climbing the stairs, Soren approached the deck with apprehension. Even up here, the smell of blood, waste and medication assaulted his senses. The wind had died down hours ago, giving no one respite from the clinging stench of war. There were so many wounded on his ship, both UoN and Defender equally, that it was overcrowded. The injured were below in the hold, in the cabin and now cramped across his deck. It was a maze of pallets and bodies that was almost impossible to navigate. Though the UoN warriors protested human help, it was all that Soren and Meringue could think of to try and convince them that the Defenders were not their enemies. Everywhere he turned, Soren saw the atrocities that war had caused. And it had only merely begun. 

He gripped the rails until his knuckles turned white and the joints ached. How is this possible? How in Lore is it possible for such technology to be present, much less in the hands of such people? He watched as the cannons and barrels that randomly jutted out of the metal armor of the factory walls shot down UoN and Defenders alike. Everything about the last few months has been surreal. 

Even Eukara? 

Oh Ryu, to an extent, yes even Eukara. I mean, just think about it. Had this whole fiasco regarding Anoril not happened, would I even know about Eukara's feeling for me? I highly doubt it. 

Trust me, Soren. Mnemeth and I were getting ready to force you two into admittance. You both were driving us nuts. 

Soren smiled. We were that bad? 

Let's just say that Mnemeth and I had already planned to get 'stranded' with the both of you in some remote area that may or may not have included an avalanche of snow. 


What? If you love her, she should know. And she should have been told a long time ago. Her excuse for not telling you is understandable. It was a matter of life and death and she did not want to risk being responsible for the world's loss of you. You on the other hand, had no excuse. You were afraid. 

Soren glanced down at the water, acknowledging that he had no true answer for Ryu's accusation. Yes, he had been fearful, but who wouldn't be? In his line of work, thrusting her into that life would have been cruel. I was fearful, Ryu, alright? But I was fearful that admitting that I loved her would result in two things. One, that she would be used against me in a time of war. And two, that admitting my feelings would push her away. I couldn't afford to lose her. 

Wrong Soren. I know you much better than that to believe the rubbish that you just spouted. You were afraid that she would actually love you back. 

Abruptly, Ryu left Soren's mind, though his last statement remained as an echo in the back of his mind. He hated Ryu at times like this. It is very disconcerting to have someone shove the truth in your face when you didn't want to acknowledge it. He shook his mind free of Ryu's grip and looked towards the factory once more. The cannons reappeared as five Sarkanian warriors approached the building once more. He sighed as several more fell, three he knew to be dead and two that would need attention. Before he could give the signal, three Defenders sprinted towards the injured Sarkanians and dragged them towards his ship amid cannon fire. 

The factory looked impenetrable, but Soren knew something that he did not disclose to Eukara. A pang of guilt wove through his mind and Soren pushed it aside. He chose not to tell Eukara about Captain Elf because he knew she would worry and that was the last thing Soren wanted her doing. Captain Elf and part of his crew took a risky chance and infiltrated the factory dressed as workers and researchers. Soren didn't ask how Elf got the uniforms and Elf didn't volunteer the information. All Soren knew was that Elf planned to sabotage the defenses from within. As much as he wanted to tell Eukara, the fewer that knew about this plan, the safer Elf would be. 

An explosion came from within the factory and the great metal shell that encased the outer wall bulged slightly. A high pitched scraping sound came from within as the walls began to retract, revealing the white-washed exterior of the building. A roar went up from the UoN camp and fighters began to storm the bane of their homes, the cause of their sickness and pain. As a large group of Galeocerda and Sarkanians charged the glass double doors, a cannonball smashed into the ground killing one of the Sarkanians, his skull smashed into a bloody pulp. The impact caused it to explode, sending a mixture of burning pitch and scrap metal into the throng of warriors. Beside himself, Soren witnessed the group thrown from their position, as if a flower were unfurling its petals in the morning sun. Soren cried out as he watched those in the immediate vicinity of the bomb fall, burning metal embedded into their flesh. Their domed breathing apparatuses shattered and the air was filled with the tortured screams of the men and women whose skin was blackening, charred by pitch and metal. 

Soren watched in horror as some were in so much pain that they could not scream. Their gaping mouths opened and closed, mouthing words that could not be expressed. He looked at their eyes, so unnaturally wide that Soren could almost feel the unending pain and torture that each of warrior experienced. Though he wanted to, Soren could not turn away. He would watch and avenge these later. Even over the distance between him and the factory, Soren could already smell the sickly sweet scent of burning flesh. It took everything in him to prevent him from vomitting over the side of his ship. 

Those further from the initial impact suffered from the flying shrapnel, but to a lesser degree. Their warmates had shielded them from the bulk of the blast, saving them from the overwhelming pain. Several lost their breathing apparatus, but all tried in vain to remove the white hot metal from their bodies. As Soren bellowed out orders for the Defenders to assist, he followed the cannonball's path back to a ship flying a yellow flag with a blood drenched scimitar emblazoned on it. 

They weren't lying! Soren shook in rage. My God, they did call for mercenaries. What sick, twisted men run this operation? A ship, one of his Defender ships, exploded to his right, debris rushing into the sky as if trying to escape this hell. Soren spun and looked at a second mercenary ship, sailing in from the opposite direction, yellow flag snapping in the wind. 

Captain Elf directed his men to spread out into the factory, taking the opportunity of distraction and capture as many of the researchers and workers as possible. Before they could spread out, an explosion was heard outside the factory and the screams of men and women filled their ears. 

"We have no time to lose! Throw open the doors and give Commander Wyvern the signal that all is ready!" Captain Elf screamed out as he ran deeper into the factory. 


Watching the creature approach unnerved her. No matter how fast the Siren's Quill cut through the waves and swells of the sea, the Chikvir continued to gain distance. Eukara didn't need her longviewer any longer; it was that close. So close, in fact, that she could see its eyes focused on her. Her heart pounded, knowing the destruction that the Chikvir was known for and was capable of. Looking around at the feverish pace of her crew, she felt a rush of pride as they tried desperately to keep their distance from the monster that trailed after them. Closer and closer flew her destruction and there was nothing she could do about it. 

An angry shriek skipped across the waves and washed over the ship, temporarily halting virtually all activity on board. All but the helmsman stopped and looked at the approaching monstrosity. Its great wings pumped impossibly fast for such a creature its size. Eukara's eyes, wide and fearful, stayed locked on the beast as it closed the distance between them. The hold the Chikvir had on her broke as Sylenia yelled at Eukara, demanding that she turn around. Eukara tore her eyes from the Chikvir's fast approaching form to look at Sylenia. Her second mate was pointing ahead emphatically. 

Ships. Not just any ships, but Defender ships, lined up and in the midst of battle. Smoke billowed and fire raged across their noble decks as yellow flagged ships bombarded them with cannonfire. So, the heads of this factory did do as they said. How despicable. The mercenary ships took heavy damage from the mage fire and cannon fire released by each Defender ship. Along the path from the island to the mercenary ship, we smaller boats ferrying the mercenary army to the shore. 

"I need more speed!" Eukara yelled out from the helmsman's deck. She ran down the stairs and went below to check up on Caro. "We need more, Caro. The Defenders are under attack by mercenaries. Their ships are being destroyed and the mercenaries are making their way towards the shore. Is there nothing more you can give me?" 

"We are about to switch out, Mistress. A new set of arms and fresh faces will replace these to get us where we want to be," he responded. 

She looked at the tired men, rowing hard even in the midst of their fatigue. "I couldn't ask for a better crew than you. You have been faithful, strong and courageous and you will be rewarded for this once we land port in No'bell." 

The relief crew walked into the area and quickly took their places among the oars. "Those of you who are done, rest, for battle calls and I will need you sharp and ready to fight." Though tired, the men roared in anticipation, leaving to their beds in high spirits. Eukara knew that they hungered for a real battle since they had spent the majority of the last couple of months trying to find her. 

A series of explosions rocked the ship and Eukara left Caro and ran back upstairs in time to see the Chikvir unloading a round of ammunition, ripping apart her deck. Several men were caught in the spray of bullets that sent them over the edge into the water below. Eukara heard Sylenia screaming out orders and the blast from the cannons made her ears ring. Three cannon balls hit their target and the Chikvir screamed in fury, unleashing another barrage of bullets. They ripped through the side of her ship and the screams of pain from below told her that the Chickvir had breached the hull around the oars. 

Eukara closed her eyes, numb at the loss of her crew. She could hear her name being called in the background among the splintering wood and cannon blasts. When she turned, she saw Dr. Fastion stumbling across the ship, trying to dodge wood and bullets. "What is going on here?" he yelled. 

"Dr. Fastion, I would like for you to meet the Chickvir." The monster shrieked loudly and opened fire again. Sylenia called for another round of cannon fire and Eukara led the man away from the deck. "It is the bane of the Defenders. Most of us have no idea where it came from or why it hates us so, but nevertheless here it is at the most inopportune time." 

"Commander Eukara, this is not acceptable. The last thing we need is to bring another factor into these negotiations. How could you be so careless—" 

"Are you insinuating that I WANT this creature here? If so, then I am afraid that King Alteon sent the wrong person to hold intelligent conversation with two warring factions. This is the last thing I want on my butt as I head towards my own friends and what I consider family. I thought it was trapped in the temple where Commander Wyvern and I last encountered it. The creature had trapped itself inside the temple. I thought it wasn't getting out!" Eukara was incensed that he would assume such stupidity. 

"This is the Defender's problem and if it gets in the way of these proceedings, I will hold you personally responsible for its failure. This Chikvir abomination is ruining everything!" Dr. Fastion yelled back at Eukara. 

The entire ship rocked after an explosion sending Dr. Fastion to the floor and Eukara into a wall. "Stay where you belong, Dr Fastion." The immense amount of control it took for Eukara to talk calmly was not lost on the delegate. "I am the fighter and the captain, you are the delegate. Remain in your station, sir." 

Eukara turned on her heel, leaving amidst the sound of bullets and with Dr. Fastion on the floor. Imbecile! Why must the great "thinkers" think that they can just stroll onto the deck of a ship under fire as if they were walking through the forest on a clear spring day? What kind of idiot thinks that I would just lovingly invite the Chikvir along for the ride? What kind of— 

Awww, don't blame him heart sister. After all, he knows nothing of battles, war, danger, and all other things that come with the territory of conflict. He only knows how to fix a conflict. 

Oh, don't even start making excuses for him. "I want a report on our status now!" I remember him from court. He knows nothing outside of books. Sir Laeg Olahs, though new at his position within the King's guard, knows more about real world issues than the bookworm. 

That's rich coming from a bookworm. 

I live outside my books and research, Mnemeth. Dr. Fastion does not. 

"Mistress Eukara! The Chikvir has taken no real damage from our attempts to destroy it, Ma'am." Sylenia reported from behind as Eukara glared at the beast. "It shows no sign of fatigue or letting up. And while you down below, it came dangerously near the ship, as if it was looking for something." 

"It is, Sylenia. It is looking for a book; a book that tells of its doom." Eukara said as she watched the Chikvir begin to dive towards her ship. "Hard right, Helm! Hard right!" 

The ship jerked to the right, causing a few people to fall to their knees. The razored claws of the monster's feet ripped the railing off the ship on the port side, missing its target. It turned sharply and dove straight for the hull of the ship. The resulting impact pushed the ship onto its side before righting itself. The Chickvir screamed from within the Siren's Quill and began to tear the ship apart. 

Perhaps it is time? 

No time like the present.
 "Abandon ship! Get yourselves off of this ship however you can. Drop the boats and leave everything behind. We can always come back and salvage, remember we can breathe under the surface." 

Despite the situation, Eukara drew a few chuckles as the men and women piled into the boats. The center of the deck erupted and bodies flew as the Chikvir reared its head, scanning the bodies flung about on the surface. Its gaze centered on Eukara and it loosed a scream that shook the battered hull of the ship. 

The interior of the factory erupted into chaos the moment the breach was discovered within its ranks. The researchers ran for the escape tunnels and the aides and guards readied their weapons to fight what they expected to be monsters and inhuman combatants whose footsteps echoed down the halls towards them. To their surprise, it was Captain Elf and his crew that came rumbling into their line of vision. Unprepared to fight humans, the guards and aides lowered their weapons momentarily and Captain Elf commanded his crew to take the guards into custody. As his men advanced, the guards recover their senses and attack, slashing at Captain Elf's men. 

Captain Elf's men retaliated, fighting with such precision that it looked like a well choreographed dance. The men to his right picked out the guards, quickly separating them from the aides. The aides, now separated from the guards, panicked and relinquished their weapons and surrendered. Captain Elf ordered that the aides be locked in a room located off from the main corridors, selecting two of his crew to guard the room. He turned back to the others engaged, fighting the guards who were woefully undertrained. The guards slashed and hacked, but Captain Elf's men easily blocked and parried their feeble attempts. 

One by one, the guards were defeated and disarmed. The Defenders locked them in a separate room from the aides. Two more Defenders were set to guard the room. Captain Elf looked at his remaining crew that had infiltrated the factory and nodded in satisfaction. As he split them into two groups, a piercing scream echoed down the corridors of the factory, rattling Captain Elf to his bones. He had heard that scream once before in his life... 

The explosions were hard to ignore, preventing him from concentrating on the task at hand. Around him were mercenary ships and UoN troops, attacking one another and Defenders alike, but his attention lay elsewhere. Soren had been awaiting the arrival of the Siren's Quill for a while and the longer it took to reach him the more worried he was. Several times over the last few hours, he had tried contacting Eukara through her ship's C me Orb, but no one ever answered. His heart sunk lower and lower every time he ended up empty handed. 

When he had first seen her ship coming towards him in the distance he rejoiced. But it wasn't long before he had realized something was wrong. First of all, he could tell even from the distance from which he sat, Eukara's ship was going too fast. Calling for his longviewer, Soren had looked upon the glory that was the Siren's Quill only to see the entire row of oars out and employed. As he had searched for Eukara's body on the deck of her ship, all he saw was the scrambling motions of her crewman trying to ready cannons and alter sails. He remembered swallowing hard, trying to figure out what could be causing her ship and crew to look so...hectic. 

That was when he saw the monster, the bane of the Defenders' existence attacking her ship. Its cry, quiet at first, traveled across the waves bounding straight for his ears. He swore the creature knew exactly what kind of torture it inflicted upon his soul. And now, her ship was so close and yet will never make it to the island. Cannons exploded from the deck of the ship, bombarding the Chikvir, but causing it no harm nor slowing its progress. On and on it followed them, shrieking and screaming its curses at them while attacking with its own brand of ammunition, splintering wood and killing any who got in its way. 

The Chikvir attacked the ship and crew relentlessly, ripping gashes into the hull and destroying the mast, bringing down the sails on top of the few crewmen left on the deck. Soren watched as the smaller boats dropped into the water full of crewmen, picking up others who had jumped into the waves, hoping for escape. While a few were left on the ship the Chikvir disappeared from his view only to reappear with its head protruding through the deck floor. Soren felt the threat of tears as he saw the Chikvir stare at one body and one body only - Eukara's. 

< Message edited by Eukara -- 4/28/2009 23:49:02 >
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