Phoenix Myth
Do you read the dictionary? When I need to. Encyclopedia? Only if forced to. Atlas? Nope. Road map? On occasion. Do you memorize random facts? Not for the sake of it. Did you know the buzzing of a bee is not in fact made by the flapping of its wings, but by the vibrations of its wing muscles? Does anyone stalk you? Not in real life. Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors? ... No. Do you dust your lawn? Um, no? Do you collect dust? One might say that. Lint? No... Have you ever played a kazoo? Yes. In kindergarten. Something? Nothing. Do you get excited over cameras? Yes. I wish my own camera was better. :< Do you have an obsession with pickles? When they're available, I can't resist them. Otherwise, they tend not to come to mind. I want one now, though... Cheese? Mm, cheese... Now I'm craving smoked Gouda. Penguins? No, but my dad does. :) Pirates? Obviously. Corny jokes? Not really. Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green? If by "green" you mean the colour, then I believe parts of them are, sometimes. If by "green" you mean "environmentally friendly," then, yes, I believe that most definitely. How big is the universe? *spreads her arms out as wide as they can go* Thiiiiiiiiiis big. Do you enjoy bungee jumping? I don't actually know... Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor? Sometimes. More often I watch my cat watch bugs crawl on the floor. Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor? Yes, because the cat does. And even if I eventually pick it up and toss it out the window or something, he'll keep looking for where it went... Do you get attacked by ladybugs? On occasion. Are you scared of everything that breathes? No. Are you scared of anything at all? Not the dark, but things that might jump out at me from it. If I watch or read about something that might do that before I go to bed, I may well end up hiding under the covers. What? Who? When? Where? Why? How? Does your mouse light up? Yes, and I refuse to trade it in for one that doesn't, even if it works better. Are you scared of mice? Heck no. They're adorable. Do you wish you were a fish? Sometimes. :) A cat? Very often. A dog? Occasionally. Does karma, if it exists, love you? We have an on-again, off-again relationship. Did you have a tail when you were born? Yes. And sometimes, my hair sticks straight up, turns blonde, and glows. Then I can destroy planets. Do you enjoy school? Sometimes, yes. Very often, no. Do you catch yourself floating at times? Yes, but then I fall down. Are you a packrat? Very much so. Do you know HTML or CSS? A smidgen of each. Not enough to really do anything with. Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched? My fingers touch food quite often. Are you obsessed with shiny things? *hisses* My precious! Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument? It hit me first! Do you like scrambled eggs? With cheese. Fried Twinkies? Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever had a Twinkie, period.
< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:39:21 >