Do I get a cookie? ;o I dunno. Would you like a cookie? I'd be hard pressed to find more deserving AKs, anyway. Well done. Why thank you. Yes, you can have a cookie. They's hot, though. *hands you a cupcake* Right, questions. Any horror stories, posts you might like to remove if you could, or just cringe at the memory? Why yes. It was my first post, actually. So bad, that a couple weeks later, when I found myself improving, I looked at it and just HAD to change it. Which I did. It no longer exists in its original form. first attempts on these boards. Rather one-linerish. I don't think they exist anymore. And, of course, the posts of the other people in that RP were, frankly... *shudder* And then there was my first attempt at my own RP. It went alright, but it was prone to, shall we say, sidetracking. And silly displays of godmodish power. Conversely, any posts, RPs or characters you felt - or feel - especially proud of? Several endeavors. I'm quite pleased with how a couple of my RP's are going now and have big plans for their futures. The characters for that first RP, actually... which is now in its third iteration and is going somewhat better, though I need to move it along. Do your characters follow a certain sort of pattern? For example, my characters tend to be physically weak, orientated around darkness and somehow socially inept. Not really. I've played a HUGE variety of characters. There IS one running theme through out all of my varied characters. They're all rather intelligent, or at the very least, cunning. Have you RPd, or do you RP, outside of these forums? If so, where? If not, what keeps you from leaving here? Very little. I like the AQ community. I RP'd before I came here, back in high school, when I thought what I wrote was the shiz and was convinced that I was awesome. Of course, looking back, it was only slightly above average for a freshmen. And then, there was a fellow who made an RP forum that went through a number of name changes, and eventually became the Tavern of Muses. And then we all got bored with it and walked away. I'm still here though. I know people here, and the forums remain alive because there's something besides RP going on with them. It's good setup. The obvious one - what is the source of your current user name? In Krey's case, is it related to a character name? In my case, the name came from a character I enjoyed playing very much. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, you can see him in action in the ARP gallery. I think it's open to regular RP'ers. I've always used dragon-themed names, usually based off Anne McCaffrey's pern series. BronzeDragon, BronzeMnementh, etc. etc. etc. I quickly discovered that my favorite, BronzeDragon, was unlikely to be available in most places... and I flat out refused to append numbers, symbols, etc. to my name. I wanted something original. So, eventually, I came up with TormentedDragon, and have used it ever since. By now, I've built up an image, and character, around the name. Ditto avatars. And my avatar was made by Afina to look like the character, Krey. Way back when. It's a gift from DaesDymentia, obviously based around the whole dragon theme. Unfortunately, the actual file is no longer in my possession, and I love it so much, I'm probably never going to change it ever. You know, for fear of losing it. Woof.
< Message edited by TormentedDragon -- 7/24/2009 21:45:37 >