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=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight - GriffinFire

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7/9/2009 21:54:32   
Pirate King

Hello, all! This is GriffinFire, also known as Arrakis, your friendly neighborhood Pirate King and an ArchKnight of the AQW Q&A. I've been an AK for almost a month now, and I was told I didn't technically have to put one of these up, but I felt a little left out. :3

Keep in mind that the Universal Rules apply. Not going to really limit you on number of question or whatnot, but please don't drown me. ;)

Fire away, me hearties!

I'll be editing in bold purple.


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/9/2009 21:55:46   


Griffinfire! :D
V_J! :3

Arrakis! :DD
Eiro! :33

How's AKing?
Okay so far.

What color are the shackles?

How's the cell?
Surprisingly clean.

Who's cell is next to yours?

Well that's all! :D

Have fun, AKing! n_n
I'll try. :P


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:03:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/9/2009 21:56:09   

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris?
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Chuck Norris.

U $p34k 1337?
I can read it, but I'm too lazy to write it. :P

/e gives GriffinFire a cookie.
/e inhales the cookie.

Well, I'll be back next page.
See you then!


Darn you V_J with your spam!
>:D ~V_J


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:01:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
7/9/2009 21:57:17   
Outsmarting Bugs

Fellow fiery bird! :D
Pft, a griffin's only half bird. >->

I feel obliged to tell you, I am going to cause as much trouble as possible. k?
Knock yourself out. :P

Have fun with your AK position, see you around!
I'll do my best. Ciao~

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:05:34 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
7/9/2009 21:57:22   

Ahahaha. XD

So now to the srs buisness.

Why can no one else see pirates are better than Knights AND Ninjas?
They're landlubbers.

That Monkey holds secrets?
Yes. Very juicy ones. And he's not going to tell you any of them.

How bold is that purple?
Positively audacious.

Wanna just put your own question here?
Not really.

Oh look! it's a bird, In a Plane!
Are there also snakes?

*runs back to the Art Suggestions*
That's right, get off my lawn!

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:10:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
7/9/2009 21:57:54   
Phoenix Myth

Do you read the dictionary?
When I need to.
Only if forced to.
Road map?
On occasion.
Do you memorize random facts?
Not for the sake of it. Did you know the buzzing of a bee is not in fact made by the flapping of its wings, but by the vibrations of its wing muscles?
Does anyone stalk you?
Not in real life.
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?
... No.
Do you dust your lawn?
Um, no?
Do you collect dust?
One might say that.
Have you ever played a kazoo?
Yes. In kindergarten.
Do you get excited over cameras?
Yes. I wish my own camera was better. :<
Do you have an obsession with pickles?
When they're available, I can't resist them. Otherwise, they tend not to come to mind. I want one now, though...
Mm, cheese... Now I'm craving smoked Gouda.
No, but my dad does. :)
Corny jokes?
Not really.
Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?
If by "green" you mean the colour, then I believe parts of them are, sometimes. If by "green" you mean "environmentally friendly," then, yes, I believe that most definitely.
How big is the universe?
*spreads her arms out as wide as they can go* Thiiiiiiiiiis big.
Do you enjoy bungee jumping?
I don't actually know...
Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?
Sometimes. More often I watch my cat watch bugs crawl on the floor.
Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?
Yes, because the cat does. And even if I eventually pick it up and toss it out the window or something, he'll keep looking for where it went...
Do you get attacked by ladybugs?
On occasion.
Are you scared of everything that breathes?
Are you scared of anything at all?
Not the dark, but things that might jump out at me from it. If I watch or read about something that might do that before I go to bed, I may well end up hiding under the covers.
Who? When? Where? Why? How?
Does your mouse light up?
Yes, and I refuse to trade it in for one that doesn't, even if it works better.
Are you scared of mice?
Heck no. They're adorable.
Do you wish you were a fish?
Sometimes. :)
A cat?
Very often.
A dog?
Does karma, if it exists, love you?
We have an on-again, off-again relationship.
Did you have a tail when you were born?
Yes. And sometimes, my hair sticks straight up, turns blonde, and glows. Then I can destroy planets.
Do you enjoy school?
Sometimes, yes. Very often, no.
Do you catch yourself floating at times?
Yes, but then I fall down.
Are you a packrat?
Very much so.
Do you know HTML or CSS?
A smidgen of each. Not enough to really do anything with.
Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?
My fingers touch food quite often.
Are you obsessed with shiny things?
*hisses* My precious!
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?
It hit me first!
Do you like scrambled eggs?
With cheese.
Fried Twinkies?
Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever had a Twinkie, period.

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:39:21 >
AQW  Post #: 6
7/9/2009 22:09:48   

Since your cell is next to mine we can haz all-nighterz watching movies and listening to loud moosikz and irritate the other AKs! :D
Yes, yes, yes! :D

How did we meet for the first time, again? :o
Competing to answer questions first on the forums? Possibly. XD

How's the shiny but- Ooh.. shiny buttons...

What's your speeshul weapon? Mines dah axe! :D
I used to have a thing for glaives, but it's since become rapiers. ;3


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:44:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/9/2009 22:18:45   


I don't belive you know me, but I belive I have seen you in game ^_^
I've seen you in game, too, as well as on the forums. :)

Well its always nice meeting new people
Indeed. :D

Well im the Silver_Guardian, aka Quick_Silver
Hello. X3

Nice to meet you ^_^
The same to you, my good sir.

Ill be back with questions
Oh, no! See you then. :)


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:47:10 >


Post #: 8
7/9/2009 22:24:47   


What are your thoughts on Blueberry Pie?
It's quite tasty.


You are a pirate king? /me is confused by a certain aspect of that name.
Yes, I am. And many people are. Forget your silly gender stereotypes and you'll be fine.

Anything fun about your position yet?
My title being official. ;)

If you say so. As long as six times nine is forty-two.

Depending on your answer you might need to talk to Rai. =P

Well I'll probably be back on later pages. Congrats and good luck!

Thank you. :) Ciao~

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 22:54:44 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
7/9/2009 22:27:50   
In the shadows...

Hies GriffinFire!

WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors?

Anea cellmates?
I suppose.

"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru? Does youes wantes to tryes it?
It's true, but it doesn't work for me. I've got the bruises to prove it.

Wy is me askng quezions?
Becuase you wanted to?

Isnt this the same as Armakuny's color?
Might be, but he's not in this forum. :)

Me no speakey ze english good.
Aw, you're fine.

Errr... Dové il bagno? o-o

Her ice yore cakey! *Hands GriffinFire a cake*
O.O Mine! /me steals it and runs off leaving an oreo behind ~TLH~
Too bad teh cake is poisoned :P here is ze real safe 100 cakess for youz. dont let ze TLH take them again.
*stuffs the new cakes in her cheek-pouches*

KNow tat u have it, do you mind paying for it over there?
*muffled* Hey, I thought it was a gift! ;-;

Spam! Or is it?

Can you translate this? ¼«Äϼ«Äϼ«ÐÇÄÏÐÇÄϼ«ÐÇÄϼ«Äϼ«ÐÇ
Nope. o-o

You really took your time making this unlike the others :P

Thats all for now. See you later.


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 23:03:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 10
7/9/2009 22:29:37   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship!
Thanks! :D

Who gave you your position on the forums when you were AK'd?
Circe. :)

Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I... abstain. *gets off her chair* <-<

Ready to play?

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs) don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Glad to hear you like to help. *wraps herself in a blanket*

whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
GriffinFire, of course. :D *glows purple*

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Does it make you look fat?
No, I make me look fat.

What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I grinned like a madperson at my computer screen.

What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Hm, don't have one yet.

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix! Also come visit me sometime!...just remember no Ash allowed!
Bwahaha, dance, my puppets! -- I mean, bye. :)

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 23:17:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
7/9/2009 22:34:09   

Arrakis! :D
User! :D

Congrats on your AK-ship!
Thank you. :)

Did you actually take the time to answer all of Zankuukyokuha's questions? o_o
Yes, yes I did. X3

I guess it'd be safe to assume if there was a pirate ship house in AQW you'd be the first to own it?
Of course. X3

*hands Griffinfire a giant cake* Don't take it Ash. I'm watching you >_>
....but...cake...awww T.T ~TLH~
*stuffs it into her cheek-pouches with the other cakes*

Having fun as an AK?

Well, thats enough questions for now. Byes!

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 23:24:15 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 12
7/9/2009 22:34:08   

Oh Congratulations Arrakis (sort of) That name sounded familiar
Thank you. :)

How are you today?
Fine. ^^

How are your shackles?
A tad tight.

Do you have a good view from your cell?
Yes, a lovely view of the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, yearning to know the answers to their questions about AQW.

Hmm I won't bother you too much so your head won't ker'splode.
That's very kind of you. :)

Pick a number 1-10. Then multipy but 16 and you''ll find out what a flaggledorp is.
Eight. Times sixteen, that's one hundred and twenty-eight. So a flaggledorp is one hundred and twenty-eight?

correct =P

Ok Bye...For Now Mwhahahaha!

< Message edited by Tokijin -- 7/10/2009 0:08:06 >


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
7/9/2009 23:07:03   

Oh Hai Der!
Heddo~! ^-^

I write in pink :D, its manly!
Very much so. ;)

Do you preffer Griffins or Fire?
"Griff" is what I generally go by. :3

OMG where?!? 8D


Hah mad you look!


So I herd u liek mudkipz....
I preferz Eeveez.

How is your cell?

Who kidnapped you and gave u teh super powarz?
Circe. She turned me into a newt AK, and I don't think I'm going to get better...

Are they feeding you well? If not I have cookies!
I'm starving! ;-; *shoves the cookies into her cheek-pouches with all the other goodies*

Wana cookie?
Erm. <-< >-> Yesh? :3


< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 23:34:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
7/9/2009 23:22:40   

Congratulations on being promoted! :D
Thank you! :)

Good luck with your new job *hands over welcome package*
Thanks again. X3 *shakes the package and decides against stuffing it into her cheek-pouches, but insteads sits on it and waits for it to hatch*



< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/9/2009 23:36:07 >
Post #: 15
7/10/2009 0:25:08   

Hi. :)

wats ur favorite animal...mine is parrot
It varies... I particularly like bears, armadillos, turtles, and tamarins. :3
wats a tamarin???
A type of monkey. :3
woah tamarins look sweet :)

o wait ur a pirate...imma ninja
Oh, no! I'll have to take you prisoner. >w>
o wait i didnt tell u imma super ninja mwahahahahahahaha

lol i realize im way to addicted to my comp..i have an ipod..on the forum at like 12:30 in the morining
Pft, I'm even worse. :P

anyway congratz on being a AK
Thank you!

funny website---------> lolcats<--------funny website

< Message edited by flyguy1 -- 7/10/2009 17:42:33 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
7/10/2009 0:43:44   

Lol, another "Meet the ArchKnight" thread? xD
It's my only one. T_T
There's another one in AQW General Discussion. :P


Do you like apples?
Yes. :)

Do you wear glasses?
I do.

What's your favorite AE game?
AQW, of course.

So a man walks into a bar and- *shot and arrow'd*
The elf who shot him steps over the corpse and orders nine drinks for himself and his friends.

No, they're mine! *hoards*

Darn you, Escher! *brain breaks*
It's either computer generated in part or in full, or the diagonal cross-beam in the middle only looks like it's whole by virtue of optical illusion?

Are you gonna answer these?
Yep. ;)

Whaaaaaa-? *headtilt*

I'm running out of questions. Help me think of one.
No. :P

< Message edited by Trick -- 7/10/2009 14:50:56 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
7/10/2009 2:33:02   

Hello ! and congratulations .
Hi! And thanks. :)

How can I call you : Griffy , GriffinFire , Fire , Arrakis ?
"Griff" works, as does "Arrakis" or just "Arra".

My favorite question : WHY ? :o
Why not?

Good luck with your AKship :P
Thank you.

I'll be back with MOAR MOAR questions !
Oh, no! See you then!

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 10:33:51 >
AQW  Post #: 18
7/10/2009 3:01:47   
Silver Lion

Griffinnnnnnnnn! :3

I think you like griffins?

I knew that. l-)
So why'd you ask? :P

Iz teh cell warm? Or did you just heat it up with your fire? :3
It's all right, actually.

How would you describe this post?


What? No spoiler here l-)

Annoying. XP

Spoilerr! :D

/me hands a cookie.
*stuffs it into her cheek-pouches with the others*

You gonna take that? :3
<-< >-> No, it just disappeared. Gimme another.

I guess this question round is over, be back soon! =P

/me plays Arrakis theme song
I have a theme song? 8D

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 10:37:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
7/10/2009 4:53:01   
Crystal Lion

Hi Arra!
Hello, you. :)

I can't ask my standard Chinese-Lion-Potatoes-Prawns-Story thing now, since you answered in UR. So, I'll ask something else.
Okay. :3

If you were told that there would be a lion showgirl now five years ago, how would you react?
I'd wonder what on Lore you were talking about.

What belly dancing song do you think is appropriate for Gravelyn? Link please?
I like the first song here for here. According to the comments, it's called "Muslim Gauze

Name/Link a song you'd like to belly dance to, except for Mezdeke's Beledi.
I wouldn't. *blush*

It's official, I've lost my head and stuffed everyone from AQW into Las Vegas just to say, "Compulsory swimsuit uniforms are cliche and stupid!"
Yay? X3

Do you think my story influenced AE to make the dragon slayer uniform more modest?
It might have played a part.

If not, then what did? I thought AE didn't take the comments of "AQW is a burlesque DF!" seriously until my story came along.
I know there were plenty of other complaints about the revealing outfits on the forums, including my own.

Pick an animal: hyena, mouse, cat, wolf or civet? (Not to overrule your favorite beast, just an opinion.)

Are you a chipmunk!? Do griffins have chipmunk cheeks?
This one does. >->

Do the hula! :p

Are you stick thin?
*snorts* I wish!

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 11:03:19 >


Sent away to a leper colony like everyone who once loved Herosmash.
Post #: 20
7/10/2009 5:37:01   
Black Arrow

Huh? *yawn* Hi there, Griffin, are you a new AK? I thought I just saw you post.... Days ago... *yawn*
You might have. I post on the forums sometimes. X3


WHy is it Pirate King, your Avatar looks... IS a girl

I don't believe in gender stereotypes.


Do you like Griffins?




.... Hello.


What happens if I write in purple like you?

You make me sad.

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 11:07:11 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
7/10/2009 6:29:19   
Zero F

/me says "Hi"
/me says "Hello!"

Anywayz, congrats on AK(ship?) Wait, whoa, whoa, wait! Isn't it KNIGHTHOOD!, not KNIGHTSHIP!. Meh, pirates have ships anyway, so watever.. >_>
Thank you! And, yeah. XD

1-2. Why did it take you to a month put this up? o.0 Get lazy? LoL.
Yep, lazy. X3 Also, a little worried about the bombardment of silliness from the other AKs. X3

(I'ma cheat here and use a few qs I asked Razzy and Grey) 0.o

3.What's the most annoying question you've ever been asked? (Excluding this one.. >_>)

How would you describe this post?


What? No spoiler here l-)

Annoying. XP

4. What's the worst typo (forum appropriate) you've ever made?
Can't think of any particularly interesting instance, but I have a habit of accidentally typing ";" when I mean to type an "L". X3

(Here's a few more "original" questions fer yah.)
Good. :)

5. Why pirate? /me likes is Alpha Pirate...
Someone has to keep the ninja in check. The female AP's top is heinously low-cut.

6. Do all AKs like cookies?

7. Pick a number between one and three. There's only one correct answer, and this isn't a question, is it? (Darn it..)
1.47358! Ha! You didn't say it had to be a whole number!

8. If there is a human vs. Alien Pirate war, which side would you choose? >=D (Note: The human side consists of 50% human pirates, 10% Knights, 2% Ninjas [no one passed the exam this year. xD], and 38% other.)
Depends. Do the alien pirates have a good cause? And how attractive are they?
On that note, why were there about twice as many people on the side of the Arthurians than on the side of the Pirates in the recent MechQuest war? The Pirates clearly had the more noble cause.

9. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?

10. (Regular question this time,) How are you?
Fine, you? :)

11. (Back to ridiculous and unreasonble questions) Youz liek teh jbo?
Yes, I love the Journal of Biomedical Optics. ;)

12. Que te gusta hacer?
... Dové il bagno?

13. Why is there no "one post per page" restriction? 0.o
I'm nicer than the others. ;)

14. Cyclops or Triclops? O 0.o.0 (They're watching you!)
Cyclops Turanga Leela!

15. Do you decide where you're an AK, or do they choose that for you?
I was assigned here. :)

16. How many posts have you deleted/locked so far?
I... haven't kept count. o-o

17. Tired yet? (I am, /me pants <-- as in the verb)
Nope. :P

18. Can I use Bold BLOOD Red?! XD /me thinks Razzy (or something else -_-) is in the distance, stalking watching me.
*shrugs* No skin off my nose.

19. Waht iz yuor faev simly faec? >_> or >=P iz mein...

20. Blue time! What's your favorite kinda cookie?

That's all...for now. I'll think of more in my sleep. See you in the next page!
-ZeroF- (Changed it a bit for MtAKs. x3)

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 12:32:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 22
7/10/2009 8:08:54   

1) Congrats on your AKship!
Thank you!

2) so i herd u liek aqw?
i doez

3) I have cookies freshly baked from Planet Doom, want some?
Yes! *drools*

4) What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time from real life, and from the slave driving Mods >.>
Watch TV shows on DVD, putter around the internet, play computer games, draw...

5) What is your favorite AE game?
AQW, of course. :)

6) So, now I guess your lock will be a "Fire" lock just like Burn :D

Well, that is all I have for now, good luck with your AK work!
I am sure you will do a great job.
Thanks! :D

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 12:36:22 >


MQ AQW  Post #: 23
7/10/2009 8:34:45   

1. Hey Griff

2. Congratz on being an Archy
Thanks. :)

3. How's it being an ArchKnight? Enjoying it?
It's pretty good so far.

4. There's nine pirates, six parrots, 6 eye-patches, and six pirate hats. (If you were to chose)
which of the 6 pirates would you keep ... the rest goes overboard. Come to a decision ^_^

Pirate 1) Short with a beard loves to play chess
Pirate 2) Short, smelly, but trustful
Pirate 3) Rude and tall (has a bad-taste in sea-food)
Pirate 4) Average size, kind, but evil in the heart
Pirate 5) Arrghh!, cranky and has a golden tooth
Pirate 6) Skinny, rude, annoying, has a cat, and eats alot
Pirate 7) A sailor (on Pirate ship?), knows no manners, mostly eats and sleep
Pirate 8) Bad breathe, has a hook, and is missing his "bottom" teeth
Pirate 9) A girl, has an temper, stubborn, but is good at cooking
I'll take number nine. :)

5. Where's yeh pot of gold? (Are you a Leprechaun?)
Ah'll never tell ye, wee laddie!

That's all for now ...

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 12:39:25 >
Post #: 24
7/10/2009 9:06:23   

Hi GriifinFire!

Congratulations on being an AK!
Thank you.

I have to warn you though, I side with the ninjas! DEATH TO ALL PIRATES!...Except you, You are ok.
I'll still have to kill you on behalf of my brethren!

What is your opnion on Samurais?
They're pretty cool. :D I bought this shirt just the other day.

Ever seen a cartoon show called Samurai Jack? What do you think of it?
Heard of it, never seen it.

I have thought of a plan to get you out of the dungeon. Here is a cake with a light dagger inside. Use it on your chain so you can escape. Try to break out the others too. Meanwhile I will grab your souls from your masters and escape with them.
*tries the dagger on the chains, but it just bends* Shoddy craftsmanship, there. :/

Do not let Them see the plan. Wait untill I say the code word in one of the following questions. The code word is "Sepulture".
Is that a word? o-o

Do you play any other AE games and if so, which ones?
Yep, I also play DF and MQ occasionally.

There are two doors: One leads to freedom, while the other leads to an eternal tourture. One door tells only lies, the other tells only truth. You can only ask ONE question of your choice. Using that question, Can you figure out which door is the freedom door?
I ask one door, "Would the other door tell me that this door leads to freedom?" If it says "No," this is the door that leads to freedom. If it says "Yes," the other door is.

What is your Quest?
To steal from the rich and give to the poor - but keep plenty for myself, of course - and maybe win a heart or two along the way.

What is your favorite colour?

(Here comes the hard question...)
Oh, no!

What is the air speed of an unladen swallow if it is flying over the capital of Aldnlfdnldvnllfnlabklvdccxnzlkvcnlkjv on top of a jumbo jet?
An African or European swallow?

Doom or Destiny?

Zorbak or Kabroz?
Zorbak. *cuddles her plushie*

Do you beleive the rumour that Twig is an Evil Demon Overlord in disguise?
No. Maybe. I don't know. D:

What is your opnion on SEPULTURE! (Breaks into Ak dungeon)
*rattles still-intact chains* :/

I got the Souls! I GOT THEM!
Good for you. XP

*le sigh*

< Message edited by GriffinFire -- 7/10/2009 12:51:11 >
DF  Post #: 25
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