Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (Full Version)

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TormentedDragon -> Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 13:27:13)

Yosh! I am TormentedDragon, but you'd best just call me TD (most of you do anyways), and I'm one of two of your new AKs. Krey will be along later to introduce himself, I'm sure.

Given that this thread is for YOU to ask questions of US, I'm not going to provide any further information at this time. I'll save that for the question answering.

This'll run until we feel like it. Woof.

Dis mai color. Lern to phear it.

I'm Kell and I approve this message. Not that it matters much anyways.

Krey -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 13:30:06)

And I'm Krey. The other guy. Of the two. Aye.

First, a freebie. The name used to be Squall250 - and a cookie if anyone around these days recalls that name.

Disclaimer: Cookies in no way will fill you're belly. Cause, they're like... not real. N'stuff.

And this is the Krey color. All my answers will be in the Krey color. *nods*

I'm still Kell, and I still approve. Why I'm sticking my nose in here, I have no idea.

TiChei -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 13:31:13)

Wow :O TD gots promoted, and Krey too? Congrats guys.
Many thanks.

Been awhile since I talked to you TD, how's life been?
It has, indeed, been too long. Since the Tavern of Muses, no? It's gone well, though only tolerably so in recent times.

You enjoying your new shiny position?
It's so very shiny and new that I can honestly say yes.

How about a cookie?
I'll take o---
Me to---

*gives one...then two...then an entire basket of them*
Holy... cookie overload!

Anyway, can't think of anything else, just thought I'd be one of the first to post here since I saw it.


Poetic Melody -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 13:59:27)


Sharing a thread? Why?

Less clutter. And to see how it goes. See, TD, I was right! It will be interesting! That's a question separate threads wouldn't get. *Nods*
Indeed, Krey. Clearly this is a successful venture.
Hey, it was my idea, give me some credit here.

Now you don't know who I'm asking the questions too!

In that case, we can both answer.
I'm a little teapot, but only on mondays.

Muffins or chocolate.

Chocolate muffins. Or chocolate chip muffins... Mm, even better.
In such a case, I must agree with Krey. Always choose BOTH if at all possible.

If not, it depends on if the muffins are still fresh out of the oven.

Role or Play?



Bless you TD.

Prator the Legendary -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 14:08:25)

You guys are archknights? Well, it's about time. You guys have been on the forum as long as I can remember... and that's about 5 years.
Hmm, yes, I remember your first attempts on here. They were in my abortive RP, were they not?

Indeed, I've actually been here since before these boards opened. Which was almost, but not quite, five years ago. I was a beta tester for the current boards, and incidentally may well not be RPing today if not for that. I had my start on the RP boards during the beta, if I recall correctly.

We are all ancient sons of batt---erm, from the primary stock of RPers from the age long forgotten on the old boards and beyond. Yessir. ~Ronin

Are you saying we're all really old or something Ronin? ~Kell

Point of order: I actually was never part of the old boards. I do believe, however, that when I joined up the old boards had only just been thrown over in favor these.

Your date of joining on your profile would dictate otherwise, TD. ~Ronin

New boards have their own join dates, unrelated to those of the old boards. Nobody has a join date earlier than 2004, anymore. *colors Ronin confused, as requested by Ronin*

Mittoo -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 14:57:20)

Do I get a cookie? ;o

I dunno. Would you like a cookie?

I'd be hard pressed to find more deserving AKs, anyway. Well done.

Why thank you. Yes, you can have a cookie. They's hot, though.
*hands you a cupcake*

Right, questions.

Any horror stories, posts you might like to remove if you could, or just cringe at the memory?

Why yes. It was my first post, actually. So bad, that a couple weeks later, when I found myself improving, I looked at it and just HAD to change it. Which I did. It no longer exists in its original form. first attempts on these boards. Rather one-linerish. I don't think they exist anymore. And, of course, the posts of the other people in that RP were, frankly... *shudder*

And then there was my first attempt at my own RP. It went alright, but it was prone to, shall we say, sidetracking. And silly displays of godmodish power.

Conversely, any posts, RPs or characters you felt - or feel - especially proud of?

Several endeavors. I'm quite pleased with how a couple of my RP's are going now and have big plans for their futures.
The characters for that first RP, actually... which is now in its third iteration and is going somewhat better, though I need to move it along.

Do your characters follow a certain sort of pattern? For example, my characters tend to be physically weak, orientated around darkness and somehow socially inept.

Not really. I've played a HUGE variety of characters.
There IS one running theme through out all of my varied characters. They're all rather intelligent, or at the very least, cunning.

Have you RPd, or do you RP, outside of these forums? If so, where? If not, what keeps you from leaving here?

Very little. I like the AQ community.
I RP'd before I came here, back in high school, when I thought what I wrote was the shiz and was convinced that I was awesome. Of course, looking back, it was only slightly above average for a freshmen.

And then, there was a fellow who made an RP forum that went through a number of name changes, and eventually became the Tavern of Muses. And then we all got bored with it and walked away.

I'm still here though. I know people here, and the forums remain alive because there's something besides RP going on with them. It's good setup.

The obvious one - what is the source of your current user name? In Krey's case, is it related to a character name?

In my case, the name came from a character I enjoyed playing very much. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, you can see him in action in the ARP gallery. I think it's open to regular RP'ers.
I've always used dragon-themed names, usually based off Anne McCaffrey's pern series. BronzeDragon, BronzeMnementh, etc. etc. etc. I quickly discovered that my favorite, BronzeDragon, was unlikely to be available in most places... and I flat out refused to append numbers, symbols, etc. to my name. I wanted something original. So, eventually, I came up with TormentedDragon, and have used it ever since. By now, I've built up an image, and character, around the name.

Ditto avatars.

And my avatar was made by Afina to look like the character, Krey. Way back when.
It's a gift from DaesDymentia, obviously based around the whole dragon theme. Unfortunately, the actual file is no longer in my possession, and I love it so much, I'm probably never going to change it ever.

You know, for fear of losing it.


2009light -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 15:19:07)

First and foremost, Congrats both of you.

Why thank you.
What he said.

To make things easier, my questions will pertain to both of you.


What annoys you the most when role playing?

Rule breaking. >.> And it's not just a manufactured answer. RP goes so much smoother when everyone follows the established rules.
Yeah, pretty much. That, and people who- wait, you said role playing. Right.

The rules that are in place work.

What do you most enjoy about role playing?

The freedom to do just about anything you want.
Being able to explore facets of myself and others that would never appear in normal life.

What is the best book you have ever read?

Shadow Dawn, by George Lucas and Chris Claremont. I still haven't gotten my hands on the last book....
Um. Fiction? Non-fiction? Geez, I don't know how to pick.

I guess I'll plug one of the most awesome book series I've read (and yes, series, because the story isn't whole without all four), and that's the Fortress Series by C.J. Cherryh.

Which do you prefer: pie or ice cream?

Both? Pie with ice cream on top sounds pretty good.
I refuse to pick one, as both are delicious in the proper time and place.

Hot pie, for example, is AWESOME on a cold winter's night, and ice cream is total win on a hot summer's day. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME CHOOSE.

And last, what's your favorite element?

Depends. We talking 'periodic table' or 'AQ elements?' Periodic table... Would have to be... Er... I have no idea. *needs to brush up on chemistry* As far as AQ... I refuse to pick only one.
"What's your favorite..." questions rarely, rarely, rarely get a straight answer from me.

Wind is awesome because you can fly and do tricksy things, such as manipulate sound. Fire is awesome because FIRE IS AWESOME. Energy is awesome because you are your own generator, and you can call down LIGHTNING on people. Ice is awesome because it makes such pretty implements of death. Water is awesome because its both useful and deadly at the same time, it just depends on how much of it you use and how. Earth is awesome because having a magical green thumb or being able to sculpt rock with your MIND would be insanely useful. Light is awesome because of its propensity to be healing magic, the ability to make illusions, and LAZORBEAMS(PEWPEW). And Darkness is great for being creepy and disturbing, or mysterious, or, or, or...

Yeah. That's my answer.

Mirai -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 15:53:45)

Excellent news! Many congratulations to both of you, and hope you really enjoy your AKnightly duties!

Thank you, thank you.

A few questions then:

To both: what got you into RPing in the first place?

Well, growing up I had a pretty big imagination. I discovered role playing a bit before coming here, and actually dabbled a LITTLE bit in Jedi Knight. When I beta tested here, Chii started up an RP and I joined in. Fell in love with the game pretty quick, so to speak.
A silly little spammy thread on the message boards for an internet school I used. It started with someone stealing this other guy's cookie, and developed into a full-scale war.

And then I found these forums about two years later and never left.

To TD: Do you ever RP Lynh any more? Really liked that character.

Haven't found an RP where he'd fit. He kind of has this "guardian of my particular part of the forest" bit going on, and... wouldn't really need to leave.

He's the inspiration for Roman the Firewolf, though, so his legacy lives on.

To Krey: Why the name change?

My previous name was Squall250. I'm a HUGE FF fan, but after RPing for a while, and in the specific RP we were in, everyone started calling me Krey. So, for originality's sake, and since everyone I spoke to regularly was comfortable with the name, I got it switched over.
I spellchecked your answer, Krey. One too many I's. *grins*

Biophysicist -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 17:38:13)

Holy woah, this place is getting spammed with AKs!

I wouldn't say spammed. I'd say... Er... What would I say?

We here at the RP Forums seem to like the concept of 'doubling'. Its a trend, you see. ~Ronin

Spam, spam, spam, spam, luvvely spam, wonderful spam!

So, what's it like being an ArchKnight?

Well... It's shiny.
Yes. VERY shiny. So's that things over there. Go get it!


Let's say someone hacked your forum account. What would your reaction be?

I would promptly report it to the proper authorities before any harm could be done. Of course, rarely is an account compromised without the password being handed out... And mine is for me and me alone.
Rant about it to my close friends and sic the staff on them in a far more polite fashion.

Ever heard of/play any of the following:
-StarCraft (Zergling rush kekekekeke)
-Galactic Civiliations

I have played NetHack very little, used to play Starcraft like crazy (Best map editor EVER!). If you mean Sid Meier's Galactiv Civ, then yes. I think I've heard of FreeSpace.
Have not played nethack, am not quite sure what it is. Heard of Galactic Civilizations but only as the forerunner to Galactic Civilizations II, and I've heard of Freespace but have not played it.


If you could give one piece of advice to all RPers, what would it be?

ONE piece of advice? Follow the rules. It's the most all-inclusive advice one can offer. I do have more, but you said one. *Shrugs*
Since he gave that one, I'll give something different. Hmm... making a background for your character is a good thing, especially if you manage to work the RP's background into your character background.

so i hered u liek mudkipz

...I... what?
Yes. They are particularly good with a nice lemon sauce.

I'll be back later with more. I want to beat my own record of asking 40 questions in one of these threads. :P
Bring it.

Frozt -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 18:07:45)

Wow, two deserving people got promoted... Gratz... ^^

Thank you

Might as well throw in some of my questions while here... ^^

Do you hate me? (most people do ^^;)

I hate nobody. Well... People who can't drive get on my nerves... And... *Rambles off*
Hate? No. You merely mildly annoy me from time to time.

Why/why not?

It's a waste of energy.
You haven't done anything hate-worthy. Only mild annoyance-worthy.

[standard question]Do you intend in any way yo use your newly gained powers for your own amusement?[/standard question]

You mean like co-running a thread meant to garner questions, some of which will be quite amusing, just so that we can answer those questions in an amusing fashion to amuse ourselves? Nope. No such intentions.
Pfft. Like I would ever do anything with my new responsibility that would be even mildly enjoyable. Right.

Well, that's it for now...

Once again congrendulations...
*winces* Please tell me you did that on purpose.

*gives cookie to TD and Krey*

Apocalypse -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 18:52:58)

More ArchKnights...good job guys!

Why thank you.

I haven't known either of you very long(since my VERY-short time in Purity, heh heh), but from what I've seen, you'll make great AKs.

Now, my apologies for the Purity incident. Hope you don't hold that against me.(Offers cookies as bribes)

I don't hold grudges long. It's a waste of energy.
I will admit, I was annoyed.


Anyways, either of you have any short or long-term plans for the RP forums? Anything at all?

I would like to see them grow. Not only in activity, but also in quality. It would be wonderful if somebody could look at these boards, read through every thread, and be amazed at the quality of our writers.
Moar people! And yeah, people who actually care enough to try and get better would be awesome (or rather, more of them).

I have no specific plans at this time. That could mean NOTHING in two days, though.

And to Krey, do you think Angelo has a chance of beating Jon Grey?(To TD, which do you think will win?)

Indeed I think he does. It all comes down to the skill of each individual RP'er. The characters are simply a medium through with the player channels his writing talents. One might have an advantage over another, but a good RPer can overcome those advantages.
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I'm somewhat biased in favor of the guy I talk to every freakin' day.

Again, congratulations on the promotions. See you in the forums!

Scavenger -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 23:48:07)

Hmm... I've been gone a long long time....

So TD remember me? :P
Um... give me a hint?

What the heck is an ArchKnight? I have been gone a long time remember :P
Helpers of mods! We're forum staff, STRICTLY forum staff. Volunteers who use some of our free time to take some of the burden of keeping the boards running smoothly off the shoulders of the various moderators.

Technically, we're assistants to the mods, and aren't actually a part of the AE staff. We helps keep da peace.

Do you still smell funny TD?
Define funny.

Whats your favorite color Krey, and don't say salmon.

You noticed! Actually, it's black. With red following close behind. A combination of the two looks absolutely epic.

Luckily for the both of you, or unluckily, I don't have any cookies for you guys, but I do have some tasty tacos!
TACO! *chomp*

Er. Sorry about your hand.

Tacos bez gud!

Well back to forum lurking, have fun you two.
NO LURKING! Post stuffs!

Aye. If you don't posts stuffs, we'll be forced to... to... Er... Make you post stuffs!

jerenda -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/24/2009 23:56:13)

Weren't you guys ArchKnights already? Well, maybe just TD. Come to think of it, I don't think Krey was. Hmm.

Nope. They were both tutors, but not AKs. Confusing sometimes, ain't it? ~Ronin
Krey was, then he wasn't, now he is again. ~Kell
...I don't need to say anything here, but I will anyways.

Whatever. Congratulations!! *showers with confetti and hugs*
*sneezes, then blushes*

/me ish hugged?

You like the Pern series? They're quite amazing. Which character's your favorite? (Oh, that was mostly to TD, but if Krey's read them, I suppose it's to him too. ^_^)
Menolly. I was rather irked that the third book in her series was about Piemur. I wanted more Menolly. Piemur is cool too but I would have preferred stand-alone book for him.
I's read only a little bit of it. Not much. But was good.

What's your favorite smiley?
It doesn't exist on these boards.

The tongue, most likely :P

Favorite color?
Red. Used to be blue. But now it's Red. With Black as a close second.

I answered this question up there. Used to be red, actually. Now it's black. With red coming close behind. Heh.

Is there any food combination you /won't/ eat?
Gumbo + anything else. Nasty, nasty slimy stuff.

Several. And some that don't need to be combined for me to say YUCK!

What's your favorite movie currently? I know mine changes often.
Still Wall-E, I think. Up failed to displace it, though it was awesome as well.

Boondock Saints. *Nods*

I'm running out of questions, so I'll come back later. Bye! ^_^

kenzoku -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/25/2009 1:19:29)

Wow. It seems like only last week you nearly tore off my favorite tentacle. Now you're an AK. Time does fly.

To become an AK in this forum, are you required to partake of the flesh and blood of Ronin?
... ~Kell
While I'm glad to know I've instilled a sense of power and authority that is unshakable...that's still just wrong. Besides, neither of them need any of my mojo. *grins mischeviously* ~Ronin
Indeed. I have plenty of mojo all by myself, thank you very much. *nibbles on some calamari*

Eww, Calamari.

Are your new stations going to be accompanied by amusing titles?
Eventually. Probably.

When I figure out an amusing title to accompany it with, probably.

How will this affect your championship participation, if at all?
This tournament? I can definitively say none at all. Future tournaments, either EC or Winter Series? Well, *I* for one am not adverse to the concept of a vacation so as to participate in the EC again...*grins more broadly* ~Ronin
Ronin has answered it! I still intend to play as every element, Ronin!

Well, I'm still going. So... Not?

I refuse to adhere to the cookie-giving bandwagon. Have a quantum singularity. And a hot cup of tea.
Oh good. Just what the doctor ordered.

It's a... quantum singularity. It's going... to... eat us up...

Silver Lion -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/25/2009 2:56:48)

TeeDeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Kreyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D


>.> What?

First of all, congratz on yourz AKz-shipz. You dezervez themz.
Awezome. I hopez we livez upz to zhe zhallenze.

Thank you, thank you.

Anyhow, if you would change your avatars, what would it be? (you can, I know, but if you would)
Either something hilarious, or equally awesome.

Er... I don't think I'd change mine. >.> Wouldn't know what to change it to.

Favorite forum smiley?
They don't have it here.

Why does this question seem familiar...?

-yawn- Well, that's it from me. It's hard to make questions up when you wake up. T.T Take care and congratulations again.
I answer them when I should be sleeping. It's dragon times more hilarious.

xaxtoo -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/25/2009 3:42:54)

Hey guys.
Hello, Magnificent Mr. X!

Yo Xax!

I don't believe for a single second you can bake, so it better be good store bought cookies baked by stoutly old ladies with experience in that alley.
UMBRAGE! Of COURSE I can bake! It's the easiest form of cooking there is!

I can bake. Probably not as well as TD. But I can bake.

I suppose I should ask a question or two:

What do you listen to when you write?
...anything and everything. Sometimes I just have my entire music library on shuffle, sometimes I pick something specific. All depends on the mood.

Depends on the mood. Within Temptation and Nightwish are particularly good for posting. For an angry or more violent post, metal can be really good.

Do you play and/or watch any sports?
I played soccer, but I'm way too out of shape for it now, and watching sports is teh dull.

I am intending to get into racing as a profession. While not a traditional sport, 'motorsports' does include the term. >.> Though I'm not doing it yet, and I don't really watch it.

And which games are on your computer at the moment?
Neverwinter Nights 2+Mask of the Betrayer, Dungeon Siege 2+Broken World, Spore, Battle for Middle Earth 2, Dawn of War+Winter Assault+Dark Crusade+SoulStorm, and Dawn of War 2.

There would be more, but this is a new system.

Several, though I don't feel like going down the list. heh. I'll name a few. Mass Effect and Fallout 3.

Rayzer -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/25/2009 12:35:20)

If it ain't Mr. Fire User....hehe.
FAHR! ~Kell

Congratz on AK TD! (and Krey. :P)

Why thank you

How often are you on your computer?
Almost every waking hour not taken up by work. Occasionally I read a book, eat, or take care of nephews.
But seeing as I also do my schoolin' on this baby, that's not as pathetic as it might seem at first glance.

Pretty much any time I'm not at work. And with college coming up, any time I'm not at school will be thrown into there, too.'s AKship? (I've heard its quite a bit of work.)
I haven't done any actual work yet. So... it's awesome right now. We'll see in about three weeks.

Ditto TD.

I guess that's it! Say Hi to the other AKs for me!
Already did.

Done and done.


Greystar -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/25/2009 20:07:48)

/me gives the dragon some loot to horde and throws some bread at Krey
...what kind of loot?

No loot for me? Insufficient tribute!

So... this is how it begins...
Before every beginning, there is an end.

What's beginning again?

So you guys have been RPin' for sometime I take it, have you guys had a favorite Character you've made?
I so, so, so, so, so, so badly want to use Vakha in an RP that LIVES... KREY! I command you to give the person in question an indian burn!

I'd give him an indian burn, but then he'd break my arm. <.< I kinda need that. /me points up. I think I answered that one, by the way.

Er... I got approved to post here :D
So ah see.

*nods* I figured you would

Oh yeah, Hi there.


So... who'd win in a fight? Feel free to use the space below to settle your differences in a fight to the death friendly brawl! No srsly, I expect to see a full on Deathmatch.
*eyes Krey* I dare you to make the first move.

I love life FAR too much to take on a dragon what could swallow me whole without realizing it. *nods*

Could one of you kind gentlemen point me to were I could get some real Hands-on-throat expirience for RP?
Experience. And, well... Krey. You answer this one. I'll go look for other spots too.

Well, Purity is running right now. It is open and always accepting. And yes, it's spelled experience. And at any given time there are usually other RP's accepting. Alternatively, if you're comfortable with RPing (And I wouldn't recommend this if you're not), you can always host an RP of your own.

No question limit? Idiots, I'll keep you busy and distract you from your work! And there's nothing you can do to stop me! Except you know, tell Kell to ban me... which would be mean.
You are nothing compared to two boys both below the ages of 4. NOTHING!

/me could just ignore the thread if he has more important things to do.

I am in you thread... posting in your thread...
I'm in my thread, editing your post.

So am I.

*Greystar brings out the Necrotic Fish of Doom* "On behalf of the sea-faring people of Fishlandia, I demand you take a welcome cookie from this jar!" *Greystar proceeds to remove the lid off the jar, only to find it's been replaced with a head... OF LETTUCE!* "What do you do?"
Make a sandwich.

I'll let TD make a sandwich. Cause... I don't like NFoD's.

I'll be back! I'll always be back! Mhuahahahaha! Learn the ghost edit, it's slightly less cooler than the ninja edit, but much easier.
Learn to close your tags, sheesh.

/me watches Grey run into a wall as he runs off laughing.

Apocalypse -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 10:11:08)

Back again. Taking up more space and even more of your precious time.
Awesome sauce.

Have you ever had a character inspired by another person's thought or idea, or maybe even based the character on a person that you know?

*Thinks hard on this one* It's entirely possible I have had a character inspired by someone else's idea, but I can't think of any. However, I DO know that my current D&D campaign was inspired by a random joke that came up during ANOTHER game I was involved in.
Yes. Though I couldn't give specific examples. And I haven't based a character on anyone I know.

For curiousity's sake, how exactly does one become an ArchKnight?

Um... How indeed...?
Someone asks you to.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

3,245,532,123,153,754,203 pieces of wood. Give or take.
As much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Have either of you ever been interested in comic books/graphic novels? If so, what's your favorite?

I read a bunch of webcomics, but not really any actual graphic novels.
I have. I like Calvin and Hobbes (yes, it counts, I dare you to say no).

Any favorite superheroes?

Spiderman. Or Wolverine. Either one.
Spiderman. He actually has to be intelligent to win.

That's for now.

*Puts on shades* I'll be back.
Like a bad penny.

Geddesmck -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 11:33:38)

Congratulations to both of you. TD, you always knew you were better than everyone, now you have the proof!

Now, time for some questions.

Any genre of RP you'd like to see more of? (romance, mystery, ect...)

Epics. Well-done epics, mind. Original, interesting, well-done epics. And, of course, a well-done epic can involve ALL genre's of RP in one beautifully crafted story.
Yeah, actually. A good epic would be AWESOME.

What's your favourite TV show at this moment in time?

I don't watch much TV... but So You Think You Can Dance is AWESOME every time I watch it.

In general, do you have an opinion on MMORPGs?

Yes. In general, I don't like them.
They are grindfests, and for the most part, lack even the semblance of plot.

Ever noticed that no one who has joined since 2007 is an Advanced RPer?

Actually I hadn't...
Neither had I, but admittedly, ARPer activity (especially regarding looking for new ARPers) has been rather low since then.

Is there any one person on these forums who particularly annoys you? (No need to name names though.)

There's been a few here and there.

Ever played a tabletop RP, like Dungeons and Dragons?

I'm currently involved in one campaign, and running another myself.
I'm involved in HIS campaign, and running the one he's in.

If yes, would recommend it? If no, would you ever consider playing one?

It depends on the person, really. It's not for everyone.
Yes, it depends on the person. If you're at all interested in it, however, it's worth trying out.

Do you regularly play any AE games and if so, which is your favourite?

Not really, and I'm not really sure which I would say is my favorite... AQ or DF, probably.
Regularly? No. Favorite? DF.

I refuse to give any imaginary food away, you must earn it first.

I ish in yer cupboard, eat'n yer imaginary cookies.

Silverswordmaster -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 17:10:38)

-Eating a sandvich-

Wha... oh, this is for questions and ego-pumping?

Someat like that.
Twenty-five or six to four.

Whoops. Uh... sandvich? -Holds out the second half of the sandvich- No worries, I did not poision it or anything.

Nope, not hungry. Thanks anyways.
Poison is delicious.

So! Congradulations! How do the shackles to your desks feel? Not too tight I hope...

Wait, shackles? *Looks at his desk* Ah see no shackles.
Hmmm, thats odd. Normally they put the shackles on right away... they must be letting you guys feel freedom for one last fleeting moment before they clamp them on... I hear the rivits hurt like hell when they go though your anckle. Ask Kell about it, he'll tell you.

His are invisible, apparently. Mind, on the other hand, provide a self-replenishing snack!

Music is a importent part of the creation process for me. I get a lot of my influence from it. If you guys have a special song or artist that inspires your work, who is it, and why?

Within Temptation or Nightwish are ALWAYS good for inspiration.
No special song, and artist depends on what mood I'm in.

Have you heard the song 'Make A Sound' by Autopilot Off? Kickass song right?

I probably have. I can't think of it off the top of my head, but I know the band.
Maybe. Maybe not.


Khan, dude. Khan.

So! Major Grats on leveling up enough to get a class change to AK! Really, good work!

Class change? O.o

Uh yeah... from 'Roleplayer' to ArchKnight Roleplayer. Class Advance, Class Change, whatever the hell you want to call it.
*chews on SSM*

Any suggestions for someone who sometimes has trouble working out a great post the first time he makes one?

Take the time to read over it and make modifications. It never hurts and it ALWAYS helps.
Start writing. As you go, see if things you said earlier need changing.


They're better than pirates. They really are.
They're more addictive than pistachios. I can never stop at one.

I bet you are REALLY getting tired of me with all my writing...

not really.

Which is Better: Flamethrowers or Shotguns?


Which is Better: Hand-and-a-half double edged longsword or Katana?

Katana, depending on who wields each.
Katana is the better-crafted sword, but the hand-and-a-half sword has a weight to it that the katana doesn't. But again, it depends on the user.

Which is Better: Blaster or Lightsaber?

...Is that a serious question? Lightsaber. Come on...

That is a serious question, and I don't have force powers like some people, so I'm Blasters all the way. Besides, their is only so many kinds of Lightsabers around, I've got PLENTY of blaster types to chose from.
You didn't ask which was more practical, you asked which was better. The lightsaber is the stronger weapon.

Which is more fun: StarCraft or Halo Wars?

StarCraft. I've not played Halo Wars, but it should have remained a shooter.
Never played Halo Wars, can't compare the two. But likely Starcraft, as excellent a game as it is, still outshines it.

I'm sure I'll think of more questions later. In the meantime, help yourself to another Sandvich, but just eat'em fast before Heavy Veapons Guy gets back... He punched out ALL MY BLOOD last time and he knows how to break a spine...
Who touched his gun?

OH! And before I forget, I was to be a GOD... -Killed by Wesker- 'That right... is now Mine.'

Muse -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 18:31:11)

What took you so long, hmhey?
We weren't needed before now?

What he said... or something.

DaesDymentia -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 21:27:46)

Definately well deserved. Hugs to you both ^_^
Yay hugs! *snuggles teh Daes*

Daes! *Tacklehugsnuggles teh Daes* Miss you tons! Can't wait to arpeh with you again!!

Circe -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/26/2009 21:57:34)


*All cool like* Yo.

*squashes Krey and pounces TD*
*ish pounced*

ACK! Why always with the squishing? Curse you TD and you're being too large to squish!

Welcome to the AKs! You are both a terrific addition and we're so happy to have you!
*blushes furiously*

"Aw shucks, we ain't all that"

Mr.Pumpkin -> RE: Meet the new AKs ~TormentedDragon & Krey~ (7/27/2009 7:04:28)

Wish I may, wish I might
Have this I wish tonight

Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold, dig for fame
You dig to make your name

Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

Hot and cold, bought and sold
A heart as hard as gold

Are you satisfied?
Wish I might, wish I may
You wish your life away

Are you pacified?

All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around

Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Where's your crown?

I wish I may, I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight
I want that star, I want it now
I want it all and I don't care how

Careful what you wish
Careful what you say
Careful what you wish, you may regret it
Careful what you wish, you just might get

Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name

Where's your crown, King Nothing?


You're just nothing
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
You're just nothing
Absolutely nothing

Off to never-never land

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