Kosefira, remember me? Of course you don't because I am invisible. Hi Doragon. You know I'm only obligated to answer 20 of these. Now you shall answer my totally random questions and your keyboard will go WAAAAAAM It's put up with me for years, I don't think anything you do will make it cry. Do you like Pokemon? I used to like Pokemon. And why do you like/dislike it? I was 6 years old then. What made you become an UCaGer? Many years ago, I started a PAM game in the OOC called 'Say something nice to the person above you'. After about 7 threads, I was told it should go in the UCaG forum, and that's how I found it. Unfortunately, flamers ruined the game after a few more threads and it hasn't come back since. What time of UCaG games do you like the most? I think you mean type. I don't really have any preference. PAM games are nice for quick fun and A&R and FSG games are good for more in-depth fun. Doesn't beat AE games, though. Can you give an example? Since I don't have a preference, the only way is to go to the UCaG forum and look at everything. Fantasy or Sci-Fi? I'm more of a fantasy person myself. Horror or Comedy? Comedy. Horror still gives me nightmares. DragonYugi or DY? DragonYugi. DY has so many other meanings like Dark Yellow, Dream Yearning, Dull Yttrium... Who is your favourite forum player of whoms name starts with Dragon and ends with Yugi? :3 The system could not find any record. Possible causes include: 1) Your search term is not specific enough 2) There is indeed no matching record 3) Search criteria is too specific Do you watch Youtube? I try to limit my watching. Watching mindless pain can dull brain...stuff... You should see RayWilliamJohnson :D Maybe later... Am I ever gonna stop with these questions? You're up to 11. Good answer, but maybe in YOUR DREAMS >:) Alright. Pie? Moogle. 3,14G = ? That was a mildly funny release. Do you love food? :D I sure do. I'm on a diet actually. Kosefira, are you a female or a female? You just wasted a question. Favourite AE game? Tie between DragonFable and AdventureQuest Worlds. Favourite video game? Too many to list. Favourite color? Dark red, dark grey, black or white Favourite question? The next one. It's question 20. That means I don't have to answer anymore after that. Favourite drink? Like I said before, icy slushies or warm soup What is your 'pick-up' line? :D I have no obligation to answer anymore questions. I shall now no longer burn you with my questions. You may rest now... xD Good. but remember.. I AM YOUR FATHER /star wars No you're not. I'm older than you. Congrats for Head Modship and goodbye. Thanks. /teleport Should I tell him that the teleporter is broken? Oh well...
< Message edited by Kosefira -- 1/30/2010 6:19:49 >