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Faction Ideas

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5/14/2011 21:32:23   

What would you like to see added to the epicduel factions?

IMO I would like to see Hq Decorations where u can buy stuff for hq.
Epic  Post #: 1
5/14/2011 21:35:58   

  • A token bank (Members put tokens in bank, leader uses it.)
  • A storyline
  • Rewards
  • Decorations
  • Kicks people out of HQ if they left faction in HQ
  • Prizes
  • A shop or uniform or a armor that covers your old armor (Like in aqw but gives no stats)
  • Maximum 20 people in faction...
  • If you leave a faction with more than 10k wins, if you come back, your wins go back to where you were before. Same with tokens if you donated 10k+
  • So many many more.
  • Epic  Post #: 2
    5/14/2011 21:37:27   

    Rewards for higher level factions would be nice.


    AQ Epic  Post #: 3
    5/14/2011 21:42:45   

    increasing the member list.
    heres a way to make it fair for everyone.
    ur lvl 0 when u start. and u start with 18 slots.
    after 100 influence u get lvl 1 then its 19 slots.
    lvl 2 - 20 slots
    lvl 3 - 21 slots
    lvl 4 - 22 slots
    lvl 5 - 23 slots
    lvl 6 - 24 slots
    lvl 7 - 25 slots
    lvl 8 - 26 slots
    lvl 9 - 27 slots +1 officer spot
    lvl 10 - 28 slots
    lvl 11 - 29 slots
    lvl 12 -30 slots +1 officer spot

    and it has a scroll system to view down the rest of the member list.
    so 30 members in total (including the leader) and 8 officer spots if ur lvl 12.

    also alignment changes (cost varium and has to be payed by the leader (suggested price 500))

    another thing. some might say its too much, but its a fair system for everyone.
    i did some math and u can get to lvl 7 in a few days. so dont say its unfair for low lvl factions.

    < Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 5/14/2011 21:48:02 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 4
    5/14/2011 22:22:19   
    Sir Xander

    I for one would like to see:
    Faction wide chat
    A faction armor
    Custom Hq
    Leaders Quarters
    Officers rec room
    Members Lobby
    Faction Shops
    A faction bank
    Rewards for Ranking
    Resignation Forms
    Arcade in the HQ
    Acheivements based on your Rank in the faction such as Founder/Officer/Member and it could be your faction flag
    Organized attacks on other Factions
    Faction leaderboard
    Your character spawning in your HQ
    Larger faction list
    Larger HQ
    A first and second in command
    Faction missions

    I would really like to see these features added. I believe it would make being in a faction more fun and interesting.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
    5/14/2011 22:24:35   

    ^Yeah I agree with what you said, factions are pretty pointless right now.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
    5/14/2011 22:28:11   
    Mr. Black OP

    AWESOME ideas
    fac mission: arm a bomb at enemy fac hq or smthin like that
    Epic  Post #: 7
    5/14/2011 22:31:27   

    yea xander i agree on the faction chat :D gold a little more slots per lvl yea and deimos i agree with token bank but leaders cant use them for their selves


    Epic  Post #: 8
    5/14/2011 22:52:13   

    faction shop can include items by faction lvl.
    the higher lvl ur faction the higher the lvl of items sold
    lvl 1 - some uber lvl 9 wep
    lvl 2 - some lvl 12 weps (both credit and varium weps.
    lvl 3 - some lvl 15 weps
    lvl 4 - some lvl 18 weps
    lvl 5 - some lvl 21 weps
    lvl 6 - some lvl 24 weps
    lvl 7 - some lvl 26 weps
    lvl 8 - some lvl 28 weps
    lvl 9 - some lvl 30 weps
    lvl 10 - some lvl 32 weps
    lvl 11 - some cap lvl wep (33 is the cap)
    lvl 12 some cap lvl wep (33 is the cap)

    the higher the lvl of the faction. the higher the lvl of the items.
    i would like to see all of these items be credit only that way non vars have better weps and more varieties.
    this dont need to be just weps
    u can add a robot at lvl 11 shop credit only and some armors at lvl 33 for non variums.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 9
    5/14/2011 22:56:19   
    Sir Xander

    @Everyone with positive coments Thanks guys. I truely would like to see these feature in the game and apparently so would you!
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
    5/14/2011 23:01:45   

    I want to see founders win achieve if there best 2vs2 , wds , 1vs1. thats my opinion.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 11
    5/14/2011 23:06:33   
    Death Gigas

    I would like to see an achievement for everyone in the faction, if they helped there faction win 1v1 or 2v2.
    MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
    5/14/2011 23:06:48   

    HQ decorations would be AWESOMENESS!
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
    5/14/2011 23:08:52   


    I would like to see an achievement for everyone in the faction, if they helped there faction win 1v1 or 2v2.

    now thats a great idea.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 14
    5/14/2011 23:16:04   

    medals would be perfecto Your Faction Won the Daily 1v1 ! something like dat lol
    Epic  Post #: 15
    5/15/2011 4:51:22   

    If all in faction pay 100k credits together, they can take free Exile/Legion bike at HQ.

    I posted this in suggestions thread:

    Faction achievments:

    1000 1vs1 wins =>500 Rating achievment
    10,000 1vs1 wins =>1500 Rating achievment
    50,000 1vs1 wins =>3000 Rating achievment

    1000 2v2 wins =>500 Rating achievment
    10,000 2vs2 wins =>1500 Rating achievment
    50,000 2vs2 wins =>3000 Rating achievment

    10,000 Score =>500 Rating achievment
    50,000 Score =>2000 Rating achievment

    Won daily 1vs1 =>1000 Rating achievment
    Won daily 2vs2 =>1000 Rating achievment

    50 Exile/Legion wins =>1000 Rating achievment


    Epic  Post #: 16
    5/15/2011 9:22:57   



    - 20 total member slots

    - faction token bank

    - headquarter upgrades per faction rank
    1: none
    2: retrain shop
    3: achievement shop
    4: color change shop
    5: bike shop (leader chooses 5-10 bikes for its inventory)
    6: enhancement shop
    7: credit weapon shop (leader chooses 5-10 diff weapons for its inventory)
    8: credit armor shop (leader chooses 5-10 diff armors for its inventory)
    9: varium weapon shop (leader chooses 5-10 diff weapons for its inventory)
    10: varium armor shop (leader chooses 5-10 diff armors for its inventory)
    11: faction specific bike shop (leader chooses design and flag appears on it)
    12: faction specific hair styles (credit and varium styles) (based on alignment)

    - faction all time 1v1 and 2v2 total WINS board (not medals, actual wins)

    - faction all time rank/point board

    - daily faction 1v1 achievement

    - daily faction 2v2 achievement

    - more credit based cannons

    - token donation achievements
    1: 100 tokens = Upstart Contributor = 25 rating
    2: 500 tokens = Helping The Team = 300 rating
    3: 1200 tokens = Flag Guardian = 500 rating
    4: 5000 tokens = Flag Master = 1000 rating
    5: 10000 tokens = Flag Lord = 1600 rating
    6: 20000 tokens = Flag V.I.P. = 2300 rating
    7: 40000 tokens = Flag Benefactor = 3000 rating
    8: 80000 tokens = Flag Overlord = 5000 rating

    Total = 13,725 rating

    - faction wins achievements
    1: 500 wins = Foot In The Door = 25 rating
    2: 1000 wins = Greenhorn = 300 rating
    3: 3000 wins = Moving On Up = 500 rating
    4: 6000 wins = Earning Your Keep = 1000 rating
    5: 12000 wins = Commander-In-Chief = 1600 rating
    6: 25000 wins = Unwavering Loyalty = 2300 rating
    7: 50000 wins = Legendary Soldier = 3000 rating
    8: 100000 wins = War Hero = 5000 rating

    Total = 13,725 rating

    - All members above 10k wins (officer or not) should receive a title.

    - Co-Leader Position: Grants the ability to remove members only, but not officers.

    - Headquarter board should have a scroll option.

    - Headquarter decorations (like house items).

    - The ability to raid rival faction headquarters and capture their flags, (invading faction members cannot read the message board). *this idea can be expanded upon*

    Balance Issues

    - Both Legion and Exile should receive a WD per day (like before the new war system)

    - 24 hour wait period before a founder can kick new members

    - Faction members cant meet in battle (unless via player challenge)

    - When faction members challenge each other the battles should not count toward the daily win/lose ratio or the daily boards

    I think that's all...

    In summery: There is a TON of room for the faction system to improve, we can only hope that the developers decide to work on factions again soon. :)

    < Message edited by Wiseman -- 5/15/2011 22:51:28 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
    5/15/2011 12:34:14   


    Both Legion and Exile should receive a WD per day (like before the new war syste

    I agree with that.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 18
    5/15/2011 13:00:42   

    ^ Yes the old system was better
    Epic  Post #: 19
    5/15/2011 13:03:27   

    Juggernaut battles.
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
    5/15/2011 15:13:24   

    Quoted my self from This thread


    First of all you are right , Faction system need more meaningfull purposes but dont forget this game is in a Testing Phase so admins will improve it in my opinion because the total faction system is useless

    We need more earnings form factions , this shouldnt be an achievment because after getting all achivments that factions give , they become useless.Maybe...

    A Credit System:
    in WD
    Leader gets 30k credtis
    Officers gets 15k credits
    Members gets 5k credtis

    in 1vs1
    Leader gets 20k credits
    Officers gets 12k credits
    Members gets 6k credits

    in 2vs2
    Leader gets 20k credits
    Officers gets 12k credits
    Members gets 6k credits

    Alligenment Victories

    Leader gets 2k credits
    Officers gets 1k credits
    Members gets 500 credits

    After admins reduced the prices of credit enhance credit reward will be good for faction war system , players with good factions can enhance their weps more easyly.This will make players more active and Finaly Victories will be rewarded.


    Epic  Post #: 21
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