More than a Game
In the OOC Room, topics are usually about what's going on in the world (and some of them are quite controversial) and since that topic is popular with a bunch of people with a large age range, it's more common to see profanity in the comments. That doesn't mean that there is certainly going to be comments that are negatively posted, but it's best just to play it safe and QuietTube it, since many popular videos have a ton of comments and it's unlikely that you'll go through it all. As to other parts of the forum, videos posted there are usually about AE games, such as how to defeat a monster or where to buy an item. Because of these less controversial videos there are less likely to be over PG13 language so you probably won't have to QuietTube but if there is then it's probably best to do so just to make the job on the AKs a lil' easier :)