ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!
Why does everyone think nerfing will destroy the class? If I remember right, Mercs got hit hard with nerfs over the course of the game. 42 dex on Artillery, requirements on Berzerker, Double Strike, Bunker, Surgical Strike, Agility, Bot nerf(which affected all classes). Do you honestly think one nerf will destroy TLM when several nerfs for Mercs didn't make the cut? Mages only sucked because people abandoned it after using heal loop as their walking stick for several months. Because of that, they forgot just how to walk without it. The good mages learned how to walk again without their Heal Looping walking stick but sadly the other classes were more popular by that time. The class was still useable, it just required thinking, which some people on ED don't do since they would rather copy pasta another finished build and perhaps change it a little.