Silently watching...
These forums are private property of AE. Private Property, or Private Action, is exempt from the Constitutional laws in place, and answers only to the laws subsequentially passed by congress, or state legislation, adhering to this topic. By signing up to the forums, you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions which stipulate, amongst others: "4.d. If asked by a member of Staff to stop or change a behavior or action, you will do so;" as well as "21. FORUMS & COMMUNICATIONS. "Forum" means a chat area, message board, instant messaging, mobile messaging or e-mail function (including, but not limited to, electronic greeting cards) offered as part of any Company Site. If you participate in any Forum within a Company Site, you agree to follow our terms set forth below. You acknowledge that anything you submit to a Company Site by way of any Forum is routed through Company's servers and the Internet and that, therefore, you have no expectation of privacy with regard to any such submission." And finally: "30. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. BY USING THE SERVICE OR ACCESSING THE SITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THESE TERMS OF USE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM. " Thus by utilizing an account on the forums, you agreed to be bound to these stipulations. Which invoke the understanding that the forums are private property (As they are on private servers) and to follow directions by staff members (Thus forum rules restricting free speech on these forums). Therefore any attempt at legal action is futile, and we advice you not to take it to save yourself the expenses.