No, First off I will add a passive armour combined with blood lust will be the worst ever mistake made by balance team if they ever did this. And normal mercanaries should be the only class with a passive armour. Both CH's and TLM's need their passive armour removed and all power builds need there power ruduced. The reason why is mercs have a skill tree which is not oped with a passive armour, you will notice they dont have a damage debuff (smoke/malf) nor do they have an energy regain, nor do they have something which would be oped with a passive armour such as bloodlust. (NEVER DO IT) This is why mercs ar at a disadvanatge to the other two classes now but suddely mercs will be equal or perhaps even one of the best agian if they were the only class with passive armour. Not only would this revive mercs without needing to buff them it will stop the oped rein of TLMs and CHs which force builds from other classes to choose the extreme power option (this is why bloodmages are limted) so they have a chance of beating TLMs and CHs. Frankly is a disgrace balance has been left this poorly for so long, and infact they often make this problem worse *cough* azreal bot *cough*. To reduce power builds power I think gun and aux enhaments should be removed and an enahcments sellback added of 100% for the gun adnaux enahments. This means classes like Blood mages wont become oped if CHs and TLM suddenly lost there passive armour. Here is proof why bloodmages are limted to STR build because of CHs and TLMs not necesarily because of there skill tree (Note: same reason why BHs are limted to STR builds) Blood mages are said to have alot of skills revolve around stength, now this is true but is not the reason why STR builds are there only choise. They have: Beserk,Fireball,Intimidate(the strike part), and deadly aim. That is a total of 4. Yet CHs have: Static charge,Venom strike(the strike), Malf(the strike), Masacre and cheap shot. That is a total of 5 skills improving with STR yet CHs have more options.... TLMs: Smoke(the strike),Double strike,atom smash,frenzy. Also a total of 4 the same as blood mages yet TLMs are not limtied to only STR builds. WHY?: Because they have a passive armour they are able to defend agianst other power builds to a point hence they can use Tank build options. If you suddenly take away there passive AND some of the power builds and tanks power.(by removing some enahmnets) What you will see is Build styles becomeing evely matched agian rather then being domniated by either Powerbuilds (such as STR of soemtimes powerful attack skills such as superhcarge) and tanks. Then similar to in the beta period you will see Most people using a diffrent style build there will be Bulk of variety, less luck inforced battles, more stratgy controlled wins, ore ocunter for often strong builds, Strength build will require samrts and good timing agian, and basically more fun! -Remorse Less.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/29/2012 3:04:37 >