Legendary AdventureGuide!
Hey Goldslayer, as Trans says, this is a topic that is up for balance discussion, and is regarding to balance. All balance suggestions, and discussions want to be in the designated topic. Balance is not something that is to be posted in General Discussion in general, as stated in multiple places, all balance is kept to one topic, so it's easy for Ashari/RabbleFroth/others to keep track of everything, and they know where to look, without having to spread out across ED GD and ED Suggestions to find all the relevant topics. If you read the ' Reminders on Posting' topic, this explains the policy on Balance Suggestions: quote:
Balance Suggestions These types of suggestions do not belong here and still should go to the Balance Discussion Thread in the EpicDuel General Discussion. Changes to class skills, stats or suggestions of new skills or stats are considered this type of suggestion. Thank you for understanding, and because of this, I'm locking this up. This hopefully explains why it is locked/deleted in ED GD/ED Suggestions, because anything regarding Balance wants to be in the relevant topic!