If tournaments are to be implemented then many forms of different tournaments may help. For instance, 1 tournament may offer prizes based on end brackets (brackets are your position in the tournament, so depending on how many wins the player achieves in the tournament determines the volume of their prize). An option for a sports tournament (tournament offering no prizes), as well. Some forms of handling these tournaments would be with the option to group players by specified conditions. Such as, a tournament for only the Mercenary-class. Tournaments will not be balanced absolutely. In some cases an advantage whether it be luck, smarts, or handicap will decide the position of players in the tournament. Preferably by smarts. EpicDuel, for legitimate tournaments, requires the game to evolve past stage 9 in which random luck mainly stems from the first turn and the choices that the user makes instead of 1/10 or 1/2 chance that a player will win by random critical strikes. Tournaments are to test skills, until balance is along the lines of players using their wittiness to win, tournaments are not an implementation of choice. That said, the idea is still great, and I welcome it when it arrives.