It seems some people are still a bit confused, so I will quote concerns and give some answers. quote:
Static charge as a passive? Hmmm... Too OP having a constant source of energy no blocks or cool down would make it totally unfair. Sorry... But not supported As I stated, this is NOT a constant source of energy. If you hit someone, and they block, there is NO energy regain. As for the cooldown, I doubt that passives have cooldowns. Read this sentence carefully: You can ONLY regain EP on strikes with the primary weapon. No regain if blocked. No regain on non primary hits. Also, the max is 10% of your RAW damage. Meaning, you can have 22-27+35 damage, which the regain will be 10% of 57-62, which is 5.7-6.2, or 6-7 EP regain on each primary hit. quote:
this wouldnt be fair to tech mages who have to wait to get hit to get energy while CH can get energy every hit they make so whats the point of this? why not just give CH unlimited energy? Tech Mages can regain energy on every hit taken to them, meaning ALL weapons and ALL attacks. CH's would be able to regain only on primary hits, and they can be blocked. Also, the TM's energy regain is at 30% max while CH's is at 10% max. Now how is that unfair? quote:
But I like PA coz someone like spam on dex. Maybe static increase only a little bit not like when it was OP. Exactly why PA needs removed. No one should be able to spam a stat while still having viable defenses of the opposite stat. And yes, I also speak of TLM who usually have 21-26 defense with 31-38 resistance. quote:
I doubt it'll work that great...it's more likely to hit 15 per strike. That's 2 energy regain per strike. On rage, perhaps 4 energy regain. What's more, no Plasma Armor...... and what??? Then the first version works better: 1st version: No PA, Static at about 50% (raw damage) regain per 3 rounds. Your version: No PA, Static at about 30% (actual damage) regain per 3 rounds. Therefore, still not supporting it... What? My calculations are RAW damage, not ACTUAL damage. You gain EP every round on my version. It cannot be abused with Malfunction/Rage SC combos. It is MUCH better than the current. I believe it will give f2p Cybers a fighting chance.