Retired ED Guest Artist
NOTE: Underlined text in the following are just general statements that are not directed to anyone in particular. @Malicious Neos and Trans, thank you for explaining those observations to hawtnezz. In regards to the Block Chance limitation, the suggested skill has the ability to break that limitation in the same way Shadow Arts does, except it only lasts for 1 moment when the skill is used. If the user has the skill activated and he/she does not use it, then the target's Block Chance does not increase. As shown in the "previous version", the initial suggestion was to double the target's Block Chance, but I realized that if the target had a low percentage like the 6% you mentioned, doubling it would not be effective enough and the user of the skill would simple be OP in those instances. With the +35%, the minimum Block Chance of the target is 37% which is 2% greater than the current maximum without Shadow Arts. I'm open to a better way of calculating the increased Block Chance. The aim is to provide a skill with potentially devastating power that carries a high price and does not guarantee victory. A skill that a player may choose to use in a desperate situation with no other effective options. @hawtnezz, I assumed that everyone was competent enough to understand that the "previous version" no longer applies and that the "new version" replaces it. Thank you for proving me wrong. For your convenience, I'll be clearer about the fact that there is no 30 Energy requirement in the new version. The only reason why I kept the previous version in the post is that I do not like to delete information in the original post. By doing so, I and everyone else, can see how the suggestion has evolved. @TRizZzCENTRINO, thank you. I'm always open to additional suggestions by the community. @drinde, I see your point. A tank player is the primary reason why I decided to keep the Rage's Defense Ignore. This way, a user of the skill has a way of breaking through some of a tank's defenses. Various melee skills in each class has their own perks that could prove useful with this skill. For example, Cheap Shot can also ignore a certain percentage of defenses, while Double Strike and Bludgeon grants users with even more damage power instead of ignoring defenses. This way, everyone has the means of somewhat countering Tanks. In essence, giving a +10 damage bonus would be less effective than a +150%. If a player only does 10 damage against a Tank, then he/she would deal 25 with a +150% Strike versus the 20 with the +10 Strike. As mentioned before, skills like Cheap Shot and Double Strike, etc, would do considerably more damage than a regular Strike. Keep in mind that there are many effective means of countering this skill, but timing is key. Your strategy for counteracting this will depend on many factors including your opponent's Class and Melee Skills available, their Energy prior to skill activation (insufficient energy to use skills mean Strike is their only Melee option), your defenses (shields may reduce the opponent's damage), and your health (if you can take the full damage and still survive then you win). Although I initially wanted Lucky Strike's Connect chance to be disabled, I now see the need for it. This could give players the ability to improve their chances to hit their targets while using this skill. @Depressed Void. I see your point as well. I was thinking more in terms of this being a skill players could "choose" to have and not be forced to have. The only point of being universal is that everyone has access to it and not just one particular class. It would be most effective if players could customize their skill tree with various skills of a limited typed. (i.e. 3 Passive, 3 Melee, 3 Supportive(FM/DM/RB/etc), 3 Offensive) This could be a separate suggestion topic on it's own if the staff haven't yet considered it. @AliveSlayer, yes you are correct. Once used, whether or not your opponent falls, your player would die/collapse. If the opponent dies first, however, you would be declared the winner. Perhaps the battle could be declared a draw. That would be interesting. :) I understand your concerns about the Block Chance being too high, but think of it this way. Currently, it's limited to 35% without SA and 45% with SA. Meaning that the attacker has a minimum of 55% chance to not be blocked if their opponent has maxed SA and 65% if they don't have it at all. As we've all experienced, even with a high percent chance to not be blocked, we still often times do. The same can be said in reverse, even with a high Block Chance percentage, the opponent won't always block. This way, luck still plays a part in it and nothing is guaranteed. Only more or less likely. Sorry for this wall of text guys, I just wanted to get back to everyone. :) I hope I answered all your questions/concerns, but feel free to share any additional ideas or comments you may have.
< Message edited by drekon -- 12/26/2012 15:04:49 >