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(DF) What if Fate took a different course?

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9/11/2011 21:04:55   

(Alright, a few things first off. This story will follow Nield, as if he were born on Lore. Second, this is more or less the original story I ever had for 'Nield' but, well, the other story just kinda manifested... Thirdly, this is assuming Nield is NOT the main hero. Okay, that's out the way... lets get this show on the road!) comments here

Prologue: Born of Fire.

He ran. He ran as fast as his young legs would carry him. He ducked through hidden passages and weaved through a seemingly endless maze of trees. But it kept gaining on him. The fire, ever hungry, reached out after him, never slowing down. He could see the beach just up ahead... If he got there he would be home-free. Ten metres short of his destination, something snagged his foot. He fell heavily to the ground. Rolling over, he saw roots of a tree growing over his legs, and the inferno blazed closer. As he opened his mouth to scream in the face of this impossible foe, he awoke, drenched in sweat, bolting upright, and letting loose the scream he had readied in the face of his demise.

Heavy footsteps thundered up the stairs, and the door was slammed open. The boy's father looked around, wild-eyed, for whatever had so terrified his son. On seeing his son safe in bed, yet drenched in sweat and shivering as if death itself were tingling on his spine, he relaxed, though only slightly. "It be those nightmares again, ain't it, Nield?" The boy, Nield, too shaken to answer, merely nodded his head. The man sat beside his son. "Don't worry my boy. You're still but a wee lad. These nightmares, these... these aberrations in yer mind... They will pass with time. I'm sure of it!" Though his words sounded with resolve, the bit lip and the flickering, slightly furtive look belied the dis-ease the man felt.

Now lighter footsteps approached on stairs. The boy's mother entered and held her child to her. "Hush, Little Lamb." Said she, using the name she always used for him. "You are safe here. There is none so bold to attack our home. Here, is sanctuary, and shelter. There is no thing that can harm you within these walls, save what you let in with your own two hands, and they are easily despatched." Her words soothed, and soon the boy's shivering halted and his eyes grew heavy. "Return now, to the land of dreams, Little Lamb. Where none shall disturb you for the remainder of this night." Soon the boy slept and his parents left him there.

"They be getting worse, Silvana. The intensity, the frequency. How many more nights will we be awoken by our poor son's death cries?" The woman, Silvana, remained silent for a while. "Little Lamb is still but 8 years into his life, Fjorrik. I am sure these mares of the night shall not trouble him for too much longer." The burly blacksmith, Fjorrik, grunted. "These be no nightmares, Silvana. They're omens, prophecies, call 'em what you will, I know the signs. He'll wield great power one day. Of that I am sure. What I am worried about, is the inferno he sees. I am positive it represents his power... out of control. I am worried what will become of the boy. Will his power escape his control? Will it consume him?" Silvana placed her slender figure against the burly hulk of her husband. "Dreams are but dreams, My Love. Little Lamb is destined for greatness, of this I agree. But what you remember must, is that-" "'In real life, as in dreams, nothing is quite, what it seems'. Aye, you've repeated those words many a time." Silvana smiled. "Then have faith, Dear Heart. Have faith that Little Lamb's future is not so bleak as you see it to be." Fjorrik grunted again. "Come, we had best return to bed ourselves."

6 years later...

"Put your back into it boy! The fires will never be half as hot as we need them with such efforts!" "I am doing but as what I can, Father! Though toned, I am, the proper strength to correctly pump the bellows possess, I do not!" Fjorrik grunted. "Ye talk in circles and riddles, just as your mother..." He grumbled to himself, before he moved over to assist his son. "Look lad, you're doing naught but blow the air around inanely, focus on the fire, enVISION the flames rising ever high...er?" Fjorrik stopped amazed, he had barely stroked the bellows, yet the fires were rising high, TOO HIGH. He turned to look at his son who had an expression of happiness upon his face. "Father, observe! I envision the rising of the flames, and they react as I imagine them! they yield to me!" Fjorrik was left speechless for a few seconds before his instincts kicked in. "Nield, whatever it be that you are doing, stop it! The flames are rising too high! Not only can I not safely get close enough, but they threaten the very walls around us!" His concentration broken, Nield looked at his father, startled. "What? But, you're right! The flames leap higher, but to a stop I call them now!" the flames began to subside and stopped at the ideal level. Nield looked immensely proud of himself, whilst his father watched him with worry in his eyes. "At such a tender age? He is not yet ready for this manner of power... But would any of us be, ever?" He mused to himself. He shook his head. "Come son, let us retire for the day." Nield looked at his father surprised. "But of the work we had to do, what of it, Father?" "I said, we're retirin' fer the day, son. Come along." Nield had little choice but to follow his father.

Later that night...

"Well done, Little Lamb! You have the power within found! Unfortunately... the end of your time with us, this does signify." Nield looked at his mother with shock in his eyes. "But, Mother dearest, surely serious, you cannot be! Would not now, my presence be of advantagous advantage to us? Need for bellows eliminated are! I can keep the flames by no more than my mind, under control!" Silvana smiled lovingly at her son. "Yes, Little Lamb. But what should happen be it if your hold slipped? Would not the end result disasterous be?" "Son, fer now, our only choice is to send you fer training. Once ye have mastered yer abilities, ye can return. However, fer yer safety, and ours, and everyone elses, ye must off to Falconreach be. Once yer there, search out a man named Warlic. He is... an old friend of mine, and should be able to help ye." Silence fell for several minutes. "So... Off be I upon the morrow?" Fjorrik nodded. "Aye lad, but ye shall not be travelling alone. Ye shall have a retired hero to accompany ye, to make sure ye arrive safe. Safe travels to you, my boy. Make your mother 'nd me proud." Nield fought back the tears that welled in his eyes. He embraced his father and mother in turn. "I shall return, helping at the forge to one day be, father. Mother... Fail you is not that which I shall do." "Go safely, Little Lamb. This night away in rest you shall spend. Then, off be you, upon the morrow."

That night Nield had his nightmare for the last time...

He ran. He ran as fast as his young legs would carry him. He ducked through hidden passages and weaved through a seemingly endless maze of trees. But it kept gaining on him. The fire, ever hungry, reached out after him, never slowing down. He could see the beach just up ahead... If he got there he would be home-free. Ten metres short of his destination, something snagged his foot. He fell heavily to the ground. Rolling over, he saw roots of a tree growing over his legs, and the inferno blazed closer. he raised his hands to command the fire to retreat, but it would not listen to him. "You need training before you can unlock your full power, young one." The flames turned and the roots detatched themselves. Nield looked around, but did not see the entity who had spoken. After that, he slept soundly.

< Message edited by nield -- 2/9/2021 7:02:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
9/13/2011 3:50:25   

Chapter 1: Goodbyes and new beginnings.

The boy hugged his mother and father one final time. "I promise that return I shall, to you!" "Aye lad, now hurry on. Ye'd best not keep Lyondor waiting much longer." Nield ran off, waving one last time.

Nield ran up the hill to the entrance to the forest, where he stopped. He looked back one last time on Manar's Crest, the town he had been born in. Manar's Crest was a small town, nestled between the foot of the mountain range just south-east of Maguswood Forest and Maguswood Forest itself. "Here, one day to my parents return, I shall." Nield muttered to himself, before turning his back on the town and entering the forest. Not far in, he came upon Lyondor. Lyondor had once been a mighty Hero, revered throughout the land. He was known for the fact that he would never not help someone. He had once ridden from Sunbreeze Grove to Riverine Keep without rest, to assist someone who had lost their way. He was a somewhat slim man, with many scars on his body. When once Nield had asked why he didn't get the scars healed, Lyondor had laughed. "Lad, they're to remind me." Lyondor had said. When Lyondor provided no more information, Nield had asked what they reminded him of. Lyondor's face grew dark after that question. "They remind me of those I've helped... and those I could not." Nield did not press him for further information.

Lyondor had been a Dragonlord in his days as a Hero. When Nield had asked Lyondor where his dragon was, a very pained expression came over his face. "Lad... do you remember when you asked about my scars?" Nield had nodded. "...Andorph... had been someone I was not able to save..."Nield had apologised for bringing up such painful matters, and had asked no more questions of Lyondor since.

Lyondor looked up and saw Nield. "Ah, lad. There you are. I was just beginning to wonder what was keeping you. Alright, we'll be travelling west through Maguswood, it's the quickest way to get to Falconreach. Although... Of late, Maguswood Forest has become a dangerous place... Some bunch calling themselves the Darkwolf Bandits have cropped up lately. Word is, the leader is Drakath, who had been prince to the kingdom... until his father was overthrown, and good riddance. With this lot coming in and adding to the already dangerous Maguswood Forest, we will have to watch ourselves. Just stay by me, lad, and you'll be fine."

A few days later...

"Alright lad, we'll stop here for today. We're around the middle of Maguswood by now, lad. Just a few more days. We'd be there by now were it not for the horses. They seem to be acting strangely..." As Lyondor finished saying this, the horses reared up, knocking their riders off their backs. "Quick lad! This way!" Lyondor jumped behind some bushes and Nield joined him. "What for be it, that we behind these bushes do hide, Lyondor?" The boy asked. Lyondor put a finger to his lips, signalling the boy to be quiet. After a few minutes, some bandits appeared. "Horses... travelling from the east? Unusual... You two, find whoever was riding these horses!" One of the men commanded. "Yes, Drakath!" The two said in unison.

"So that's Drakath... come lad, lets try and sneak away. We'll have to leave the horses, but-" Lyondor was interrupted by a blade at his throat. "Oh? And where do you think you're going?" Before another word could be spoken, Lyondor twisted the man's arm behind his back, snapped his neck, and flung his dagger between the eyes of the bandit holding Nield. "Quickly lad!" Lyondor whispered and they were off.

Without the horses, they made much better progress, and soon were approaching the area of Maguswood called Surewould Forest. "Not much further now lad! We've but a bit more to go befo-" They ran out into a clearing full of bandits, who were soon up and readying their weapons. Lyondor drew his own and spoke."Go lad. I'll hold them off." Though afraid, Nield did as Lyondor asked. As he looked back, he could not see Lyondor for the crowd of bandits.

After running a while, Nield came upon some boxes by a stream. Curious, and seeing no-one around, he went to look at them. "Stop right there!" A voice called out. Startled, Nield jumped back, and a woman descended from a nearby tree, bow drawn. "Who are you?" The woman asked. "The name that upon my birth to me given was and is Nield." He replied. The woman raised an eyebrow. "Would you mind repeating that in a language I can understand?" "I... My... Name is Nield." The boy said, having to twist his mouth around to get the words out. "There now, was that so hard?" The woman asked of him. "Yes..." he replied, shuffling his feet and looking down.

The woman slung her bow over her shoulder. "I'm Robina. And the forest isn't a safe place for one as young as you. Aren't you travelling with anyone?" The woman, Robina, asked, somewhat concerned for the boy. Nield's face lit up in recognition. "Yes, YES! Oh, please, quickly be it that you to Lyondor's aid come! He surrounded by bandits was, and of his safety sure, I am not! Though a Hero once was, is he, those days far behind him are, and a match for them prove, I fear he may not be!" Robina looked at the boy blankly, confused by his manner of speech. "I... sorry. Lyondor, in danger, back this way." Robina's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Lyondor? There's a name I haven't heard in a while. But surely you must be mistaken. Lyondor and his dragon, Andorph, perished years ago. Though Lyondor's body never WAS found... Show me, Nield."

Soon they arrived at the clearing, in which there was nothing but bandit corpses. "Well... While I'm still not sure this man you were with really IS Lyondor, whoever he is, he was victorious here." Robina said, studying the scene. "We to Falconreach traveling were, to a man named Warlic seek out." Nield said. Robina once again raised an eyebrow. "You were travelling to Falconreach to seek out Warlic? I'm afraid your destination is a bit further yet. Warlic is not in Falconreach. You will be able to find him further north of Falconreach, not far north-west of Lymcrest. Though tonight I suggest you stay at Serenity's inn in Falconreach."

Robina took Nield the rest of the way to Falconreach, and to Serenity's inn."Why hello Robina. Who is this?" a woman asked. "His name is Nield, Serenity. He seems to have come from the east, but not from Willowshire, he says. Some town called Manar's Crest." "Manar's Crest? I've never heard of it. Well, we'll put him in with Ash for the night. Come this way, Nield." Nield followed Serenity to a room where a boy of similar age to him was sleeping. "That free bed will be yours for tonight." She said, before leaving him. He fell on the bed and fell asleep very quickly.

< Message edited by nield -- 2/9/2021 6:33:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
9/21/2011 22:54:31   

Chapter 2: We're off to see the Mage!

"Hey, c'mon, wake up." Nield groaned. "I shall up in but ten minutes be, father..." The mattress Nield was on was lifted, causing him to tumble to the floor. "Wh-where be it that I currently am in the position of?! This my humble bedroom be, is not!" Looking around wildly, Nield saw the boy he had seen sleeping the previous night and remembered where he was and how he got there. "Wow, you really DO talk weird! I'm Ash. Ash Dragonblade." The boy, Ash, said, holding his arm out. "The name that upon my birth was- Wait... You my way of speech understand, do not... My name. Is Nield." Nield replied, cautiously taking the profferred hand and shaking it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nield! Serenity said you had come from the east, from somewhere called Manar's Crest?" "A correct observation be, that is. The town of my home and birth is that of which you speak, Manar's Crest." "You know... no-one's ever heard of Manar's Crest around here..." "I'm sure that Warlic know it will, when to him I get. Father told that an old friend, Warlic to him is." "Wow... your way of speech will take some getting used to... but I can understand you, so it's all good! Come! I'll show you around town a bit!" Ash ran out the door and Nield followed him at a slower pace, examining his surroundings properly.

"Oh, good morning there Nield! Go have a tour around town with Ash, and I'll have something for you to eat when you return." Nield bowed. "Ever so much for your hospitality thank, I do to you." He said and Serenity laughed. "There's no need to be so formal! Just a simple 'Thank you Serenity' will do!" Nield frowned, hesitating briefly. "C'mon, Nield!" came Ash's voice from outside. Nield bowed quickly to Serenity again and went outside.

"I'll show you around the main part of town, okay? the rest is for you to explore yourself!" Ash led Nield around, pointing out the Guardian Tower, Reens and Alina's potions shops, Grams' Pet Shop, and Cysero's store. "Word of advice, keep away from Cysero... He's kinda mad. And if you DO find yourself near him, keep an eye on your left sock!" Why he would have to keep an eye on his sock baffled Nield, but he said nothing. Lastly, they came to Yulgar's shop. "This is Yulgar's shop. Adventurers can buy weapons here, that Yulgar makes himself." Nield found his interest piqued. "Okay is it us for enter to?" he asked hesitantly. "Sure, I don't think Yulgar will mind!"

Entering was like stepping into his father's workshop. It almost seemed to Nield that everything had been an illusion, and he was back in the safety of Manar's Crest. However, the man working the weapons was not Nield's father. "Hello there Ash. Who's this you've got with you?" the man asked. "Yulgar, this is Nield. He says he comes from a town called Manar's Crest." "Manar's Crest... doesn't ring any bells, bu- hey, what are you doing?!" Yulgar had stopped midsentance when he saw Nield fiddling around with some of his tools by the forge. "Your set-up here, extremely inefficient is. This by 387% should your weapon quality raise." Yulgar stared blankly. "Ash, what exactly did he just say?" "I think he said he's going to make your work better..." Yulgar grunted. "Listen here, boy, I've been a blacksmith for-" Nield waved Yulgar off. "Here, merely mimicking my father's workshop, I am. The items from his forge created of superior quality are. Father a blacksmith been has, for longer than any remember can. His manner of working flawless I know to be. While I help, am not yet much, I better your own style can." Yulgar's expression turned to one of anger. "Now listen here you! I don't care WHO your father is! I demand you put my forge back the way it was!" Yulgar went to lay a hand on Nield's shoulder, but before contact could be made, the fires in the forge blazed up high, as Nield turned to Yulgar in irritation. "You to me listen, stupid man. I here helping you am!" Yulgar slowly backed away from the forge. "Not by burning down my shop you aren't!" he cried. Nield turned his attention to the fires in the forge, saw how close they were to consuming everything, and he tried to calm them. However, his powers were still weak, and he was unable to. Luckily, Ash had thought quickly and ran in with a bucket of water and doused the fires. "Listen, lad. You might think you're helping me, but please. Leave me to do my work in my own way. Do not come through my doors again." Yulgar turned away, and Nield walked out.

"Wh-what was that?! You got all angry, and the fires, they went Whooooosh!" "Indeed. This, the reason for my sent to Warlic being, is. I have power this, that the flames listen to me causes. Weak however, my powers still are, and control them well I cannot." Ash looked at him with a sense of awe. "Even though you nearly burnt down Yulgar's shop, that was so totally awesome! You could totally be a hero one day!" Nield looked at Ash incredulously. "Y-You so believe do?" He asked. "Yeah! Easily!" Nield shook his head. "But I back to my parents go, shall, once my training done, is. I shall my father in his workshop help." Ash's face fell. "Aww... that's a shame, really it is. Well, anyway, I think Serenity should have something ready to eat by now, so let's go back to the inn!"

When they entered the inn, Ash gasped. "Woah... It's Galanoth! Galanoth the dragon slayer!" Nield looked at the man whom's face was hidden, curiously. "Oh, hello there Ash and Nield. You two are just in time. Here, I've got some food for the both of you." she said. Ash happily went and grabbed his food, and Nield followed suit, keeping an eye on Galanoth. "Something wrong Nield?" "No... but, that man the one whom's face he does beneath his helmet hide. He to me seems sad as sort, bearing sorrow depths, his heart within "I mean, I don't know anything about that, but he's super cool, right?" "I... Yes? Hard judge it is, one met recently so."

After they finished their food, Serenity and Galanoth came over to them. "Nield, Galanoth is going to take you to Warlic as soon as you're ready." "Aww.... you're leaving already?" Ash asked, downhearted. Nield stayed silent for a few moments. He enjoyed Ash's company. "Would it with you alright be, if with us Ash was also to come?" Nield asked of Galanoth. Galanoth said nothing for a few moments. "It can't hurt, I suppose. You may come along, Ash." Ash's face lit up. "Yes!!!! Thank you so much!" "We're leaving as soon as you're ready. I'll be waiting outside." Galanoth walked out after that.

Ash and Nield packed whatever they had with them they wished to take, and met Galanoth outside. "Alright then. Hop on the horses and we'll be off." Nield helped Ash onto one of the horses then mounted the other effortlessly. Galanoth merely nodded, and then they were off, headed for Warlic's tent.

< Message edited by nield -- 2/9/2021 6:30:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/10/2012 0:48:58   

Chapter 3: Suspicious minds.

The trio rode in silence. The trip was uneventful, and soon they were coming up on Warlic's tent. "We're here." Galanoth said plainly. A woman was standing outside the tent, treating everything with disdain. "Warlic! Galanoth is here. Got two scrawny kids with him." she called in to the tent. "Who be it that the grumpy woman is?" "That's Nythera, Warlic's apprentice." Galanoth said, with Warlic exiting shortly after. "Ah, hello Galanoth, Ash, and... I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the other member of your party." "I my name that was upon my birth to me given was and is Nield Silverin Balthasar." Warlic's eyebrows furrowed. "I know that manner of speech from somewhere..." "My father an old of yours friend he is as said he did." "I... see? And what is your father's name?" "By the light of the moon that on the night not black shines upon towns, the name my father carries is as was the date of his birth from, Fjorrik Balthasar." Warlic's eyebrows arched in surprise. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that that is impossible. Fjorrik Balthasar died many years ago on a fool's errand." "Well humbug to you say is what I do. My father alive and well he is. So too my mother." Warlic sighed. "Alright... I'll humour you. Who is your mother?"

"Her by name called, is Silvana. Silvana Stertling." There was silence for a while, before Warlic spoke again, in a quiet voice. "Inconceivable... So... he actually managed it... I imagine he also founded a small town with Silvana... a town he would have named... Manar's Crest." Nield looked at Warlic, this time he the one surprised. "How..." "It was something he often talked about. But that's enough about that... Why are you here, young Nield, son of HeavyHammer Fjorrik and the Silver Siren of Riddles?" Nield raised his hand and summoned a small amount of fire into it. "I see, I see... So you are a budding young pyromancer... and they have sent you to me... to help you control your powers... but I cannot. You need the help of one other than I. You need the help of one embittered by past events. You need the help of one driven mad by grief. You need the help... of Xan.

Ash gasped. "Not Xan! Warlic, you CAN'T send him to XAN of all people!" "Whom of which you speak, this character, Xan, is?" "Xan is a pyromancer... an insane pyromancer. He bears a great undying hatred for Warlic. Nield raised his eyebrows. "Is a wise adventure be it as such, which of that you me upon set to embark?" Nield asked. Warlic was silent for a moment as he interperated what Nield had said. "Wise... Not particularly. Xan will attempt everything to get you to his side... He is convinced that if he kills me... He'll be able to free Jaania. But this is necessary, if you are to hone your powers. But... before you do seek out Xan, there is something else you should do first." "Oh? Whence to which sent be first I am to as such as be?" "You should go back to Falconreach and see Serenity to help you with your speech." "Oh? What issue to my speech of impediment to referring you are as such as implying?" Warlic sighed. "You inherited your mother's manner of speaking in circles and riddles, and it is quite hard to understand. Xan would likely burn you to a crisp rather than try and understand what it is you are saying." "Oh." "Quite." "So... to Falconreach we should go, then we should try to find Xan?" "Actually, Ash, it would be better if Nield sought Xan out alone. Lest he incinerate you." Ash visibly paled at the prospect.

The three of them said their goodbyes and headed back to Falconreach, spending a few months working with Serenity and Ash, getting accustomed to a more normal manner of speech. "You have done such a splendid job Nield, it has been such a joy, teaching you. Nield blushed and looked down at his feet. "Yeah, you're speaking just like the rest of us now!" "Yes... Thank you, Serenity, for putting up with me and my odd speech. Ash, thank you for being a friend to me in the time I've been here... but now is time for us to part ways." Nield looked somewhat glum, but Ash broke out into a grin and clapped him on the shoulder. "You'll be back someday, I'm sure of it! After all, as they say, All Roads Lead to Falconreach!"

So Nield said his goodbyes and off he went. He had gotten a general idea of where to go from Warlic who had suggested Nield travel to the west of his tent. So Nield headed that way. After a few days of travelling, he heard someone talking to themself. "NO!! Bah! That won't work! Hmm... AHAHAHAHAHA... No... No... RAAAAAAAAAAGH! Why doesn't he just make it EASY to make him suffer!" "... I think I've found him..." Nield murmurred to himself. "What? WHO'S THERE!! HOW DARE YOU EAVESDROP ON ME!" A fireball came careening towards Nield and he jumped out of its way. "RAAAAAAAGH! Stand still you little worm!" The man shouted before sending more fireballs at Nield. Nield dodged most of them, but the last one, he held his hand out and deflected it. "!!!! Hmm... Ahaha... AHAHAHAHA.... AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" The man walked out from the shadows towards Nield. Nield saw that the man had obviously been in some unfortunate accident, as he had a flaming skull for a head. "Hello, boy... How well do you control the flames? "Not very well." The man, Whom Nield remembered Warlic had said his name was Xan, laughed. "Would you like to learn?"

< Message edited by nield -- 7/30/2021 20:03:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/9/2013 13:35:23   

Chapter 4: A cry for help

It had been over three years. He took a deep breath, then exhaled as he saw the walls of Falconreach come into view. He smiled as he walked through the gate and waved to Ash, who waved back, puzzled, until he realised it was Nield. At the realisation, his eyes went wide, his jaw dropped and he simply stared. Nield laughed and walked over to him. "Is it really that bad?" he asked, to which Ash just continued staring, dumbfounded.

Nield's features had gone through a rough time during his training with Xan. Previously, he had had boyish looks with soft features, and shoulder-length silver hair, inherited from his mother. Now, as a consequence of years passed and the training he had undergone, his features had changed, and not all of it was necessarily for the better. Now, only one bright blue eye peered out from its sunken position on his skull. His right eye had been slashed through at some point, a scar that stretched from a point directly above his left ear, cut through much of the eyebrow, before crossing the face and ending just to the side of his eye after cutting it clean in half. Some of his hair had been seared off, leaving him without a fringe and exposing his high forehead, while the silvery hair fell to his chin from the sides and back. his facial features had lost their softness, and grown more like his father, with somewhat prominent cheekbones, a sharp, chiseled jaw and an angular nose. His right ear had been sliced off, and a few dark hairs were forming the beginning of a goatee on his chin.

Ash shook his head, and grinned. "Nield... you got handsome!" Nield couldn't help but laugh heartily at that. "Well, it's good to be back in civilised territory. Living in a volcano is not the best, one must admit." "Oh, by the way, did you go see Warlic on your way back?" Nield shook his head. "No... I didn't. Xan told me a lot of things about Warlic. Things that were real, as well as things that he THOUGHT were real... I... I don't think it would have been a good idea to go to Warlic. Just leave it at that, okay, Ash?" Ash stared at his friend, but slowly nodded.

"So... Nield... You're done with your training over fire, right?" Nield nodded, and Ash looked sad, but Nield put his hand on the other boy's shoulder and smiled. "Fret not, Ash, I don't actually intend to return home just yet. I have this... feeling that I'm going to be needed soon. I don't exactly understand the feeling, or why, but it's there. And I can't help but feel I'd be a fool to ignore it." Help me... "Huh? Hey Ash, did you hear that? Ash shook his head. "No, I didn't hear anything... why? Is it something important?" Help me... "It's... a woman... crying for help. Are you sure you can't hear it?" Ash shook his head again. "I don't hear anything, Nield. Are you feeling alright? You actually look a little pale now..."

Nield's body had started to shake. He didn't know HOW he knew, he only knew that he did. This was what he'd been anticipating. Whatever this was, whoever this was that was crying out for help, he had to go help them. He found himself inextricably drawn in the direction of Falconreach Bay, and knew that was the way he must go. With a rueful smile, he clasped his hand on Ash's shoulder. "Sorry, Ash, but it looks like I'm out of here again." "What? But you just said you weren't planning on leaving yet! Surely you can stay, at least for a little while?" But Nield just shook his head. "No... I'm sorry, Ash, but whatever this is, it's something that I need to go and do, as soon as I can. I feel that any delay would be a bad thing." "Can you at least tell me where you're going, then?" "North-west. I'm being drawn out to sea... I wonder what it'll be like. I've never seen the ocean in expanse before." With a final goodbye to his friend, Nield headed on his way to the docks. He had a boat to charter.

The docks were awash with hubbub as sailors and merchants went about their various businesses. Nield looked around, but could only spot the one ship in port, so he slowly made his way towards it, picking through the crowd. As he got close, he was able to see the name on the side of the ship. Wind Blossom it was called. As he was looking at the ship, a voice came from beside him. "Beautiful. en't she?" A sidelong glance showed a large. barrel-chested man, whose tan and callouses betrayed his life working on the sea. "Is she your ship?" Nield asked of the man. "A ship don't belong to a man, boy. But if yer asking if I capt'n her, then aye, that's me a'right. Yeh got business, or just viewing pleasure?" "I need to head out, north-west." "Northwest? En't nothing out that way but th' Battlespire, and this ship may be a fine vessel, but she en't getting you up there." "No... there's something out that way. I don't know what it is, but there's something there."

The man laughed, a roaring, hearty laugh, the sort that drew everyone's attention, even when they knew what the cause was. "Well, if yer th' sort t' not take 'no' fer an answer, then Wind Blossom here'll get ya wherever it is yer going. If yer've got th' coin, that is." Nield pulled out a purse containing 10,000g. "That about cover it?" The Captain skeptically opened the purse and counted, before launching into another rip-roaring laugh. "Boy, fer 10,000g, we'd sail yeh into a volcano. Y'got yerself a deal." he said, stretching out his hand to Nield, who took it and shook firmly. "Aha! Oh, I like yeh, boy. Yeh got yerself a name, Or'm I just gonna have t' call yeh 'Boy' fer th' whole trip?" "The name's Nield. And do you have one, Captain? Or is it Wind Blossom I need to talk to?"

The Captain launched into another laugh, this time earning some annoyed looks. "Capt'n Archibeld Westornia, at yer service. Pop yerself up on deck, and I'll round up th' laggard's who sail th' ship." So Nield did just that as Archibeld strode off, bellowing out to the sailors strewn about the docks. Nield took a deep breath and sighed out. "What am I even doing? I'm following a voice, that seemingly only I can hear. It could be a trap, it could be nothing..." he shook his head. "No... I KNOW there's something, and whoever it is that's calling out, they NEED my help. And what kind of person would I be if I didn't go to help them?" he strode to the bow and looked out across the bay. "Don't worry... Help is on its way..."

< Message edited by nield -- 2/9/2021 7:11:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
4/19/2014 12:00:03   

Chapter 5: Sailing so high

Journal entry: Day 13 of journey. We've sailed quite a distance away from the continent now... Captain Archibeld is surprised that I keep insisting we maintain our course. He keeps telling me that this whole expanse of ocean is known to have nothing. But... there has to be something. The voice keeps getting slightly louder every time I hear it. I've tried to communicate back, but, nothing's working. The idea of just sitting around and doing nothing all day got really tired on the first day of our journey, so, with Captain Archibeld's help, I've been learning about how to sail a ship. Not that he lets me actually help out on Wind Blossom though. Hmm... There seems to be some commotion above deck... I'll go see what that's about...

As Nield stood up, however, he was thrown to the floor as the ship rocked wildly as a wave slammed into it. He climbed above decks to see that there was a storm raging around them. "What in my mother's name is this?!" he cried out. "Th' storm's magical in nature, Nield!" came Captain Archibeld's voice "Th' sky was clear but a scant few minutes ago, but it's sprung up and already so fierce! Normally I tell yeh not t'help with th' sailing of Wind Blossom, but we're in need of all hands! Get to it!" he shouted, and went to go and help struggle with the wheel, while Nield ran to help batten down the hatches, with an "Aye aye!" thrown over his shoulder.

For a few hours they battled against the wrath of the magic-addled sea, until the sailors spotted something that sapped the strength out of their resolve. A massive wave that seemed to stretch for miles and miles, headed right at the ship from the front. The wave seemed to stand around 30 metres high, from end to end. "By the Avatars..." came the awed whisper form Captain Archibeld. "That thing's just going to pick us up and throw us away like some child's toy! Wind Blossom... Seems this is our last... Wait. What's Nield doing? Oi! Nield! Get off the bowsprit! Yeh don't want t'be standing there boy!"

But Nield wasn't listening. He was concentrating, and focusing his magic. He knew as well as the rest of the sailors that this wave would be the end of the ship, and by extension, their lives. They wouldn't be able to swim to land before succumbing to exhaustion and drowning. So all he needed to do was get rid of enough of the wave that it wouldn't be their end. He thrust his arms out, and channeled almost all of his available mana into twin jets of flame that lunged at the wave, twisting around each other and combining before slamming into it. The sailors watched in awe as huge amounts of steam rose into the sky where Nield's fire met the oncoming wave. Shortly, though, Nield fell back onto the bow of the ship, exhausted, but his job was done. The sailors watched, again in awe, as the wave passed around the ship and over it.

"By the Avatars..." Archibeld whispered. "Nield! You little beauty!" he cried, a large grin forming on his face. However, the ship began shaking, and Archibeld groaned. "What! What is it now! What is... is... Oh yeh've gotta be kidding me..." he said, exasperated, as the ship began slowly moving DOWN. The ship wasn't sinking per se, but rather, the ocean seemed to be falling out from under it. "Wizards." he spat, an instant before Wind Blossom was launched into the sky by a huge geyser, which angled to send them off North-north-west. "Ah'd like to think this goes wit'out sayin', but BRACE!" Archibeld shouted, then noticed Nield flopping towards him, and he grabbed him with one arm, while the other clasped tightly to the mast.

After a couple minutes of flying, Wind Blossom reached the arc of her flight, and began angling down. From this position, the sailors were able to see they were heading directly for a large island. "Well lookit that, Nield! We found yer somethin'! Bit of a shame we en't gonna survive th' landing though!" Captain Archibeld's words would turn out to be lies though. As Wind Blossom neared the island, the water around it rose, to cushion the fall, bringing the ship down on its side with only a jarring slam on the beach, rather than a ship splintering crash. Nield smiled weakly. He could tell. This island was where the cry for help was coming from. "Told you... Archibeld." he managed to mutter. "So yeh did. And here we are. Though I doubt Wind Blossom is as happy with that landing as we are. Pretty sure I heard some breaking timber." he muttered.

"Archibeld... we've got company..." Nield whispered. "A ship just crashed on th' beach. I'd be surprised if we DIDN'T." Archibeld replied, before looking around. A small crowd was gathering, a short distance from the ship. From their expressions, they all seemed on edge... yet excited. Disturbed... yet anticipatory. Then, a man came towards the group, spoke briefly, before striding towards Wind Blossom "Which among you is the Flame Lord?" he demanded. "S'cuse me? 'Flame Lord'?" "One among you cut through the enchanted wave. Who." It was not a question. It was a demand. "That... That would be... be me." Nield managed to sputter out.

"You? Do not tempt my humour. You who are so weak, would claim to power?" "I'm only weak... because I poured out... all but the last drop of mana I had... into my flames." "Hmm... Wisdom exists within those words. Then tell me. How do you come here? This island is not known to you. This I know, because no-one has ever come here before you." "There's a voice... crying out for help... coming from this island." This set the man on edge. "This... Voice. Is it that... of a woman?" Nield nodded weakly, and the man cursed under his breath. "Then the time is come... You will follow me. Now." "Not sure if yeh noticed, but he can't exactly stand on 'is own two feet right now." Archibeld retorted.

The man raised an eyebrow. "Surely you would keep restorative medicaments? For vitality, physical and spiritual?" "The containers broke in the storm..." "Hmph. Then we will bring you some." He called over to the crowd, and someone scurried forth with some health and mana potions. Nield graciously drunk from one of each sort, feeling the strength return to his body. "Many thanks. Let us go." "Just you, Flame Lord." the man said, a glance thrown at Archibeld. "Ah, don't mind me. I've got to see to Wind Blossom anyway. See what damage got done, what repairs need doing." Nield nodded at the Captain, before following the man.

< Message edited by nield -- 2/28/2021 13:55:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/20/2014 18:51:17   

Chapter 6: Flame Lord? Flame Lord.

Nield and the man walked for quite a while, before Nield spoke up. "I've heard your voice before." he said. "That is not possible." the man retorted. Nield shrugged. "But it's true. It was less than a year ago... in a dream. Well, a nightmare. It was your voice. "You need training before you can unlock your full power, young one." That's what you said. The man was visibly shocked. "That were you? ...You have aged much in a short time, Flame Lord. I spoke those words to a boy. Before me is a man." Nield laughed. "You flatter me... But... I do have a question or two. For one, why are we speaking the same language? If your island is really so isolated that no-one from the outside has ever come here before, I find it odd you'd speak the same language we do."

That elicited a laugh form the man. That question brings a simple answer. We are not speaking the same language. This island brings magic to language. So long as you stand on its soil, this island will let you know most languages." "Most?" "Yes. Some languages, such as the tongue of dragons, will not be translated here. But we will not have trouble with that, will we? We already understand one another." "That's interesting... Well, my other question. Surely you have a name, and it is courteous to share name's upon meeting another. My name is Nield. What is yours?" "Names? On this island, we don't dabble in names. Only titles. None here will address you as 'Nield', only as Flame Lord. And they will address me as Element Sayer."

The two men then came upon a small shack, with the Element Sayer motioning Nield to enter. Nield, for his part, was straining. The voice was so loud now, practically screaming for help. "Yes! Okay! I can hear you! I'm here to help! Lower the volume!" At that, the voice went silent, then spoke up. I... I am sorry. You heard me? You're here to help? "Yes, I am. But... I don't get it. Can no-one else hear you? Why hasn't anyone else come to your aid?" No. Only the Flame Lord is capable of hearing my voice... Please, come inside, Flame Lord. The door to the shack opened, the Element Sayer tensing as it did so. Nield went in and looked around. The shack did not have much in the way of lighting, and what lighting there was was dedicated to making an altar in the center apparent.

Nield's eyes were drawn to the altar and, more to the point, the sword that lay upon it. "...You're a sword. I wasn't expecting that." Well, I'm not the sword. I'm an elemental spirit IN the sword. But I have a name, you know. Anyria. "Okay, Anyria... but why do you need my help?" They plan to destroy me. "Huh?" The people who live here. They are supposed to be guardians for me, until the day the Flame Lord comes to claim this blade. But they have changed from that aim. For example, Element Sayer out there plans to kill you, knowing that you are the Flame Lord, and that you're here for me. "That's slightly problematic. I don't think I have the power I'd need to defeat him. And, okay, I have to ask. What is this 'Flame Lord' business? It sounds like you're making me out to be some super powerful dude, but I'm really not."

Anyria giggled. The Flame Lord is a title given to the person charged with keeping these islands safe, and is given to them because they have an innate mastery of flames, and are good of heart. So I know I can trust you to do the right thing. If I couldn't, you wouldn't even be here. "Wait, hang on a minute. THESE, islands? As in, plural? I thought he said there was only the one?" You likely misunderstood him. He probably said about no-one coming to this island from the outside, yes? By that, he meant specifically this island, yes, but there are others as well. Only my guardians are allowed to set foot on this island, so no-one else has ever been here, but the guardians can go to the other islands when need be.

"Okay... and now back to the bit about me being charged with keeping these islands safe. That's all news to me. And, if I'm supposed to be doing this, why did you wait till now to call to me?" Anyria responded with an air of amusement You weren't needed until now. Nield couldn't help but laugh at that. "...Alright, so what am I supposed to do?" Simply grab me by the handle, but be warned, it's going to get a little... hot in here. Nield cautiously grabbed the sword's handle. When he did, he grew hot, and the sword grew hot. Then, flames erupted outwards from Nield and the sword, incinerating the shack in an instant, and overwhelming the Element Sayer outside. As he stood in the center of a small crater, Nield was stunned. "...Anyria?" Yes? "Why did we explode?"

That elicited a giggle from the spirit. That was our fire energies mixing. Don't worry, it won't happen again, unless you make it happen. But you might want to take notice, Element Sayer is getting up again! You can't let him hurt you! True enough, the man was, staggering to his feet, his clothes charred from the explosion just moments before. Nield surged toward him, and with a surety of skill that he shouldn't have had, slammed the back of the blade hard over the back of his head, knocking him out cold. "I... Woah... Anyria? How do I know how to use a sword? I've never actually wielded one before." Now that you've claimed me, all my martial knowledge is yours. Also, now you can communicate with me through thoughts. Huh... So, what, like this? Yes, just like that. Now, we should probably get to whatever ship brought you here and leave. We won't have to worry about the guardians though, the only one of them with power is Element Sayer, and he won't be getting up any time soon. Nield nodded, and headed back in the direction of Wind Blossom

< Message edited by nield -- 2/9/2021 7:12:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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