How We Roll Winner Dec14
@Dwelling, there's a few places where Ash serves as a better choice as compared to Rolith with his massive Warhammer. No doubt that Rolith is an experienced one when it comes to the art of warfare, but even Ash knows a thing or two. Besides, considering as how this is a slightly alternate timeline, I decided to give Ash his due for once. I mean, he is hero material after all. But then, I shall ask you to wait for the Part 2 for it explains most questions. @glai, I...I tend to type out lesser details than I initially pen down. But in any case, Chapter's not over yet. I shall strive to solve as many questions as I can while leaving a few open for Critic's speculation. :) As for the posting thing, I find it a rather easy affair to Edit a single post. Do you think I should perhaps make multiple posts for ease of reading? The next part, so to say shall give to you guys the Titular Character and the Hero/Heroine of my story. I must say, the loss of Arthur, my own Character is making it hard on me.