Since the very first time I bought the bot, I've seen NOT even once the Special getting activated, therefore it being rather useless... Here, I propose a few possible ways to have it work: 1. Let it work not just Strikes but all Melee attacks. Or else, 2. Remove the limit about using it once per battle. Or else, 3. Increast Color Blasts's damage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: 4. Let it last through the whole battle while adding a 3 turn warmup 5. Automatically activates when your opponent skips a turn 6. Works with all skill cores that's related to your primary weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit 2: 7. Forces your opponent to strike on the first turn used. Effect still applies when opponent strikes within the next 2 rounds. ( Ensures it activates at least once)
< Message edited by theholyfighter -- 3/31/2013 1:56:19 >