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4/20/2013 3:16:53   

... the devs have been trying to promote people into using 5 focus.

First, nerf other skills.

Then refuse to nerf focus.

Then release promos that help focus builds.


What do you guys think about this?
Epic  Post #: 1
4/20/2013 3:34:22   

After checking the Builds thread in this section I learned there are strength focus, dex focus, tech focus, and supp focus builds!

And on top of that there's also a perfect luck anarchy.

Can't you see the variety?

AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/20/2013 3:35:16   


First, nerf other skills.

The other builds were proven to be OP so they were nerfed.


Then refuse to nerf focus.

No offense dude but at the same time though the majority of posts complaining about focus have been for the following reason

1 People are sick and tired of fighting focus builds because they want to fight different builds
2 Some people want focus gone

and no offense to you and many others, but most of the ideas I have heard to nerf focus builds were either over the top or just plan dumb (I won't mention any of those here) The only good ones I have heard was to either add extra focus levels while lowering focus damage for the bot and to lower the amount of focus damage per level.


Then release promos that help focus builds.

I think they had this idea ready for some time.

Epic  Post #: 3
4/20/2013 3:40:05   

I don't see the problem in reason number 1.

Do you really find it fun fighting the same build. Over. And over. And over again.

Then come the Azrael promos and the new Botanical robot(again, requires 5 focus to be useful) and the armor(most effective for 5 focus builds).

How someone thinks it's fun fighting the same build for 1 month beats me.
Epic  Post #: 4
4/20/2013 3:45:19   

@ ansh0

Remember the staff nerfs things because they are OP or proven to be OP. However nerfing something just because you want to make people choose different builds and not Overpowered isn't the reason why you nerf something.

Also Ansh0 the Azreal promo OP effect has been somewhat countered when they made it so a block doesn't negate all damage. Meaning that no matter what the strike will always do damage something that I remember you suggesting.
Epic  Post #: 5
4/20/2013 6:50:24   

I don't see why Bots should NOT be released for Focus (and improving with it). Wasn't Focus designed for Bots, to empower them? :| Yes, there was a boost at the time which gave +1/2/3/etc., damage to all your skills but that was taken away.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
4/20/2013 7:45:18   

Sure. Right. While I believe that focus can be a little overpowered because of the way focus syncs with other skills, it doesn't mean that devs are trying to make everyone use focus. Instead of trying to post a post on the focus problem every day, why don't you try to find a build to beat focus?
MQ AQW  Post #: 7
4/20/2013 8:57:31   


Remember the staff nerfs things because they are OP and proven to be OP

The word overpowered is used way too much in this game, not everything nerfed is OP, but simply a strong build.

The staff nerfs it because people whine and complain. Every good, strong, fun build we've ever had has been nerfed into oblivion.

Please stop nerfing everything and throwing around the word overpowered so much.

< Message edited by STRUT MY MUTT -- 4/20/2013 8:58:49 >
Post #: 8
4/20/2013 11:03:15   


How someone thinks it's fun fighting the same build for 1 month beats me.

I've always disliked how this game has been run, but I think it's reached an all-time low with this ubiquitous 5 focus garbage.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/20/2013 11:24:51   

@ strut

So can you honestly say that strength wasn't OP at the beginning of omega? While I can agree that support was a strong build when it has it's 7 days of fame before getting nerfed strength when it was here was too much. We didn't have the defenses to stand up to it since it was nerfed and the only thing protecting us was a crazy block rate (which is luck and everyone hates it).
Epic  Post #: 10
4/20/2013 12:14:36   


So can you honestly say that strength wasn't OP at the beginning of omega?

I thought it was fine. We had awesome strength builds, high tech casters, dex builds, lots of support builds, and focus builds. In other words, Epic Duel had a lot variety.

The PROBLEM was we didn't have enough health points/life. That's all we needed to make things work. Instead of fixing the problem and keeping the game fun, they killed all the variety and awesome builds with nerfs and by adding stat requirements on all the skills. Now we can only make uninteresting mediocre builds and we still have low life points.

Post #: 11
4/20/2013 13:51:12   

Why are you guys so focused on balancing this game? Why not focus on CHANGING this game. It's been the same thing for over three years...
Post #: 12
4/20/2013 14:08:33   
Dual Thrusters

I personally like seeing all the focus builds run around.

What I don't like is that everyone is using the same build for their respective class
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/20/2013 14:10:44   

They shouldn't nerf Focus because most bot's (Like Botanical Hazard) would die and credits (or Varium) would be wasted. Instead they should focus on making more working skill combos (builds) :D
Post #: 14
4/20/2013 14:18:32   
The Incredible Hulk


Yup very true

Same game modes
Same late updates (Which I don't blame, sometimes it good)
Same classes, which i find all boring (Since I have been in every class)
Same missions (That will change soon)

We need new perks for this game ;/

At the moment I do not find bots/primary/secondary/auxiliary interesting since everything is the same ^^.

I'm more interested in more wars, more tourneys, mini games which they hardly created yet.

The only thing that gets me interested is new perks except weapons. Weapons make me bored. Every week weapons are created, It's getting annoying for me now (Some times 2-4 weeks since they want to finish everything and upload the whole storyline to that saga)
The enjoyment of this game has been taken out.

Its turning into a geeky maths class or some what. For the people that want to play this game, I would highly recommend people that love to work in boring conditions (Some people find it fun to work in boring conditions).
Epic  Post #: 15
4/20/2013 14:30:47   

i'm totally agree with u Strut
Post #: 16
4/20/2013 17:24:14   

100% what STRUT MY MUTT say....

Give us back a fun game!
Post #: 17
4/21/2013 8:35:19   

MUTT is right they are killing the with all this freaking NERF
Post #: 18
4/21/2013 8:40:29   


The other builds were proven to be OP so they were nerfed.

Focus BM and focus tlm were the most OPed builds in delta.

why did they nerf str builds then?

str BM or str bh/ch weren't better than focus BM or TLM.


Instead they should focus on making more working skill combos (builds) :D

u mean like this? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21230905

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 4/21/2013 8:42:15 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
4/21/2013 9:24:26   

I just looked at the Balance Forum and there's a ton on thread's of people saying This or That is OP. Then, everyone who is weak to that particular thing chimes in and agrees. Guess what people, everyone is weak to something or another, you can't be strong against everything or you would never die. I bet half those people didn't even try to get creative and change their builds to find a counter. They come straight to ED Forums and complain.

I know half those people^ don't try to fix their build or experiment first. Here's a perfect example straight from the Balance forum. There's two threads that the new Botanical armor is OP. (Oh please, seriously?) Well anyway, the threads were written immediately after the new armor came out. There wasn't a lot of time for them to even go up against many opponents who have it. Much less try to find a way to beat it. I bet they came here after getting beat the first time and complained. But watch, because of all the needless whining, Botanical gear will probably get nerfed.

Here's an idea. When peeps complain of something being OP, instead of nerfing that item or skill, BUFF three different new things in the game.

Post #: 20
4/21/2013 9:33:14   

^and not just that there it goes 50^ wasted

i think they wanted us to 3 damage per turn with different animation i really hate how they complain that everything is soo op

there was a time where some thing one op to the point where it was impossible to win and that was HEALING LOOPING TECH MAGE. now you do 30 damage with a aux and every body comes in the forum saying aux too OP and Support too is RIDICULOUS
Post #: 21
4/21/2013 9:40:18   
xGreen Warriorx

Focus isn't OP. The reason so many focus builds are being used is because so many new bots are being released into the game, and everyone is using focus because they want to try the new bots. Having more builds that don't use high lvls of focus would mean releasing more bots that have specials that work well without focus, like the assault bots.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/21/2013 9:41:36   

if focus wasn't OP, then why is it the only thing i see people using (thats effective) now? (with the exception of caster)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 4/21/2013 11:20:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
4/21/2013 11:09:41   

So everything else was nerfed to make Focus look good, right?
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
4/21/2013 11:13:35   

@ reconnaisx

No everything else was nerfed into the group at higher levels. That is another thing that surprises me. The masses of people that post here only talk about high level balance without thinking about low level balance as well. Cause if you think about it, low levels and even mid level players rarely use focus builds but all the other ones.
Epic  Post #: 25
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