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Remove the new skill point system

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8/1/2013 21:39:34   
Cyber Dream

This could very well fix the build copying, you can't copy someone's build if you don't have the skill points for it. Remove the new skill point system and bring back the old enhancement system. Make it so that they only cost credits. I don't know about yall but i actually enjoyed FIGHTING for my credits to buy enhancement. It was quite fun.

Here is why. Back in delta i was a little noob, I use to encounter alot of people with insane amounts of skill points. I stood no chance. They called me noob and everything else they could think of. They could do that because they had skill points, what was stopping me from getting skill points like they did? NOTHING....You got credits from winning and losing, even if the enhancements did cost a little to much it didnt matter to me because you shouldn't give up. Once i got the skill points I ran into EVERYONE who called me a noob and beat them. This was the only thing forcing me to come play epicduel everyday.

I may be wrong but this is what everyone misses....STOP MAKING THINGS EASY FOR US AND MAKE US WORK FOR IT! Once i found out that the enhancements were being removed i was kinda happy but in the long run it didnt feel the same.

The old enhancement system was the heart of this game in delta, whoever said that this game was p2w was just lazy. You had 2 ways of getting skill points. Varium and Credits. NOW this game is p2w. New op cores are released for varium only and free users cant get it untill next year.....you cant tell me that isnt p2w. Here is the main reason why this core thing should stay away from promos. 1. They will be up and outdated by the time they are available to free users the next year 2. P2W

Main point of this post: Bring back the old enhancement system because it brought skill, enjoyment, and it made battles longer. But it could use a little improvements.
Bring down the prices a little
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/1/2013 21:42:18   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Enhancements were just a form of power creep and probably would have led to much higher stats. And non varium players had the worst time getting stats from enhancements. Very few people had the time to farm for varium non-varium gear AND the enhancements on them.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/1/2013 22:55:32   

Not supported.

If this were to happen non variums would become punching bags to varium players once again since Varium player would be able to get these much faster then non variums.
Epic  Post #: 3
8/1/2013 23:10:14   
Dual Thrusters

I actually want to play the game legitimately. Not like how you lost a million times to scrap enough credits for enhancements.

That shouldn't be the case! You should always be playing epic fights to the fullest, not being like a botter. And very few people would actually accomplish what you did! Don't you want to fight able-body opponents?

But I do have to congratulate you for your dedication for earning credits.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/1/2013 23:10:14   

But mother1, Cyber Dream said that it will be only available for credits.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
8/1/2013 23:23:44   
Dual Thrusters


Then newer players will be even more trashed after a couple of months. Because in those months, the higher level players would have collected enough credits to fully enhance themselves, crushing any newbie in their way.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
8/2/2013 0:18:19   
Cyber Dream

Thats the point.....We should encourage "punching bags". The "punching bags" can't encourage themselves to get better and buy enhancements. Every single person should start from the bottom and work their way up, not having everything giving to them at the start. There is always an alternative to getting creds....you can npc, that could be the easy way in this situation. But if you really wanna feel good about yourself once you get to 35 then do things the hard way, you can't win every battle. Who cares about a w/l ratio? In my opinion, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE A W/L RATIO UNTILL YOU GET TO A CERTAIN LEVEL TO WHERE YOU UNDERSTAND THE GAME AND YOU ARE DEVELOPED. This plan could also bring skill back into the game.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
8/2/2013 0:27:55   
Dual Thrusters

@Cyber Dream

That won't encourage players to play. They'll get bored out of their mind and quit, or make an alt.

Some might even make builds that are designed to lose very fast. Plus, fighting a hundred noobs on a daily basis is not fun for those who are already enhanced.

This is a game, not an anger management program.

MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
8/2/2013 0:38:14   
Cyber Dream

Dual how do you know they will get bored out of their mind? How do you know that some of them won't be like me and get encouraged to be better? Hey if some make a build to lose very fast then that could be a strategy to farming creds, at least it bring strategy to the game? One more thing, how do you know that 1 player will fight a large amount of plaeyrs who are completly lost about how to play the game? One person can't speak for everyone
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/2/2013 0:59:16   
Dual Thrusters

That is really broken

No point in arguing anyway, as this will never be put in-game.

But I can support having an item that is REALLY hard to get. Like maybe some fancy guns with cores, or whatever.

< Message edited by Dual Thrusters -- 8/2/2013 1:08:09 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
8/2/2013 7:42:17   


Thats the point.....We should encourage "punching bags". The "punching bags" can't encourage themselves to get better and buy enhancements.

This is the exact reason why game went from P2P to F2P, so there won't be any punching bags. Also telling them the whole system is just bad isn't really gonna convince them to remove it completely because one player wants the advantage back, even if available for Credits.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
8/2/2013 9:29:34   


This is a game, not an anger management program.

Yep. Some people like to play for fun :D
Epic  Post #: 12
8/2/2013 11:00:59   

It's not our problem people cannot defeat their own builds within.
Epic  Post #: 13
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