Harvester Of Souls
Supported, as this is something Epicduel needs, something that will make the game INTERESTING and FRESH again. I see no point in complaining of balance when it's close to impossible to make every aspect of the game ''Balanced''. Compare balance in Epicduel to a chair balanced on only 2 out of it's 4 legs, that's pretty hard huh? Yea, kinda like how hard it is to balance Epicduel, a slight change of wind or shake will make the chair flip over. This game needs classes more than it needs balance, if the devs were to figure out how to balance the game, I'd be impressed. However, if they somehow manage to balance the current classes, they would have to do so again after adding 3 more classes. Balancing the game AFTER dropping these or any other classes into the game, would save alot of time and effort. As they wouldn't have to do the impossible all over again