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new classes

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7/31/2013 0:00:00   
ED Divine Darkness

decisive mage
during the dread war, baleus started experimenting on citizens with radioactive varium found in the infernal mines. he found astonishing results. he noticed that the mages now had a balance between magic and using a wide rage of tactical abilities such as poison rod which poisons the target for 3 turns.

fury hunter
over time, in the dread war, the hunter realised they had to evolve. to make them stronger. to fight for the exile. they started to become more violent and blood crazed. they lost tactical thinking but became stronger, with rougher abilities like claw slash which does enhanced damage with a 20% extra chance for a crit!

mechanised mercenary
members of the legion and guards realized they were being outperformed. that they had to evolve. to become stronger. they enhanced themselves with electrical weaponry and experimented on themselves with varium fused elictrical generators. the mercs were changed. they now had amazing energy abilities like static shock, whick has 20% to crit and does energy damage improving with str.

< Message edited by ED Divine Darkness -- 8/3/2013 19:22:58 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/31/2013 0:05:50   

Somewhat supported.
I don't support because: We have enough classes and all of them are good as they are now.
I support this because: It will give players a chance to have fun again and think of new things and try out a class with new skills and different things.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/31/2013 1:06:39   
ED Divine Darkness

but ed needs some new classes.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
7/31/2013 1:27:36   

Not supported.

The classes we have now aren't even balanced. In fact the last three classes threw the game out of balance even more since they didn't have their own moves. Add more classes will only make this worse.
Epic  Post #: 4
7/31/2013 1:28:04   

ED needs allot of stuff truth be told. Yes I agree we need more classes but I think focusing on balance comes first and with the passives turning to actives I think that should make the classes we have now a bit (just a bit) new.

EDIT: Mother1 beat me to it. (The whole balance thing)

< Message edited by SKRALL213 -- 7/31/2013 1:29:01 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
7/31/2013 1:35:47   
Dual Thrusters

Although new classes sound really nice, we still need to fix the ones we have. So this can be set aside for now.

And also, I think Decisive Mage, Fury Hunter, and Mechanized Mercenary sound more original :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
7/31/2013 1:38:46   
ED Divine Darkness

nice imagiation :P. its funny how it sounds cooler but means pretty much the same.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/31/2013 9:52:38   

Would be cool, but


The classes we have now aren't even balanced.

pretty much sums it up :(
Epic  Post #: 8
7/31/2013 12:28:02   

I'd wait until after the classes are independent and balanced before doing this.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
7/31/2013 13:24:02   
Harvester Of Souls

Supported, as this is something Epicduel needs, something that will make the game INTERESTING and FRESH again. I see no point in complaining of balance when it's close to impossible to make every aspect of the game ''Balanced''.

Compare balance in Epicduel to a chair balanced on only 2 out of it's 4 legs, that's pretty hard huh? Yea, kinda like how hard it is to balance Epicduel, a slight change of wind or shake will make the chair flip over. This game needs classes more than it needs balance, if the devs were to figure out how to balance the game, I'd be impressed.

However, if they somehow manage to balance the current classes, they would have to do so again after adding 3 more classes. Balancing the game AFTER dropping these or any other classes into the game, would save alot of time and effort. As they wouldn't have to do the impossible all over again

Post #: 10
7/31/2013 13:32:03   
Dual Thrusters


We wouldn't need to rebalance after our current classes are balanced. Then we would only have to focus on balancing 3 more classes.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
7/31/2013 13:45:16   

NW has already said no to more classes until the existing ones are balanced at a level that's decent enough to release more classes. Furthermore, classes are big projects so it wouldn't be anytime soon. Lastly, nice one on just making another mixes of existing classes - I doubt this would be done because classes already share skills as it is.
AQ Epic  Post #: 12
7/31/2013 14:04:11   

To also add.
Six classes are enough. The three ones we have now share the same skills with the basic classes except the fact for a couple of different skills. To make three more classes it would take time. The classes we have now are mixed up basic ones. Making three more classes wouldn't make any difference at all. If the devs would make three new classes they would be the exact same as the ones we have now making them pointless. Unless the devs come up three whole new skill trees which is very unlikely. This IS a future time based game (Or something cant remember the correct name for it). Not much classes to think of adding.

As I have said it would be nice but balance comes first. Most likely ED wont get any new classes for a long time depending on what the devs need to do. If anything new classes are at the bottom of the list.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
7/31/2013 23:05:38   
ED Divine Darkness

look at my first post. unique possible classes.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
8/1/2013 11:29:10   

supported but only after the balance to current classes is fixed (you know there is something wrong if 90% of 1vs1ers are BM)
AQW  Post #: 15
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