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Blood Mages

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7/31/2013 16:18:06   

So I've just begun playing Epicduel again and it's been quite some time, and I noticed something. I'm a level 34 Bounty hunter and I mostly do 1v1 and can't help but notice a lot of people are blood mages now and I think blood mages should be de-buffed in some way. I've tried AT LEAST 30 builds to try and beat the common blood mage build and I can't, even if I get 2 or 3 blocks a game. It's ridiculous. I'm sure other people are pretty annoyed at this unless they're blood mages of course, and I'm just wondering if there is anything that can be done about this.
Post #: 1
7/31/2013 16:22:54   

What kind of builds did you try?
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 2
7/31/2013 16:23:42   

Honestly I've tried pretty much everything there is. High dex, tech, low health. High strength, whatever, you name it. NONE of them can seem to beat a level 35 blood mage.
Post #: 3
7/31/2013 16:25:07   


I'm sure other people are pretty annoyed at this unless they're blood mages of course

Bias doesn't help.

Also, if blocks are the problem then raise your Dex and/or invest in Cores that do affect blocks. Problem could be your build - only because you cannot beat them, it doesn't mean they are automatically overpowered.
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
7/31/2013 16:25:48   

ok two things

Since I am taking it you are new to the forums I will explain something. When you get to the fighter levels build creativity by the masses doesn't matter as long as they get wins. So they will use the same class the same builds that everyone else uses especially in 1 vs 1 as long as it give them wins.

As for your suggestion of nerfing the class not supported. Every class has strength's and weaknesses and it can be very well that this class and/or build is the build that counters yours. We can't just go nerfing every build that beats yours because then that would make your build overpowered and then it would need a nerf.
Epic  Post #: 5
7/31/2013 16:50:55   

I suppose it's time to be a blood mage then
Post #: 6
7/31/2013 16:52:14   
Dual Thrusters

Trust me, that will be short lived. Rebalance is coming soon
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/31/2013 17:38:44   

Have you tried a focus build? Or a str build? What class are you? I seem to do fine with them as long as they dont block or get a lucky crit or something.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 8
7/31/2013 18:23:29   

Rebalance? Can you elaborate? And believe me when I say I've tried everything.
Post #: 9
7/31/2013 18:28:38   
Dual Thrusters

Well after the war, passive skills will turn into active skills.

So Bloodmages' Bloodlust and Deadly aim will be affected. And the might get a new Ultimate skill.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
7/31/2013 19:32:49   

That`s interesting, thanks for the information. Appreciate it.
Post #: 11
7/31/2013 23:58:40   

Well my build is a str and it domintes hunters lol and racks quick wins. If i manage to go first then ive got a better chance to win but heres my build as a BH

The stun helps for stalling and that extra damage or when i need rage i just use that and hope for the best. This build works for me unless luck gets in my way and its pretty much death to them
Oh i forgot but my stats are
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 12
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