Legendary AdventureGuide!
Though it is a nice idea, vehicles are in-game as a nice, out of battle, aesthetic item. This partly is to limit the amount of things impacting on battles on top of stats, that can become extremely confusing. The other thing is that there needs to be a few items out there that are just nice for travelling and out of battle. You do not use the hoverbikes in battle, so why should they give an advantage? Just because they allow you to arrive at the battle first or something? In that sense you could argue that Bounty Hunters would usually sneak up on their foes and therefore go first, since they'd likely get the first blow - or that Techmages may be able to sense their enemy, so they should go first, since they know their enemy is there first. There are loads of things that can be said for most the classes, but it is thinking to far into things! Bikes are not currently in battles, so therefore they do not effect them, and it would add yet another item that people would feel they need to purchase to keep up with the pace of the game. That all being said, that is simply listing the reasons it would not go into the game. Since it is a non-varium and varium item, it means there would be no issue with the boost being added in that sense, so it is something that could be considered still. It's just whether we feel it is best whether or not to limit the number of impacts on battle instead of adding bonuses to absolutely everything!