-rank 10: they always go on strenght, making these builds overpowered -ranks 20 and 30: best place for these are defences, strenght builds are still overpowered .-rank 40: they go on gun, strenght builds are stll overpowered. -rank 50: they go on bot (or aux if your bot isnt useful for strenght builds), strenght builds are still stronger. -rank 60:they go on the aux and here 5 focus build becomes again the strongest option. before level 40 and after rank 60 strenght isn t the strongest build anymore, the real balance problem is between these ranks.Ranks on strenght must be devalued, but once this happens we ll all realize how op a rank 98 can be.... Also, even if I quitted for awhile, it looks like rage now is slower (atleast on str builds), but I can t be sure of this, there s noway to find out numbers.....