Uh... I was comparing Black Abyss with Katherax, the damage difference and ability. Please don't put words in my mouth, since I haven't mentioned any power creep vs. older Bots. quote:
If older Bots need to be buffed, suggest so and be reasonable with it. This section exists for a reason. I've seen very little threads even bringing up older Bots having less damage than the newer ones. Was mentioned around the Forums in general, but never as a balance issue. As long as you can justify why older Bots need a buff, to match the likes of recent +170 damage and so, feel free to create your own thread explaining it in more detail (since this one is about standardization). Things aren't always changed "just because", but perhaps because it was never an issue - in this case, Bot damage - so why change something that was okay in the first place? You mention it's not okay, and I can see why, so why not go ahead and suggest it? By suggesting it, you will also be "enforcing" a form of standardization, whilst keeping the Bot variety in terms of damage vs. ability, just like it is now - which there isn't an issue with. You also mentioned older vs. newer Bots - perhaps the "standards" for Bot damage went up and older Bots ended up omitted due to the lack of need to change them - since no one ever brought it up as an issue either. **then again, I'm fine with IA being considerably weaker due to its special ability -- unless it was capped at 120%, then base damage could go up**