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epic duel wish list

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5/17/2015 20:24:35   

if you can have anything done in epic duel what would it be? mine is to bring back the passives.
Post #: 1
5/25/2015 3:43:07   

Bringing back the passives would be great (though I believe they've said this is never going to happen). I would want them to bring back stats and/or requirements for items. The no requirement, choose your stats model isn't an upgrade at all in my opinion.
Epic  Post #: 2
5/25/2015 4:08:23   

bring back passives, i don't know why they don't just bring them back. they think they're advancing but they're ruining the game. when they removed passives they removed skill
Epic  Post #: 3
5/25/2015 8:32:31   
The berserker killer


Passives or flags
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 4
5/25/2015 12:05:32   
.Lord Ginger.

Make levels go down, level 40 is only a waste of skill tree points. +Passives
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/25/2015 12:10:03   

For epic duel to go into a new phase that consists of the game getting a massive Jenny Jones make over.

Another 'Accidental' release of a rare but this time instead of the eggzooka it is in reality the gamma bot.
Epic  Post #: 6
5/25/2015 12:21:54   

Mother I hope that happens and all the people who bought that gamma bot for 50k or whatever the price they add, get the item changed into a Yeti Pelt after some days.

And I think that they said that if it happens again they will remove the item or something, they didnt wanted to do it with the eggzooka but I still think that the Fake Eggzooka should be removed.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/25/2015 12:41:29   

@ Rayman

The tread is called ED wish list, and to be honest ever since I saw the Gamma bot I always wanted one but sadly I am a mere delta baby and the bot was made in gamma. But still if that happened I can see all the angry masses screaming foul due to them spending (insert X amount here) for it to be changed into a yeti pelt that only sell for 43 credits.

I also believe that was why they didn't remove all the eggzooka's people brought that day as well because it was their mistake and doing so would punish players for a mistake that wasn't theirs.
Epic  Post #: 8
5/25/2015 18:39:09   
  Exploding Penguin

1. bring back passives
2. bring back old item system where there were stat requirements and unique stat enhancements per weapon
3. bring back flags, or at least introduce something to keep factions competing with each other more relevant

Basically, bring back a bunch of stuff. Cores are cool and all, and I don't necessarily want anything removed, but if a lot of the old features of the game were mixed in with the newer ones it would really make the game better.
Epic  Post #: 9
5/25/2015 20:49:46   
Cyber Dream


Flags are coming back, it was brought up it one of my recent post that got deleted due to people going off topic
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
5/26/2015 7:46:14   
King Bling

Hey guys is pyro not going to be in game? I heard a couple of times that I will be coming in game soon so ya is it true or just another rumor.
Post #: 11
5/26/2015 10:48:29   
One Winged Angel1357

pyro is slated to come back in mid-June
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
5/26/2015 11:56:45   
Dreiko Shadrack

the removal of stat dump builds from the viable build pool.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/26/2015 12:15:02   

No one has confirmed that Flags are coming back, so don't assume they are - nothing is set in stone, and they may never be back. Unless we officially confirm they are coming back, don't listen to the rumours.
AQ Epic  Post #: 14
5/26/2015 20:24:31   


are there any confirmed changes of relevance that you can share with us that will be coming any time soon? ;p
Epic  Post #: 15
5/26/2015 20:31:06   
Lord Machaar

Wish more cores are/will be made, sadly they will never be made, as devs are already building another game, plus the fact that cores are hard to make, and sometimes this makes me wonder, why cores? If they are so hard to be made, and this will result in balance/variety problems as frankly there are some weapons there with special cores that coreless weapons can't compete with. Was there another option beside cores? If yes, why choosing the hard path?
MQ Epic  Post #: 16
5/26/2015 22:40:34   
.Lord Ginger.

@ Dreiko Shadrack: Lowering levels would do that. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I wish we go back to level 35
or something without all this energy regen stuff.
Because honestly, It takes no skill to...
1: Battery Backup
2: Get EMP'd
3: Assimilate
4. Robot(both)
5: Aux(both)
6. Sidearm(both)
7. Repeat
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
5/27/2015 7:28:01   
Dreiko Shadrack

How exactly would lowering the cap fix stat dump builds? They work at pretty much all levels already, lowering the level cap would achieve nothing on that front.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
5/27/2015 8:20:33   

Bring back boosters!!!
Post #: 19
5/27/2015 8:44:24   

/\ i hope that health and mana boosts never back to epic duel


to know the wish list of the players is not only looks they threads in suggest section?
Post #: 20
5/27/2015 23:44:55   
.Lord Ginger.

@Dreiko Less points to put in the tree(Less to DUMP) or add a new row of good skills
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
5/28/2015 7:50:30   
Rogue Ninja

If influence can be gained like the way it was would be fine for me.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
5/28/2015 8:10:09   

I need to think of some stuff, but I do have one thing in mind. Penalizing players who act like jerks in combat. E.g. Calling people noobs, saying "u suk" but not necessarily in that way; it can be any variation of saying someone sucks, whether you have ally chat on or not in 2v2/1 saying "attack/kill/go for (level of player/player class/player name)," cursing (whether that person is losing or is being trolled by someone else), etc. Penalties such as an incurable poison DoT for about two turns or so, a loss of stats for a turn or more, decreased Defense/Resistance for a few, a random stun, a cool down added to one of your skills (active or not), a buff to your opponent, the possibility of a 1% (or lower) chance of being instantly killed by the game no matter how far you're into the battle or how much health someone has, the chance a person or both teammates in 2v2 getting insta-killed by the game regardless of whether your teammate didn't say anything rude or not, etc. This will cut down on some of the smack talk and make eight-year-olds shut up and get them to stop acting like they're so perfect, they can't be beat or think they're God or something.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
5/28/2015 8:13:04   
Dreiko Shadrack

@ginger, I know what the cap would do, it just wouldn't fix anything because you're reducing the points for EVERYONE, not just the stat dumpers so we'd end up exactly in the same position. :|
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
5/28/2015 11:42:08   
I Underlord I

From a perspective of balance? Passive skills, albeit through an overhauled system that necessitates some measure of skill and calculation. :}

In terms of features, I would love to see improvements in general, from factions to NPCs to classes -- including making each class unique in terms of skills, though this could and should also be considered a matter of balance.


"Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memories can never fade."
~ Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

AQ  Post #: 25
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