Now the game is based on energy, if you dont have energy you are dead. That's 1 of the reasons why mercenary and blood mage are weaks. This time i will talk about energy parasite, this skill is the one that let bm gain energy depending from the opponent energy, but it should be improve. These are the problems with this skill: - If the opponent has max energy (630) the energy taken will be 189 and you will just get 124 (obiously with max EP), most of times you dont have the luck of using EP when the opponent has max energy, so during a fight you don't steal quite energy if the opponent doesnt have max. - Tech Mage can get 300 energy from battery backup, and take 150 from assimilation (this can be improved with strenght). Bounty Hunter takes like 300 energy and gain 195 (65%). Tlm got Battery, Frenzy and Atom Smasher (takes 80%). Cyber hunter static charge and emp. Summarizing Blood Mage take and get less energy compared with the other classes. - Fighting a Bh you can't take energy if he hasn't used static grenade because they can just wait until the 2 turns has passed to take all your energy. - To take the opponent energy: EP works in 2 turns, if you have to take energy because the opponent has an strong skill on next turn, you cant do something unless he has just the enough energy for the skill. - You can't get energy if the opponent has no energy. -If you are Bh and both dont have energy the opponent wont battery (tlm or tm) or use static charge, because you can take all his energy, without doing something you dont let them energy up. If this situation hapens with a bm the other will get energy and even if you use EP they will keep having energy enough too use a good skill. These are the different improvement that I was thinking about: 1) Making the opponent not allowed to take energy on the first turn of EP. 2) Making a minimun of energy gain (between 100-150) 3) Making the percent of energy taken (betwee 25% and 30%) 4) Making the EP to work just for 1 turn and take a higher percent of energy between 30% and 50% at max, sounds a lot but would be between 180 and 300 (600 energy). *suggestions 1, 2 and 3 can be used together*