Lord Machaar
The war system is what currently keeps a lot of folks sticking around, I'm not directly talking about leaderboards (less important), but also the war system. Simply for the classes to be fixed, everyone will have to wait for the devs to do something, and that will pretty much take some months time. If you don't make sure legit players stick around for an ED review, then devs will find 0 reasons to fix the game in the first place. Realistically speaking, devs can easily fix the alting/botting problems compared to other complex balance problems. Meaning that if devs decide to spend few days in order to fix such problem, they will help maintain a legit playerbase for the upcoming months. A major balance revamp for ED will probably consume months, most players don't have patience, and with the game currently being broken, that will just give them another reason to leave the game.
< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/20/2016 0:26:18 >