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The best way to kite with Mage, is to take advantage of the jump momentum, this allows you to not slow down, while still being able to attack, or use the instant activation abilities (anything that isn't fireball). You can more or less not get hit, if the enemy is not ranged, or isn't too fast, especially if they can be slowed down by the Lightning ability. You need to do long jumps for this to work (running, then jumping), while mid-air, if you let go of all movement keys for the shortest amount of time, you can attack and still keep the momentum of your jump (for maximum effect, you should aim at jumping right as your feet hit the ground and let go of movement keys when you know your auto attack is ready). One thing to remember is that some enemies have a max range they will go to, so it's best to try and make the biggest circle around your enemy as possible, to stay out of range while not accidentally reset them, this range is for mostly any enemy, very big, but it's there, nonteless. If done right, you can attack at a normal pace and have the same momentum as you normally would if you weren't attacking. Be aware of your surroundings though, it doesn't work too well in cramped areas, as you may accidentally jump into range of other, unwanted enemies, or fall off edges. This is probably way harder, if not impossible on mobile, I don't have any reference of how it is to play on mobile.
< Message edited by Metakirby -- 6/8/2017 6:41:24 >