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4/20/2019 16:04:21   
.Lord Ginger.

If y'all ever expect us to use this core in an actual pvp match, this needs to be buffed to like 95% damage or higher lol
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/20/2019 20:48:42   

Even if the spreadfire guns were given 100% damage against 2 opponents I still don't think people would use them and here is why. Dex in general thanks to the nerfs that were given to said stat to stop bots in Jug has made it so most don't even use it outside of jug let alone 2 vs 2. It also doesn't help that far too often (at least in my experience) that high HP strength builds who have at times base dex can connect and at some time even block players who have far superior dex (sometimes even 100+ more dex).

So to be honest while I do agree these weapons do need a buff the stat they work with also needs a decent buff otherwise you still won't see people using said core outside of juggernaut.
Epic  Post #: 2
4/21/2019 13:48:14   

Dex overall does seem weak right now. Multi-aux gets used and it seems alright for support builds, so I imagine if dex were good spreadfire would be ok.

How did they nerf dex for jugg botting? Did they just reduce the scaling?
Post #: 3
4/21/2019 16:32:11   

He nerfed Jugg by drastically buffing the NPCs and changing the multis to scale with Support. Dex as a stat was never nerfed until the last balance change where he added to 100 point diminishing return for Defense scaling.

In order to buff Dex, there need to be a lot more skills that scale with Dex, and not just random ones that won't synergize. Pure tech builds and Focus builds work because every class has at least one extremely powerful and/or fundamentally useful skill that scales with Tech. Even before he changed the multis to Support, there weren't many Dex skills, and now there are even less. Mercenary and Cyber Hunter don't have a single skill that scales with Dex, which is really sad since hunters' whole gimmick is Dex. It would interesting if they added Dex scaling to skills like Venom Strike, Assimilation, or Blood Mage Supercharge. Skills that currently don't scale with anything, like a at least one of the strength skills on the Mercenary skill tree (Double Strike, Maul, Berzerker) and Massacre could have Dex added to them, too, which would also encourage tankier Strength builds like in the old days. Some skills that currently scale with Support could also be changed, like Field Commander or Mercenary Intimidate. Obviously, Dex could also use a gun scaling or Defense scaling buff and/or another secondary effect added to it like Agility or defense reduction that would make it fundamentally much more powerful stat. Not everything here should be implemented, of course, since that would probably make the stat overpowered, but these are just some ideas.

Deadly Aim coming back helped, I guess, for opening up the door for mage Dex builds, but it doesn't even actually scale off the Dex portion of the gun damage.

As for AoEs, I think the percent should reflect how powerful the attack actually is. Multi skills, so it makes sense that they would do 85% (actually, that's arguable since they used to do 90% not too long ago), but robot, aux, and especially gun are relatively weak in comparison. Botanical Borg has 10% defense ignore, so that makes up for it, but Spreadfire for gun and aux ought to be buffed to 90%.
Epic  Post #: 4
4/21/2019 20:50:43   

Tech as a stat is just too good for everything. Bunker buster, plasma cannon, surgical strike, even plasma bolt all synergise very well with focus builds - mainly because they all have guaranteed effects. Every class has an extremely good tech build, but I've only seen 1 decent dex BH since passives returned. Venom strike as a dex move sounds really interesting - maybe other wristblade skills as well? Sidearm spreadfire isn't the problem, classes without deadly aim and no incentive to use dex are.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
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