no, if you were caught with your pants down near the end of a battle, then that's your fault. The bot encourages a different strategy rather than having a simple effect, and it's one of the most creative ones in the game right now. To play around it you need to not use your energy or cores. Thats just suicide. Instead of looking at it as a punisher for people who use their cores and energy, I think it should be looked at as a late-game bot that helps builds that plan on dragging the game out. You use it once your opponent has used all their energy and most of their cores, which will be the last few turns of a game. Im ok with it being a late-game robot, but its just too good at that as is. Look at Infernal Android, another late game bot. In the late-game, Infernal Android gives a bonus 15% damage attack. Pastel Paint, on the other hand, will do some damage + 2-3 turns of stunning in the lategame. Thats just way too strong.