Primal Light Dragon
I know the war is on, and I'm enjoying the twist, but I'm freaking out a bit over the proclamation medals. I have 30. This SEEMS like a general benchmark, but given the sheer time granted, as well as the ease of farming... I'm now panicking over whether I have enough. This isn't new, but now there's a war on, and I don't want to waste time I could be contributing to WPM working on Proclamation-farming. So I'm sucking up my embarrassment and asking: How many medals did you guys farm before you stopped? Do you feel medal anxiety? (On a completely separate note, does anyone sort of feel wistful regarding farming? It's a staple of fighter-vs-enemies games, but I used to like the gold farming at Hunter's Paradise [the pelts] and Bandit Bounties [Vaz Striker or otherwise], and they aren't viable anymore for paying for 5-potions-for-inn-challenges... and the new Bandit quest isn't just long, the interesting bandits feel unbeatable instead of badass. I feel less like a hero playing bounty hunter to prepare for the apocalypse and more like a punching bag finally stumbling through all the mooks WITH FULL HEALTH, MANA, AND POTIONS YOU STUPID BANDITS... only to be taken out in a few hits by an unstunnable, unavoidable Bandit God, or find out I've wasted my time and preserved my stats for a BANDIT ROOKIE AGAIN. And Experience farming... I haven't done that in years, because I don't want to invalidate my hard-won maxed-out potions. It seems like the story works with us wiping out armies in wars, but other than that, we're like Ash and his pikachu: Kill the legendary! OH NO A MAGIKARP HOW SHALL WE EVER WIN! Which is weird, because barring Seppy and other weird bosses DF is pretty consistent on the hero being a badass in combat. I'm not sure if everyone feels this way, but farming outside of random gear seems different from everything else, now)
Ego sum egredietur tempestas, manifestum chaos, et ascendit hominum.