Bloodzerker/Bloodmage Blades will almost always be the top options for their elements. The exceptions are Zealot's Wrath and Agony's Embrace, which have the same flavor effect and are pretty much equal to the Blood Blades; Blade of the Thornful Rose, Zabura's Hammer, and Terror Eater, which serve the same function of compressing a skill in a weapon for Evolved Subrace/Bloodzerker boosting; and Maw of Chaos and Mighty Blade of Frostval Past, which can boost all sources of damage from their respective elements. Ultra Elemental Axe is a compression weapon, so it will always be inferior to your average MC'd weapon of either element it compresses. For ice, Horo-Show Void Vanquisher, while mildly underleveled, provides great utility through harm compression. Giant Killer, while good, isn't as versatile and does less damage than the equivalent Terra Bloodzerker Blade. Neo Airenal's Cunning has a decent MC, and there's a dearth of great wind weapons, so there's nothing that can be considered strictly better. Kaze Shamrock Sensu, when it comes back, is better for Luk builds, however. Regal Dragonblade is essentially a Bloodblade with its MC spent on cost reduction rather than damage. It's the best pure damage option until an energy Blood Blade comes out. Thundersplitter does provide great utility through a toggle for auto hitting. Corrupted Tera-Suul's Drive is just like Giant Killer, so it is outclassed by Agony's Wrath and Terror Eater. Terror Eater, in particular, allows for some of the strongest nukes in the game.