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Can someone explain how minotaur's pride's damage boost is calculated?

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10/13/2020 22:18:43   

The only thing I could find is this: https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22370344
Legendary Ash posted an explanation but could someone walk me through where he got each number (explain it like i'm 5 lol). Also would it be different now that stats are capped at 250?
Post #: 1
10/14/2020 0:53:31   
Legendary Ash

200 of Str, Int or Cha Stat points = 38.5% melee damage and 200 Luk = 11.5% melee to character, to include pet multiply by 1.4.
These proportions doesn't change as the cap increases since it can scale to any number.

The standard enemy at Lv 150 has 275 Mainstat 250 Dex 225 Luk 54 Melee/Ranged/Magic blocking, Dex and Luk contribute 36.875 Blocking, total of 90.875 Blocking.
35 Str grants +2.625 BtH from BtH formula's Stat*3/40 and +6.7375% melee.
The standard player at Lv 150 has 250 Mainstat/Dex/Luk, which produce 43.75 BtH, Weapon + Armor contribute 38 BtH, total of 84.375 BtH.

Assume player deals 100% melee, 50% from weapon Base+Random, 38.5% from 200 Mainstat, 11.5% from 200 Luk, you can multiply Mainstat/Luk by 1.25 to meet the 250 cap.
(112.5+6.7375 % melee)*(1-(.90875-.84375))*(95/85) = 124.6031875% melee.
AQ  Post #: 2
10/15/2020 20:30:17   

Thanks for the response! But I still got questions. Where did that 112.5 come from? also how do you know 200 str = 38.5? and luck = 12.5? and pet = 1.4?
Post #: 3
10/16/2020 0:48:51   
Legendary Ash

((250statcap/200)*(38.5 Mainstat+11.5 Luk))+50 = 112.5.
When one calculates damage output by multiplying a Weapon's Base and Random by Armor Base% Random% and having Stat be divided by its formulas that is then multiplied by an Armor's Stat%, the proportion of damage from Mainstat divided by total damage is 38.5%, the same case is for Luk divided by total damage is 11.5% when Stat is at 200.
Pets and Guests share the same damage composition percentages, but its at 40% and 60% of a character's output, so multiply by *1.4 and *1.6 respectively.

At early levels when characters cannot invest fully into three stats, each stat point contributes far greater value in damage composition, its at mid levels when the game expects you to have a spread of three stats that its closer to the ratio of (38.5 or 11.5)/200.
AQ  Post #: 4
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