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Beast Mage/Ranger Build

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1/18/2021 13:35:35   

Character Link : Located in my profile
Level & Status : 150, Guardian
Build : Battle Ranger (may switch to Beast Mage)
Attributes: STR: 250; DEX: 250; INT: 0; END: 0; CHA: 250; LCK: 0
Armor of Awe/UltraGuardian Element (If Applicable): Neutral AoA
Alignment (Good/Evil or Chaos/Unity) : Good/Unity
Notes : I've been debating going to a Beast Mage build. I'm not sure what would be the most effective. Using SP guests and weapon spells seems like the best in theory? But I'm pretty flexible. I also have a Mage character with many magic weapons/spells/summons. I can't link the character but I can switch my profile's link if necessary. (edit): Between Tome, Magic-100 proc, and range-100 proc. Which would be the most efficient?
Goals : Most effective Beast Build
Z-Tokens (If Applicable): Not interested

< Message edited by AQDeathKnight -- 1/18/2021 19:55:49 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
1/19/2021 3:22:04   
Primate Murder

Beastmage build would give you the most utility (since most tomes also have effect spells build into them), but it still has some gaps in its elemental coverage.

Beastranger is somewhat easier to play due to a more encompassing array of good gear, but ends up weaker when faced with high-damage monsters.

I'm willing to give a full rating for whichever build you choose.
AQ DF  Post #: 2
1/19/2021 11:23:49   

So Beast Mage is the way to go? Okay, in that case could you recommend that build? I'm assuming SP guests would be the most efficient since I could use my mana for dps (spells)? Though if some MP guests are simply too good to pass up I could be convinced for 1-2 slots.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
1/20/2021 4:35:10   
Primate Murder

It seems, you're already mostly updated. I can find only a few things to comment on:


You'll want an ice weapon of some sort. I suggest Spacefarer's Cannon. It won't do a whole lot of damage, but Freeze infliction synergizes very nicely with Frost Effigy pet, Frostgale's Remorse misc and D Burst.


You'll want to switch to Insightful Armor of Awe for a qc mana shield (that stays even if you switch armors).


Your current compression leaves you without a darkness shield. I would suggest switching to Darkovian Bulwark or Wartorn Heirloom if you're unwilling to spend a Rare GGB on a shield. You can use Umazen Aspis as your energy shield for synergy with Fruitcake Zards.

It's also worth noting that the Lorian Shield is fairly lackluster and actually underpowered by modern standards. I tend to recommend Scarab Shell, as its toggle lowers the monster MRM, increasing the accuracy of your entire side, including pets, guests and spells.


Paladin armor gives you Manifestation guest that deals 2x damage for 2x upkeep, which means you do not need to waste a slot on Mogsterio. In its place, you can use Twilly until you get Sugar Gobbler next Mogloween.


Underwyrmling is the only pet in the game that can harm monster sp, giving it unmatched utility.

Frost Effigy's Freeze infliction has great synergy with D Burst and Frostgale's Remorse misc, and Freeze potence gives a nice boost to Spacefarer's Cannon.

For energy, I would suggest replacing the Ravens with PikaZard, and later by Mutant Egg on Grenwog. Their paralysis stacks with Mogdin's and has great synergy with Frostgale's Remorse misc.

Model 294 toggles to inflict EleVuln, which has great synergy with both Grimlord and D Burst.


Essence Orb remains essential to any build, of course, and Mana Trap is very useful against spellcasters, but I'd like to suggest alternatives to your other miscs:

Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field. This includes your pet and guest and doesn't have the usual /2 for spells.

Grakma Warhorn serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it can call a Grakma guest, which toggles to inflict a fire EleVuln - great synergy with D-Burst. Secondly, it can inflict you with Berserk - a multiplicative damage boost that doesn't /2 for spells (making it the strongest spell booster), though it comes at the expense of accuracy.

Frostgale's Remorse toggles between giving +20 bonus to inflicting Freeze and Paralysis, plus gives bonuses to Dex and ice/wind damage.

Rejuvenating Necklace can help you scrounge up some extra mp w/o wasting a turn on Draw Mana.

Clever Disguise is a beastmaster misc that sacrifices your turn and some sp to give guaranteed celerity to your pet and guest.

Yasakani Jewel makes your healing effects 10% more powerful (nice synergy with Twilly and Fairy Godmother), and also gives Dex and Cha.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
AQ DF  Post #: 4
1/20/2021 11:46:21   

Thanks for the recommendations! I have some questions though, I updated my profile character link to my main Poe-Mage character. Would you recommend any of the rare items I have on that character?

Edit: (I also have the April fools Portal)

< Message edited by AQDeathKnight -- 1/20/2021 11:48:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
1/21/2021 1:14:35   
Primate Murder

Not really. Pixel Ether and Zfinity Gauntlet would've been nice, but you're already using them.
AQ DF  Post #: 6
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