Fire alandry
Since the revamps started, the devs have shown us time after time how they can take an outdated class and make it useable again. We are in the middle of a long journey, and I'm sure at the end each class will have its speciality. This is a great use of the material we already have in the game. The slow process of class-creation and the justified low rate of new ones aren't too bad, cause every revamp feels almost like a brand new class. Saying that, a few notes: 1. Right now, we have plans for one more class (FW). Personally, I think this should be the last class in the near future. The resources and effort a new class requires are just too high, and I'd prefer more content. 2. I think we have 5 more likely revamps (SH, Entropy?, GPS, Eccl, Accl)? And 4 more potential revamps (EPL, FMA, Zardbie, Togslayer). I would like to have a confirmation from the Devs, though.. 3. So, DragonSlayer. The problem of this class is that it's unpractical against regular foes, and too good against dragons. Hence, DS is bad for quests with Boss-Dragon in the end, and where it should have shined- the Inn- it's banned. I would like a revamp that will make this class useful against every foe (just like Togslayer isn't just for Togs, or Paladin can be used not just against undeads), but more important- remove it's OP dragon skills (well... Poison, really), so we'll have a chance to actually use it against the dragons it meant to slay, without they slay it. 4. EPL. This class was my go-to until I bought CW a few months ago, and it isn't too bad even now (for questing/farming). EPL is fine... Till the enemy has Immo res. Then, Scythe becomes a gamble, and the main buff/debuff becomes much weaker. I think locking Scythe on -100 bonus and separate Draining roots from Creeping roots should do the work. 5. Currently, each player has 4 classes in the game he can't use: 2 dragon-base and 2 atealen-base. I know, DF had a long tradition of one choice at any given time, but... Well, this is a simple way to give everyone 4(!) new combat styles. Obviously, just like now, I think it should cost DC, but as one-time payment Instead of 500 DC each time. 6. Finally, FW. I was excited to see the new sneak peeks, but they reminded me that FW will have a cost: SW and MSW. Several years ago, it made sense. Now, a new class is a rare event. I don't know how many years will pass between FW and the next one. So... Maybe the devs would reconsider? Losing 2 classes (with such beautiful art) is a much greater issue now that each class is unique and we won't have more in the anytime soon (besides, why should Dove and Verly waste time on class only part of the players will chose to use?). I thought that perhaps locking SW on a special customization (Flesh-weaver from april?;) will be enough a cost. Anyway. I understand that everything will take time, even a few years. I am confident in Verly and Dove to make us satisfied. All of this is just my ideas, or questions, about the future of classes in the game. What do you think?