The Gilded DragonSlayer
Hiya there, Elnaith! The name is The Gilded DragonSlayer, or TGDS for short. I'm just your resident king of the DragonSlayers. ;3 Anywhom, on to your questions. Hiyas! 1 -- Do you like Cow Face, him also being a liker of woodland animals like yourself, judging by your Avatar? Cow is a woodland animal nowadays? o.0 2 -- What are your thoughts on Owls being hunted? Not good! 3 -- Do you enjoy monitoring the AKs while they are in AK Jail, you being a Forum Head? Naturally, they I hate the walks I have to do twice a day. 4 -- What are your thoughts on my Sig? :3 It's sweet :) 5 -- What do you like most about being the Head Moderator of the Forums? Of this board (and Newbie Help), not the complete forums :P But yeah, I like it. 6 -- Which shiny element out of all do you like most -- Gold, Platinum, of Silver? Platinum. 7 -- What would you do if someone gave you a pet owl? Set it free if it would be able to survive in the wild. 8 -- Do you favor Doom or Destiny? I believe in Neither. 9 -- Since you obviously like Owls, what would your reaction be if they went extinct? I'd be sad. 10 -- Who would be the victor if an owl was pitted against a pidgeon? Owl, wings down. Anywhom, those are about all of my questions for you, Elnaith. Like an owl as the guardian of a forest, I know that you will be the guardian of the Forums. Farewell, Elnaith, and may the Owls be with you. Byebye!
< Message edited by Elnaith -- 7/14/2009 10:14:27 >