=Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time. Owl's here once again. (Full Version)

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Elnaith -> =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time. Owl's here once again. (7/13/2009 18:42:08)

Forum is open for thread posting, so I'll make one of my own :D. My very own meet your HeadMod :)

Ask whatever you want here, just know that all Universal Rules Apply.

Question limit of 15 a post, don't post if your old one hasn't been answered yet, it will run for a week.

Is hijacking the first post of your MtM against the rules???[8D] ~ tflo
Ask that to the lil sweet Wolf that just chomped your leg. - El

UPDATE: To Clarify, I'm a Moderator since April already, and the Head Moderator of this board for a bit too (More than a month), also I am not an AK as some of you seem to think :P.

Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:45:30)

Yayz first posts!
Whoo, First thread :D
Hey El!
Hiya Emperial :D
We meet right?
Hm, do you know meh?
Remember you, know might be a too big word ;)
Fav. place: y-9999 or y-99999 (in Saf's Server)
99999, 5 numbers beat 4.
Later then ...


- El

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:45:46)

Woot! First Second post, but should I be happy?
's up to you mate.
Hi elnaith.
Heya V_S :D
You want a cookie?
's a Natural Desire of Ellykind
Bunnies aren't good enough? T-T
Bunnies are awesome, they have awesome bandage sprouting techniques so they are not harmed by falling towns.
Can't I just save the poor injured one? T-T
As said, he did so himself.
Well, Imma try to get over all of this. [:D]
Why is your avvy an owl? It says you are a hamster. o.O
Blame Sir_Gnome
Favorite food?
Bunn.. Good ol' solid steak, marinated well ofcourse.
Favorite color?
Darkblue, incombination with Rave Yellow
Favorite online game?
Football Manager Live
Well, I'm off, for now.


Phoenix Myth -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:46:39)

Hello there, Elnaith!
Hiya ZANK :D
It is good to meet you finally. :P
Pleasure's all mine.
I have one question...
Oh noes!
Do you.. like.. Fried Twinkies?! :D
Never had em :P

.Discipline -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:47:14)

Can you hug you children with nuclear arms?
Only Putin can.
Why is this cheese burning me?
You forgot you were eatign a Cheese Fondue?
Can owls feel pain?
Can owls fall in love?
Can I touch it?
Only looking, no touching.
Pirates or Ninjas?
Save Chuckles or Bunny's Revenge?
Save chuckles' Revenge on the Bunny
Can you swivel your head 180 degrees?
Do mods get a bigger cell?
Naw, we get the world, we need no cell.
Who would you shackle, if you could?
Obama, giving new hope to the forums *nods*
That is all.

vezha -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:49:56)

*counts*Fifth post!
Fifth Post I answer!
Does anyone even care that my post has such a low number?
I don't.
Are you an Owl, a Hamster, or both?
And Owl who has a secret identity.
Does the fabled Banhammarz of Lockingness actually exist?
I'm sorry, I am not allowed to talk about this object.
If so, what does it look like?
NDA, I'm afraid.
If not, what would it look like if it was real?
Why am I even posting here? Last time I posted in AQW was in Razgriz and Greystar's MtAK.
Poor them :(
Steal anyone's soul yet?
Only shared some.
If i number my first question as question 0, will I get to ask another question?
Would you prefer mindless Spam or a can of SPAM?
Can please, keeps it all together.
Where's Waldo?
In a book.
/runs from owlhamstermod
/me nibbles.

Ryu Dragonmaster -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:50:19)

hello Elnaith its me dragonmaster Ryu from Y-1993 on friday the 10th
Whoo, heya!
so whats the origin of your name?
Dark parts of my brain, 'm sure.
They're alright.
and how many fingers am i holding up?
As many as I am forcing you to hold up with my mind.
i hope i c ya in game :D

Vivi -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:52:11)

Can I spam your board? It'd make me happy.
Noes :(

Thoru -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 18:56:49)

Can I meet u????? I is Lord of Thoru. Lv. 20 Member so I'm in Sirver
We might meet :)

Coyote -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:02:02)

Hello, Elly!
G'day Versy!
I stole Yaggiepoo's color. =D
Poor him/
How many MANLY men do you think I can out-MAN with this posting color and avatar?
A lot, though not me, I have an Owl as Avatar.
If the question below is true, then which (if either) states the truth?
The questions asked can neither be true nor untrue, since it's an open question. The condition mentioned in the same line refers to another question, and does not bind the question asked in the same sentence in any way. Were you be saying the statements/conditions were false, you'd be creating a paradox, and the unvierse would explode.
If the question above is false, then which (if either) states the truth?
See above
Okay, you might want to pay attention to the numbers for this one. You are driving a bus through the city of San Francisco. On the first stop, two people get on. On the second stop, three people get on and one person gets off. On the third stop, two people get on and two people get off. On the fourth stop, three people get on and one person gets off. On the fifth stop, six people get on and three people get off. On the sixth stop, a group of seven people get on the bus and two more people get off. On the seventh stop, three people get on and five people get off. On the eighth stop, the aforementioned group gets off the bus and another three people get on. In addition to that, one person realizes he forgot his wallet, so he gets off the bus. On the ninth stop, two people get on the bus and three people get off. What color are the bus driver's eyes?
What is in my pocket?
Do Vulpixes even have pockets? o.0
Crafty Coyote, Vafrous Vulpix, or Renascent Renamon?
Craty Coyoteh
In a field full of rabbits, how many would you eat?
Depends how hungry I am.
This is my tenth question. Or is it?
It's your eigth question, but your tenth line.
Why haven't you picked a Pokemon or a Digimon for yourself?
I like my owl!
Why is 'Pokemon' not hit by my Firefox Spellchecker, but 'Digimon' is?
Probably because Pokemon is way more popular.
Okay, I'm done for now. Good luck with the rush of new posts. n_n
Whoo ^^ Thanks.

drakehello -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:06:38)

1. what is your name?
Elnaith Anayri
2. what is your quest?
To eat the holy Snail
3. what is the average wing speed of the capital of assyria?
Which one are you referring to, Assur or Dur-Sharrukin? both used to be capitals of this long gone nation.
4. your life for auir?
No thanks.
Again, No thanks.
6. is the cake a lie?
Depends on whom baked it, some cakes you rather wish were a lie after you tried to eat them.
7. there once was a man from peru....
Happens all the time relaly, he probably caught the flu.
8.so... what do you think of giant mechanical tacos of death?
I prefer Burritos
9. howz dem shackles?
Ask them, lsot the mwhen I became a mod ;)
10. the demon in the corner of your cell that hungers for your soul?
Again, got aways from him when I became a mod, gifted this one to VJ.
11. i put him there :D
VJ thanks you.
It was you?!?! >:O ~V_J
12. i feedz him cookies
Demon thanks you.
13. oh noes! numbah 13!
14. oh, it gone now :D
Good, good.
15. those last few were not questions... ignore that fact, always take your pills, do not question the giant robot in you bedroom, and NEVER feed a sneevil after midnight
Good advice, thanks.

ILmaster13 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:08:59)

Hies Elnaithes!
Why hamsters?
Ask Sir_Gnome, It came from an acrostic he made from my name, ending in Incredible Titan Hamster (ith)
WhAtS sHaLlS yOuS dOeS iFs Is WrIteS iNs YoUrS colors?
Point out you are, in fact, using the incorrect colour?
"Flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing" Is tis tru? Does youes wantes to tryes it?
For humans, yeah, not for me. Do it all the time.
Why is me askng quezions?
Sorry, the Nijas currently following you are not trained in telepathy.
Are you a mod?
What is a mod?
A Moderator.
Seriuzly whats a mod?
See above.
Me no speakey ze english good. :P
You know you're supposed to give a translation, right? Even if you're just asking how're you doing (x2) and what is your name.
Here is your cakey! *Hands Elenaith a cake*
Now that you have it, do you mind paying for it?
I do mind :(
What would you do if any AKs hijack your thread? /me stares at AQW AKs
You don't want to know :D
Spam! Or is it?
It is, but the yummy kind.
Thats all for now. See you later.

The Gilded DragonSlayer -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:09:43)

Hiya there, Elnaith! The name is The Gilded DragonSlayer, or TGDS for short. I'm just your resident king of the DragonSlayers. ;3 Anywhom, on to your questions.
1 -- Do you like Cow Face, him also being a liker of woodland animals like yourself, judging by your Avatar?
Cow is a woodland animal nowadays? o.0
2 -- What are your thoughts on Owls being hunted?
Not good!
3 -- Do you enjoy monitoring the AKs while they are in AK Jail, you being a Forum Head?
Naturally, they I hate the walks I have to do twice a day.
4 -- What are your thoughts on my Sig? :3
It's sweet :)
5 -- What do you like most about being the Head Moderator of the Forums?
Of this board (and Newbie Help), not the complete forums :P But yeah, I like it.
6 -- Which shiny element out of all do you like most -- Gold, Platinum, of Silver?
7 -- What would you do if someone gave you a pet owl?
Set it free if it would be able to survive in the wild.
8 -- Do you favor Doom or Destiny?
I believe in Neither.
9 -- Since you obviously like Owls, what would your reaction be if they went extinct?
I'd be sad.
10 -- Who would be the victor if an owl was pitted against a pidgeon?
Owl, wings down.
Anywhom, those are about all of my questions for you, Elnaith. Like an owl as the guardian of a forest, I know that you will be the guardian of the Forums. Farewell, Elnaith, and may the Owls be with you.

pmk138 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:12:57)

1. will u anwser them in numerical order?
Would you notice if I didn't?
5. skip to 2 then come back yeah this wont be easy :P. question is: if mary's mother has four daughters penny nickle and dime what is my in-game username gunna be?
Still pmk138 I'd say.
18 (its ok). could u tighten tflo's shackles? i saw him in-game today so i think they are a bit loose.
Hm, thanks for the heads-up:O ;_; ~ tflo
2. here we go. for or again smilies?
For text smilies, against image ones.
7. wat up with the owl? your title says hamster silly goose.
Blame Sir_Gnome
15. do you work for AE or r u just a forum mod? like do you actually work in the building with them?
I am a forum Mod, I don't work in the building, no, probably also due to geographic problems.
13. canz uze talc liek tis witout laghin?
Laughing? Yes. Cringing? No.
3. cookies, twinkies, or something else altogether?
Cookies, never had twinkies.
8. how many AKs u got locked up exactly?
I have a grand selection, since all of them are kind of in my power at the moment.
4. how long can you hold your breathe? if u dont know try now.
Bout two minutes.
11. how many people items can u hold max?
6. wat do you do in your free time?
Running, This, Playing Video Games, Reading, Hanging out with Friends, Bycycling, Playing Chess.. And more :P
2027332512873. do u gamble?
Yes, though not often for money.
14 (this is actually the 14th question lol). which was your first AE game?
AQ, was the only thing that was out when I started :P.
17.5. can u say goodbye in a funny way?
Toodles, may the Potatoes be with you.
ok thnx for taking time to answer my questions.
Thanks for asking em :)

Snake XZ -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:18:35)

Yo. I iz Snake XZ, Future Doomknight!!!
Nice to meet you.
I remember you from Artix-1 for a bit.
That area was cool wasn't it?
Who would win in a fight? Chuck Norris, Freddy krueger, Jason Voorhees, or Bob Barker?
Me, definitely, but barring that, Voorhees/
IF you answered the 4th option how mnany pancakes do I have?
No clue.
Who would win out of all the AK in a full out fight?
The Legendary Hero, for he'll be all that remains when Burn's done with em.
Do you like pie?
Do you have a signature weapon liek V-J's axe?!
IF yes to the above question, can I see it?
Default Dagger.
Do you get a custom weapon in-game?
Not yet.
Hasta la vista Owl Man!

Hells Assassin -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:19:35)

Hey Elnaith nice ta meet you.
G'day ^^
1. Does twilly hate you?
Nope, he carries my ring for me.
2. Do You hate twilly?
Not really, he heals people too y'know.
3. Do you like Kung pao chicken?
Never heard of it.
4. Has the Kung pao chicken spoken to you yet?
See above
5. Do you ever think about a cheesecake taco festival?
No, cna't say that ever passed my mind.
6. Ever had pie tacos and soda for a meal?
7. Do you plan on punting twilly?
Not really, as said before he's quite nice.
8. Why do you like owls?
They're cute.
9. Did owls raise you as a child like those people that were raised by monkeys or wolves?
Eh, no, they tried but the whole flying thing just wasn't going to work.
10. If you had to choose which would you rather be Vampire or Werewolf?
Vampire, pointy teeth are aweome.
Thank you for your time! [:D]
Thanks you for asking stuff ^^

thewinnar -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:23:10)

Hiya Ely! :D
Hiyas TW :D
i putz teh post inn centor :D!
So I see.
Remeber-me in-game? If not...Heres a hint: you call me TW :D
Sure I do.
Even tought i already asked this question before, why owls?
Owls can fly are fuzzy and cute.
Why so fluffy?
Comes with the owl thing,
Whats your favorite word?
Favorite youtube video?
Favorite armour in all games?
Robe of Knowledge
Mai i haz a cokee?
Sure, take one of Coyote's
Encyclopiedia or Dictionary?
Golf or Rudolf?
Er, Golf, I guess.
Well that's all.........for now e.e
Bye bye!
See ya in-game Ely!

idkaname -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:26:42)

Hi you've seen me before in Yulgar-1 remember? I'm Davi Von Nator.
Heya ^^
Here are some completely random questions!
I guess
Do u like pancakes?
I prefer Crepes, but American Pancakes are good too
Do u like waffles?
Kind of.
Do u like french toast?
Meh, is alright.
Lol i dont think u realized what i was trying to do on the last 3 questions This might explain it.
Ninjas or Pirates?
No, since you have more questions beneath this.
Context, anyone?
Spoons or cardboard?
Well that's it i might be back with some more random questions soon!
Oh noes. Bye!

User -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:28:42)

Hi Elly! :D
Heya User!
Think Coyote is manly for using pink font?
Well, he thinks so, and I'm afraid to burst his bubble.
Why is your avvy an owl when your title says you're a hamster?
I blame Sir_Gnome.
Remember seeing me In-game before? [8D]
That, I do.
How many AK's do you have locked up in shackles?
Considering AQW GD is still a board all AKs can Mod.. A lot :P
Think any AK's would mess with this thread like Tflo's MtAK? (V_J, TLH, Coyote)
I'm sure they'll try :D
Mebbeh... mebbeh not... Probly not... >_> ~V_J
Ak r 2 rehsp0ncible 2 mes wif dis therad. ~Icy
As you can see.
Everything I say to you is a lie. Am I telling the truth or not? (hehe, paradox)
Nice try, but as with Coyote, not a true paradox. The Statement is ofcourse false. Which merely means that you told/are telling me the truth once.
Well, 'nuff torture. Done with the questions. Good luck with the other posts that are to come! :D
Thanks ^^

tflo -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:33:59)

Ehm, hey tflo :D
I will not give you the same lesson in pain fun you gave me in MY first MaTtAcK :D
Glad you're here, dude!
Nice of me to give you the colour tags, right?
Very, can you give my font tags too next time?
Also please be aware your being my boss rent fee is due in 10 minutes.
Er, this makes no sense with that alteration tflo :P
So is your cell rent.
That is true, I still need to pay for your cell to the landowner, so yes your cell rent is due in 9 minutes.
Chips or Fries?
If potatoes are like turnips, what colour would carrots be?
Pink, I'm sure
How's your PINKy finger?
Pretty good :D
Cheers mate :D
Byes :D

And a few additions :P
Oh noes.
Zerg or Dragonflys? Answer carefully :o
Dragonflies, learn to spell :P
How you become a mod?
Eat your vegetables.
Done :D

silox -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:34:32)

hey elnaith im just addin a post here for the heck of it
Ehm yay?

Do they now? interesting.

Greystar -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:35:04)

...What's up Boss?
A Ceiling, but yeah not much :P
So what's with the Owl...
It's cute.
Who would win in a fight between Player 1 and Player A?
ME! Gnome uses the correct word, but wrong context, he ofcourse meant I would win, with Player 1 second.
Care to make that bet?
I've never seen a Meet the Mod before, I feel special.
Can you make a SAN check? Just a small one? Cause I think you left the AQW GGD open...
Would you ever do anything for the lulz? Like fly fishing, or Urban Skydiving? or Getting my soul back?
Urban Skydiving, yup. Getting your soul back, yes, as in stealing it from Cubal and adding it to my collection :D
Well that's all for now :D
Bye bye!

Cairofairo -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:37:50)

'allo popet
*breaks Elnaith's house*
*hands Elnaith a I O U note*
/me adds some zeroes after the number on it.
Ok ima do questions nao
1. Whats your favourite type of party?
Rock Party
2. Favourite cartoon?
Don't have one.. Tom and Jerry I guess
3. Do u get easily distracted...... oh look a monkeh!
What was the question again? Sorry was looking at th.. Hey a Bi.. Wow a Giraf... :o a Cat!
4. WHo is the smelliest of AK
I dare not answer this.
5. Who is your favourite AK <--- Uh me duh :P ~ tflo
Hey now... don't play the favorite card with a mod, Trisha. >:( ~V_J
All of em.
6. Do you like Star wars?
7. If so favourite character?
Bai for now

The Galin Killer -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:40:50)

Heya DE!
I remember u but u dont remember me..........
I'm sure I called you DesertEagle.
Owls or snakes?
Owls, Talons down.
Df or MQ?
Not relaly have a favourite between those two.
Me or you?
Who is craziest: Artix, Cysero, or Korin?
Cy I think.
whats ur favorite scary movie song?
The Mist and Ayrean- Sixth Extinction.
thats all for now baiiiii!
ALSO, are u supportive of teh bunny movement?
Yeah, no.
ALSO (again) would u rather.....be a snake or be a dove?

ShadowLurks -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:50:02)

Squeee! /me hugs teh owl!
Lurky :D
I have no questions, cause I'm cool like that. :P
I r just fixing ur computah/
I'll catch you later. :)
No! I don't like being catched, damages the wings :(

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