RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (Full Version)

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fatherofthemoons -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:50:51)

Eli? Yes that shall do.
Good enough for me.
We've met in game before. Once.
You quoted a song and everyone freaked out. I laughed.
Heh, it happens.
If you don't believe me I have a screenie. xP
I believe ya alright.
Anyway... On to nonsense.
Is the cake a lie or did GLaDOS hide it?
Actually I did, GLaDOS is a lie too.
What have you done, now the forums will be flooded with nonsense and frightening things. o.O'
Ah well, 't was bound to happens one time.
mudkipz or lolcatz?
Hamster Owl? An epic combination or randomness in a little box?
An epic combination of randomness
If you have three monkies and I have two monkies and we put them in a barrel then what horror have we unleashed upon the land?
Five monkeys in a barrel, let's just hope they stay in there.
Well I'm out. Have fun. =p
Edit: Another First Post on a page. =O I claimz these landz.

tobi728822 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:51:16)

Awesome congrats
Thanks, even though I've been one for awhile now :P .

Are you wise, patient and noble because you're an owl
Sure I am.

Can you turn your head all the way around
Wait, you mean you can't? :o

Karika -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:53:25)

Hi! I was wondering when this forum would open up. Congrats!
^^ I wasn't, but that's because I knew I guess.

Awesomeosaurus -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 19:53:29)

heres my question
why can we post threads now
Because the game's been out about a year now, so an open forum was needed.

and err, nice to meet you
Same :)

Tokijin -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 20:01:38)

Hiya Elnaith! We've met a few times before in-game.
Heya! Aye, I remember.
Congrats on the...Oh wait You were already a forum moderator [8D]
I won't keep you to busy with my questions so your head won't ker'splode.
Whoo, that's good, I like my head.
Favorite Color?
Dark Blue
Favorite food?
I'm going for.. Pizza this time.
What if the cake wasn't a lie?
It was the truth, and in my belly.
200x200x200 Rubik's cube?
Quite difficult.. A freind of mine has the Wrold Record for 3x3x3 though.
Happy Moderatoring (word?)
Danke! I use Moderating.
I might be back for page 3 :o

Stephen Nix -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 20:02:53)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on your AK ship! First off thanks for voting for my house...I'll let you visit the trophy if you can answer a few of my mindless / regular / pretty straight forward / easy to understand / full of giggles / loads of laughs and a cardboard box full of construction paper!
I became an AK more than 2 years ago. But thanks anyway I guess. Also, congrats on the contest!
With that being said guess what my real life profession is, is it A) A Librarian B) Grade 7 - 8 Teacher C) Dog Trainer or D) TV Game-show host?...
Who gave you your position on the forums when you were AK'd?
Reens I think.
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm good. My seat didn't explode, so I guess I chose wisely.
Ready to play?
I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs) don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Penguins are cool, both literally and figuratively.
whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Not from over here.
Does it make you look fat?
Hard to achieve that as shirt.
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I.. Locked a thread I guess.
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Owlocked, 'Free Iron (for everyone)! and some more.. More an impulsive guy don't have set things like that :P.
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQW community...cya says Stephen Nix! Also come visit me sometime!
Thanks, Byebye!

SDF -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 20:05:14)

Do owls like cookies?
That, they do.
I saw you in Yulgar one day I was like A mod in yulgar?
There's something with big eyes watching me with feathers...
Oh that's just an ostrich.
How is your Special Moderator Cell/Cage?
If by cage you mean, house, then: Awesome.
Thats all for now Happy moddin!
Whoo, byes!

Shadwy1 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 20:38:37)

Howdy, don't know if I ever posted in one of these, but this one looks interesting.
Questions? Am I supposed to ask those?
Not necessarily, random statements cna also draw a reaction.
Might as well, who's on first?
If at first you don't succeed, what should you do?
Reassess the situation to figure out if you weren't, say, trying to shoot yourself to space with a toy gun.
Modding looks both fun and hard. Which do you think it is more?
Du yuo hintk I huldso teg Splle Chcker?
Mine is going crazy right now.
Do you know how far you are from the nearest convenience store right now?
Ehm, there are none close unless you really stretch the definition. Don't live in America, or even the American Continent. ;)
Do you know how late t stays open?
See above.
How do you know this?
See above/
Ok, I'm done for now.

Icy -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 21:01:13)

ohaider Elly!! :D
Hiya Icy! Thanks for the tags!
I was hoping you would make a Meet teh Mod.
So was I!
Nao teh qestoins:
Oh noes..
Favorite way to travel?
Sammich or Fried Twinkies?
Sammich I think, never had the other.
Ice Cream or Hot Sauce?
Ice Cream.
What do you like to eat the most on Thanksgiving?
Well.. I only ever celebrated one, where it was turkey and some other stuff.. Loved the Cranberry sauce though.
Most awesome place you ever traveled to?
And, that's all for nao! :D
Bye byes!

monsti -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 21:52:44)

Just one question:
Is there any story behind the owl ? (why do you use it? You have an owl at home?)
I honestly can't remember.. I think it's because I had an Owl avatar when I became AK, and it grew from there.



thespacephantom -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 21:55:11)

Do you like videogames?
Sure I do.
ever meet me in game?
Can't remember if I did.
k..umm...heres a cookie

Beowolve -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 22:06:18)

You just made my day!

What took you guys so long to allow any thread?
Different reasons.

Is your cell nice?
It was alright, till I became a mod. Now I do not have one.

Are you comfortable?

If not I can fix that /me pounds fists together.
Try Icy, he's a bit cold out there.

/me gives Elnaith a cookie, just because.
Yay, thanks!

So I take it this means Stardot is not coming back D:?
's his information to share or not.

I think you and I will get along just swell *thumbs up*
Whoo! *thumbs up*

I will come back, but for nao just remember, I iz in ur thread askin ur questionz!
Oh noes..
BTW, pink ish mah colorz *looks at Coyote*
Don't let him catch you, I really don't want to pay for those ridiculous explosives again.



Holyknight -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 22:25:17)

Hola Senor Owl!
What's Up?
A Ceiling, I think.
Are you now?
Are/Were you A Fan Of The Late Micheal Jackson?
Not particulary.
"Do you Remember the Time....When You became A Doughnut?"
No, not really, must have gotten better.
I PWN, you FAIL?
Hi Billy Mays Here!
Ever heard someone say this besides Mr.T?:FOO!
Jup, although, to be fair, they were quoting Mr. T

Thats All I got now,Later!

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 22:44:06)

Elly! My owl boss! :D
VJ, My Viking Pillager!
How is it having me under your wing. ;)
Pretty good ^^
Hoot gave you permission to fly through the skies? :o
That airplane over there.
V_J, VeeJay, or VJ? :o
VJ, takes the least amount of time to type.
Would I be one of the few you'd take into battle to fight alongside you against the evilness of spam? :o
Yes, front lines.
How's Mod life now?
Pretty good ^^
Well, that's all. Have fun, Mr. Owl Bozz. :D

Banana Maniac! -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 23:08:55)

Hai *waves :D

My Name is Jake -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 23:26:22)

Hey Elnaith
Hiya Jake01!
*tries to think of some question*
*tries to think of some answer to this non-question*
:o ! That's my friend.
...Whats an Owl?
Kind of bird. Awesome kind of bird. Very Awesome kind of bird. You-think-you-knew-very-well-this-will-still-blow-your-mind-very Awesome kind of bird.
What is Owl Time?
Depends where said Owl lives.
How did you become an AQW mod?
By getting asked and accepting.
Will I be an AQW mod[8|]?
You never know.
Owls look funny[&:] XD
Some of them do yes :D
Do you have Cheese Pizza and Mountain Dew?
Nope, Mountain Dew is, sadly, not widely available and where it is, it's expensive. Cheese Pizza is a too generic term.
If yes, can I have some Cheese Pizza and Mountain Dew?
Go for it anyway.
Save Chuckles!
Save Elnaith!

nosey123 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/13/2009 23:53:14)

Hello there, ever see me around? :p
Can't say I did, I'm afraid.! *runs*
Wow, do you think the AKs can moderate this? XD
They've handled so far.
...yeah, grats on your own thread [:D]
Whoo, thanks :D

Zyrain -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 2:19:29)

Hello X3
Hiyas :D
Remember Me?
Now I do!
Favourite AE Game?
Favourite AQW Server?
Safiria, Nythera if the former is laggy.
What's it like, having power over all these AKs?
Ehm.. Power-over-AKy.
Ever felt the need to go power crazy?
Not really.
What does your name mean?
Shoot me.
All outa' questions. For now.
Hope to see you soon.

Silver Lion -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 2:42:37)

Elly!! :D
Silver Lion!
How's them GD serving ya?
Can't complain.
What do you think about this post?
It's posty, and short so makes for quick answering.

What? No spoiler here. l-)

:o Shocker.

That's enough from me, I just woke up. ;_; Happy Modding!
Heh, Thanks and bye!

gems360 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 3:22:19)

1. Hi.
54.Do you have a doggie?
89. how bout a kitty?
Got two cats :)
497. do you agree that 2+2= math?
It is.
0. favorite AE game
9. Favorite class in the ae game that is your favorite
Beta Berseker.
11.If you ever decide to try and start world war three will you call me so i can help?
Eh sure.. Not that I ever will start it >.>
3.14. did u notice the odd numbering?
(there is no number). Mysterious.
Kthxbai =^_^=

drDOT -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 3:32:54)

ohai !
Can I haz you super-powers for one day ? :3
Noes :(
Or two days ? :3 :3 :3
.. >.>
Okay .. three days ? :3
Right, right.
You don't love me D:
We just met.
Favorite smiley ?
Do you like cookies ? :D
Sure I do.
/me gives a cookie
/me cry for cookies
Bai ! I hope to come back with more cookies ! >:D

Black Arrow -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 5:37:14)

Oh, hi there *yawn*
I believe this is a new thread, that you just made, I am not quite sure, 'cause I never saw you before, but with all these comments, I'm sure you've been here for a long time.
Been on the forums for 4.5 years ;) But yeah when you posted this was quite a new thread.
15 question limit, am I right? I'll do 5, if you don't mind.
Suits me.
Ok, Let's get started.
First can I have a cookie? Griffin won't give me, will you?
Be my guest.
See above.
Hm, k.
On to the questions.
2.)Are you a boy or girl?
Boy, I'm pretty sure.
3.)WHats a gender stereotype?
Guys are Macho.
4.) Do you like to eat mice?
5.) Are you ninja or pirate?
Oh, no, My mouse got out of the cage!


Bye nows Mr. Owly

Bye bye

Crystal Lion -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 5:46:05)

Hello. I'm going to ask my standard questions.
Oh noes.
Are you Chinese?
Not that I'm aware of.
Do you like lions?
They're alright.
Fancy potatoes?
Would you like to read my story? It's in my sig. Tell me what you think of it.
Maybe later :)
I hate prawns! Do you like them?
Don't like em either.

Now, I'll ask some other things.
Does AQW's armor designs for women smack of showgirl?
If Gravelyn went belly dancing, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
If she'd belly-dance on the floor, she'd be grovelyn
Do you like chocolates?
I do.
Does Gravelyn's voice sound like a mouse or generic shojo anime heroine?
Can't decide really.
I think AQW's art style looks like Disney with Lucky Star's giant eyelashes and "everyone looks younger than they really are" vibes.
Sure's an interesting way to put it.

Zero F -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 7:03:53)

Elly! Sup, congrats btw. Hope I didn't interrupt anything when I kept bugging you and Sliv. XD
Heh, no worries :)
1. How'd you become a mod? o.O
I got asked.
2. How lucky was I to see you? O.0
Not very, lots of people do, really.
3. Mod-becoming tips? xD jk
Don't ask.
4. Kinda goin' with the flo (<-- xD) there. Why didn't you make one before?
I already had a MtAK 'bout two years ago.
5. Soz, how you be?
Pretty alright, thanks.
6. If I had a cookie, would you take it from me?
Naw, I have my own supply.
7. How iz you and AQW?
Again, quite well.
8. Mad at me for..."that"? lol
9. What's yer favorite weapon?
Default Dagger
10. Think V_J, TLH, Razzy, Coyote and some others are man enough to edit here? XD
If Yagno didn't steal my pink (well, I stole his, but details, details), I'd be MORE than MAN enough to edit here! ~Coyote
Yes.... i r man! >:) ~V_J
Oh...we're allowed to edit Elly's thread? ~TLH~
Do I hear a challenge? Man enough? RAWR!! ~Icy
I guess they are. or at least, they think so. *tightens the shackles*
11. Who'd win in a fight? You or TLH+V_J...assuming they don't pummel each other into the ground first. >_>
Me, naturally.
12. Fave mod weapon?
13. If you and a few other mods and AKs were to meet up on AQW, who would look best? (Let's see if you can beat Coyote's FOXY line. xD)
14. If everyone had a cookie, who will you take from?
15. If you answered the question above properly, who would you give the said cookie to? XP
Thanks for teh time. Hope to see you on AQW again!

Baron -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 7:24:46)

Hi Elnaith
When did you become the head mod of AQW? because I kinda never notice these things :P
More than a month ago :P
Have fun
Congratulations & bye
/me snugs Elnaith

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