RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (Full Version)

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AQWorldsTombSK4Life -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 7:54:14)

will there be a very special release for aqworlds in october?
Can't say.

destruction king -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 9:23:45)

hi im minion and on the mega proggress report under reputation i noticed that on the 4th line and at the end of the 4th line it says "depending on your reputation with with"
Thanks for pointing that out!

Fearless dragon -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 9:28:14)

Can you guys please tell me what you are talking about?[sm=icon_question.gif]
Not sure I'm completely sure myself, but of that I am completely sure, surely.
Maybe,i dont know?
Can't read your mind.
Nice place you have got there destraction king

DkAnsons -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 10:21:34)

do you like warpforce???
's alright.
who is the most annoying mod???
whats your favorite mecha in mechquest???
RH house mecha
fav armour in aqw???
Royal Suit/Robe of Knowledge
whats your fav tv show???
Ehm.. Well I watch the News the most :P (I really don't watch much TV) Apart form that, House I guess.

naturemancer -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 11:33:52)

Hiyas! Congratz on being Mod'ed!
1- Have you ever heard of me?
Can't say I have.
2- 1+1=1 if you know sharing, is that right?
.. No, mathematically it is still incorrect.
3- All you need is----! Complete the sentence!
4- DF,MQ,AQ,AQWorlds or WF? choose one!
3- Are time travel faeries corrupting your MtHM?
6- How long is that you play AE games?
more than 4.5 years now.
7- If I ask you something in spanish, will you be able to answer it?
Not by myself.
8-if yes to question 7, disfrutas ser un moderador de la AQW GD?
Translation require for all foreign languages. But yeah I enjoy being a mod
Well, that's it! and again, congratz!

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 11:35:13)

2.Congratz on the AKship
.. Right, I presume you mean Modship, which I became in April already.. But thanks anyway ^^;
3.What you think of my Sig
's nice
Assuming 1+1-Sorry = 0, Sorry =2
5.Do you like cheese if so which kind.
Gouda, Mozarella, Brie, Camembert.. All depends on what and with what :)
All games.
7.Cookies or Cake
8.You want some cake if yes go to page 88,if no go to page 2
I'm fine, thanks.
10:If you want cake then u find out the cake is a lie + u die of hunger.If you don't then you die of hunger.
.. Nah, I'm stuffed already.
11.If you could make one armour in AQW what would you make???
Thats all for now

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 11:38:53)

Cool, Hiyas new-AK Elnaith [8D]
I have no questions *Well, I maybe DO have, but I don't feel to ask..*
I just wanted to say Hiyas and Congratz. Good luck inte the future as AK :P
Couldn't you have wished me that two years ago, when I actually became an AK?
PS: Phear teh Kolor-tr4p
I will.


Baker -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 11:42:08)

Ew, Elly's a mod. And they trusted him with a forum (or two)? :O I actually knew both of those things, but I'll pretend to be shocked. :P
I know, crazy.
My only question at the moment is what country you're playing as in EU3. Don't tell me you took the easy way out and went with France!
Gelre, although it's the Netherlands by now, controlling more than half of Northen Africa, starting to colonize the Americas too. And Germany and Belgium are mine too + some random other provinces (Judea, Roma, Pisa etc.)
Enjoy the spaminess, Mr. HeadMod.
Whoo, thanks.

Syrena -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 12:26:52)

Congrats on...Mod-hood-ship-thingy =P
Did they hijack your thread yet? The AKs?
They did.
*holds up an Owl* Do you know him?
Oh yeah, he's the silly one living a couple of trees down the road.
1+1=1 on a bun!
is it now?
How many forums are you on?
I honestly have no clue.
Cheesecake is better then Zcake =3
I agree.
I like Puff-Balls. There tasty.
Never tried em.
So the most randomest person you ever met?
*Is doing the Aunt Jackie* What music do you listen to?
Ayreon at the moment.
Whose the best AK/Mod on these forums?

RANDOM101 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 13:28:10)

Hey elnaith
What exactly is this post about?
You people asking questions, me answering em.
Do you play AQW regularly?
On which server?
Safiria mostly.
Can't wait to see you online.
See ya there :).


kingofdeath -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 13:47:26)

do you like anime?
Some are enjoyable.
whats you favorite rpg
Baldurs' gate will forever be high on lists like this.
do you play videogames?
well congrats and lf to seeing you on the forums

Cguy -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 13:48:47)

Hey Elnaith. :)

Hehe, nice to see you've made one of these, wasn't sure you were going to to be honest.

So, how's it goin'?

Any particular significance of owls to you (apart from their awesome cute-but-deadly-ness)?

Enjoying AQW as a change from NH?

I've met you online with tflo once, so I won't ask you your AQW name. XD I'm not sure you know who I am on AQW though... >:D

Hmmm....orginal quest to think of...

What's your favourite colour number food animal apart from an owl or a hampster?

*gives cookie*

What's the worst question you've had so far? :P

Do you have a favourite quote from somewhere?

Do Circe and Mae not love you anymore (hence the title change)? D:

Well, enough of my meaningless questions. :D

Feel free to have another non-existent cookie in the form of letters on a forum. ;P


Warlocker -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 14:02:37)

Hiyas and Congrats!

So i have one question that no one else answers right on there first try. (Except Syrena)

Ill edit after you do to tell you if your right

2+2= ? (Hint: the answer isn't 4)


immy -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 14:10:39)

Elleh! :)

Where have you been these days! Haven't seen you that much. Sad Face.

Heheh I would give you a cookie but... can owl's have cookies? 0_o

Can you tell everyone to stop calling me Zimmy...

Okay bai Elly have fun on AKing, or else... *Leaves a glass of milk and a cookie on the floor*

Matgon -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 15:31:24)

Hi Elnaith

1.Whats your favourite server?

2.Whats your favourite room number? you ever eveen play? lol

4.whats your favourite weap?

5.Whats your favourite class?

6.And armor?

7.whats your best farming spot?

8.whats 6 times 34567?

9.did you use a calculator?

10.did you like my questions?

11.Did you lie on question number 9 (Lol)

thanks for everything[;)]

errtu15 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 15:52:08)

hi mod i don't think i've heard of! *waves*

so what's it like being a mod anyways?

what do you like most about AE?

you got any shackles like the AKs?

favorite mod that isn't you?

best type of weapon?

favorite type of mythology?

favorite band?

worst band in your opinion?

any mods joined the bunny revenge movement yet?

i think that's all for now

~Quick_Silver~ -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 17:03:46)

Well Hi There,

Titan HAMSTER Of doomed?

Ak's Are already on the move Dun dun dunnnnn

-/e Sprays Extra Strength AK-B-Gone which has been made by Reens the Amazing Alchemist, Special Ingredient Holy Wassabi-

Do you Ak's dare get past this spray made by reens'? We shall see, (Namely the
The Stealthy Coyote,
The Mighty V_J,
The Sneaky Tflo,
The Speedy Icy,
The Ninja Razgriz
The Evile Grey Greystar
And The Legendary TLH)
I dared. ~V_J
Pff. That's The Crafty Coyote to you, sir. ~Coyote
I'm now twice as legendary. :o ~TLH~
You made a mistake. It is the frozen Icy. :P ~Icy

This is although pointless because you can but hey I like to keep kids Ahem -cough cough- Teens Entertained

So anyways,

On to the q's
-Be honest lol-

You think I would be a good Owl?

Am I more of a Falcon?

Lets see well we know each other pretty well, hmmm

Know me or met me?

What do you enjoy most about modding here?

Have I annoyed you in any way?

Fav Five?

Fav Emote?

Beach or Cruise?

Twilight or Iron Man?

What is you're favorite transformer?

Been to any Anime Conventions?

What part of the U.S. do you live in?

What part of the U.S. do I live in?

Can I ask another set of 15 Q's in the next page?

Your Lock Sign?

Lol well Ill see you l8ter M8t,


god8996555 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 17:18:23)

could you guys please put the mechquest art book in stores, my folks dont want me giving my address out :(, any if you do thanks :D

Starlock -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 19:36:16)

Hi Elnaith =D

Nice to know your head mod of the AQW forums.

Wait... ur a mod? =O

I'm scared of mods. T.T

I'm new to these MtM/AK things...

Cheese or Rabbits?

Cheese iz only for teh awesomez pplz.

Why do some people think your a new AK... are you an AK in disguise? =O

AQ, DF, MQ, AQW, or WF?

I liek cheese.

Is math hard for owls?

Owait, are you an owl or a hamster? =O

Are the AKs misbehaving? =/

Is this number 12 or 42?

Well nice interrogatin- er.. meeting you..



Alpha Chaos -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 19:38:52)

is it true that members can post new topics on the forums?

wheres the "new topic" button if yes???

have you ever seen artix or one of the AQW/AQ/MQ/DF moderators?

have you ever seen the secret lab where they work?

Epsilon2012 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 20:18:17)

What's your favorite book?

When I say Lennon/Lenin(Same pronunciation) you think John or Vladamir?

Super Duper Nine -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 20:58:39)

Well hey there, head moderator!

So, how's it going on?

QUICK! Pie or cake?

So, can you make me popular, no one knows me :(

So, (you will get mad at me for this) are you a female or male?

Ok, see you later!

~Super Meet the Mod Mario!

legomaster00156 -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 22:38:11)

Hiyas! I'm Legomaster! I don't post here much, but I can't resist a MtAK or MtM![:D]

Titan Hampster? Is that the best you could think up? Not even a guinea pig?[8|] Guinea pigs are so much more epic!

Do you like pie?

If no, then why not?

Fish and ice cweam... mmmmmm....

Do you find these questions random?

Are they REALLY random?

Are they so random they're making your brain explode?

I'm bored now. Bye.

Vengeance_Shinigami -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/14/2009 23:53:13)

I iz back. :D

Will you get on AQW soon?

Will my brudda DARE edit my post?
I dared. >:) ~V_J
Will that coyote girl er-boy try to also?

Favorite Mod only weapon?

Most friendly person in the undeground lab?

Have you seen Beleen? (She's my wallpaper lol jk.)

Have you seen Artix? (he's my screensaver lol jk (or am I?))

EDIT (7/22): I was haning with Cysero, Beleen, Ai No Miko, and some othre mod yesterday at Beleen's house.

Well I will leave.



Zero F -> RE: =Mod= Meet the Mod! Owl Time (7/15/2009 5:16:40)

haiz, I'm back for more.

1. You gonna abandon this thread like tflo? XD (jk tflo, /me knows you have reasons...)

2. Are Mods' crazy edits just like the AKs' crazy edits and MtAKs?

3. What's the most annoying question you're even been asked? (Aside from this one...>_>)

4. Most terrible joke you can remember?

5. How fun is modding? :3

6. How iz you?

7. If you don't mind, why an owl?

8. Get spam? XP

9. Should I be concered? O.0

10. Soz, I hear you have mod-liek powahs? Is that true?

11. Some of your "minions" are trapped inside a crashing plane, and you could only save one. Who would you save? >=D

12. PC or Mac?

13. Soz, all them AKs have their weapons...what do YOU have? (Aside from Mod-like powahs of course)

14. Excited for the last question? (Sorry Razzy, I actually put a last question this time. XD)

15. How often do you play AQW?

That's all...for nao!

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